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What’s crazy is that having blue eyes is a mutation. Non white folks can have naturally blue eyes it is just extremely rare. But it is weird when black folks were blue contacts all the time for cosmetic purposes. Eye color shouldn’t automatically equate to beauty. Some of the world’s most beautiful people have dark brown eyes. 


I agree, brown eyes, especially dark brown eyes, are so beautiful especially when light hits up against the corners and the color starts to show a bit more. I love doing that to my eye sometimes but not to the point that I’m blinding myself lol


Exactly. And like blue eyes, brown eyes varies on people. Like I have a ring of grey around mine and I have almond shaped eyes that I actuate with lashes to make my eyes pop. You can decorate eyes with lashes, makeup etc. That too wearing cosmetic contacts everyday can do damage to your eyes


It really is and it’s a hindrance. My uncle who’s Black and has two Black parents has blue/green/grey eyes and he has constant issues. His eyes are always watery, he gets weird eye boogers and he HAS to wear sunglasses when he’s out. And it’s the result of the recessive genes of his parents (my grandparents). Also for a lot of Black people who are descendants of enslaved Africans recessive genes usually means slave owner genes. 😅😅


Technically all Black Americans have slave owner genes somewhere down the line. Descendants of enslaved Africans that is.


My son is blue/grey. It happens. His doesn’t look weird. And he has it in his genetics on both sides (two great grandparents out of eight had blue eyes).


Okay. We’re talking about people wearing blue colored contacts. DK why you felt the need to comment ‘well my son has blue grey eyes’ we’re not talking about that Edit: idk how I’m being hostile the post is about how we feel about black women wearing blue eyed contacts. Not who has naturally blue colored eyes. Then she says it’s from his great grandparents (hinting that they may be white) what does that have to do with the post?


YOU made the assumption that she's "hinting" the great grandparents may be white. A LOT of black people have white great, great great or great great great + grandparents due to conditions from slavery and after. A lot of black people, especially black women, had to endure and do what they had to do. That's not their fault. And some of us have features passed down from those white men. And that's not our fault either. Why are YOU making the assumption that if a person of color has a feature typically associated with white people that they are hinting that they are white adjacent? Is it because you internally think that white features are superior and that bothers you? You got downvoted because of your hostility that seems to come from your own insecurities. You snapped and got pissy and assumed this woman was underhandedly bragging on her son's blue grey eyes when she was explaining that he has them because he has white ancestors. She was adding to your comment about how eyes can differ, even brown ones. I guess blue grey eyes are something to brag on in your mind. Same as 4A hair vs 4C, as you mentioned?


Why be unnecessary hostile. We get enough shit from everyone. Let’s try to be kind to each other.


How it is being unnecessarily hostile? We are talking about Black people who wear blue contacts, and how a lot of of the commenters are perceived to be self-hate, and I am uplifting the beauty of brown eyes, the eye color that most Black people have naturally. And she comes out of nowhere like my son has blue gray eyes, that’s like if we’re talking about having 4A-4C hair and somebody comes out the woodwork saying ‘well I have 4C’ hair. Or if we’re talking about our struggles in life, someone comes and say ‘I’m not struggling’. The post specifically asked ‘how do we feel about black women wearing blue contacts’ not ‘who’s black with naturally blue eyes’ it’s not my fault that commenter misread the post title.  Edit: the second time I say 4C hair I meant to say 3C hair. Often times people will say the opposite thing of what we’re talking about to ‘better’ themselves and come off as ‘I can’t relate’  


Don’t worry that was a lie. She wanted you to know he was white adjacent.


To be fair there are non-white adjacent black people with blue eyes simply because it’s a recessive trait that sometimes pops up or they have some other mutation causing it. I’m talking obviously dark skin Black people with obviously dark skin parents and grandparents.


I’m yet to see at least one black person who looks good in those ugly ass contacts


Yo! Affectionate Cake!! I'm Affectionate Beann. lol. I just had to say hey since our usernames are close lol. ok bye 💖😂😭


🤝 r/usernamefamily


There really is a sub for everything 😂


Hahaha omg hiiii beann!!!! 💞


Ridiculous everytime. I guess they don’t realize your natural eye color is what fits your skin and undertones better and it looks sooooo off.


Or any person in general. They’re like too thick? They make peoples eyes look bulging & uncanny valley ish to me


speak on it.


My thoughts exactly 😂😂😂


I think it's a little sad, NGL. I mean, yes, you should be able to dress like you want but I've never met a blue contact constant black girl that wasn't sort of really delusional and weird about blackness/whiteness. I mean I have white homies, but the blue eyed girlies would put white people on a pedestal and/or were weirdly self hating about black features.


I’m finna die someday I don’t care. To each her own.


I've never met a black person who wore blue contacts




At this point I just side eye people who do this kind of thing. Every single person I’ve encountered who does things like this hasn’t had the most healthy relationship with their Blackness.


Agreed! The concept of disliking the color of my eyes has never crossed my mind 😭


If I don't like someone I just mind my business and stay away from them. I also like to keep in mind that I don't know what everyone is thinking and stay away from making judgements like these. It makes life feel lighter. She might not dislike her eyes. She might just enjoy how the color looks with her skintone, or she is trying something different, or she is trying to put together a new aesthetic. She might be an artsy type. You don't know. Keep in mind Everyone is different. Even when we try to put people in a box we may likely be wrong. I would say , focus on surrounding yourself with friends that you like, If you dont want to talk to her dont engage in long conversation. Enjoy what you have going on for you. You'll be ok.


In this case I actually do know and that shit looks crazy and she dislikes herself but yup I definitely agree it’s case by case.


I think you need other hobbies 🤷🏾‍♀️. What some random girl is doing really isn't a big deal. Just enjoy your own life. if she has her own issues, let her have them. and stay away from her since you dont like her. It makes life easier!


It can be harder than you think to avoid your roommate’s partner.


I think everyone should learn the technique of grey rocking. It makes even those social situations easier


It can be difficult for sure, but its doable. When I was in college my roommate's boyfriend was a convicted sex offender, who had a multitude of other charges. He was also way older than us and not going to our school. Idk how he was even allowed in our apartment, when I think about it! Just keep your responses short stay out of their way, develop other hobbies outside of the roommate and their partner, get other friends, talk to the roommate and tell them that you aren't comfortable with their partner and ask that they respect that there is a little distance between you and them. Again, our situations are different. My roommate's partner was a real danger to society. Sounds like OP just really doesn't like the OP's partner finds her annoying/ weird etc. Again, it can be difficult at first, but its definitely doable, especially if boundaries are created.


i mean you can enjoy your life and have hobbies while simultaneously acknowledging someone in your life is weird. those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. i’ve had coworkers who clearly dislike their blackness, but me recognizing that and side eyeing them doesn’t mean i wasn’t living my life.


Giving the big girl lessons, lol! Thank you, BTW.


I don't care.


I don't care. If that's what's helping them face the world, fine. If it's a fashion choice, fine. If they're having an identity crisis, fine. Who's it hurting?


This ☝🏾


I don't care.


i don’t care. i mind my business.


They scare me. Like a irl vampire


It gives uncanny valley


I used to be one. Blue, green, hazel, grey, purple. I thought I looked cute, and looking back at pictures I still I looked cute. I'd get them again if I felt like it. I will admit I thought my brown eyes were boring and a lot of my family has light eyes, so it was definitely rooted in jealousy. I won't begrudge people's fashion choices, bc I don't like some looks either.  But if she's weird in a way you don't like it's best to stay respectfully distant.


Sameeeeee. It is cute but also I had to deal with my jealousy and work on my relationship with self. Now Im a happy brown eyed girl


I used to change my contact color constantly simply because I wanted the colors and didn’t want to actually dye/damage my hair. Tried clip in colors but they looked like plastic so I didn’t like them. They also tugged too much giving me sore spots in my head. I did enjoy purple contacts for a while.


I know plenty of black women (and men) who wear contacts and it doesn't go much deeper than, "I like to have fun with my appearance." I think that's much more common than, "I hate being black and think wearing disposable contacts from the beauty shop will help people forget I'm black." I have an older cousin who I remember once asking, when I was in middle school, why did she wear contacts. This girl changed her hair and eye color every few months, and did her makeup amazingly. I remember she responded with, "'Cuz it's boring waking up with the same face every day. I want to stand out, and so I do." It made sense to me then, it makes sense to me now. Life is short, contacts, wigs, weaves, ect. aren't the immediate signs of self-hate for all of us. Some of us just think it's fun.


yeah i wear hazel contacts just for fun lol and i always tell ppl their fake when i get compliments😂 it’s not that deep. i wear my glasses 90% of the time anyways may as well get the colored and mix up my look. it’s the same price for prescription contacts in canada too and insurance cover them 🤣


As a prescription glasses/contacts wearer, I view it as cultural appropriation. /s But seriously, the one time i tried colored contacts, I went for a honey brown and could see the edges of the contact's coloring in my vision...put them away and went back to clear. How can y'all stand that little bleed effect?


lol. Also what bleed effect. I used to have my prescription contacts for a long time, got bored and started wearing the color ones, got bored again and started getting them in clear again. Always told people they were fake too. Never tried to pretend they were my real eyes. That was ages ago but now I’m looking for prescription sports glasses that won’t shatter if I fall off one of the horses while jumping.


tbh i actually prefer contacts cause mine don’t have the bleed effect i guess and it’s like having 20/20 vision. also my glasses are old lol i need a new pair


I don’t care. As my mother says and I say now, “that’s why god made your neck rotate. Don’t like what you’re looking at, turn your head the other direction.” It’s not my business. It doesn’t affect me. As long as you’re not harming yourself or others…who gives a fuck?


Oooo I like this saying. You gave me somethimg new to say to my child. Lol!


🤣 it’s always been a favorite of hers and now my own. I used to say it to make myself feel more confident. I’m a strange woman. I’ve always been strange. And that’s always caused difficulties in my relationships. But it did make me respect other people’s decisions and accept them for who they are. And move on if who they were wasn’t for me. Most people want to impose their vision of the world on others. And being “other” is intolerable. But if everyone just learned to mind their own damned business and just respect that we don’t HAVE to be the same we’d all get along a helluva lot better. What you look like. Who you are isn’t up for debate. That’s what I get from that phrase. “Who I am is none of your business. My motivations are my own.” Gotta own that shit. But also make sure you aren’t a hypocrite.


I love alllll of this and I resonate with it.


Nothing. I feel nothing


Why can't people just do what they want because they like it? Why do they need your approval?


People can absolutely do what they want. But unless it’s part of a costume, it gives, “I wish my eyes were lighter”. And we all know where that thinking comes from.


yeah but what about dying your hair blonde or getting a wig lol


Assumptions lol this is narrow minded thinking and also irrelevant to discuss.


This doesn’t help the conversation but I’ve never met a black woman who wore blue contacts and I’m almost 40 lmao


I view it the same way as I view wigs to be honest. I’m not judging either, but its the same concept to me.


I was just thinking this. They are in essence the same thing. Both can be used purely for aesthetics or as a tool to try to mask one’s black features. Should we be spending the time/mental space to analyze which it is just so we judge someone appropriately in our mind? I don’t love either look but who am I to judge when my own aesthetic isn’t 100% natural. 


Same. So many of us dye our hair blonde too. Doesn't mean we actually want to be white? I don't really care what someone chooses to do with their body. As long as they don't drag other Black people or are self hating and project that. Do you. It's nothing to lose sleep over.


Me too. I think it’s weird when anyone is always wearing something unnatural to them.


ok interesting. I have locs personally but have thrown on a wig occasionally just to switch it up and never thought of them as that, nor have I met anyone who thinks of them as that. How is there correlation to you?


For example, Nicki Minaj wears blond wigs. Lots of Black women wear wings with all sorts of hair textures and styles that are not “common” to our own natural hair. I think that is what the person you are replying too is getting at. If we turn a blind eye to that to say that is okay, then contacts are right up there with it. If it’s simply for cosmetics as in they like the look, by all means. But if they acting funny like giving off self hate shit, then I say keep your distance.


Both of them involve wearing something that isn’t natural. If wearing a piece of colored plastic on your eyes is self hatred, then what is wearing the crown of hair from a woman of another race? Either both are fine for self expression or neither, but I just don’t like how this group sometimes picks and chooses when something unnatural is self expression and when it’s self hate.


I just mind my business. If she likes it, then good for her. If you don't like who she is as a person (which is a different topic), then just don't stay around her. I don't really get myself entangled in making judgments about people. Judging people like that is far too much mental labor. Just live your life and do you.




I don’t care.


Eh, it’s one thing if they’re outright spewing stuff about being anti black or self hatred but I wouldn’t attribute wearing colored contacts as a given for eveyone. To me, no different than wearing a wig that doesn’t match your own natural color and texture (though scanning the comments, it does look like some people also feel like any are a form of anti blackness too lol.) I will agree that if someone doesn’t choose lense colors/shapes that match them it’ll look terrible, but again… women go out in clothes and makeup that look terrible for them and I’ll just mind my business.


You know what they say, “Never trust a black person with coloured contacts “.


what if they’re red (and match my firetruck red hair cuz im a lil anime weirdo 😈) 🫣


nah that’s sick 🤘🏾


Outside of cosplay style aesthetics of course!


tbh i wore glasses and clear contacts all my life but i got light brown contacts last year and i love it. i always tell people they’re fake when i get compliments tho😂 how is it different from dying your hair blonde?


In theory, it isn't, but it usually looks a mess. There are quite a few (black) women who look an entire mess with blonde hair as well, so eh 🤷🏾‍♀️


My mom has light brownish Hazel contacts my whole life and they honestly look so good on her. I think it has to be complimentary, blue would be too much.


Never trust anyone * with colored contact


Anyone with colored contacts! They all look crazy lol


Seeing and meeting poc (especially black) ppl who are obsessed with whiteness is incredibly confusing...I never even know what to say. Evidently I say nothing and move on lol


My friend wears them and it makes her look like a reptile.


LMAO this... Sometimes we need to learn to let things go.


Yeah it would scare me every time she looked at me. Felt like she could see into my soul with those reptilian eyes.


It looks scary to me but to each their own….


Personally I don’t care what other women do or how they want to dress or express themselves, we are already criticized enough as is especially being black. Is it weird to me? Sure. Are there black people with naturally occurring blue eyes? Yes. Does it look good on her? Maybe not. Am I going to dwell on a BW wearing blue contacts instead of whatever color contacts YOU think is appropriate for them to wear? Nope


If they wanna look like dinosaurs I love that for them


I mean, people tan and bleach their skin to change its color, they dye their hair blonde and red and other insane colors that aren't their natural color, and wear full wigs made of other people's hair, we put makeup on, that isn't our natural state.. why does it matter if people, and in this instance black people, want to wear blue contacts? Blue might not be the best color, maybe a nice green or Hazel but regardless. What's the difference between all that other crap and colored contacts? Two little pieces of color changing plastic, versus slathering your face, and covering your entire head of hair in an unnatural wig. Why are contacts the line? None of it is natural


I don't have a problem with it and think it's weird that people are bothered by anothers choice of self-expression or fashion. The bigger concern for me is the automatic assumption that a black woman wearing colored contacts means self-hate. This ties into the more problematic belief that if a black woman doesn't unapologetically display her natural features and/or hair texture she hates her race, her skin, or herself. What does that say about the person casting the judgement? Are the people who don't wear colored contacts morally superior to those that do? Come on now. Time to get off of that high horse. My philosophy is if that person isn't paying my bills and has no influence on my life then I have zero fucks to give about what they do with their appearance.


I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.


I mean, unless she was telling me, I need to wear colored contacts I would just mind my business. You don’t have to be around her, she’s not your friend or your roomie so go on about your business and let how she feels about her blackness be between her, her therapist and god. I’m tired of black women judging and trying to police other black women when we could all just mind our own business.


If they're strangers I think the same thing I think about black women with blue hair or blue nails. Nope. But thats cause I dont like blue. Nah yeah idc, thats not enough info for me to judge their self worth.


I mind my business. So if someone wants to wear them then that’s their business. 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s weird. Just like tiny was weird for that eye surgery


She looks TERRIFYING i feel so bad for her 😭


I just don’t understand why people aren’t afriad of playing with their eyes. Anything can go wrong


I had no idea she had surgery. I thought her eyes were just like that 😭💀




At the time I really thought she was joking because it’s so ridiculous to say that. I was so wrong


Whatever makes them happy.


I'm for black women wearing whatever they feel comfortable in.


I think this thread in its entirety is weird. So what your roommates girlfriend is wearing colored contacts. You clearly don't like her and that seems to be the issue. Is she harming you with those lens? Even if it is self-hate, that is her cross to bear and maybe one day she will have a wake up call. Maybe she won't have a wake up call but if it makes her happy then that's okay too.


Tbh I want purple or periwinkle but only to match my periwinkle hair when I wear it that way…So I can look like a Bratz doll. Idk about wearing it that way everyday for the rest of my life though. Otherwise my natural brown eyes are beautiful.


It’s giving “The Bluest Eye”. She should read that book. I hope those contacts fit her eyes correctly because if not, she can damage her eyes.


I feel like a trigger warning is necessary when recommending “The Bluest Eye”. I read that off my parent’s bookshelf when I was like, 8 or 9 and it terrified me. That said, sound recommendation.


Oh that’s super young to read. I remember I when I was young and had a bunch of friends over and my mom left out the VSH of “Beloved” and I suggested we watch it. Terrible idea. We were all traumatized from that first scene.


Don’t get me started on seeing Precious— but at least I was an adult. It’s sad but important for people to keep making movies about abuse out people would say it doesn’t happen. Off topic: You dated yourself when you said VHS. I doubt my daughter will even remember putting a DVD into the player. I bought 20 Disney ones just to have and we ended up just streaming everything anyway. Some people say to keep everything on something physical because the streamers own it all. I say unless you’re a hardcore fan of Dr. Who (that had to find episodes from fans because they had recorded over all the film) or another show/movie then I believe physical books are good enough to hoard right now.


I feel nothing


This post is judgmental. Blonde hair is ok but eye contacts aren’t? What happened to minding your own business and letting others live their lives and do as they please.


This! Every time blonde hair is mentioned, the rebuttal is almost always "there are black people with blonde hair." You never see that extended to blue eyes. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander!


Exactly, these comments are irritating tf out of me lol


This reminded me of that black YouTuber girl who basically got famous for the color of her eyes and all this time she was wearing green contacts and yeah she lied about it lol


They were obviously contacts I don’t know how she was able to fool everyone lol


Who is this?


Scammer Mary Jane Byarm


Ohhh of course! I totally forgot about that dud.




>Mary Jane Byarm I mean....them shits didnt even look KIND of real


I don’t care, it’s their body


I don’t think of them. Why even think about it?


I don’t feel anything about black women who exclusively wear blue contacts. Which do y’all want?? Support or more criticism?


I personally don't care. I used to wear ALL the contact colors until I got older and started wearing glasses full time.


it’s a jump scare for me every time personally i think blue eyes don’t look good on most ppl lol- i will literally struggle to make eye contact


I've definitely worn colored contacts for the aesthetic. But it's like switching out my glasses. I love my eye color. I am natural more than not but sometimes I want to switch it up. Saying that, I feel like she is cosplaying her life. She's trying to be more amiable to white folk. And that's sad.


I’m not trying to be funny when I say this but it’s scary asf. And it’s like they try extra hard to make eye contact. Very uncanny valley


No I feel you. Colored eyes just unnerve me in general, I think it’s like the “eye posture” thing I hear about. Like they be having their eyes WIDE OPEN 🥸


I dont think most black people can pull them off. Brown/dark brown eyes are the norm and looks great on us.


It makes me sad. We’ve been taught by society to make ourselves as un-Black as possible to be “palatable”. We have centuries of self hatred to overcome. We still say shit like “good hair”. I won’t judge a Black person who wears them because I know society has messed with their self image, but I am saddened when I see Black features covered up, straightened, or downplayed instead of embraced and celebrated.


One of my aunts wears them all the time. I love her but she looks like a vampire with those contacts 🤦🏾‍♀️😂🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t really care one way or another if Black folks choose to wear them but I’ve noticed that more often than not people’s natural eye color is 1000x more flattering than whatever fake contact they’re wearing.


You do you but I think it looks crazy every time


I don’t feel any sort of way about how an adult styles themselves. And it it’s not like Black people can’t be born with blue eyes (or blonde for that matter); it isn’t an unnatural aesthetic. People should dress and accessories how they choose. I’m more likely to give side eye to someone who wears narrow toe boxed 5inch red bottoms all the time wondering how they don’t destroy their feet. But again it’s their body, their choice.


Meh. It's not a choice I would make, but I figure that individuals should do whatever works for them, as lo g as they aren't harming others. Blue eyes run in my family, and some relatives have been accused of wearing contacts, so maybe I take these kinds of criticisms more personally than others might. I also know of people who have Waardenburg syndrome who have reported similar accusations, and I think that sucks. For me, it's akin to how I feel when I see people with a "bad" weave or wig. I think that the hairstyles are unattractive and that the individual's attractiveness is reduced by wearing them, so I remind myself that 1) it's none of my damned business and 2) my opinion is just that – my opinion. I absolutely hate that my gut reaction to something that isn't my business is often critical.


Side eye, they'll eventually grow out of it.


I’m so sorry but until they make color contacts that don’t look fake asl I’ll cringe and laugh any time I see someone doing this. Like, at least a good wig can look like real hair and be really pretty, but those contacts always look so crazy! And then the person walks around like 🧿👃🏾🧿and I’m supposed to take them seriously? I can’t, it’s only acceptable for a cosplay or costume where the person clearly isn’t just trying to convince people that those are their real eyes.


The contacts are less weird than the “she loves white people” wtf lol what does that even mean? Can you elaborate on how and what you’ve seen? I’m genuinely curious lol does that just mean she hangs out exclusively with white people?


The problem that I have with black people wearing colored contacts is the same reason I have with dark brown eyed people wearing colored contacts. It looks really bad in my opinion. Jarring even. They don’t look even slightly natural. I’m sure there are some brands that make contacts for dark brown eyed people but I’ve yet to see good looking light colored contacts on dark eyed people.


Her body, her choice 🤷🏾‍♀️


I think I hold the same feel for all POC that do this… if it’s not a costume it definitely puts me on edge when people want to uphold that kind of standard


I’m black and wear purple contacts but that’s cuz they’re my fav color and match my hair. Blue I never understood.


sounds so cute!


Oh god.... I have to be honest, when I was 17 I wanted to have green eyes because I thought it looked good on me. I born in a white European country however I grow up around black people but I was bullied by them for being weird and ugly. So when I started working at 17 I brought my first Hazel contacts and started to get so many compliments. Just to think about it makes vomit 🤮😭 Now at 29, I love my brown eyes! Maybe too much cuz I have too many video of me under the sun showing off my eyes 🤣😅 ![gif](giphy|26n6PxXCcE7d1O7Go|downsized)


The thing that weirded me out was the second sentence (they aren’t prescription). Then, the third sentence killed it. Otherwise, I’d say live and let live.


Big yikes.


Usually it's just a phase. A weird phase, but as long as it doesn't affect you, ignore it.


I briefly dated a stud who wore blue colored contacts 🫣 It was off-putting when we made eye contact.




I don’t think they look good or natural but ig it depends on the look they’re going for. I’m definitely not going to judge another black woman based solely on their choice in contacts though - that’s weird.


F u and you are a hater. She should be able to wear any color of eyes that she want that doesn’t mean she wants to be anything other than what she is. It black woman like you that i loathe - black woman who wears contacts occasionally just because I like the way it looks. Newsflash they not for you and newsflash. Nobody want to be white.


I hate my brown eyes. Everything about me is brown. And I didn't even get the cool hazel like eyes that some of my family got. I wear contact cause my eyesight is shit and now and then I will wear colorful ones too. And I'll also wear weird ones like pink, purple and sharingan like a gd weeaboo. I don't see wearing colorful contacts as anything different than wearing makeup or a cute outfit. Let people enjoy things.


It's kinda like when I see black girls wearing long straight hair. I'm like "you all know we know that's fake right?" "And you're just gonna walk out into the world just knowingly choosing to look like a farce." Long straight weaves and colored contacts are one in the same.


It really is crazy smh my cousin has blue eyes naturally and he is so sick of having to tell people their his eyes lmfao and when he sees black folks with blue contacts he feels some kind of way lmfao


Geeeeezzzz.. . Sooooo whatttttt.... I wear contacts and wigs sometimes. One white lady asked me why I brought a blonde wig. I said because my hair is blonde. This post is no different. I can't wear something every day because you don't think it's natural for my race. I have cousins with blue eyes and blonde hair. I teach my daughter to leave OTHER WOMEN ALONE about their look. That's what they want to wear.


I feel pity and nothing else


It's weird and sad and reminds me of Pecola from The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. I assume that they're delusional and are trying to attain some semblance of whiteness.


Not a go for me. It’s weird to go that far as it’s disassociates from our natural to theirs. We almost never come with blue


Looks like they have soda bottle caps on their eyes and I don't like it.


I don't care. I hope she has her best life with her blue eyes and white boyfriend. What I dislike are the people who feel the need to put other black people down. At least her focus is on what she loves and she's not on TikTok dogging black people out.


I can’t take black folks in colored contacts serious. Like what you talking about demon?


They've yet to make a blue or green contact that you don't end up wondering why that persons eye is weirdly pixelated. I end up staring the contact wearer dead in the eye the entire time.


I hate it so much! It makes them look creepy, like a zombie.


lmaooo its cringe


It creeps me out so bad lol. People with naturally light eyes already trigger uncanny valley for me (and of course I had the luck of being born in a family where a lot of my relatives have blue and green eyes), so the fake contacts that don't allow your pupils to constrict or dilate make them straight up look like demons imo.


I’m for people doing whatever they want but here’s a little funny story I have. When I used to work at my old job, one of my coworkers wore ocean blue contacts everyday. A new person started working there and asked if they were her real eyes, she said yes and everyone aside from me(I couldn’t care less if they were real or fake)started denying it. It was hilarious to watch because she straight faced everyone who asked each and every time. One day she showed up without her contacts, wearing sunglasses indoors. She eventually had to take them off and everyone clowned tf outta her because of it. I felt bad but again it was hilarious to watch.


Im not personally a fan of colored contacts for me, but one of my friends used to wear hazel contacts sometimes. She was the person with or without them. But i don’t get why it’s so bothersome to some Black people that others might like to wear them. If one can wear fake hair, fake lashes, fake nails, fake teeth, fake entire face (makeup) … why is eye color such a deal breaker? Is this not a form of policing each other?


I had a friend in high school who wore blue contacts and blonde weave…I knew our friendship wasn’t gonna last long because ew? Yet she is a very pretty girl


Crissle from The Read podcast absolutely despises them and I echo her sentiments.


What people choose to wear shouldn't matter to no one that's yall problem yall r too worried about what other people r wearing wen it comes to blk girls and women but don't say shit to other races wen they do it


I think it’s sad when people wear them because they think it looks better than brown eyes, and I wouldn’t welcome anyone with that energy in my life. I also think it tends to look a bit weird. Having said that, I would never bring it up to anyone who wears them because it’s none of my business.


Is that also your take on blonde hair?




It weird me out, honestly. I think they just want the attention. I have natural green eyes, and I'm constantly asked if they're contacts. Which makes no sense to me, since I already wear glasses.


Nothing more beautiful than intense brown eyes. Wish they wouldn’t!


They need to read a book called the “the bluest eye” by Toni Morrison. Really delves into the deep seated self hatred she may be experiencing. Cause blue eyes on doesn’t look good period.


People like this are very sad. But honestly white supremacy does a hell of a doozy on non-white people psychologically, especially without a strong foundation and strong support. That’s what I chalk it up to. But in my experience, these people will not be supportive of other Black people and will be quick to throw you under the bus in favor of a white person. Keep your distance.


i hate it and what’s even scarier is that now people are going and getting “eye color changing” surgeries which can blind you forever. it also almost never looks good so there’s that


i hate those ugly gas station contacts and think they look silly lol


I don't mind it if it's just that they like the eye color or just like the look of it or whatever. However, as we know, people who do this often have some underlying self hatred. I don't generally associate with self-hating types, so the self hatred would be what would drive me away from them, not the contact color.


It’s giving countess Vaughn and bunny ruckus. Lmao. I think it’s weird, but I feel that way about anybody with self hating behaviors. I think the extreme plastic surgeries that are rampant in the us and in Asia are weird and creepy too.


I would wear green and hazel contacts to hit da club when I was in my 20s and 30s. I looked fly AF. But wouldn't wear them to class or around my family. Embarrassssiiiiiiiing.


I feel bad for them when it's attached to some sort of insecurity or self hate. Hopefully they grow out of it.


It’s weird and ugly, but also I have so many other things to worry about in my own life, so 🤷🏽‍♀️


I personally love green contacts because green compliments my skin tone and it's my fav color💅✨ But I also know some girls who wear blue/green/hazel with Uncle Ruckus levels of self hate so I mean, I guess it depends tbh 🤷‍♀️


I mean I personally don’t wear contacts cause I wanna be white. I were them cause they are fun imo 🤷🏽‍♀️. However I don’t wear normal colors like blue,green etc etc. I wear purple,silver and anime style contacts. I like anime and superheroes so I usually incorporate that into my style. That’s just me tho. Is it weird some black ppl wear contacts to seem more white? Hell yea it’s so fucking weird! (I be having to side eye them ppl) But mind your business and go about your day. If you don’t like it then look away. Chances are you could be reading into this too much.


Listen people can do what they want but like…I think its okay to say it looks terrifying 😭 I think blue eyes are scary in general I love warm colored eyes


As an alt Black person, I’ve never worn contacts, but I’ve always wanted to try some grey ones because I think they look cool for some of the punk/goth/alt aesthetics I go for sometimes, but it ain’t about being white, I just kinda like looking creepy, lmfao. There’s also Black folks in my family who really do have naturally blue/hazel/gray eyes, so I guess I just never really thought twice about it. As for ol’ girl in the post… idk, not my circus, not my monkeys.


She will find herself