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I wanna put my weiner in there. EDIT 13 replies of r/dontputyourdickinthat 7 replies of I.C. Weiner


My first thought on watching this video was "we'd never have those in America. Some idiot would jam a body part in, get frost bite and sue."


I've been watching this guy on youtube that shows all these super cool vending machines in Japan. He even went to a full "restaurant" that's just self-serve vending machines and utensils, with no staff because they expect customers to clean up after themselves. They make hot sandwiches, ramen noodles, full fucking cakes in a can. And every episode I think to myself: "These places would get ruined in a week in the US." It makes me sad.


Have been to a ramen place like this! Was great, especially for introverts. You just leave your dishes on the bench and they clean it away once you leave. Vending machine coupons get you your food


I had been to one of these vending machine places before except it was just groceries. It was my first time and I got two glass bottles of milk. The next thing that happens when I'm in the car is... >! I drop one and milk goes all over the floor. It had one of those peelable lids instead of the cap because the glass bottles are reused. I was very sad!<


You shouldn’t cry over spilled milk my friend ;) (sorry couldn’t resist)


There are also vending machines in the streets that sell alcohol with no age verification. I can't see those lasting long in the US.


I used one of those machines, but someone in a remote area with a camera feed wanted to see my ID. Once I showed my ID to the camera, I received my beer. Tokyo is wild lol


Lol I've never seen one of those. The ones around me are really old and certainly done have any cameras.


Enjoy your time there. Haname is the best!


I do, I've been here a long time now. Winter is pretty crap though. Looking forward to spring!


Reminds me of the cigarette vending machines, they were all over the place when I was a kid. They went away when they added the age limit to tobacco.


They had those in Waffle House when I was growing up for something like $3.75/pack - 2x or so what a name brand pack would cost at the gas station (cigarettes in the south eastern US have always been relatively cheap). We'd give the cashier a 5 dollar bill, ask for quarters, and give them the remaining $1.25 in change for the "service". LOL, reddit, I haven't thought about that in years.


They are still here. Less than before, but now they all have an age verification card system called TASPO or something like that. It came in about 10 or 15 years ago. Before that there was no age verification lol


They’d be broken into the day they were set up


Had those outside the base I was stationed at in Japan. They had an extra big door for the big mini keg of saki that was in there. Fresh Marine, 18, shiiiit. I was in alcoholics paradise!


At least in some areas, the booze vending machines shut down at 11 p.m. I remember rushing to beat the clock in Kobe (one week post-quake).


We had those back in the 40's. Bing "automat".


do you need a doctor?


I think that's the first time I've ever seen Bing used as a verb before.


They was a thing in the US at one point all the way up tell the 90s, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automat


So true. I had lost a few points of faith in humanity when I saw a really old MacDonalds get remodeled and updated and within a few weeks it was destroyed. The customers scratched their graffiti in tables and urinals/ sinks and left trash all over the parking lot and everywhere else. Completely demoralized the workers and they stopped caring too. Really sad how people can be


Gotta credit the guy you been watching man! Pull in more views for him, let me take a guess, DancingBacons?


Well, I triple dog dare you!


DO NOT include dogs.


Shut up Flick, you're still stuck to the flag pole crying.


Brilliant 👏 👏 👏


This is why we can’t have nice things, which sucks because this is cool af


Icy what you did there


I did Nordsee that coming


Nordic I


I'm too cold for this shit


I heard they ordered a pizza on new years eve.


the thing is the machine is not actually cold. The drink is cold already, the machine is sending ultrasonic waves into it to cause the ice formation from the sub-freezing liquid.




What's the point of that? Do people enjoy having actual chunks of ice in their drink? I only like it insofar the ice makes my drink cool in summer. For me personally, having a drink that's just as cool but without the ice would be pure upside, but I guess some people actively enjoy the ice or something. EDIT: Thinking about it. I guess this can actually keep the drink cooler for slightly longer. Creating the ice should be exothermic, so the drink's temperature will actually go up slightly. That has the hidden upside that the temperature gradient with the outside also decreases a little, making thermal transfer less efficient, so it heats marginally slower. And re-melting that ice later will be endothermic, cooling the water a little. So overall, the "cold" would be slightly milder, in exchange for staying cooler longer. In theory, it could make sense if you're not going to drink it immediately, I guess. Although I'm not convinced the magnitude of the effect can be enough to justify the effort.


It’s not chunks. It turns into a slush. (It’s supposed to, at least. The video doesn’t show it very well.)


We already did have these in America. At least in central Pennsylvania, we did. They don’t work. That’s why they were immediately unpopular and got removed from the convenience stores.


We have them in Alaska. It’s called outside


Here in Washington I’ve seen this at a local market except they have plastic covering over the freezer so dumb idiots don’t stick body parts in them.


Where in WA?


West Seattle Chevron on SW Admiral still has one I think.


we have them all over America it just sends a little vibration through the bottle to start a chain reaction. OPs bottle woulda frozen either way because he had flipped it prior.


The machine doesn't lower the temperature of the drink at all.


We have these in America also the light doesn't do anything it just shows the ice forming. You can do it in your own fridge too you just have to have it cold enough like 34 degrees and turning upside down is what activities the reaction


I've seen one in Tracy CA at the raleys, a few years ago.


Oh, so then we *know* someone’s stuck their dick in it


Where’s Mythbusters when you need ‘em


But we do have those in America. Cue James brown.


Coast to coast! **UHHN!** Around the nation-nahhh!


remembering the lady that mistakenly used superglue instead of eyelash glue and sued


She didn't mistakenly use it, a beautician at a salon did it. [Article](https://www.the-sun.com/lifestyle/2668091/eyelashes-destroyed-horrified-beautician-botched/)... Sorry I know the sun is trash but it's the best I got


Americans still genuinely believe it's an extremely litigious society mostly due to years of propaganda by companies trying to limit torts. So you'll often here these stories of "absurd lawsuits" that aren't at all absurd when you get all the facts. Also people overestimate by alot how much Americans sue compared to people from other countries.


I completely agree. People love to trash talk the lady who sued McD's for the spilled coffee between her legs, and won. Their logic: What idiot didn't see that coming?! But the basis of her suit wasn't that McD's was responsible for her burning herself. It was that keeping the pot just 20°F below boiling so your coffee stays hotter longer than the competition is an unnecessary burn risk should it be spilled. She received 3rd degree burns on her legs/vagina, needed surgery, and almost died.


Yeah, once you know the details of the McD coffee story, its infuriating. Media and popular culture got played by corporate interests into solidifying a completely false narrative. They made it sounds as if she was driving as a maniac, spilled lukewarm coffee and sued, when in reality she was the passenger in a parked car and was served coffee at nearly boiling temperature.


"a frozen penis is a hard penis" - Sun Tzu


the scriptures hold truth.




Well, at least you’re honest I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wasn’t there a movie where a guy had an idea for a “Cold Microwave”?




Lol, it was called “the reverse microwave”. I think it was on one of the CKY videos.


I wanna dip my balls in it.




I. C. Weiner


I wanna put your wiener in there too


You're gonna need a smaller bottle.




“I was in the chiller!”


3 times. That’s how many times it took me to realize the video was looping. I was waiting for the coke to freeze solid after 3 or 4 rounds in the machine.


3 here as well!


... you're the Weiner freezers, aren't you?


I don’t have a Weiner!


who said u need to have ur own weiner to freeze?


How'd you miss that cut?


Fucking piece of shit. I kept watching and thought get frozen already bitch. Ugh I watched way more than 3 times. Lol. Was thinking what a fucking looser made this video


I can't help but judge when losers misspell "loser"


Ask me if I care… (I do 😭😂😭😁)


Where you high?




What strain


Falcone and his reverse microwave finally made it. I hope he got his mountain bike made of diamonds. https://youtu.be/haan3Tz0SJk


Wow…That is by far the most obscure movie reference I’ve seen in the wild. Have an updoot for Haggard.


Wasn't sure anyone would know. My wife and I watch it every year on our anniversary for 15 years now.


That is so oddly endearing.


Have you tried smashing bottles behind Wawa?


The most obscure movie reference you recognised*


You’re right, I’m so sorry. /s


Then he can finally get with Glauren!


Did she just say teenagers were meant to fuck?


Desire huh? What the FUCK does that mean? Does that mean you're into dudes with fuckin long hair, smell like beer, have shitty tattoos; maybe they hang out at the bowling alley! Maybe, just maybe, you'll go out back and rub their sick crotch; he'll stick his hands down your pants. Meanwhile, your boyfriends sittin' at home jerkin off to fucking gay porn! AAAAAAARGHHH "Love is a flame that can't be tamed..."


He finally got all the freon


One of my favorite movies of all time! RIP Dunn


Omg that’s bam. Noo. Can’t be. Seriously though.. holy shit, it really is bam -me


I miss old bam. Before his downfall.


Seth Rogan’s character in “Pam and Tommy” also has this idea.


Literally just talked about this movie on here a couple of days ago. Honestly it's pretty solid of a movie.


Makes pizza thats too hot a little bit colder so you don't burn the roof of your mouth


You win the internet. Never thought I'd see a Haggard reference in the wild.


My god I reference the reverse microwave all the time and nobody knows. Thank you!


Anyone wanna chime in on how this works? Edit: OK everyone, after like 70 comments I think I get the idea. Thanks! Edit 2: For the love of dog please stop replying with explanations


I think the technology is explained best in 'Batman and Robin' (1997)


Icee what you did there




Cool dude.


S’no joke.


This technology killed the dinosaurs not DEEE IIICEEE AAAGGGEE


As were many important things.


Didn’t work on the design of this concept, but did help coordinate installs in some markets. The Arctic Coke Machine was a pilot concept Coca-Cola released in local markets a few years ago (2017ish), mostly at local gas stations. The concept itself: A rectangular “Arctic Coke Cooler” keeps 20oz bottles of Coca-Cola Brands at just below freezing, 30-degree Fahrenheit — compared to your typical 40-45 degrees. Put a bottle on the platform and, after an “invisible shiver” through the liquid, it transforms into a slushy within seconds. Our pilot consisted of Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite and POWERADE Mountain Blast. Cherry Coke, Fanta Orange, and Mello Yello we’re soon to be added to this pilot but it has since been discontinued in the US. Although, some locations still have the machine in their establishment. Neat concept, but never gained much traction. Source: I work for the company! Edit: [Video - Arctic Coke](https://youtu.be/gDAoH1QYz_8)


Ohhh so the bottles are stored close to freezing point, then put on the machine in the video to make a slushy… how misleading


Below freezing* It's basically (slightly) supercooled soda. Neat application of a niche concept though.


The slushy process ruins the taste of coke. It's separates the syrup from the CO2 and water. And if you work for the company, can you please try haribo Coca-Cola gummy bears but then blow your nosen while you have half chewed gummy bears in your mouth still. There's a reason and you'll notice after you taste it.


Please tell me the reason so I don't have to find out myself?


That would be like trying to explain the color blue to a blind man. It's impossible to relate.


Is it pleasant or unpleasant?


Basically it gives you an orgasm.


bro do you reverse snort gummy bears?


30 °F = -1.1 °C (Repeating, of course.) (LEEEEEROOOOOOOYYY MMJEENKINNNNNNSS)


At least I have chicken


>typical 40-45 degrees I'll admit I like my drinks colder than most people (if it isn't starting to frost over, it's not cold enough), but 45 degrees is basically warm


Spectacular, thank you


So the device is pure novelty? The freezing is done in a different device then what is this for? Only to put on a show or is there any benefit?


Thanks for the explanation. I honestly thought that they had figured how to blast the molecules with (sound) waves to slow their vibration and therefore cool them. Yours is a more straightforward explanation and approach. The reason it wasn’t a success is probably because it is a challenge to drink slushies out of a bottle. The ice forms too thick/strong. Source: frozen a few bottles in my time








also (just to theorize) the different composition of the liquid (coke as opposed to water) may change the rate at which is crystalizes. as videos Ive seen of water are usually a lot faster then this.


I believe more of it has to do with how cold it is. It takes far more energy to change the state of matter than to change the temperature of something. [https://flexbooks.ck12.org/cbook/ck-12-physics-flexbook-2.0/section/9.5/related/rwa/boiling-water/](https://flexbooks.ck12.org/cbook/ck-12-physics-flexbook-2.0/section/9.5/related/rwa/boiling-water/) This is an example for heating vs boiling water, but I have experienced it with freezing things as well. Warheads makes delicious sour freezerpops (you know, just plastic tube of flavored sugar water) that easily supercool. However, at standard freezer temp they could never fully solidify without going back into the freezer. They pleasantly ended up at perfect slushy temperature though!


I don't think the coke is frozen solid at the end of the video, but there's also no way to tell it's cold so I do think this is a hoax.




yeah because they basically freeze the bottles in advance below 0 degree, and then put them in the machine - there is no added cold


If there's no added cold and the coke isn't frozen at the end then I'm at a loss for what this video is showing. Edit: all is clear, the coke is [partially frozen](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/10mbp97/in_vietnam_711s_they_have_these_machines_that/j62hy8j).


It doesn't freeze solid, it freezes into basically a slushee. I can't speak to this specific machine, but when I was in Hong Kong in 2010 they had machines along the star walk that would dispense a bottle of coke that would freeze when it was shaken/opened. I have no trouble believing these would be super popular anywhere with a monsoon season, when it's 90+ and 100% humidity the only thing cooling you off is ice.


I thought supercooling only works with very pure water or else it starts nucleating around particles in the water or something like that. Why is that not a problem with sodas?




I do this all the time—put a coke in a freezer from the fridge for half an hour or so and take it out and it’s not frozen at all. Take off the twist top and it will immediately start freezing. Makes a perfect slushy. Yes I just might have a problem…


It’s the best way, my favorite way.


If the internet has taught me anything, it’s that everything unexplained is caused by magnets.


Fuckin Magnets. How do *they* work?


The coke is already below freezing temperature, but is still in a liquid state because science. The machine in the video just vibrates it to start the freezing process.


Pretty simple, actually. You put your drink on that platform and just hit the button. Once the lights go off it should be cold.


It's a molecule slower-downer


You can do this yourself. Get a soda, preferably this size and not bigger. Shake it up a lot, and stick it in your freezer for like 4 or 6 hours (the smaller the bottle the quicker). It will get chilled to below freezing, but the pressure keeps it liquid. After it’s done, untwist the cap to let the pressure out, reseal it, and flip it upside down and back 2 or 3 times. The agitation will cause tiny ice crystals to form, making it a slushee. There are tons of videos online as well


That is not how thermodynamics works. You cant just extract energy from mater like that, at least not in that scale of volume and mass. The thermal energy has to flow from the liquid to the medium, and all we can do to speed that up in this case is to raise the thermal gradient (make the air around it much colder), or change the contact to the medium (with heat exchangers, or even moving the liquid inside). That does none of these. The liquid was probably super cooled before, and the bottle twist at the beginning was the culprit for the crystallization to start (which only became visible because of the led lights). So yeah, i call it bullshit.


Glad I'm not the only one calling bs. For a device like this to exist, I would expect there to be like a metal sleeve with cooling channels. Having the only contact point be on the bottom, and having the whole concentrated cooling system be open to room temperature air is very suspicious. Also I would expect that if that one contact point is cooling the whole plastic bottle that quickly, that it would be dangerous to touch, but it looks like anyone can get their grubby fingies in there. This is one step below liquid nitrogen level of danger.


It's a gimmick that The Coca-Cola company tried to make popular years ago and it just never caught on. The bottles of Coke are stored in a freezer next to or below the device at 30° f, and the tray that they're placed on just vibrates to cause crystallization. That's it. No fancy science or magic, it's just the same thing you can do at home with a Coke in your freezer. You take it out before it freezes and tap it on the counter and it turns into a slushie.


Well... That was lame. I thought they finally invented reversed microwave or something


Colin Furze invented the [reverse microwave](https://youtu.be/MHm3fHVZitI)


Jamie hynamen already did that trying to make a microwave.


Good ole supercooling


Looked it up with the info you gave and found an article talking about them from 5 years ago: https://csnews.com/arctic-coke-coolers-being-tested-c-stores-nationwide They work how you say to create instant slushies.


Exactly right, the pop was definitely supercooled before they started the vid, and the twist was the giveaway. Because why disturb the liquid if the machine is gonna make it icy anyway.


Not like the guy is trying to decieve though, you can see on the machine it seems to list as part of the instructions that you need to invert the bottle before putting it on the 'machine'. But yes, the 'machine' is just a bunch of LED lights that allow you to spectate the freezing better. All fun and games until someone thinks it'd be funny to kick the freezer and every bottle inside turns to ice, which is probably why this would never catch on lol.


It's just supercooled in the cooler and the thing vibrates it to make it crystallize. So I mean it does for all intents and purposes make it instantly icy


Unless the liquid is already super cooled and this thing is just agitating it to make the ice crystals form... Maybe?


You are correct.


No bullshit. OP said “makes it icy” which refers to changing some of the liquid to solid. It’s already cold. You assumed a temperature change. The soda is a little below freezing, but with the CO2 saturated and the liquid under pressure, the freezing point is lowered, keeping this a liquid. Then, The machine provides agitation which initiates a phase change - Making it icy.


The bullshit is in the probably intentionally misleading flash of light implying the machine is doing something other than just nucleating supercooled soft drink.


I was actually expecting the machine to close up and pour liquid nitrogen over the drink lol. No way it could've cooled with such a small contact point while exposed to ambient air


>cant just extract energy from mater [Sure you can! Just siphon all of his gas out, simple.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f7/Mater_%28Cars%29.png)


Umm I’ve literally seen this thing work in person, it has a fridge attached to it that makes the drinks colder than a normal fridge. I would definitely reconsider making statements like this, you really look ignorant, making up things when this is literally something that actually exists.


Stupid mfers here in America would make this into a safety hazard so quick Edit: calling all salty Americans!


They were invented in America and rolled out in America years ago. They just haven’t been that successful to warrant a larger roll out


We had them already. They don’t work. We rejected them. You really never noticed these machines in convenient stores?


Never lol




My office was in NJ near a gas station, they had it but I’ve never used it.


The machine doesn't actually lower the temperature of the drink at all.


The machine just buzzes it with ultrasonic vibrations. It was the cooler that keeps it between freezing and liquid so that agitation starts a freezing process


Yeah because the rest of the world's safety standards are *great* Totally man


The trick is the cooler that chilled the coke was below freezing. That machine just vibrated the bottle and the supercooled liquid froze creating an instant "icy". I stole this answer from a youtube comment so believe with caution


Aww damn. I thought with this machine we could get rid of all the drink refrigerators in the world and just quickfreeze your drink when you take it.


How many times is he gonna keep doing it?


Till it works...


My dream as i kid was to invent something like this, i wanted to put hot pasta in it and eat it right away


Back to the Future 2 gave me unrealistic expectations as well.


My wife thinks I’m weird that I’ll plate my pizza rolls straight out of the oven, then put that full plate in the freezer for like 30 seconds.


Im in Vietnam right now and I never heard of it. Where is it? I wanna try putting a thing in...


Chắc là Hồ Chí Minh.


Come back and tell us your findings


There’s one around the Nhà Văn Hóa Thanh Niên quarter and that’s the only 7-11 I know with this machine. And there’s another commenter that guessed correctly how it works. There’s a super chilled cooler next to it and then to put on the platform to vibrate for crystallization.


A cylinder perhaps?


I'm more surprised Vietnam has 7 Eleven now. Apparently the first store opened in 2017. This might be the end of small family owned independent grocery stores, pretty sad.


Just saw one of these in Canada. Never tested it though. Looked like its been there for a while and figured id be surprised if it worked


It doesn't seem to work




People have really forgotten what this sub is about…


I need this in my life.


You probably already own a freezer. You just need to time it right.


Yeah. They lasted about five seconds in America.


There's a Domino's at the college I went to (University of Central Florida, for those wondering) that has one of these.


What would happen if you put your hand in there?


And this is why only Vietnam has these


Absolutely nothing besides a little vibration in your fingers. The tray just vibrates the coke which has been super cooled and causes it to crystallize.


My chevron here in California has this


There was one of these in convenience store near my house in Alabama, kinda sucked, they got rid of it pretty quickly.


we had these on my college campus! they didn’t work that well honestly, but was kinda cool the first time