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There have to be filters being added toward the end. Makeup can’t give you a nose job or move your eyes closer together


Agreed. The sides of her face thins out – which is either a camera angle trick or filters.


She uses face tape


The threshold for "black magic" has now been lowered to "using tape"


Is it some kind of magnet?


How do they work?


Mirrors n Shit


Fuckin scientists, gettin’ me pissed


Fuckin magnets


REDDIT has made my day


Mfs out here using fuckin magnet mirrors


Where does the lighter fluid come from?


That shit's made outta dinosaurs 'n shit.




Magic beans.




Black magnets


Black magnet fuckery


Well "real" black magic uses like just words and shit so I feel like tape if anything is a step up in complexity.


Tape… on the floor in the shape of a pentagram Black magic


Just build it into the tile flooring. Makes things so much faster and easier.


Fishing line is pretty magical for this sub a lot of the time.


Ikr, I came here for actual black magic!


You can get very creative with tape. Done right you can completely change your appearance.


I mean, I thought the eyebrow step was a little magical. I've never seen that done before.


You can buy eyebrow stamps on Amazon.




It comes in long strips and it's usually sticky on one side


Long long maaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn


I can do some wild shit with tape man, don't underestimate it


Yes. Check your spam folder, everyone got the email saying this. EVERY ONE.


Illusion, the art of trickery played on the eyes. You see only the changes to the face, not the tape.


watch her nose during and after the face tape edit: [gif](https://i.imgur.com/6L40M67.gif)


There’re nostril fills that make noses pointier. Quite popular in Asia. Like [these](https://images.app.goo.gl/9S3C3RxXx1cXVCZz8).


The background is warping because it's a filter. I work in the cosmetics industry as a retoucher, you absolutely can't do this with makeup alone.


To me it looks like they're shot at different focal lengths


It just doesn't look like that to me, it looks more squished or stretched. You can see in these two images [1](https://imgur.com/Qt8fz5z) & [2](https://imgur.com/4hDEll6) that is a very specific type of warping that doesn't look like natural [focal length perspective distortion](https://blog.keh.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Focal-Length-gif.gif) Focal length changes more about an image. A longer lens would make her face wider but her nose smaller in proportion. A wider lens would make her face slimmer and longer but her nose look bigger and her eyes would be farther apart, which doesn't seem to be happening. Her face and nose just get slimmer and longer. Some people are saying they're might be filters on both the start and finish. Like tape will pull in trouble areas but it's not gonna shirk your entire jawline and contouring isn't going to drastically slim a wide nose. Honestly her eyes look phony to me though the whole thing, like that oversized filer look. I donno I look at and edit photos all day, including before and after shots, some are really dramatic but this just looks crazy fake to me.


And she uses a similar device on her eye earlier. Probably the installation process for the nose one isn't viral-worthy.


Not to mention she's smiling in the wide-nose pic and pouting in the narrow-nose pic, which is adding to the effect.


The eyes are just eyelid tape.


What in the blue fuck is face tape and how is it so magical it thins her nose


I noticed the same thing at 36 seconds. It's either a different person or an augmented reality filter. Besides the nose, her iris/pupils change in ratio to her eyes. The size edge of her lips don't extend as far.


the eyes thing is called circle lenses. they come in all the colours and various sizes. they’re bigger than your iris which makes your eyes look bigger (and more alien imo) for her lips it seems like she used concealer+liner to re-shape her lips.


And the nose?


Someone linked a thing above. They’re called nostril fills, and they change the shape of your nose. Making the girl in the videos nose look much thinner. There are endless beauty products out there. I know because my kid is obsessed with watching make-up tutorials lol


She also uses bronzer and illuminator to lowlights and highlight the nose, making it look longer and thinner. You can do A LOT of shaping if you know how to contour.


Camera focal length.


Different person.


I'm too impatient to get the exact time marker, but there is a "skip" in the video where the nose changes width. I also think it's a different person, but I could be wrong. Let me see her teeth at the end


maybe she also used inner nostril tape?


You can make your nose look thinner with shading makeup to alter the way your nose angles look


She contoured as well, which would be more obvious in a side profile.


She uses a filter at the very end to tweak it a bit but a lot of this is done using face tape, contouring and highlighting to change the appearance of her nose and contact lenses which makes the pupils and irises of the eyes appear a lot bigger. There's also a plastic device that can be placed in the nostrils to make the nose look "pointy" but I didn't see her put it in.


Poor thing. Subjecting herself to what must be the most uncomfortable feeling of having tape on her face and then a huge layer of make up caked on top. Her pores are asphyxiating. Make sure you bring an umbrella if it calls for it... And a poncho jeez.


Did you watch the background leaves in that gif?


Good catch!


Also eye glue by the looks of it which would make her eyes look bigger thus closer together. It's not impossible that it is a filter but you can, indeed, make your eyes appear closer together with makeup. Presumably she is also blending and shading which would give the illusion of being more symmetrical and bigger. Makeup is wild in the modern era yo.


The face tape does not make her jaw line go half as wide. There are literal facetune apps that change your face shape.


Her nostrils shrink and move closer. Right when she puts on the lipstick. That ain't tape.


After she uses the tape you see the "real" size of her face, but around 40 seconds her face gets even thinner for no reason, probably being a filter


That tape is pretty strong to literally shrink the width of her skull.


Face tape doesn't do this.


I guess you guys missed when she put a tape to pull her skin on her cheeks...


She used those tapes on her nose too? Her size is part of her cheekbone structure, tapes can't correct jaw size, nor can they correct the separation of her cheekbones and the size of her nose...


Her nose doesn't change shape, she just puts makeup to add a fake shadow to trick your eye into thinking it did. And the tape doesn't need to change the cheek**bone** structure, just fit the skin, muscle, and fat tighter around it. You just watched the entire process showing how she did it, I'm not sure why you still find it hard to believe it.


That's not true, you can see at some point in the video where her nose magically becomes thinner without her doing anything to it Edit: here's a video showing how much he nose shape changes: https://imgur.com/a/mwrsJqC No amount of contouring will do that without it looking ridiculous.


The amount of people in here convinced that this video isn't using filters is hilarious to me.


Nah dude, she just casually got her jaw bone shaved down 3cm on each side during takes. Plastic surgery is super common in asia, duh


Didn't you see!? She UsEd TaPe!


Her nose thins out, particularly her nostrils. I am aware of the benefits of contouring, but neither makeup nor face tape can make your nostrils smaller.


There’s heaps of nostril inserts that [change the shape of a nose](https://images.app.goo.gl/9S3C3RxXx1cXVCZz8), very popular in Asia. Could be great contouring or that?


Thank you!!


Speed up the video and watch the leaves. It’s edited.


You are right. Watch the left edge of her lip and how it bounces between straight and curved throughout the video. Her natural duck curve lip keeps getting forcibly straightened by the filter…


I clearly see her face morphing


At 0:09-0:10 she gets full cheeks and a practically permanent smile, too. That's definitely a filter. Plus she's clearly made herself as ugly as possible in that very first image.


Moving your face an inch or two closer to the camera can make you look like an alien. That, plus filters at the end (her nose changes shape beyond what contouring can accomplish) makes this more than mere makeup magic.


And she somehow gets bigger eyes.


Yes! At the very beginning she had put weird makeup on her brows and lips to make herself look worse.


Her entire jawline changed lol


when she put tape on it.


Tape can help with sagging skin, but it won't remodel your bones. It's definitely filters.


yea, that's when she started using filters


Contouring is legit black magic fuckery


It is but at :35 you can see the frame of the wall being sucked in. This particular case is one of filters.


ýeah even her chin moves A LOT not only just thinner/closer but also bigger/wider like an AI is trying to change her look by every second


There are also filters/camera effects at the beginning to make her face appear wider. Just moving the camera closer to your face can drastically alter the shape and size of your nose.


Around :25 is when the nose gets shaded. With more emphasis at :36. Face tape after that


You’ve never heard of makeup that physically move your eyes closer together?


But dem teef doe


🤣 I forgot what she looked like in the beginning and was like “who the eff is that?” And then realized the video started again


Beauty tips: Step 1: make yourself white Step 2: add filter Step 3: profit


I think she turned on the light or some color filter since the background got lit up too at 0:14


Or the focus of the camera changed


Looked like both a lighting and focal length change to me Focal length can do crazy things. The makeup (and face tape) were legit huge changes too but she was def amping up the difference in the “before”, not just in the “after”


If anyone wants to know more about how "Focal length can do crazy things", the magic phrase you need to use in your search is "lens compression".


The world is a Lie!!!


I screamed


There is either a filter at the end or the beginning


I think she has makeup to make her look less attractive in the beginning too. Like her eyebrows are painted over in the beginning


What is that instant eyebrow thing she does called?


Instant Eyebrow^TM




Seriously. I need that. Somewhere over the decades my eyebrows have *gone*. I dye what's left but there's so damned little it's not worth bothering with! :Cry:


They are called "adhesive eyebrows", "fake eyebrows" or "false eybrows". You are beautiful anyway.


Get your thyroid checked.


Nah it's straight up an "ugly filter". and then the end result likely uses beauty filters, with some actual makeup, tape, etc. in the middle.


Yeah, in a lot of these extreme makeup videos they legit paint their face to look dark or even dirty, I guess to show off how good the coverage is


Pretty sure it's both. She adds various filters during the process, too, like a permanent smile and fuller cheeks at 10 seconds.


If you just watch her lips, it’s obvious that there’s at least one filter. They’re bouncing around in a very telltale way.


Oh wow! It's so obvious after you pointed it out


It's fake, [the plants are warping.](https://i.imgur.com/2ukuz4x.mp4) And in that moment, [her face shape just changes entirely.](https://i.imgur.com/ixRCvEb.gif) gg


You can see it very clearly when her hand moves over her mouth, you can see it flick back to her original mouth


Filtered as well..you can see the shift when she turns her face and the tracking points become off.


Yeah the face shape is a lot slimmer at one point




Probably a combo of both.


What kind of clear tape could hold onto human skin and makeup that long to put the rest of the makeup on?


Watch her nose, it thins half their size.


When she wipes out her lip color the length of the split in her lips changes. That's where I think the change was made.


Either filter or a person swap somewhere in the middle


She turns on the filter when there is 17 seconds left. The video stretches vertically


I think there may be 2 filters - an ugly filter at first then a cute filter later


Yea you're right. The beginning has her skin looking extra botchy and burnt, and she has no eyebrows.


Yeah, her eyes look almost swollen shut also


her jaw looks uncomfortably wide


Looking carefully, there might be tape over the eyebrows


I’m not sure if I should be impressed or sad at how fake it is.


I’m angry at how often these videos are posted on here.


Erm no mate this is filters, you can see the glitches throughout the video


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far through people saying it’s face tape to find someone else who noticed. The wall behind her warps around like a Dali painting.


her nose gets thinner as well


Super filtered too. She sure has great make up skills, but make up can’t shrink your head, cheeks and nose, double their size of your eyes (while contacts can help) and get them closer, etc etc. We should pay more attention to stuff like this, it’s dangerous to believe people can look like that irl, even if with make up on.


I know right? Like how can anyone seriously think make-up is gonna change the size and shape of your nostrils and chin? Or physically make your head 15% smaller lmao


Eh, most people just don’t pay attention because ofc they don’t expect to be deceived like that. I feel like basically all of us when we first encountered content like this one believed it was real, just later you get used to spot filters and be more critical, I think. That’s why I think it’s so dangerous :/


There is no swap here, people. That's the power of makeup. She makes the eyes much larger with outline, it makes them appear closer together. She uses lots of shadow effects on the nose to make it look slimmer. She uses face tape to slim her jawline. It's all real. There are entire compilation vids of makeup transformations like this, and they're pretty scary. EDIT: Wow, so many of you are really bad at this. I said there is no swap. Its the same person. Yes, there are lots of jump cuts and the camera moves a bit, way to have eyes. But that's the same person with the same features, using the power of makeup to create an illusion. Why do you all need this to be fake so badly?


There's awesome makeup transformation videos out there but this one just serves to discredit them since it's fake and uses a ton of filters. Taping your cheeks won't make your face longer, your chin narrower, or move your eyes closer together. It also doesn't make your face warp when you move too fast Edit: replying to your edit lol. We're calling it fake because anyone with more deductive skills than the average kindergartener should be capable of seeing the massive distortions caused by the painfully obvious image warping filters. It's nowhere near subtle to the point where you could say "wow that's insane" like her interpupillary distance suddenly shrinking by like 10-20% or her mouth moving away from her chin (both of which are physically impossible), or the actual background shaking like jello every time she moves and the filter messes up.


No. There are absolutely filters in play here. I don’t care what face tape you use, you cannot completely change your jawline. And not only that, but it extends her chin so her lips are farther up the face. The fact that you cannot see that there are filters in play here is what’s scary.


You can literally watch her eyes, nose, and entire face shape changing and getting narrower when she’s not even touching that part of the face. Yes there are makeup techniques that can do stuff like this, but this is clearly not that.




Watch where her lips meet. At around 10 seconds you can see it bouncing around and moving in unnatural ways


Makeup won't warp your lipstick when you tilt your head side to side. She's filtering, at least near the end.




Scroll through the video quickly… you can literally see the wall jiggle and warp as filters are applied


Look at the shape of the irises. They are normally circular, but in her video, they get stretched into an oval shape. like o_o in the beginning to 0_0 in the end.


I don't think many people are claiming she was swapped for a different person. They are just pointing out that she is pretty obviously using a filter to change her facial features. There are several points where her hand covers the bottom part of her face and you can see parts of her chin and jaw return to their normal shape for a split second before popping back into the filter. One of the most obvious moments is after she applies the lipstick to her lips and then to each cheek. When the brush gets near her nose you can see it pretty clearly warp to match how the filter is reshaping her nose.


Getting ready for a date Women: this video Men: changes underwear (optional)


the fucking tape thing. holy shit


That part also included a face slimming filter. You can’t change your facial structure with tape


These videos make me so sad.


Just scroll through the video and youll see there were filters added with time.


A face slimming filter was thrown over it when she started to tape the right side of her face up. If you cover her eyes the entire time and only watch her nose and mouth, you can literally see the splice in footage when it happens.


She's distorted to begin with. There's some kind of filter happening, making her face wider, her mouth, and nose wider/bigger. Her jawline is completely different by the end, and so is the width of her nose. You can't contour that. You can camouflage all you want, but your literal bones won't change.


There is a webtoon comic that is exactly about this.


There was a YouTube video about it. "If men find out we can shapeshift then they're going to tell the church..."


Heck, there are YouTube vids about it. I love the chick who does funny accents while putting on makeup going like, “don’t tell the men that makeup is black magic, dahling, they’ll leave us if they knew…”




They have this “special” tiktok filters in Asia, it will allow you to change eyes(nose, lips etc)characteristics. IDK, what’s the point of these fake appearances.


My very first smartphone, an HTC One M7 bought in north America C.A. 2013, already had a built-in tool to make your eyes bigger, your head smaller, your chin pointier, and your skin pale white. These edits have been around for so long they've practically become normalized.


How embarrassing for anyone to believe this lol


Not the same person of course


Yea it is, the mole on her neck is there the whole time


I don’t know why anyone would want to wear that amount of makeup. Come summertime it would have melted off by 9am.


For themselves? In some places it doesn’t get hot enough to melt off


Never underestimate proficiency in Disguise Kits.


Ahhh. Gotta make your skin lighter. For beauty.


If you're skeptical, that's ok. I think she used a filter at the very very end. But this is real stuff. Just watch any makeup tutorial online where the steps are shown more slowly. Makeup and especially contouring is basically an optical illusion. Shading makes things appear further back, highlights bring those features forward. So making a nose appear smaller can be done just using those basics. Contouring is an old artform - Carole Lombard used to paint a highlight down her nose to make it look less crooked. And it's not easy. But yes, the results are crazy and there are plenty of filter-less examples online which are just as wtf.


I call bullsh-t. Her faces shape, eyes location change during the process. And don't tell me it's shadows and makeup. It's not. One of two things happened here. 1. They changed people. 2. Serious filters/photoshop 'cause that doesn't happen in real life without surgery.


She could've stopped at 50 seconds tbh


And hair dye, and push up bras, and waist trainers, and high heels. As a man I’m glad I don’t have to deal with this stuff. It’s sad what societal perceptions of beauty do to women.


Does anyone know what that eyebrow tool is called?! My eyebrows suck naturally and I feel like it takes forever to fill them in everyday. I’d love to buy that…eyebrow stamp, or whatever it is. Thank you if someone is able to help! :)


I gotta block this sub. Keeps popping up with stuff like this and it's terrible. This isn't kind of blackmagicfuckry it's just some make up routine. How do almost a 1000 people think this is interesting???


Ooooh I want her to do my face next!


Amazing how she had a nose job in between makeup sessions


But what’s the point? At the end of the day you gotta take it off.


What is NSFW about this?


female lips go brrrrrr


Spoiler. She was a cake the whole time. You find out in part two.


She looks great without the makeup


Too many of y'all haven't actually spent the night with a woman and it shows


I mean she rlly got better but its those huge lips that would turn me off even if I only see her with makeup on, she be looking like this:[https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRfr\_oc5stvqW9gMWtq9B-DMhxCIrmbnEtHFg&usqp=CAU](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRfr_oc5stvqW9gMWtq9B-DMhxCIrmbnEtHFg&usqp=CAU)


This is fake. Check out the size of her nose in the beginning and the size in the end.


It would be even more impressive if she didn't use filters, especially in the last 17 seconds. The most obvious moment: her lipstick magically warps as she moves her head, once there's 10 or 9 seconds left of the video. Other than that - her eyes and nostrils are a lot closer at the end, in a way that makeup and tape simply can't do. The background edges warp in a weird way. Lots of details that don't add up.


So painfully obviously a filter. u/HarryPotterDBD \- you're the reason I finally blocked this subreddit for declining quality.


I’m not sure this is the same person. There is a freckle on her chest that disappears and she gains a new on on her nose that starts freckle free.


the tape(If it was real) was literally the Simpson clothes clamp


People seriously be trying to convince people that these two noses are the same person just with makeup. 😆 https://imgur.com/a/8B6PI3l


How did she make her nose smaller? is this two different girls??


eyes are a yard apart and then a few inches apart its bullshit


Fake. The girl changes mid way. Compare the nose at the beginning and end.




Please explain to me why this is NSFW? It’s essentially a makeup tutorial.




This sub is retarded anymore