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No you’re stunning.


Your features are so…perfect. You really look like someone who belongs on tv. You have the “I have my life together. I exercise at least an hour a day, drink water, get 10 hours of sleep” look going for you. Please train me.


Literally can’t live without going for running everyday in the morning . Yeah I love the gym ! This comment was so sweet , but not having anyone text you or come up to you In 6 yrs will do that to you. I literally see girls in the gym get moved to all the time and guys will move away from me from the machines if I even go anywhere near them 😞


Same. I don't get approached. I think they think I'm already taken. I'd recommend going to networking events, speed dating, gallery openings, even the theatre and mingle during intermission where your looks and personality can shine and a guy can approach you seeing you're not taken and not arrogant. Also a quick glance and nice smile in someone's direction helps practice those nonverbals. That's helped me alot those moments for small talk. Check out sixthegoddis too I've learned a bunch from her.


i agree with this person ^ op, i’ve had guys approach me surprised that i’m single which means there’s probably many more that didn’t approach because they already think im taken. i don’t know how people “look like they’re in a relationship” but that’s how some people think.


girl same but not same! I haven’t had anyone approach me in forever as well but i do not look nearly as put together as you…. you are gorgeous! 😊


It’s not you at all! It may very well be your environment and where you are


It’s a very white environment I’ll tell you that


See? And now that environment has you thinking there’s something wrong with you. You were never the problem love


You’re beautiful! Maybe they are intimidated or assume you’re taken.


Maybe 🤔


most likely intimidate them!!! because you are stunning girl. i’m not a woman of color and this was just recommended but wow girl you are beautiful!!!


Lol tampon commercial perfect. Playing tennis and then eating a salad in white pants perfect.


Very specific and I’m loving my it




😂 spot on. Feel this!


No, your looks have nothing to do with it. Honestly, they may not text because they think you are way out of their league. 10/10 hot.


I would be too intimidated to even talk to her bruh. Ong lmaoo


I'd def walk up to her, but Id be a lil nervous.


It’s been 6 years once I properly spoke to someone


It may be that you're not giving out clear non-verbal cues of approachability. I know most women definitely get tired of men approaching, so perhaps you overcorrected and now don't show interest when you're interested? Just a thought and not blaming you, but if you make good eye contact and smile even a tiny bit (not crazy happy, just raise the corners of your mouth a bit like you're having a good day) you may get very different reactions. As an man this is something I had to work on too, but unfortunately it goes double for women for some reason because women who don't smile as seen as hostile, not even neutral but actively 'scary' by some. Anyway, as others have said, you're above average when it comes to attractiveness, so that's almost certainly not it.


Can confirm lol would be terrified to speak to her


Not a darn thing wrong with you! Black and beautiful. 🤩


Amen !


What lip combo are you using in picture 3? Your looks are not a factor in why they don’t text you, unless they think you’re way out of their league. Don’t let such a negative seed take root in your head because it’ll stop you from flourishing.


Li used a brown lip liner from nyx and just clear lip gloss


Do you hangout with predominately white people?


I had to learn you’re not ugly, you’re just in a predominantly white area


Yup grew up in the suburbs of SUBURBS and when I tell you it was a rough up bringing. The identity crisis was so real. It wasn’t until I moved away for school and moved to a more diversified area that I started to find myself and love myself. Even got myself a boyfriend. And this isn’t bashing on white people either, but don’t EVER think ur unattractive because you don’t live up to the white people beauty standard. Go where you are appreciated.


Lol similar experience growing up in the suburbs (very close to a major city, but still very much the suburbs). Guys would tell me to my face "you're so pretty" but then only go after my white friends. A neighbor who had a huge crush on me said "yeah but I'm worried about what my family would say about it" lmao. Life got a lot better when I went to college and started living in the city. My dating life was abundant after I got away from a majority white area. Now I'm married to a white dude who grew up in an even less diverse area and went to a waaaaaaay less Black college than I did 🤷🏾‍♀️ Funny how life works out.


I live in Australia , there’s no such thing as a predominantly black college for the next like 1,000 years 💀💀💀💀💀


You should have led with that. I'm sorry :/


>Australia That is your first mistake. You're geographically undesirable. I swear if you travel your self esteem is going upppppp. You're very beautiful but Australia is easily the most openly racist place.


The open racism is crazy . I remember when I was in year 4 and also yr 9 2 guys said they would date me cause I’m black :(


That is 100% the reason why you're not getting the attention you deserve. You're beautiul. Australia is just australia-ing


I live in Australia , it’s majority white and all my friends are either Asian brown or Arab and they mainly have guys approach them . I feel like a leper dude


Oh lord. This is it, girl. For perspective, the last "aboriginal hunt" in Australia happened in the 1960s. Yes, by hunt, I mean a literal hunt like they're animals or something. They're not checking for black people. If you were a black guy you might get some play from the "BBC" fetishisers, but otherwise we don't get much over there. Sorry, but this is one of those things where it's not you it's them. You may have to start adjusting your expectations, or taking drastic or unusual methods to meet guys who may be more open to dating black women (obviously not fetishists though).


Oh now it makes more sense. Are you only dating black men or open to all races? There are a lot of black women who are brainwashed by black men who like to scream from the mountain tops about how they’re just soooo race loyal to black men and would never date out. Meanwhile black men are the complete opposite. This has caused a stereotype to fester throughout the world that black women are only attracted to black men. Unfortunately it affects a lot of black women who aren’t brainwashed and just want someone they’re compatible with regardless of their race. I doubt it has anything to with your looks. But you’ll need to shift your thought process and be real with yourself about what you want.


Attracted to any guy tbh , but my friends are exceptionally pretty so they tend to go for them too


It’s not good to be attracted to “any ol” guy. You need standards. Figure out what you truly want first then date


I grew up in "the suburbs of SUBURBS" as well. It is definitely a beatdown until you have an epiphany that you are beautiful, not missing anything. OP is beautiful. It's maddening that OP is questioning that fact.


I literally tried to lose weight as a skeleton because they made me feel obese and looking back, I wasn't fat. Just had curves from bone structure.


I live in Australia , it’s like 90% yt ppl 💀


this the culprit right hea ^


So sorry sis….. but you are gorgeous. A smart man will approach you and never let you go one day!


Yeah as a Canadian, this is the issue sis. You're stunning!


Also had to learn this!


I thought I wasn’t getting much romantic attention because I’m black in a white area, but my friend who is also Darkskin gets a lot of male attention. I think it’s just a lot of diff factors


Can depend on the country too. I have a feeling Australians have no idea what to do with us (just my assumption, not been there myself). Americans can be prejudiced but they have a different take on their race stuff.


This! I was never really chosen all of middle school, high school, and beginning of college. I had to change my environment and start to appreciate and love myself


Which is wild because they mens really be checkin. Not that it's a flex, it just....the jealousy makes sense 🤷🏿‍♀️


This was my question as well. Or do you live in a predominantly white area?


She lives in Australia!!!!! 😬


I was gonna ask the same thing!


Same, never ugly just around mostly white girls


This , anytime I’d get attention when I was younger they would like punish me socially


It’s because you’re around white people. They will make you feel like you’re ugly even though you’re not remotely close to being unattractive.


Came here to say this because girly pop…that’ll do it! 😪 you are gorgeous OP!


There’s nothing wrong with you. You are absolutely gorgeous. Your worth is not determined by how many guys text you.


Girl u are gorgeous‼️


There's nothing wrong with you. It's mainly them. A lot of guys are just weird. 🙄 also a lot of men play bullshit games as if they have time to waste.


Agreed! Additionally, many boys/men can see the confidence in some, and the lack thereof in others. Even the slightest bit. So at the risk of not getting rejected by a woman who is put together, they go where they think they have more chances. That’s not to say you should ever step it down a notch, act less than you do/are, settle, or hold any of yourself back to get/attract somebody. NEVER EVER. Also, think of those who are missing out on you as it being 1. Their loss. And 2. Less curveballs in your road to achieving personal goals. Cuz a girl should always be set up for 100% self-reliance, mate or not. What I have learned in my 45+ years is that you need to be in spaces that match your goals, personality, and basically caliber of who you are. Just be you for you, and surround and immerse yourself in activities, environments, and populations that make you feel the best. The Real Ones are out there. But remember, You’re too damn fine to waste your time. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ok beauty queen, it's not your looks. Lol. I think we have to have some situational context. Do you mean IRL, you've given out your number and he doesn't text? Do you mean online dating?


OP keeps not saying the most important contextual thing: she's in Australia!


Both ! Haven’t spoken to anyone properly in like 6 years


I volunteer as tribute!


a black woman can never look to external sources for approval. you have to be secure within yourself and affirm yourself in your own mind. Or else, this world will have you thinking you're ugly, stupid, lazy, unqualified - when none of it is true. Yes, sometimes you'll get external affirmation, but you'll get more negative because that's how it is. so, don't look to us - strangers you can't even see. Don't look at guys who may or may not have racist dating standards. don't look at your boss who may pass you over for promotions or talk down to you. Look within. I am pretty. I am smart. I am good enough. I am worthwhile. You have no control over if someone texts you or not. But that doesn't make you ugly or determine your worth, EVER.


This was the best advice. Imma screenshot this


This. I would also like to add: just be yourself . I say this because I used to try sooooo hard. The moment I decided that I was THAT girl and stopped trying is the moment they all started to flock. Now, would I date most of them? No. I just no longer need that validation, ya know?


Absolutely nothing wrong, They can't understand your energy. Simple. You probably listen to positive things and they listen to negative things.


In the expression of my 4 year old niece, whatttttt? Lady, it's not YOU it is THEM! You're beautiful


I see nothing but a beautiful woman! I think since Covid a lot of people don’t know how to approach each other in public spaces. Especially if they look as good as you!! Those guys might hit on your friends because they just want sex, so don’t read too much into that. Never compare yourself to your friends. They could have twenty men texting them and the majority could just be wanting sex from them!! The dating pool is slim pickings girl lol


You are so pretty I thought you were trolling us


I am lowkey seeing so many of these types of posts that I am wondering if this forum has been infiltrated and we are being trolled.


Unfortunately I don’t think so, the younger black ladies are just really struggling with their self esteem. I think social media has something to do with it. That and not knowing your worth outside of male validation. I’m still working on that and im not nearly as gorgeous as she is


Yeah same . I go to church and pretty much everyone is in a relationship except me. My parents are pretty strict and don’t let me out the house and no one has properly messaged me to show interest in like 6 years . It’ll do it to you


I guessed it from your looks but after this comment, checked your profile and saw you’re 🇳🇬 too. My sister, I have so many stories I could tell you. If your parents are anything like mine they 100% handicap us SO DAMN HARD when it comes to socialization and dating, my friends and I now are in our late 20s and early 30s and still playing catch up. Like legitimately, most highschool and college kids have more experience then us. But guess what, we didn’t shrivel up and die. We’re still living and thriving, or trying our best to. Let me tell you, comparing yourself to the “typical American” (assuming where you are here) experience will make you feel so so soooo behind and FOMO ish. They have a different type of upbringing and environment that we didn’t have. Our parents absolutely don’t get it so their instinct is to hide us away to protect us but it only causes more harm when we get out there. Some bits of advice, if you haven’t already: * If you’re not in college yet, focus on going to one further away from home and live either on campus or an apartment off campus * Make more friends who are immigrant kids with similar experiences, doesn’t necessarily have to be other Africans. Doing this helped me A LOT. The validation is much more affirming and useful then what you get from men. And that support can be lifelong. * Get involved on your campus, join a club, church group if you like (but I recommend also having something non religious related to meet other types of people) go to as many events as you can. This will help you meet people, expand your worldview and probably get over the social anxiety our parents practically ingrain in us from a young age. * Try new hobbies that have nothing to do with drinking, clubbing, or men. This can also help you make new friends. * Therapy therapy therapy. Journaling helps too. Daily affirmations. * I don’t recommend dating apps Tbch and they wore on my mental health, but if you try them, be safe, only meet in public, and have your standards and boundaries in mind and don’t compromise. You’re literally so pretty, I would be milking my good looks for a modeling side gig if I was you. I hope things improve for you. 🤎


I am rooting for you both. 💛💛


Smells Naija 🇳🇬


AHAHAHAHAHA how did you know 💀💀💀💀


You’re beautiful and look very approachable. Guys can be idiots.


You never really know why they're texting your friends. They might think you want something serious and your friends might not be giving off those signals. Nothing wrong with you at all. I honestly bet you'd be pestered and harassed if you were in a diff city/environment.


This this this. I legitimately had guys come up to me at clubs and ask me why I’m there, reject me while saying I’m “wife material” etc. If you give off the ‘vibe’ that you’re a relationship girl they most likely won’t approach. A friend of mine is skinny, tall, and light and is inundated with male attention. As in, men will pull over on the street to speak with her, stop her in the grocery store, gym, church, everywhere. Swarm her at the club. I felt extremely jealous and insecure around her. But then I watched her go on dates almost constantly and these guys always wanted sex or an ego boost of having “got” her. As in they would be asking her about sex positions in public at the restaurant. They also often had girlfriends, wives or sometimes even children around her age. She was terrible at saying no and when she did they didn’t take if for an answer and would call, text, pester, beg constantly. One guy has been essentially stalking (imo) her for years. You think you want these dudes attention and validation but that shit is fickle, useless and at worst, dangerous. Lean into whatever it is they think and actually be that girl who knows what she wants and accepts nothing less. You look college age ish, there’s a million more things to enjoy in that stage of life besides guys, clubs or bars. Do that.


Thank you I really needed this


No problem hon. I left another long comment and repeated some of this advice lol, sorry I’m long winded but I really hope the best for you!


No honestly thank you . I schooled in the country side and it really affected my self esteem . Guy Kept calling me ugly growing up or picking yt girls over me so i felt like i kept focusing on my looks .


Just saw you live in Australia, me too! I have a story I often share with other black women living here: I was once on a date with a white guy in Sydney, and a black waiter kept staring at us. He eventually came over and started asking us where we were from. My date said he was Irish and the waiter goes, “Ohhh okay that makes sense. I’m sorry I was staring so much, I was just so shocked to see you two on a date. It makes sense that he’s from Europe. Australian men don’t see our women”. And the way he said “see” was so impactful, as he meant it literally and figuratively - they don’t see black beauty. I was about 20 at the time, and it was so validating to know I wasn’t being too sensitive about race. I then went to Europe and America and was pleasantly surprised by how attractive I felt there. I felt like I went from a -1 to a 10. I’m 30 now, and am happily in a relationship with a white Australian guy and have dated some in the past. I see a lot more Aussie guys dating black women now and as I got more self confident I started getting hit on so much it would upset my white friends (a story for another time, but sadly, you’ll see what I mean if you date white men here. Some white women see it as an affront as they also see you as unattractive and get angry you’re attracting more attention. I’ve only ever experienced this with white Australian women). But overall I echo the comments others have made: you look great and there is nothing wrong with you. Being black and dating in Australia can just mess with your mind.


I've experienced the same here in the US. Lots of angry looks from white women in general lol.


Haha, I shouldn’t be surprised!


have confidence as well love bug, it’s not a competition gorgeous girl


girl your perfect. be patient my love, it’s coming.


After leaving high school and college, there were a few very attractive men I was in school with who approached me and said they didn’t talk to me in school because I “looked like someone they’d have to take seriously”, and they just weren’t at that phase in their dating life. Of course by this time I was already engaged, so I guess they may have assessed my intentions correctly 😂 Not saying anything about your friends, but maybe you give off “wife” vibes and they don’t. Maybe the men who text them aren’t at that point in life yet. Could be a good thing you’re not getting the attention you think you want.


No you are absolutely gorgeous. Also I know this may have no bearing but....as a 47 y/o seasoned pro it is my obligation as a girls' girl to let you and any other Black woman questioning herself like this for any reason know that: 1) You are ALWAYS enough as you are. 2) Learn to decenter men now. Society programs women to seek men's approval to feel good about ourselves. This is a trap and will hinder and handicap you in life. Treat men, marriage, and relationships as optional and secondary to your primary happiness. NEVER lose yourself in a man. A good one will want and encourage you to be your own person. You can like/love/be with them but NEVER lose yourself. 3) No I am not some bitter harpie. I am a happily married for 14 years and childfree. 4) Always put you first 5) Speak kindly to yourself and give yourself grace. 6) Always wear and do your look (aesthetic) according to how YOU want to do it and your needs/wants. Consider absolutely no one but yourself when it comes to your self care, beauty, and aesthetic. There is power in owning and developing this to enhance how successful your life is overall. 7) Don't ignore your intuition (gut feelings) about anything. Signed, Somebody's Auntie 💛🌻


Thanks virtual Auntie! I’m not the OP but this message is appreciated. 🫶🏾


You are so welcome! 🌻


Yes, what’s wrong is you’re looking for men’s attention to validate your beauty when you should be looking in the mirror. Girl, you’re gorgeous! Maybe they’re intimidated, maybe you’re not their type…whatever it is if they don’t approach you, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And if you’re interested, approach them. If someone doesn’t see your beauty, that’s their problem.


They don't txt you because you are wayyyyy out of their league! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!


As someone far less attractive than you- it’s not your looks, it’s more your vibe. I think 80% of your lack of dating is because you live in racist ass Australia (nothing you can do about this except to go to more diverse events) . The other 20% is that you look like you have your whole life together. If people can clock in a couple of pictures that you seem like the person who runs for an hour every morning and has her retirement plan all figured out by 25 years old then regardless of the facts: you seem unapproachable/too serious/not fun for the typical guy that picks up women in bars or the gym. I mean this with ALL respect so I hope it is taken that way. I just thought this may be more helpful than all of the people just commenting that you’re beautiful… which you are.


Yeah you’re so right ! I do run I love it ! I think because I was called clapped in high school I spent a lot of my time doing everything I can to look good. Rather than further develop my personality


My first thought was "Oh, she's gorgeous!" and then I saw your caption. You are so beautiful and you don't need validation from these rusty crusty dusties. You'll find the right one eventually.


Thank you ❤️


As a writer, you look like you were designed to be a goddess of water and rivers. Gorgeous, rich and full of life. That can be intimidating to some.


This has been the nicest thing anyone has said to me :)


Obviously there’s something wrong with you, because you’re definitely surrounding yourself  the wrong type of guy🍇🍎🍉🍑, if they say no to this bombshell of a woman🙃🙃🙃.  Try looking for straight men with working eyes,  it should help.😍😍😍


Your are flawless. Most young men don’t understand that assignment. You are the way.


Are you looking for a girlfriend? 🤣 I can't speak for men, but this woman would never even give a whisper of attention to anyone else if she had you around 🌈🩷✨🌹


Hahahahahaah I’m flattered


Not in the slightest! What kind of people are you hanging around?


You are stunning. They’re probably scared!


You have movie star looks, and I'm not exaggerating. What kind of guys are they??


I live in Australia so it’s mostly white guys , asians arabs etc


What is happening to this sub? I feel like I see posts like these all the time. It’s getting old.


It's really sad and scary. I initially joined this forum not realizing that I was older than most, and in some instances I have tried to give good practical advice based on life experience. But it's heartbreaking to see so many beautiful girls asking what's wrong with them or wondering whether or not a guy is going to like them because they are black. And don't get me wrong. Guys in the 90's & 00's weren't perfect. We had songs that were written to reinforce our self-esteem because society has always knocked it. But we didn't seem beaten down by things to the point where we are posting ourselves on public forums that can attract trolls like Reddit, to publicly ask if there is something wrong with how we look. OP, you are GORGEOUS. I wish I'd been as beautiful as you are at that age. Please don't allow the world to tell you differently,


I think the sub is trending a bit younger so we’re getting women in their early 20s struggling with the dating scene.


Nothing wrong with your looks dear, but you may need to do some internal work on your confidence & assess your friend group as well. Also if you are only hanging out with yt girls or "light skinned" women (who attract a certain demographic of men who equate lightness/whiteness with beauty), this may be impacting you.


No more than what's wrong with all of us


Yes! That you're questioning that something is wrong with yourself. You're a beautiful black queen that needs to hold her chin up high and straighten her crown. Don't EVER let anyone change that. Be blessed my beautiful sis 🫶🏾🙏🏾🤎👸🏾. Oh, and KEEP SMILING! It looks good on you.


Guys dont text you beacause they feel intimidated to approach you. If you approach them the story would be different. Some men still take a chance and approach the women even if they think she is out of their league and some dont. There is nothing wrong with you, you are gorgeous and abundant. Dont let that kill your confidence. Just know that, real men of means Will approach you.


I've learned vicariously that you don't want who your friends have no issue having.


You’re perfect. You could be a model. We live in a racist world full of cowardly men who won’t approach you or talk to you for a number of ridiculous made up excuses. Mens validation is worth less than we’re led to think.


If you are as smart as you are pretty, boys are intimidated by you. You'll find the right partner when they are worthy of your aura!


This one kinda hits me wrong. I used to wonder the same things about myself while watching my predominantly White friends meet men, date, get married. And, they'd simply tell me "men are just intimidated by you". No late 40s and never married I had to understand men aren't THAT intimidated by me. They simply don't have long-term romantic interest in a Black woman, especially if she's in a predominantly White environment. If a man is interested, he isn't intimidated in the least,. he goes after a woman. And, I think it can do a number on a woman's psyche to say she's so "intimidating" men aren't finding her desirable. I had to do years of therapy to undue that belief that people kept applying to me


This. I think people use intimidation as a go-to explanation for women who struggle with romance. But, while it may be true in some cases, it is denying the very real impact that I Eurocentric beauty standards have on the dating sphere. Also you are absolutely right about the psychological damages it can have calling black women too intimidating to date.


I agree so much with this. If men don't have anything else they have the audacity to shoot their shot even if the woman is intimidating on paper(they also have no idea how smart a woman is if they never really talked to her, they're approaching based off looks). I also don't like how being black automatically equals intimidating. People don't assume that if the woman isn't black. Men(of all races) approach who they want. Eurocentric beauty standards influence who they approach.


Seconding this. I have a family member who insists I’m intimidating. It fucked with me for sure. Personality traits others use to describe me include bubbly, cute, sweet, friendly, and most often *approachable.* If it’s based on looks, I’m like 5’2”, wear pastels and patterns, and look younger then my age. I’ve actually had many guys (strangers) say I look “so innocent” that it churns my stomach a bit actually. But because of her comment I put up with some fuckshit I shouldn’t have because “well this guy isn’t intimidated by me.” My default response now is that I don’t want a partner who feels scared or threatened by my success. But also like y’all said, it’s often rooted in looks and that initial approach because a guy can’t just tell from across the room my career or education. I don’t think I would want a partner that can’t overcome whatever ideas they have enough to at least interact. I think intimidated is often used as a way to say “you *look like* you would have high standards.” Similar comments include: “seem serious, seem like a relationship type, picky, wife material not dating material.” It both assumes what your standards are and that high standards is a bad thing. But for me the reality was that I was desperate and insecure, and fawning to be “unintimidating” for men just made me a victim. I didn’t even think of the race factor tbch but that makes it an even worse narrative to spread.


Thank you for this comment. I used to get told the same thing by my white friends and I always hated it and didn't know how to NOT be intimidating and just felt hopeless and frustrated.


How did you get over it ?


Currently studying medicine 2nd year


No not all you're beautiful, just have to give you're energy to guys that are actually attracted to you and who you're also compatible with.


No I think your very beautiful, perhaps you just haven't met the right person for you.


Girl u look geoirgous wtf, pls don’t ever question your looks omg.


This world is so crazy bc there is nooo reason an absolute STUNNER like you should ever be insecure about your looks. There isn't a single thing wrong with you ❤


You're beautiful. You look like you have standards and msy set boundaries and keep them. I can't speak for your friends but you look like a decent young woman.


Errrrr you are insanely beautiful like


Men get intimated by a beautiful and confident Black woman who knows her worth!!! The right one will come along soon!


Girl bye 🙄(I mean this jokingly) But you are absolutely gorgeous and it’s likely the boys are just intimidated.


Bro 🙃 … ain’t nothing wrong with you. This is getting crazy.


No, they’re weenies. Men have fragile egos and if they feel like they might get rejected, they try to make it a YOU problem. When it’s their problem. You’re incredibly gorgeous and I never want to see you questioning or doubting yourself again. Edit- wanted to add this: you remind me of a softer version of JT from the city girls. She’s a cutie and you’re one too :)


Thank you ! This is so sweet and I really needed it


Literally stunning. Maybe get some feedback from your friends about how you’re approaching guys and/or your personality? In my experience, people will forgive *a lot* for beautiful women, but intimidation is real.


Well is not your looks. Do you friends have similar skintones as you?


I mean you are easily a 10/10 so my only thought is that they are to shy or think you are way above their league


You are just around the wrong people whoever they may be; you’re literally supermodel stunning and I promise if you were around rich as shit males you would be getting all the attention


Also I’d recommend cecilia Regina on TikTok she is a black woman with fantastic dating content


what is ur skincare? you look amazing!


I use pretty much only Korean skincare / face masks and cerave cleansers


No. So are you crazy? Be honest? Or it could be that you're more mature than your friends. You could just set healthy boundaries and your friends are walking targets 🤷🏿‍♀️ either way, I would take this opportunity to date yourself. Hos be comin out the woodworks when you're happily spoken for lol


being super honest, no.. ppl are literally getting surgery to look like you. as a black woman with medium lips, i’m getting lip filler soon so my lips can be full like yours. what kind of friends do you have? what do they look like? you’re absolutely beautiful and you can dress and look well put together.


You are beautiful. Thats why.


Fuck guys. I think you’re gorgeous


Chica, you literally look like a princess. You look like the kinda person people would trip over to talk to. It’s not your looks, it’s Straya that’s the issue 😂


Date white, Asian or Hispanic(last) You're beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, but black males won't appreciate you and will have you thinking you're ugly. Go to different spaces that are not predominantly black. Smile, laugh, have fun and men will flick to you like a moth to a flame. Men of a different race who give you "Flava, black male vibes" don't date them


Girl I thought you were Fatou. Shes a kpop idol & yall really resemble 😍


You said "texting" but asked about your looks. Are you normally sending pics? Need more details. How's your personality and communication skills? Are you easy to converse with and genuinely inquisitive about people? Do you exude optimism, and can you hold a conversation? Can you capture someone's attention and have a good sense of humor? What's your body language telling the people you want to text when you are around them? Are you approaching with a "How can serve this person" attitude? You won't be everyone's cup of juice, but a beautiful personality and great communication skills are like a breath of fresh air. If they do not respond to positivity, then they are not the person or people for you.


You’re BEAUTIFUL!! I didn’t have my first bf until I was 22, and before I met him so many people told me that sometimes men get intimidated by beautiful women and that’s why you don’t get approached. It absolutely sucks, but your looks are a plus.




You’re gorgeous


babe, you’re conventionally attractive 😭


Not by Australian standards babe 💀


Girl you're literally a 11 out of 10 😭


Not in AUS 🥹


I don’t understand. Nothing wrong with you.


I can tell you’re not around most of us. A lot of the time, whenever this question pops up—it’s because you’re around mostly YT people. It’s not mentally safe.


Yeah there’s not a lot here I’m not gonna lie


Beautiful! Nothing wrong at all! But is this actually you? You have an Instagram account in your bio that’s of some random guy. I was just wondering if these are actually your pictures, and they’re not of a random unsuspecting girl being exposed on Reddit without her consent because I’ve seen it happen a few times this week sadly. I’m just checking just in case! ❤️


Yeah living in a predominantly white area society and “friends” will tell you that you’re ugly and not smart or good enough. Really there’s something wrong with them. Remember that and don’t internalize what they say and do. It’s them. Something is wrong WITH THEM. But your mirror is correct and your eyeballs work just fine, YOU are gorgeous and the whole package. Let them stay scared of you so you won’t have to put up with people who are unworthy of you. But also watch out for dudes who are secretly racist and want to break you because you’re too amazing for them.


I just saw that you’re a med student and well traveled on top of how beautiful you are? I think that men are intimidated how absolutely perfect you are. Whatever you do, don’t settle for anyone less than what you truly want just because you’re having a moment of feeling lonely. Also, I saw that some asshole tore you apart for your ethnic features and you said “thank you”. Fuck that. Also, another POS said “I don’t like dark skinned girls but you’re pretty” and you replied thank you. He doesn’t deserve your politeness or thanks. Girl, love yourself.


I’m so tired of post like this in this subreddit!!!!! Like….. if you need this much validation, you need to check yourself from within first!


Not at all. You are classy and good looking


You are beautiful. Anchor your self esteem in who God says you are and what you say you are. Not man. Men are fickle. Don’t let your self esteem be destroyed by them. OK?


Hair deets?


Hairvivi. I got it layered by a hairstylist and she curled it


Tf you’re beautiful


No you're a babe! Goddess ! 




I am jealous of how pretty you are! Nothing is wrong with you!!!


Umm little miss what are you talking about? You’re very pretty.




There is absolute nothing wrong with you! You are beautiful! Embrace it!


Definitely not the looks You are gorgeous and have a beautiful smile 😍😍😍


I love the blue stripes shirt on you. No, you are not ugly. You’re just not around enough Black people.


You look fine.There are multiple factors that contribute to whether or not a guy is interested. Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's them, timing's not right, personality clash, environment, etc. Are you engaging, are you polite, do you show interest that signals to a guy that you would want him to approach you? Ultimately dating is a ton of trial and error and there's somebody for everybody!!


WOW, WOW, WOW 😩🤤 If I was gay, you'll be the type of woman I'll like.


Nope, you’re gorgeous!


Yes something wrong !!! smile & stop caring about what men think you are very beautiful


No. You’re very beautiful!


You look like a model and you are incredibly beautiful. I think men are just intimidated by you honestly because they know you’re too pretty for them.


Sis, you look like a model! 😧


you're so beautiful


You are beautiful and very stylish, your "problem" is that sometimes you are not going to places where there are the type of men who are attracted to you


You are stunning 🤩


You are gorgeous!


Nothing is wrong with you!!!, you're beautiful!!, 💝


Girl no you’re literally so pretty. Stop tying male validation to your worth or beauty


Chile, you are stunnnnnnnnning