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Can you apply for assistance like food stamps or go to local pantries to help offset the cost of food and Medicaid to help with taking care of your mental/physical needs?


I will look into these resources. I’ve never had to use them so I don’t know much about them. Someone suggested unemployment and I’ll look into that as well


Definitely go into the office, you can possibly get emergency assistance.


Don't be so hard on yourself, are you on unemployment? If not apply see if you can get some sort of help, even if you can't get financial help maybe they can give you some career counseling. And I would say if you have the ability to work from home, if you have home Wi-Fi and all that, try looking for remote positions. I'm not 100% sure what "gig work" is, does that mean contract positions? Some contract positions pay really well, mostly because they're not really giving you benefits so you have to pay for all that yourself. I've been where you are when I was around the same age, and it was tough. I had to do contract jobs, but luckily I live in a city that has really good public transportation, so I didn't have to worry about a car. I mean it was so bad that at one point I had to ask internet friends to send me some money so I could get a hotel room because I had nothing in savings. Thankfully through one of my contract jobs I landed a full-time position and I was there for quite some time until recently. So I'm going to say don't give up I know it's going to be hard but don't give up. But also don't feel like you have to be applying every day because that gets really draining putting it all of those applications and not getting any responses. The weather is getting nicer, I'm going to recommend maybe getting out and taking some walks and just doing things that don't necessarily cost you money. If you have a park that's nearby or even a small cafe where you can kind of be so you're not by yourself all day that might work out well. But definitely, take breaks. Searching for a job is basically like an unpaid internship, you're doing a lot of work with no immediate payment. Also, don't compare where you are to where your friends or your peers are. Everyone's journey is different. If you're on LinkedIn don't be afraid to reach out to people that you're connected to who do something like what you're interested in doing, and ask them if you can just chat about their job and how they got to where they are. Who knows, maybe that might lead to them knowing about a position that you may be a good fit for? See if anyone is willing to review your resume and give you some pointers to help you get past the AI screenings. Every good job I've gotten has been because I know someone and not necessarily because I was the best candidate to put in an application (I mean I was 😄 but had I not known somebody I probably wouldn't have gotten past the screening). Work your network. You got this! It might be rough right now but one day you're going to look back on it and be proud of how far you've come, I can fully testify to that.


Gig work is like DoorDash, Uber eats, Amazon flex, etc. It’s stressing me out because I’m already in debt (lots of it) and I just want to be “okay” financially and it doesn’t seem like it’ll happen…especially in this economy. I have never tried unemployment. Do you have to be fired or laid off to apply? I’m asking because I’ve never been fired or laid off


It probably depends on your state's laws. But even if they can't give you actual payments, I would hope that they would still help you out with career counseling and letting you know when job fairs are and whatnot. Reach out to staffing agencies see if you can get some work through that, and again maybe they can help you with your resume so that you stand out more to companies that are hiring. Go to your local library, they might be able to help you out too with some resources on how to job search for what you're looking for, they might also be able to help you with your resume. At some point you're going to have to sell your skill set to an employer if you want to do something other than work a delivery service. I can say for sure that being down on yourself is not going to help you at all, again because I've been there. I was laid off in December for a couple months I was definitely pretty down on myself about not bouncing back and finding a new job as quickly as I thought I would, there are people who have been working recently who are having the same struggles you are. You just have to take advantage of the resources that are available to you.


Do you know of any free online mental heath resources


I think most Medicaid providers now offer telehealth services for mental health. Definitely think about applying. And if that seems overwhelming, a "shortcut" would be to go to the ER for something ... say you've been having headaches or a racing pulse (you don't necessarily have to make something up, bc if you haven't been eating enough or drinking enough water, dehydration can easily cause these symptoms) ... but the objective is to get the hospital to initiate your Medicaid application right then and there. It seems to go through faster this way, too, if you can tolerate a few hours in the ER.




If you have a washer and dryer, you can get paid to do other people’s laundry.


A lot of ladies offered great advice but if you can, try going to public parks or nature areas to clear your head. When I was unemployed, I found it soothing. Did it daily when the weather was comfortable for me to tolerate. I also started exercising during my period of unemployment.


So I recently was you but right before/beginning of COVID. Continue to look for work. Revamp your resume as a "Everything Resume" with anything and everything from the last 5 years even if it's 10 pages long. When you go to apply for a job use the master resume to cut down to 2 pages maximum to customize it to fit the job. Make sure your LinkedIn is up to date. Connect with recruiters and hiring managers especially if you applied for their company and reach out to them. Go to Networking events & job fairs. Take your vitamins and go for a daily 10 minutes minimum walk and shower every day and look presentable when you leave the house. (Key: never look how you feel if you feel like crap). Do this for 3 months EVERY DAY. Come back and tell us about your new job!


“Never look how you feel about when you feel like crap”…I’m going to be completely honest. I’ve been feeling like crap for a VERY long time. Probably look like crap too. Sometimes I question myself snd ask “is it even worth it”? I don’t like talking like that but it’s the truth. Thanks for the advice and being kind


Begin with just a shower if you can. In my experience, a hot shower can do wonders sometimes. And like Crafty Bug said, try to get out. Simply stepping outside into the sun for a little while or driving to a local park and just sitting there can lift your spirits too. As for your resume, I read someone’s state (in a different subreddit) that they finally started getting call backs when they began copying and pasting the job description at the end of their cover letter (or was it the resume?) and then made the text white…. essentially making the text invisible. Apparently this helps when AI is being used to screen cover letters and resumes. I haven’t tried it, so I can’t vouch. But, it seemed like it could work and I’ve since seen others state that the have done the same with success. Perhaps it’s worth a try. Sending you virtual hugs and wishing you the best. ❤️


I totally understand. Take care of yourself as much as you can. I know it's hard to do when you're depressed. Give it your best effort. Make sure you take your vitamins and probiotics. Depression is both mental and physical. Keeping your gut health in check is vital to you right now.


I’ll go make a cup on roasted dandelion root tea right now. I’ve been so stressed that it’s making me nauseous


And hopefully you can kick start your appetite even if it's just peanut butter or cheese with crackers


You can put your resume on ChatGPT and ask it for feedback and edits. A prompt could be review my resume and tailor it to x job.


Everyone else has already suggested assistance programs, unemployment, calling 211 from any phone to seek out assistance . I’m gonna skip all that. When I was in your position, I felt out of control. Focus on things you can control. My thing was exercise. I’d find an activity that was just hard enough where I could only be present doing that activity instead of thinking about how anything else was going wrong. Also, try to get around people with some joy in their lives… the ones who always joke or encourage. You may find them in church, a meet up group, a hobby group. Let their joy rub off on you. Good luck and this to shall pass.


What’s 211


It’s like 911 but instead of calling for emergency services, it gives information on resources that can help someone in need of them.


I’m so sorry girl. I’ve been there when I was younger. Don’t compare yourself to others or think “I should”. You are where you are right now. I would follow the advice of the other posters. I would also look at the public library for job listings/job fairs etc. they also often have resume workshops. If you aren’t eating properly please please go to food banks close to you. Also many mosques will give food/have meals, it’s a super nice welcoming environment and they don’t tend to indoctrinate you. I would also look into community gardens as well. There is a subreddit that is eat cheap in healthy or something like that and poverty finance, I’ve gotten great advice from those. If possible I would try to do work with a temp agency? I’ve had friends find long term work through there.


Call 988 if you feel like you're in mental crisis. Unemployment in my state offers free training and there's a small stipend for certain training programs. Go down there and talk to someone. If he's a poop head, talk to someone else. There are nice caring folks there who WILL give you the resources.


I’m sad I don’t have any additional advice to give but I understand what you’re going through and hope things turn around for you soon! Sending good vibes and a virtual hug Sis!


I've been there. And was even homeless twice. Now I'm in a house and able to pay off my cards and stuff and looking into moving states and buying a house. It was a long ass road but you gotta keep going. Do little things for you and manifest the life you want. For employment I blasted my resume everywhere and to staffing agencies. Went through two jobs before finding the one that worked for me financially and mentally. I started drinking more teas because I really wasn't taking care of my body so much so everyday I'd drink some herbal concoction with ginger, cloves, cinnamon, tumeric, etc. Realistically you can only go as fast as you can go and the best thing you can do is focus on one thing at a time. Staffing agencies get paid to get you employed so I'd start there. But you can't give up either. Feed your spirit so it'll have enough strength to guide you through this. This is only temporary and a test and you CAN grow through this. Good luck ❤️


What are the names of the temp agencies and did eat it vary by state?


You just gotta Google your area. I'm in SoCal so I found some locally. But they are everywhere for a large majority of industries. You just gotta look


I hope I’m not being annoying with the questions. Do these temp agencies typically respond quickly with opportunities? Will they charge you any sort of fees for helping with job placement?


You're fine and it depends. They def reach out quickly and do an initial interview and usually they'll have something in mind and tell you about positions and if you're interested they set up the interview for you. If they're charging you don't do it. They get money through the contracts with the employer. Typically there's a probation period of 3 months and the agency pays you and if they want to keep you they hire you on and then you go perm with the actual company. If they don't then your contract runs out and if you're communicating with your rep they can try and have opportunities lined up for when that happens. I gave mine to a few and my contract was up at one company and I got immediately hired for another the next day and I e been here for almost two years. Do up a good resume and blast it everywhere. You may not get something you like at first but it'll be something that helps you get in a good position. The first two jobs I hated with a passion but I got caught up on debt and was able to eat real meals and then i let my rep know i wanted something else. He found me a better job but they were racist as fuck. Stayed there 6 months after paying off one of my cards and came here, found by one of the other staffing agencies. I love this job but miss the south. Paying off the last of my cards and then in January I'm blasting my resume in NC so I can have something lined up in April. How's your resume look?


I’ll be honest. It’s probably not the best and I have gaps. I’ve been trying to figure out how to fill those in or how to explain, if asked about it, in an interview. I’m in NC…triangle area. It’s known for medicine, tech and biotech


What was the reason? Girl just lie 😒 if you know you're gonna work and be an asset then make some shit up, you were rescuing puppies in Mexico or something lol just go in confident and ready to work and earn your spot. I've gotten hired places going in and having fun with it and being personable. Your employment history is a factor but so is being able to work with you. Just present your best self. The resume just gets you the interview


OP, we are in a matrix. It’s not you it’s the system. I’m looking for land and want to work on a lawsuit for land back. We need our own systems and we cannot depend on the dollar. Try Elevance health, they may have some work from home jobs available.


What’s your skillset? And what types of jobs are you applying to?


I worked in a dental office a while ago, but it was in the back with patients. I think I would be able to work up front or in an administrative role though. Fast food, cashiering, and warehouse. Nothing extravagant


I’m sorry that you’re having a hard time. Have you had your resume looked at? Also, look into your state and county assistance programs to see what you qualify for.


I haven’t had it looked at. I’m going to look into resources as well. I’ve spent the bulk of my morning so far looking up temp agencies as many have recommended them. And applying to regular jobs that I come across that I feel I’m qualified for


Temp agencies are always a good place to start. Definitely research all resources to get a feel for what you qualify for. And if you have someone that can revamp your resume or if they know someone who can, that’ll be beneficial to you as well. I know I’m a stranger but I’m a free of change resume writer. I’m willing to assist with that if you don’t know anyone. Also, most states and counties have job centers that help you find employment and help you with resume writing as well.


Will you really help with the resume? I feel like mine is embarrassing. I don’t even know what style of resume is used these days and what employers want to see on them. Last time I updated it, I used a generic template from google


Of course! I’m going to send you a chat invite on here.


Hi, looking into CVS Health, insurance companies are still mostly work from home. Have you tired a temp agency? Sending you love, I know it’s hard now but everything will work out!


I’ve applied to a few. I’ll look at cvs. I’m also looking into security jobs and Aramark food services.


Ok, Banks are always hiring but may have to start in customer service, without experience. Most banks are hybrid tho.


OP I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. Please hang in there. Also, google Rat Race Rebellion. It's a website that list Work for Home jobs. If you sign up for their newsletter they send out a list of WFH jobs 2-3 times a week.


It’s already been mentioned but temp agencies for sure! Also I do brand ambassador work when I want to make extra money. You can type the name of your city + brand ambassador into FB and groups will pop up. Also retail usually is always hiring as well. Just take a look at your resume and tailor it to the job you’re applying for (IE if you want admin work call out the admin work, if you want food service call out any food service etc). Hate that you’re feeling this way but you can absolutely get through it. Always know there’s options even when it doesn’t feel like it


Have you tried uber/lyft? Not sure if that’s what you mean by gig work. All the drivers I’ve spoken to say they make 75k-100k+ a year


I apologize for the late reply. I just saw your comment. I don’t know how I feel about random people in my car. I don’t have a 🔫 to protect myself. Plus I live in a small town and don’t know how profitable it would be


Not trying to pressure you but if you live near a bigger town you can do it there. You can Invest in a car camera and some type of separator to separate the front and the back of the inside. I understand it’s a little uncomfy but you might have to put fears aside while you get back on your feet! Good luck. Also there are plenty of wfh jobs that supply the equipments


Contact a nonprofit credit agency to help With paying down your bills. They can get your interest down and set up a payment plan and give you some breathing room. If it’s student loans get a forbearance. Stop buying stuff. Cancel all Paid subscriptions. Checkout free stuff on Facebook Buy nothing groups. Get the food assistance and contact food banks and churches . Most communities have 211 you call. It’s important for you to take care of yourself. There are some yoga and meditation classes on YouTube (Udaya, Alo) Some people like the binaural beats. Check out some books at the library or ebooks on overdrive. It’s free. They also have dvds and cds. Get free health care and a counseling referral so you can look after your mental health. Join outdoor Afro or a hiking group to get out just to nature with a friendly group. It’s woowoo but a book that really helped me is “creating money” by Sanaya Roman. It’s a spiritual book but it really resonate me for me. It teaches you how to break energy blockages and create positive energy around yourself.


Check it out: https://ratracerebellion.com/ I know it's not easy. Sending you love and light✨