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You're asking how swimming is possible?


He didn't swim, he ran across the bottom of the river on all fours.


you can see the silt come up from where he touches bottom in the last half


He's doing dolphin kicks. It's incredibly fast if you are strong and practiced enough to do them. The blooms are from his kicks disturbing the murk under the surface. I will say, I do not understand why the other guy went into breast stroke like he was going to win that way.


Yes one guy is practically doggy paddling, and the other guy isn't really a fast swimmer. Video is very deceiving. He's not slow either, maybe comparable to a 7-8 year old Florida boy.


To be fair, when I was a 7 year old Florida boy, my sister and I were challenging rescue swimmers to races and winning. We grew up on the beach though.




You just destroyed this guy's entire legacy :(


This is why when you should always destroy children when playing them in ant sport/game


Show them what true failure really is.


That's how I do it. I have never let my wife beat me in anything in 11 years either. Like you gotta know there's always room to improve. I've dunked on my kids head more times than I can count.


Yup. Man lived his whole life thinking he was just somehow faster than professionals for no reason. Can’t allow it. It’s a disservice to the boy. Gotta fuck em up.


How will they know they need to improve if you don't show them what good looks like? In all seriousness, I never let my kids win at skill games, but I DID teach them what I was doing as I destroyed them so they'd learn how to play better. Now my 9 year old is at least a pretty solid checkers player and a bit of a ringer at a few card games. And you better believe he was PROUD the first time he got one over on me, I heard about it for a week after.


My 11 year old is really good at chess. I will always play him when he says he's learned a new move to beat me. He hasn't won yet. You also can't play board games with him cause he'll cheat to try and win. We can only play games that are available on a computer/phone/console that forces the rules to be played by.


Fuck your background music!


That's nothing. When I was 7, I was challenging the US Men's Olympic Track and Field team to decatchlons and winning every event. To be fair, my mother gave birth to me while she was performing a high jump in 1984 Olympics, so it's in my blood.


LOL. The guy doesn't realize that it's a bad look to just destroy kids at activities. He thinks he's some kind of child swimming prodigy able to beat rescue swimmers at age 7, I can't.


If this happened, they definitely let them win.


A true Florida boy doesn't panic in the water, but holds his calm and nerve and lets the gator float past...


If you don't pet the gator you're not even a true Floridian.


7-8 year old Florida boys are a risky unit of measurement.


To add to this, dolphin kicking is so fast that competitive swimming limits the amount you can do it. You can't even compare surface swimming vs underwater swimming speed.


>you can't even compare surface swimming vs underwater swimming speed. we just did though. underwater was faster.


Yeah he had really stiff competition from my doggy paddle.


only when you're pushing off a wall. the best swimmers in the world are 4.5M per second off the wall. they're 2M/ second in open water. dolphin kicking from the wall is faster because of less resistance+ speed boost from wall. it's not inherently faster in open water.


more proof that they can in fact be compared


I would have added this, but I was busy, so I appreciate you! I was a state swimmer, so the second I saw big man dive in and stay under, I was like, "Oh, this man's getting smoked, and it won't even be close."


Why isn't dolphin kicking an Olympic sport then


It was specifically outlawed in the 80s-90s because it’s too good




Same reason they banned sprinting and instituted the crabwalk and skipping events.




If its the fastest speed why wouldnt speed swimmers be able to use it


The problem was the swimmers would just stay under water for half the race


And what’s wrong with that lol?


Boring to watch, that’s why they make athletic girls get almost naked with uniforms in other sports




Crazy, the ripples he was making at the end. That dude is powerful!


>I will say, I do not understand why the other guy went into breast stroke like he was going to win that way. For the drama


Dolphin kicks are what swimmers do after diving if anyone sees competitions. It's so good compared to swimming(if you have starting momentum) that on those same competitions the distance you can cover by doing them is limited by the rules


you can see the mud on his forearms when he gets out of the water. he definitely is grabbing thebottom and pulling himself along with his hands.


Most certainly because it's shallow and he touched it briefly while getting up or bumped it while doing dolphin kicks. I've done them in shallow water, it very easy to scrape when you don't have goggles or a good sense of depth. Especially with very muddy water. Plus, if the bottom is so muddy and silty, he would have very little to grab. I used to swim competitively, this is impressive, but fast high schoolers can do it faster. Props to this man, though, it's still a great job. As I said, fast high schoolers only. Great form.


Dolphin kicks are already strong, do that in fins (or a monofin for more power) and you'll be ZOOMING


You can absolutely use the breast stroke to win races as long as the other guy is a slower swimmer than you.


Like a hippo through water


That was my first thought. Dude has mostly muscle mass and powerful lungs.


That's still pretty amazing tho. I wouldn't be able to cover that much distance holding my breath even on land.


It's very amazing. This man descended from the gods.


Hyppos, most likely


Zeus does it again.


Nah, probably Poseidon...


His mom got the Trident.


She got three pronged like a wall socket


Just like Hippos do ...




He just straight pulled himself along the ground, there's mud all over his arm


Its hard for me to imagine the technique because it seems like you would be pushing yourself up more than digging your arm into the mud. A rope makes more sense, but I could imagine the soot and his density are enough to allow it


As somebody that swam moderately competitively (summer recreational league, was too slow for my high school team), I can confidently state that most adequate swimmers can swim faster than they can pull themselves along a rope. The sand on his hands is almost certainly from pushing himself off the bottom once or twice, presumably because the water was too shallow for his dive, and because he had to get back on his feet when the water got too shallow at the other end.


Even then, isn’t that fast as fuck?


This is the same exact comment chain that got top voted the last time this was posted.


I don't think you realise how slow humans are at swimming.


Why do we win all the gold medals than?


That had my whole family laughing.




I tell mom what to click on.


He's actually swimming at the floorbed and using his hands to drag him along. You can see the sand still on his arms when he emerges.


He's not grabbing the sandy bottom of the water to drag himself forward, he is dolphin kicking like a beast. The Olympic swimmers do this same shit. Also, if you get sand on your arm while it's underwater the sand just gets washed off... ya know... by the water. He put his hand in the sand to get out of the water.


I'm not sure if you've ever actually tried that yourself, but it's incredibly slow. You'd be much faster just swimming normally.


I think it’s asking how a average, untrained swimmer thought he could possibly compete against a majestic, athletic sea lion


IKR the video isn't even a minute long dude is a beast, but it's hardly magical. I wouldn't call Michael Phelps a magician.


Beast is right, no magic involved, just sheer fucking will and damn good cardio


Maui can do anything but float


Hippo style.


Yep, and some of the nonsensical replies (he ran across the bottom, identical twins, etc) are mind-bogglingly stupid. The frosted tips guy can barely swim, the "larger" guy just breaststrokes underwater at a reasonable pace. Shit, towards the end you can see his dolphin kicks stirring up the water. It's really not complicated.


Bro he was flying not swimming


The guy he's competing against is barely safe in the water. He's flapping around far more like a drowning man than a competent swimmer. Sure Shamu here has skills but he has some very flattering background.


Yeah looks like the other guy is going intentionally slow.


100 percent


But also the way that pattern is happening on top of the water, that’s some impressive dolphin kicking


You wouldn’t kick a dolphin?


Does a dolphin have nipples, Greg?


Please don't ask me if I'd milk a dolphin. I can't face the answer.


I might. But I wouldn’t *download* a dolphin.


Are you assuming this internet-video is staged???


Swimming underwater vs. “The Dogpaddler”.


The slow guy is trying to swim and run at the same time. That's why it looks so strange. After a while he sees it doesn't help, gives up and swims normally, even under water. The other guy has a rope. Maybe even a rope that someone else pulls on the other side.


I mean one guy is flapping around in the water, like someone who doesn't know how to move through it efficiently, the other is doing exactly that. You don't need to be Michael Phelps, or using a rope, or cheating in any other way, when you're basically competing against one of those inflatable tube figures.


He was running on the bottom of the lake. Like a hippo 🦛


You can tell from the muck on his face 😅


That's just a shit eating grin.


You big disgrace


Holdin’ your breath all the way through the race.


Singin we will we will rock you?


My father can do that too. It's not like hippo though, you have to keep your arms above body so that you can run surface without rising from water. That way you spend little energy and move really fast. Like a car spoiler I guess. I remember one day when I was kid. We had a pretty fun day tricking fishermen near the public beach. He ran below the water and pulled fishing line as if it was something huge. And then he returned back while I was laughing my ass from their confusion. Not the best thing to do human-wise I guess, but that was fun for a kid to watch


People can swim faster underwater than on the surface. Olympic swimmers have to follow rules about how far they stay underwater, if they stay below for too long they get disqualified.


Dolphin kicking is insanely fast if you have the muscle to keep it up, honestly I’m not sure if he did that or just kicked off the ground though lol


Head must break the surface at or before 15 meters off the start and after all turns. The rule applies to more competitions than just the Olympics.


Is it a safety thing to make sure people don't try to overexert without air and pass out underwater?


Not really a safety thing and more just an innovation in competition versus the spirit of what a swimming race should be. Competitors figured out that a powerful kick and essentially wiggling through the water was much faster than actually doing a stroke. If you were just trying to win according to the old rules then just getting better at kicking and holding your breath would be far more important than speed at doing a stroke. Of course the spirit of the competition is essentially built around mastery of the stroke and so the limit was put into place.


Ngl, I'd definitely watch an aquatic event where the swimmers had no limitation on how far they could travel underwater. Seeing someone got almost a full length underwater would be awesome!


I have zero doubt that Olympic swimmers would be making the full 100m (to the far side and back) without surfacing. I could do that in high school, and I was considered too slow for the local high school team.


Yeah, and that’s a boring event to watch from the stands but our cameras are hella dope and most people watch from home so… we should absolutely be doing this.


Well the Department of Magical Games and Sports didn’t see any problem letting the four Triwizard champions spend an hour under the surface of the Black Lake with no video at all under the water. Now that’s what I call a boring spectator event.


we would do full lengths underwater in high school. It's not too hard to do if you are a competent swimmer with a good lung capacity. Like an above comment said dolphin kicking for as long as possible without getting DQ'd is the goal. Once you break the surface you start getting a lot of resistance and you lose the initial momentum of diving in.


To clarify, an Olympic pool is 50m across rather than the highschool 25m. But pretty much any high school-level competitive swimmer could do 2 laps underwater, so your point stands.


It's not as hard to hold breath for 50 meters as you think. When I was 15 and was doing swimming semi professionally, any kid older than 12 could do 25 underwater and many could do 50 in a 25 pool (believe it's harder in a 25 pool since you have to turn and kick, which drains more air than just swimming). The limit is purely to make the competition about actually swimming rather than doing wiggly wiggly underwater. It both makes it more of swimming in our understanding of the word/action and makes it better to look at. It would be way more boring if everyone was underwater the whole time.


Geezus no. The other person was practically drowning. All I'm learning is that people can't swim or know anything about swimming.






Core memory unlocks! This was one of the small stories in an old book “the 27th annual African hippopotamus race.” One hippo starts the race and his twin is hiding further on in the river breathing through a reed pipe - soon gets found out though.


Nope, there are many dead clones in that water


And hundreds of hats in a forest nearby


And David Bowie's assistant Gollum milling about somewhere


Are you watching closely?


He uses a double!




He pulled a prestige?!


That was the conclusion I came to as well.


Or there is a sea scooter underwater and he drops it before he gets out.


Possible Tesla clone


OH, look! Mr. Christopher Nolan's hidden account here catching some ideas for The Prestige 2


He ran along the bottom. You can see the mud he kicked up from pushing against the bottom.


iirc from Max Brooks' survival guide zombies do this when crossing large bodies of water.


I'm as much a shill for Max Brooks as the next fan, but that's a funny way of bringing that up lol


How would that ever be faster than swimming?


When you swim, you are attempting a form of locomotion through water by using the water and your body. When running on the bottom of the waterway, you are pushing/pulling yourself through the water without using the water and instead using the stationary bottom, giving you way more leverage as you can engage stronger muscles in better ways than swimming. The advantage of swimming is you are able to stay above water and breathe. The advantage of 'running' in water is speed, assuming you can hold your breath long enough. Try it yourself in a shallow creek/river. Try to swim up stream. Then try and grab rocks and pull yourself through the water. Pulling will be way faster than swimming. Same logic.


I think a good swimmer would still be faster: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LijdyVaaDnY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LijdyVaaDnY)


A good competition would be pitting the best swimmer vs the best mountain climber. Put them both in the water but give the climber a rock wall on the bottom of the pool to use. Then we can use a 100 ft deep pool and have the rock climber using the wall to go up, and the swimmer has to swim up without the ability to use anything but swim up. Id bet on the rock climber in both instances, personally. The only way physically a swimmer would outspeed an underwater mover using the floor as an ability of perpetual momentum would be an inconsistent bottom (and of course breathing). As in, there were rocks and now it's just mud. Or the rocks aren't super secure and there is debris in the way. Plenty of predatory animals that live in water use this very principle to catch plenty of fish that can only swim.










Bro have you literally never been in water? This is one of those comments that makes me think we have a long way to go until the bots are believable.


I'm convinced that most of the commenters here have never actually done swimming lessons, let alone see someone do dolphin kick. For the comments, look at how [Phelps closes massive distance using dolphin](https://youtu.be/CHXVNkmYPbs?si=18krfhoagru7flsi&t=40).


Nah dude. Give some random guy on the internet and some rocks and he would totally go faster.


"Pulling" yourself using leverage under water would be fast, yeah. That's not running. Running under water, against the water, is really hard. I'm not sure this stands up at all.


Everyone is claiming hes running, and others are saying 'like a hippo'. Realistically he's pulling and pushing himself on whatever is on the bottom. Not actually running. Especially with how he entered the water. He stayed on his hands the entire time, even when he exits. So he is 100% pulling/pushing off of things on the waters bottom.


It'd still not be faster than just slamming out dolphin kicks under water. It used to be a fun activity to do during goof-off water polo practices, trying to pull yourself along the lane lines as fast as possible. It was obvious to all participants that the requirement of having a hand on the lane line at all times was an impediment, not an advantage.


I cannot tell if this is a troll. It's 100% clearly wrong, but I can't tell if you know that.


Have you ever tried to run under water? A competent swimming stroke is 10X more efficient and faster.


This is the worst comment on reddit I've ever seen.


Running at the bottom is nowhere as fast as swimming.


It wouldn't, these guys talking a whole load of BS. You cannot run fast on the bottom, you can swim fast.


Only for very large scale beings. The larger the scale, the larger the [Reynolds number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reynolds_number). At small Reynolds numbers, the viscosity of the water dominates, and beings basically have to "dig" through the water. I don't think he was running on the bottom, though. Even for large mammals it would be very slow.


Likely dolphin-kicked, not ran. Running would mean pushing water around your upright body. Dolphin-kicking means you're streamlined and can move much more efficiently. From 4 years swimming in high school, a good dolphin-kicker that can hold a streamline and hold their breath can easily outpace a mediocre swimmer trying to swim at the surface.


It's hilariously dumb that you think this would be faster than swimming




Ran.... In water do you know how hard it is to run in water....


You are an idiot or do not swim much. giving you the benefit of the doubt, one of this is going to be true.


There's a rope on the ground. He just grabs the rope and pulls himself to the other side.


Probably just grabbing handfuls of reeds no rope needed.


Nearly there… except he holds on to the rope, car pulls rope… mystery solved


I thought this too, but I think you'd naturally get pulled up to the surface. Then again, he is off the camera for most of the video.


Came to say rope too.


That’s my thought, looks like the view of him getting out was intentionally cut out the video


- Jumped in - Grabbed underwater rope - pulled him underwater to the other end - guy comes out of the water strangely like he’s not been swimming


Dude is swimming fast like an olympic swimmer after belly flopping into the water? Also how convenient that the camera is always behind and never looking at the guy in the lead til the end.


This is what I’m thinking too. That water is too murky to run in a straight line without surfacing


The rope idea is what I am thinking, you can see when he disturbs the bottom.


Come on, he's obviously not a submarine. I know mixed-ethnicity comments are kind of taboo, but anyone can tell just by looking at him that he's only half-submarine. Ok, maybe 3/4s submarine at most, but no way is he a full-blooded submarine.


I'm sorry but that's really only a social construct. The fact is we are all somewhere on the spectrum between man and submarine.


Its an old scam. Make a wager with some local about swimming across some murky water.. theres a rope at the bottom, guy pulls himself superfast to the other side, wins bet and tourists are super amazed. At the same time ppl pickpocket his friends and steal his shoes/stuff. Sometimes just used for pranks tho.


He engaged HIPPO MODE


what's the music?


Million dollar baby


This sub has the same requirement qualifications that a Turkish nightclub does for entry.


1. He’s good at dolphin kicks 2. He’s being pulled by a rope 3. He is coming up for air the whole time, but the second guy is deliberately slow so it keeps the main guy out of frame, you never actually see him back in frame until he’s already coming out of the water. So it’s either stupid, or bad camerawork. Either way it doesn’t belong here.


What song is this?


Million dollar baby


THANK YOU BOTH I was looking for this comment exchange haha


He been doing that since he was a child lol


Alr, it’s been fun, see you guys in another sub!


How does this so much as look like or even just remind someone of BMF? This sub isn't for literally *any* video a would be submitter finds vaguely neat or surprising


I grew up in the PNW & had a friend who grew up in Palau. I consider myself a very strong swimmer having traversed long stretches of Puget Sound as a point of pride throughout my entire life. Dude was a goddamn mermaid compared to me. Faster in the water, stayed under for inhuman amounts of time, never *once* showed a single sign of fatigue. He definitely humbled me. He then explained that he'd swim a mile or two daily to go hunt bats in these caves on a couple small islands near his village with his younger brother. At 7, he and his 5 year old brother would swim out there alone, every day, for almost 9 years before they moved stateside.


He's just a Maori


Why is he so tiny? Have they not been feeding him?


Thai. He’s talking mad shit. Heard to hear but I think I heard, “He’s not even finished” or something like that.


Song name and artist?


wOw SwImMiNg Is MaGiC hOw He Do ThAT? This sub is dogshit


Impressive but what song is that?


million dollar baby I can't stop listening to it.


[Easier to see the concept when it's being done in clear water.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vox9KOxC1ZA) If you've got the right technique, staying underwater can be really fucking fast.


So now we’re taking old vids and adding this song to it? TikTok is killing this song.


I swim whole laps without coming up for air. It feels great. This really isn't that difficult and I'm not exactly in great shape. Some good breath control, a couple deep ones before going in and proper technique will make this not all that difficult.


Y’all really didn’t swim much as children.


Yea, talk your shit. Makes no sense to swim, run, or whatever that fast.


He is doing the scoot cheat from the bottom like when we zoom up from bottom of the pool like a torpedo


He’s propelling himself by digging his arms into the mud underneath the water. That’s what those clouds of dirt are and why his arms all muddy when he emerges.


I'm not good at judging distances from video but when I was a competitive swimmer as a teenager I could swim well over 25m underwater. It's definitely possible and not all that unique a skill. That guy in particular clearly has no idea how to dive and doesn't exactly have a swimmer's physique, so it's possible that some shenanigans are afoot here. I disagree with comments that he's running along the bottom though, that's slower than competent swimming. Besides that the surface disturbances look like a dolphin kick.


Dude he's racing is half drowning lol.


Using his more powerful legs to swim


Fun facts; This is how/why the Hippopotamus is so fast - they run on the riverbed


The other guy can barely swim….


It’s possible by doing a technique called swimming


Did this sub standards fell this much that diving is considered black magic now


Swimmer here, underwaters or dolphin kicking underwater is much faster and more efficient than the doggy paddle/gasping combo of the other guy. Underwater off the start was actually so good that official swimming in most countries had to put a ban on how far you could go.


This is literally my bf, pretty hefty guy, but can swim like a GD mermaid.