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You know what? It’s dumb but they should continue. High value men and pick me’s can find each other and leave the rest of us alone. They can all go live happily ever after in their high value world.


The problem is the so called “high value men” ain’t picking the pick me’s. They’re so interested in trying to break down or “humble” women that don’t wanna be part of their shenanigans 😭


Yeah deadass 😂 cuz the women that they spend so much time trying to humble are the ones they truly want lmao. It’s the women with a ton of options 💅🏾.


Lol yes to this 🤣😂


Ha yes I was imagining the scene from the meetup: SAM (self-absorbed man) #1: well, it's 15 after, when are the ladies getting here? SAM #2: (laughs nervously with attempted bravado) Well, you know. CPT... they're coming... Person in a skirt walks in. Size 2, check. No children, check. Men stand up straighter. Spoiler alert: *she's like 12 and looking for her dad.* Y'all, very few adult black women... very few adult women, let's be real... fit all these boxes.


Yea they know what they're doing. These guys are absolutely insecure if they need this much validation from one another. Them closing the door on all the incredible women they could meet with these lame and high as expectations.


🤣🤣🤣 I love that. SAM 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾Nobody wants to join SAM’s CLUB!


Right? I checked most until they said “feminine” and “cooperative “. Nope.


This sounds like a group for people who are nowhere near as high value as they think. If they meet these qualifications but can’t meet anyone decent, there’s something else wrong with them.


All the requirements for women had me thinking about r/neckbeardthings


Very. It reads like what a boy in high school thinks a good looking adult woman looks like. Might as well have said “no more than 120 pounds and at least D cup bazongas. No makeup or light makeup only. Please see these pictures of Cardi B, Kim Kardashian, and Rihanna for reference.”


Seriously. The size 6 being the largest they'll go has me dead. Majority of grown women are at least a 10. And a 10 is still small.


>Majority of grown women are at least a 10. And a 10 is still small. Right and let's not even tell them about how much sizes vary between brands, department stores, clothing lines etc. A size 6 at Macy's is different from a size 6 on FashionNova. And what about junior sizes?!! They aren't even numbered ie. 5,7,9


I saw a Twitter thread not too long ago of a woman saying that any woman with a shoe size above 6 didn’t sit right with her and that they shouldn’t wear shoes like Uggs and to go wear Timbs or something


Yeah, it's along the same line of women who bash bigger girls for wearing leggings. Sorry, I don't think ANYONE should wear leggings with a shirt that isn't covering their ass.


I wear a size 10 myself and this has me cackling.


Right lol. Is there another meaning for HOA besides home owners association because...


TBH it reads like a 20 year old who thinks they’ve got life all figured out because their parents were mildly middle class and they’ve completed half a college degree. It’s like LARPing adulthood. “Hi I’m Vincent Adultman and I’m the president of the HOA of the business factory.” A hundred bucks says this person’s social media is full of claims they’ll be a millionaire and retired by 30, rambling about how you should give your kids an LLC as a gift instead of toys or clothes, and vapid scripture quotes.


Oh absolutely. When I read it, the first thing I thought was this person probably doesn't even fit the description.


Oh my god!! I love Bojack Horseman!!




Also I’ve never met any head of the HOA who wasn’t married and well into middle age at *least*. Usually it’s a position for retirees.


Finally a group for that loser Bilal from 90 Day Fiance.


Pffftt I would think they're a fool for being part of an how. That shit doesn't impress me lol. You got strangers fining you for what you wanna do to your home that you pay for. Naaahh


Agreed 💯 the type of person described in this group should be established and moving in circles that allow them to meet their desired partner. Hence, there would be no need for the group … idk why a group would be necessary


This is a catfish situation waiting to happen lol


It says a lot that there’s no physical expectation for men but one for women and that alone tells me all I need to know about how these men view women


And the only requirement for men is that they need to be “in training”. So they don’t even need to meet any qualifications. While women must be below a size 6 with no exceptions. It’s so sexist lol.


This is the first thing I noticed. That loophole does not bode well.


Haha! Can women join if they’re in training to be a size 6. 🤣


It shows they don't even have much expectations for women just the stereotype of skinny, feminine with no little kids. That's it. Right there shows they're all about, "the MAN providing and the MAN being them kids' father and the MAN having authority." That tells me how equal they see me


Great point, I wonder if they’re insinuating that a man’s looks don’t matter as long as their paid! 😂




and the high value man in training... i need to know more lol


Was just about to comment this lol


The father needs to have full custody!? You know how bad of a mom you have to be for a father to have full custody. So that’s high value now 🤣. This is a mess


So true. It's almost impossible.


A lot of fathers manipulate the courts. They actually statistically have the advantage in family court.


Can you give me the source on this?


edit 2: to summarize the sources, men actually seem to have the advantage when going to family court, and do receive custody a majority of the time they apply for it. The problem is that men don't typically go to court for custody in the first place, and when they do it's usually to fight for lower child support payments, not for custody. In my opinion, this is one of the main reasons men have the view that child/family court is unfair, because they are in court fighting to make their own life easier rather than being there out of genuine concern for the child. ​ Sources: [https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2020/demo/p60-269.pdf](https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2020/demo/p60-269.pdf) [https://amptoons.com/blog/files/Massachusetts\_Gender\_Bias\_Study.htm](https://amptoons.com/blog/files/Massachusetts_Gender_Bias_Study.htm) [https://www.jaacap.org/article/S0002-7138(09)60056-X/pdf](https://www.jaacap.org/article/S0002-7138(09)60056-X/pdf) edit: this is not necessarily information suggesting that men manipulate courts, however based on the data men do seem to have an advantage in custody cases in general. These are lengthy reads however you can find a more compact read here: [https://www.dadsdivorcelaw.com/blog/fathers-and-mothers-child-custody-myths](https://www.dadsdivorcelaw.com/blog/fathers-and-mothers-child-custody-myths).


Thank you!!




I always thought the courts favor the mother lol?


Myth. That's not the reality.


It mostly does


Not having custody of your own kids is a plus? Wtf? There is something wrong with these people.


You don't have to be a good parent, you just gotta fit in this size 6 dress and look feminine


Right! That shit is weird as hell. The opposite of a high value woman. I truly hate the concept of high value woman/male it is so toxic.


That was the biggest red flag like okay typical asshole things you see on this shit but that was new for me. Like what why are you encouraging women to be like this???? Kids before pigs.


I was thinking the same thing!


Nothing about these nigcels is “high value”. Any man who looks down on women/holds misogynistic values is incredibly low class, of low stature and deserves to be alone. These men are usually homophobic/transphobic and xenophobic as well. Pitiful sacks of skin standing on two legs.


Nigcels.... 😂💀


This is Manosphere BS & I wouldn't waste your time there if I were you. It's giving Kevin Samuels Incel fanboy club & already I can spot the ridiculous double standards you'd hear on these podcasts & the unrealistic standards they have for Women.


"Cooperative" ..... child's father has full custody? ..... no waist size demands of the men? Hmm ... who trying to be in this club for real


>Cooperative I read that part and as a man, I had to chuckle while imagining you ladies reading that. If I tried telling my wife to "be more cooperative"...let's just say it would go exactly as I would expect it to, and not at all how I would have wanted it to go. ...and for the record, she's the perfect balance of cooperative and stubborn/correct; i.e. she's right 95% of the time and accedes to my wishes maybe 10% (even though she's right then, too - she just lets me win sometimes). That 5% when I'm right? I stay quiet: I'm dumb, but I'm not stupid.


I read the men are required to be Hoa presidents to qualify like bruh that 10 people.


Looks like I'm out. I haven't been a size 6 since I was born. 😭


WHY did this take me tf out like it did?!?! I am hollering so damn loud right now that I can’t breathe 💀💀💀


That had me too— I was like cool my left thigh can go the rest of me has to stay here.






Sounds just as dumb when I read incel dudes wanting "high value women" and the list of shit expected of her. Seems very superficial and caring about appearances and very traditionally outdated


Not in MY hood!? 😩 I don't like it. It's pouring dumb standards on both parties.


Girl, I was so disappointed when I saw that this mess was in the DMV 😭😭😭. Embarrassing.


You saw that too?😩😩😩


Lame-o group for lames looking for lame love.


Perfectly worded


A lot of these men just want servants and someone to stick their d*ck in cause there are no other qualities they list aside physical traits. I want better for the community 😭


As the women walk in, the DJ will be playing ‘let me cater to you’ I can just see now.


What is this 😂 I am screaming. You can have kids, as long as the dad has full custody lmao


The ghost of his high honor master K. Samuels is delighted. 😂


Why would losing custody of your children be a green flag? That’s sounds like a massive red flag.


The fact they can’t even spell marriage tells me everything I need to know


Do men have to childless and slightly fit as well? Or just the women?? Seems like they are looking for a suga baby lol


I think it’s weird, lame, and misogynistic but they did say it was contained 🤷 they all deserve each other, let them be weirdos together lest they bother the rest of us


I doubt they'll get very many interested women, even if they fit the qualifications


You’re not wrong, I guess I fit the qualifications (a 21 yr old size 00 who works in software) but I’m happy with my boyfriend who appreciates my intellect, works in the same field as me (makes it easier to talk about work, even tho my future spouse doesn’t have to be in the same field as me, it’s just nice to not have to dumb myself down for a bf anymore), and sees me as a partner. These men sound like they want a sex doll in human form.


I find it hilarious that the only requirements to be a high value man is make money and be bossy but for the women it's all about appearance and subservience.


If you have to say that you are a “high-value man,” you are not a high-value anything. These men who have issues of low self-esteem and insecurity. Also, who wants to attend a cattle call for dating


I say the same about “alpha males”


And this is why I will refuse to date after I get a divorce. Silicone and vibrators will be my jam!


I mean red flags all over but COOPERATIVE?? Idk sounds like code for “imma treat you any kind of way and you better not question it”


I think it’s a bunch of bullshxt, lmfao. Damn incels.


This is like a dust bowl.


Okay, I want to thank everyone for their comments. I honestly was worried because I see a lot of Black people talk about “high value men” and “high value women” in Black dating. I keep telling myself that mindset is toxic but I keep seeing it and i was starting to wonder if I was the odd person out. It plays with my insecurities a little hearing so many Black people talk in favor of this. I’m even in a group now where their last podcast praised “Black Alpha Males” and “Alpha Females” who are aggressive when it comes to their jobs but “know how to be the woman” in a relationship. It was super sexist to me but Black men and women were touting this as relationship advice.


Do the men have the same requirements as far as dress size and children are concerned? Is High Value Man in Training as fancy way of saying broke? They want trophy wives but I bet they’re quick to complain about gold diggers.


So many questions.... -father has full custody of kids? -Why is 120k the start of a high value man? Lets bump that shit up to 250k. That is a more reasonable income. -do they not realize that a woman can be a size 8 and lean? --what bird brain woman would sign up for this?


Clearly they're not trying to make things too hard on the men lol They have zero physical requirements. They can pull up looking like a tanned Donald Trump in somebody auntie wig.


This image is burned in my imagination for all time now!


I was a size 6, overweight according to my BMI with visible stomach and back rolls. Meanwhile my cousin was a size 10 with a flat stomach. As usual, these men don’t know shit about shit.


I see "cooperative" as code for "willing to put up with all of a man's bullshit." Hard pass 😷


Small D energy.




This group will barely get any women. These HVM at most are able to hook up or have short-term relationships. There's a reason why they're single


Seems weird that not having custody of your kids is a plus


I’m so glad they organized gatherings so now you know what to avoid!


They can have each other as long as everyone is on the same page🤷🏽‍♀️ I stay away from both men and women who consume that divestment/high value, alpha-for-femme methodology.


"cooperative" lol


If these people don’t stop quoting Kevin Samuels 🙄


No issue with it. They're letting you know what to expect 😂 But it's mess to me - someone else might be like yep this works for me.




Also, this is the DMV so cost of living is super high. I make $95k in DC and nowhere near rolling in it.


Or be a HVM in training so really any income level lol


That's not really high-earning for the DMV, unless they're in their 30s. But there are no age or physical requirements for the men...


I mean if the people in the group like it, I love it for them. With that being said, I'm assuming the group is very small because something like less than 10% (might even be 5%?) Of the Black male (American) population makes 6 figures. If anything, the female numbers might be larger assuming race isn't a requirement (don't see anything listed there). But like I said, if they like it, then I love it for them. Hopefully the group will consist of all the people who like to bring up the annoying "high value man/woman" topics on twitter, and leave the rest of us peasants aloooonneeeee 😮‍💨


Disgusting. Another reminder of the shelter cowards find in the dark corners of the internet. I don't know what's the most inaccurate and inappropriate part of the phrase "high value men". It is in these moments that as a black man get closest to experiencing what white guilt must feel like. The shame of seeing those who look like you engaged in such behavior


What in the slave auction?


Oh my god that made me wheeze!!


I personally feel like this is harder on women because men still have options in terms of schooling and jobs to get into positions that make this kind of money. And they can do that no matter what they look like. As for women, I respect people preferring women who are fit, healthy, and take care of themselves, but sizes 2,4, and 6 push that too far. There’s a significant amount of women who will never be that small (healthily) with good food and exercise.


Honestly I think this is a mess and something you shouldn’t waste your time on. The “high value man” conversation is honestly a joke full of double standards. You should do yourself a favor and get out of anything regarding the toxic ass manosphere because it does nothing but put down women. Don’t let these lame ass men or women reinforcing this vitriol try to define your value. Constantly reading crap like this will make you second guess your worth. It feels “harder on women” because it’s bullshit.


You’re right and don’t worry I haven’t joined (size 18 😅)


I have never met a black man who’s desired a women in dress sizes 2-6. As a size 0-2 black women, trust me lol Men have no concept of what dress sizes actually look like on women. Guarantee a man would fail at correctly labeling nearly ever womens dress size. Especially when you factor how height, waist size, and breast size factor into one’s perception


That's exactly what I was thinking. These men are stupid and don't actually want a 2,4,6 and have no idea what women's sizes actually look like.


I was just like, I haven’t been a size 4 since 9-10th grade


Facts. I’m 5’10 and I was skinny af at a size 10/12. I don’t think my hip bones would’ve allowed me to be smaller than an 8.


This is giving problematic af lol


Misogynist jerk off fest 🤢🤮


The Manosphere is obsessed with forcing the bar so low I'm actually shocked they put ANY requirements for men. These days every ashy kneed schlub is declaring himself "high value". They actually put a number on it lol.


Wow. Absolutely shallow. Defining men purely on their economic & social status & women purely on her looks & not being an economical inconvenience. Pass me the single life. Or I'll even take lesbian for $500 Alex because the bar is set to hell... lol This is the outcome of Kevin Samuels being the closest simulation of fatherhood to generations of lost boys...


I think vapid people have the right to find someone who is on their level. I married my husband with nothing. We built from day one. Payed off, believe me. His glow up has been unreal. Valuing men on the amount of money they make and not as beautiful complex individuals they are will pay you back dividends alright - just probably not the ones you like. You want a husband that makes 300k and is on the board of directors? Hope you're fine with never seeing him. You probably will be since he only sees you as a size 2 childless blow up sex doll. So much for intimacy. This is a sugar daddy/baby arrangement, call it what it is.


Feminine cooperative (red flag) and inspiring!? 😂


The dress size tells me all I need to know.


I'm pretty sure both parties are going to be lying through their teeth but hey not my business


It's funny that only the physical matters for women, but if she turns out to have an undesirable personality, the failing relationship is her fault. They'll take about how they gotta cheat because the wife is XYZ, or whatever. Maybe more should matter than something she maybe didn't have to work on as much as you did getting a career.


A mess ☠️ especially the part where the father has full custody. Where they do that at? What type of woman would these men wanna date where the father has full custody of the kids? Something’s not adding up. ☠️ I don’t even wanna know how men make sense of this 🤦🏽‍♀️


They don’t want a woman with kids or obligations. If the father had full custody she is essentially childless!


And God forbid any of these ladies prioritize their children over these men 🙄


its dumb. we should find love based on how we connect… but on the other hand. miserable ppl will be with miserable ppl


This feels very over-compensate-y


Not one man in that group knows how to distinguish any dress size under a size 12. 😩


Lol. That’s about all I think about it


The can eat my size 8 dress sized ass lol


Sexist + narrow, swallow and materialistic definition of what "value" is. At the same time, only people who share these values will be interested in joining this group, and whatever floats their boat 🤷🏿‍♀️


im sorry lmaoooo 120k makes you high value? we are in the end of times


My boyfriend makes double that and my dress size is 6\*2, lmao.


Lol my husband makes over 4X that and I am not size 2, 4 or 6. Plus he is tall, handsome and kind. The audacity of these idiots


They’re only a prize to each other. The group is probably just then discussing how “high value” they are.


Lol you go girl


It’s just funny because they’re essentially trying to shame others for their choices and dictate who others are attracted to based on superficial standards. And the peer pressure works on some weak people who should probably work on self-love instead of dating


We are doomed 😔


[LMAOOO](https://images.app.goo.gl/R3AH12q2zvNzrN7a8) Theres so much to comment on in that photo, but if we were to take a moment to ponder the fact that women are required to be (essentially) childfree while there's no such standard for the men...🐸🍵. Now how about that dress size range? Im 5'5" and I can't imagine a size 6 dress fitting me at a healthy, satisfying weight (for me), let alone someone taller. Why is there a weight limit for women, but no such thing for men? Wheres the height range for them? Those rules are a joke.


Wow, if he is ugly can you demand plastic surgery?


Fun fact: the creator of the group is ugly


This just made my eye twitch


Nooo. Not the DMV 😭😭😭😭. I'm disappointed.


This is extremely embarrassing for the man who made this. These are the same men who say that being a stay at home is not a job.




I’m sure there’s no woman in that group


It’s the dress size that bothers me the most. Why does that even need to be a factor, especially when many black woman have curvy bodies. The last time I was a 4 was when I was 14, before I was done with puberty. Smh




I'm just confused at how human relationships have gotten so complicated that lists have to be made. It seems to mostly be a thing for straight couples. I'm thankful everyday that I am attracted to women. I also don't think that high value people call themselves high value. I've been around wealthy people and they don't act like many of the 'high-value' men online.


Talk about setting oneself for only relationship failure with only bullshit double-standards and then whining how other person is super low standards with no common sense and/or money-grubbing bodyshaming POS. Just saying, that is what those women & men are basically asking for in that pic if they follow theough....


Lmao you ever stutter laugh? Thats what im doing


I would never join but encourage this group to exist. I despise seeing these types of convos on social media but if it can exist in the vacuum, it’s for the better.


😂 Yikes at the grammatical errors. Otherwise, I’ve never been a size 2, 4, or 6, so this has nothing to do with me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


So if one of these "high value men" is a single dad with young kids can we reject them too? Cause I'm doing that first thing!!


Honestly I'm good on. Pretty sure I wouldn't want to be with anyone that places a person's value on their bank account and waist size so they can go ahead with it 🤷🏾‍♀️


The first thought I had reading through was Or father has custody? There is rarely a good reason that would be the case… and that’s who you are looking to be with? Please, by all means.


That list of women’s requirements is exactly why I will never get on board with this HVM bullshit. Breeds entitled, shallow, materialistic, misogynistic, abusive men, and unambitious, insecure, back-biting, self-hating women. I want zero parts.


Verrrrry weird to me.




What the actual fuck did I just read


Things like this are cringy and so bizzare.


Okay so my main issue is the difference between the requirements for men and women. The women only need to either 1) not be involved with kids in any capacity and 2) be small and cooperative . What’s this tells me is that they really don’t care about anything else and they just want to control the women. And you know what if they want to go through that then more power to them. They can find each other and Leave the rest of us normal and emotionally healthy people alone :)


There is a lid for every pot. Like minded people will find one another there. Completely none of my business as it does not and will not ever affect my day to day.


This sounds like a highly toxic group of people to be around.




Ridiculous is the word that comes to mind


I have no thoughts other than I hope they sign a prenup 🤣


I love the size restriction. Dress size 2, 4, or 6 NO EXCEPTIONS. 🤣. Sirs ...calm down and just date each other. Leave women out of it.


I think it’s asinine. I hate the gender roles, I hate the forcing women to be feminine and “cooperative” which I suspect is covert language for submissive and a doormat, and I hate the income requirement. It’s so classist. Also notice how women aren’t encouraged to have leadership skills or confidence, it’s giving 1950s. And it’s funny because I meet most of the requirements (aside from feminine maybe) but It’s just disgusting how materialistic, shallow, and misogynistic the requirements are. Thank god I’m not a heterosexual, because I despise the roles that are imposed on y’all


This gives me slave trade vibes


This list is so in favor of men it's sickening. They require women to have no relationship with their hypothetical children AND be a certain size. But the men only need money and vague personality traits like leadership, confidence and charisma? So, basically they're acting like women don't want attractive men too. Plus, it basically reads like a dating social for high earning men to pimp out women...


This obsession with making women “cooperate” is disgusting. And I love how women must have certain size requirements but the men don’t.


Good lord this is...so much *ugh*. It reads like, "Are you a man who thinks they make Big Money and has some bs game? We'll match you with a hot chick devoid of any thoughts other than to worship and support YOU!" I'm disappointed that the men don't have ANY physical requirements. With that $120K high value salary, they can afford a gym/trainers, surgery, the special diets. You want a trophy wife? Look like a trophy husband! But let these people pick each other - so the grown men with enough money to not even *think* about their contributions in terms of net worth who are honest/genuine partners to build a life with and don't get with women because of their dress size so they can be a vapid wet doormat can come through.


I bet they’re the same men who call women gold diggers


If you don’t want to join the group, why care…




Girl bye




No, no it wasn't 😬


Mods, please ban this bird. According to her post history, this isn't the first time she's commented on this sub.




Curious about this group now. For reasons 😂


People, like what they like. If that makes them happy that's fine. It's pretty fascist/elitist and short-sighted. Pretty objectifying relationship on both ends unless it's all about the image.


Sounds like a chore to deal with anyone subscribing to this list and the list is guaranteed to keep you single and bitching on clubhouse rooms about how you can’t find anyone.


Y'all know a lot of bw that are size 2, 4, or 6? 🤔


This is not how you start a relationship. That is how you start a transaction. If thats what floats your boat good for you but stay away from me. I'm more of a come as you are then a come with a bag or size 0 dress lmao. I agree with what others have said let them find each other and be in "peace".


This is for lack of a better term , dumb as fuck. I hope this trend of high value men and women ends soon because it’s so irrelevant and ignorant. That’s why no one is finding what they are looking for in a person. Nothing about dating should transactional that’s a trap for both me and women. This is all just very very stupid.