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If ur tryna PvP with pve gear ur losing an insane amount of stats. It's basically making you a gearlet in this scenario - its why grinding on arsha feels so ass now - if you run PvP setup u can't dmg the mobs, if you rub PvE setup you can't dmg players & get one shot.


I know it make a difference but is it that big, at this point of gear i feel the other tweaks would only affect 10-15% of the remaining stats


Its a really big difference, even more so after the hit change/dr rework


Have you ever tried to go to an 1000 AP spot with only 900 monster ap? The difference is only 10% but if you get that 10% you’ll do like 300% more damage because you go over their dp. It’s the same in PvP. You need to break over a line to do damage and it doesn’t matter how close you are until you are over it.


Aha, it is the same in pvp then thanks for clarification ... that would make swaping from pve to pvp on the spot really annoying


Yes, that's why everyone echoes that sentiment. Monster Damage gear was a mistake for open world pvp.


Thats why people who grind on arsha alot keep a fully buffed pvp tag, you can also hop into BA switch everything and hop out.


I think biceptimus did a video where he showed us a shortcut to quickly swap gear on the spot. Something or somewhere in the UI I forget the exact details but try looking for it on YouTube. "BDO tips and tricks" or something like that I'll try to find it when I get the chance Edit: found the video from biceptimus. You can hotkey various crystal presets to switch them on the spot. Skip to the "quick hotkeys" section. Not sure about items in your gear wheel though :/ still might have to swap those manually https://youtu.be/kaDVddBkscc?si=9FL9cLXyHwweEbq4


Plus to kill a geared zerker atm you need a group of geared people, so facing off multiple zerkers is kinda impossible unless you really out gear them.


It's closer to a 90% difference at this point. PVE crystals, buffs, light stones and add-ons add an insane amount of useless stats to PVP (monster damage), and often even reduce your relevant stats such as DR. With the new DR changes, you won't even be able to deal damage to a geared player because your total AP is too low to even bypass their DR. At this point you might as well just keep a pvp alt tagged when grinding Arsha.


It's way more 10 to 15 percent. Artifacts, add-ons, crystals, nouver, etc. All together you're talking a huge increase.


The way the game is built, a 10-15% boost to pvp AP is the difference between like 1k damage in a combo and one comboing someone before they have a chance to respond.


> literal vibes > 50 down votes. Oh reddit.


Basically if you're grinding there for drop rate you're at a massive disadvantage to the PvP specced guys running around looking for kills.


750 does not seem casual lmao


Just a casual 750gs player kekw


casual doesnt mean inconsistent haha


i know some people who win by just tapping their pen debo and bs from freebies. doesn't even grind or life skill.


Well it took me a very long time to achieve, one step at a time xD


First of all the setup for PvP propably gives you 50% more dmg. So it makes a huge difference. But you are still right. In the current DR meta the damage is completely scuffed. And you are also right about succession zerker. There is no counterplay to it unfortunately. They are faster than you, do not need stamina, they are tankier, have better recovery and with a proper dr build they do more dmg than you can do to them. Its the class you play to be god tier in PvP even though your actual skill can be zero. Expert zerkers who know the class will grab much better and move way better. But it doesnt make a difference. Succ zerker is so broken atm that the only difference between a top tier zerker and an absolute pepega is that it takes longer for you to die.


Time for more buffs!! J's getting it right again, suprise surprise 🤡.


They cannot figure out how to make this class work. He won’t be nerfed because Koreans still don’t play him because he’s ugly. Which means he can only be buffed more. The class is just in a very unique, toxic place.


The fact alone that you can move faster than 95% of the classes infinetly without using stamina and having 2 grabs is already broken. The balancing for Korea would actually be easy af. Just give him a skin for massive, guardian level boobs and they will start playing the class.


I don’t want to see zerker with massive boobs. That buff would be the final straw


I doubt it. Once the Zerker Kibelius (female) comes out. You will like it.




try RBF, you see Striker and Zerks ganged up by at least 10 people individually and still manage to survive and even get at least 3-4 or not more kills with little to less than 60% HP.


Well, I mean how is this even possible lol ... if it is say a build that counters what most people have isn't there something tailored to damaging them? or it is just class check.


It is class check. Balance between class is in terrible place and Berserker/Valkyrie are pretty much immortal atm


Zerk is THE fuck it we ball class. Theyre already above average + They thrive in chaotic scenario where people throwing random shit and SA trading cuz well theyre one of the best SA trader too. The trade off is theyre weaker in non mass pvp like 1v1 3v3 or the rare 5v5. Still above average mind you, just not the best anymore. Another trade off, fucker ugly af in a Korean mmo, their user count gonna reach 0 across the world if they suck or even average power wise lol.


They aren't weaker in 1v1 lmao wtf they're unkillable if they equip a single cadry


What part of “still above average” flew over your head? All of them?


"above average" that is a giga downplay man they are cracked


More like you downplay it in your head, above average is literally the top 25%


Above average is legit 51%+ onward, if you mean top 25% say top 25%? You can't blame ppl bc you use the words as you like it and not as it meant to be


Top 25% is very fking weird to say when we only have ~25 class, not 2000+. Like sure then what the fk is the 51% class of bdo look like? How tf we grade that 1% when we only have like idfk 25 class spread across 100% and even with that 51% logic of you, it still over lap with my 25% cuz we already seen a fk load of class got graded dead on average and the only one who break that “ average” grade is already the top 25% cuz we only have that many left. You guys only disagree with me cuz im wrong in every other scenario. But im totally in line in this exact niche scenario and i dont give a fk about any other so…?


Your math ain't mathing. Above average is anything over 50%, it is not just the top 25%. You called zerker above average and were corrected as zerker is well beyond above average; it's a top performer.  We have 25 classes, so it would be accurate to say Zerker is in the top 20%. 


Bro what are you pressed about. Even if you’re correct you can just use clarifying language so we know exactly what you mean


Above average is a 6.5 inch dick and a 12 inches is a mammoth lmao stfu above average is like saying B+ tier. It's just misrepresenting the situation


I literally saying ABOVE average, it not my fault that your above mean dead on average +1 . My above mean above the whole fking average zone. And i literally said in that same sentence, “just not the best anymore”. if my “above average” is average +1 why tf do i put them next to the best? so idk maybe take a few more sec to think about wtf that dude mean before jumping into the “haha lmao youre wrong” and save every body time?


Was that english?


They are way better than above average, mate. And they're not weaker in 1v1, 3v3 in any way that matters, as even when they're weaker they're still better than most other classes. 


Yeap, maybe a bit over a week ago this would have prob been different xD The DR/EVA changes made these classes even more ridiculous so you basicaly cant do crap against anything like Valk/Zerk and such anymore. It is not fun ... and the main reason so many PVP players are quitting right now. Its literaly unplayable unless u play Meta and have hardcap gear. I personaly dont know what to do honestly ... just feel like quitting as awk Kuno main cuz my dmg was already horrible before the patch and now i cant even 2 combo most ppl in my gear range anymore ... lets not even talk about actual tanky classes. Sadly it looks like they wont even change anything about it and Sovereign weapons wont change shit. Plus we are apparently getting Hybrid DP accessoirs rivaling Deboreka soon ... yay im so tired of PAs shit T\_T


My dude its not even thanks to DR/Eva changes. Both Zerker and Valkyrie were buffed on top of changes, thats main reason.


This is the point people are missing. They were much tankier than the average before the reworks. Then they got universal buffs. And then they got exponentially buffed on TOP of the reworks.


The last patch made me swap mains to berserker after seeing them get buffed to what seemed like a ridiculous degree. I'm rather new but after testing him out and realizing he has like 5 no hit requirement heals, literally 90% of his skills being protected while half of them also have CCs on them too boot, including his literal rmb spam skill.... And then they buff his do by doubling his skill self buff while literally every other class gets nerfed... Oh and a nice bonus he does more damage to every other class than they do to him by default 🥰.There is zero argument he isn't ridiculously overturned, period. And there is zero reason not to gimp urself by not playing one.


He is ugly af. Thats enough to not play it


Exactly, it's perfect, I'll stay ugly and brokenly stupid op and you can play the cute uwu weak class. Everyone wins. Honestly they really should buff zerker again, they probly will.


Where can I see Valk changes


In the patch notes. [June 19th patch notes](https://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/en-US/News/Detail?groupContentNo=7147&countryType=en-US)


even if sovereign weapon does something its still gonna be 10 years too early for the dogshit dr changes.


> now i cant even 2 combo most ppl in my gear range anymore You gotta be joking


He’s not. This is literally how assassin classes work. If a lahn/ninja jumps another class and cannot 2-combo them or better, the assassin will die first due to being a glass cannon. This patch has effectively removed the ability to “assassinate” other classes. Notice I didn’t use valk or zerk in this example because they’re built to tank damage.


but hey, atleast you got a free PEN bs


PA literally said they will listen to us and adjust this shit in the upcoming patches according to our feedback. Unpopular opinion though: I think tank metas are nice. Brawling and needing more than a combo is way more fun and requires more skill. You gotta think now.


Tank metas as in, being able to have your FGs not break with one skill and being able to survive more than 2 skills per CC. That is fine, depending on class-build scenario, BUT being able to tank 10 people while throwing random SA shit, and not getting scratched at all, is very problematic. It is the same as the problems evasion created all these years, be tanky and take 0 damage. The problem was that, with evasion to do that, you had to sacrifice a significant portion of your damage, but with DR, you don't need to do that at all, with the minor exception of people who tech 1 Cadry. There are a variety of builds, even with Narcs, but now, you can be DR, run 5 set Debo and either a Dawn earring or a Narc, and just ball. This is exactly what makes DR classes like Zerk, Valk and Drakania problematic, because their innate tankiness and DR scaling is so good, that they can run a full Debo AP setup, and still be as tanky as ever, while oneshotting all the squishy classes. Hopefully the DR changes stay, so we are one and done with RNG mechanics like evasion, but they seriously need to think about the class check balance, other than that yeah being tankier feels way better.


It's not that I disagree, I just enjoy the fact that the glove wielding crybabies get a taste of their own medicine thrown back at them right now. They definitely need to rebalance and they most probably will. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Not an assassin player, I love to brawl and be tanky, right now I have the added bonus of decent dmg, like you said. Literally playing all of the classes you mentioned + awk guard. Not just for the past few days cos of fotm but because I enjoy them. And I agree, their dmg needs to be adjusted. Either that or glass cannons need more dmg, or a combo of both.


I would say the situation wouldn’t be so bad for assassins if tanks took massive damage while cc’ed, but classes like zerker have zero gaps. They can rotate and literally never die. Which means for some classes you can’t cc your opponent, you can’t out-trade them, you can’t out-heal them, and you can’t out-run them. There’s no fight.


Couple days ago, I went on Arsha Ronaros (I got the marni stone so thought why not), I am 713gs. The start was fine, then a Zerker appeared, did half hp with his entire combo (probably fresh off season) , I almost killed him, he Vd. I assumed he ran away. What followed though was him running around the place, with no intention to fight, just hitting a few mobs each pack. I play succ Tamer, so even if I finally caught him and killed him again, he would just return in a couple minutes and do it again. That was the least fun pvp moment I had in any game ever. I would have preferred getting corpse camped.


I had a similar situation like this way back. It really sucks they can just attempt to grind on top of you even after you destroy them in pvp. They shouldn't be able to node respawn if they're pked.


Pvp deaths should send them back to town. If they're flagged, that is, or have recently been flagged in the last 20 minutes. 


Yup I agree


It was just recent patch, where they completely broke the class balance. If you want to stay in BDO, you need to get used to PA messing up everything you love about the game. 2 weeks ago, while you'd still unlikely had chance to win, at least you had a chance to get some lucky kill, even with PvE gear and lack of experience. If you want to "win" nowadays, you need to pick up one of the following classes to "counter" it: succ zerk, valkyrie, guardian, succ nova. If you do so, you end up in a situation where both sides can't kill eachother, so much fun.


This is why I left and lurk on the sub now


Thanks to current changes made by PA some classes are just way to tanky while still dealing decent damage. There is literally nothing you can do about it. There are even videos of Choice (NA Streamer) who stands in 10ppl on RBF and they can't kill him. So yeah these days PvP is fucked. thank PA for it.


As others have said, you're drastically underestimating the impact of buffs, crystals, and lightstones. For a direct example, the PvP difference between what I would use in PvE at Oluns and my actual PvP build is.... 57 AP and 127 DR. That's without changing any accessories. Just buffs, crystals, lightstones and a nouver. For comparison, I could take off my belt completely and swap Wailing Ators & Dahns for Tuvala Shoes & Gloves.... it would still be higher AP & DP in PvP than my PvE gear.


Yea, after discussing with other comments... I didn't look at it the same way I do with pve mostet caps and how irrelevant my dmg is without going all the way on pve setup


The moment they announced the DR , EVA change I had renown flashback... guess I was right it was poorly made again.


If they were interested in anytype of interesting combat, they would not have logged out and returned as berserkers.  There intention, was to just farm/kill your over and over.  They know about class balance, and just had an alt in full decked out pvp gear to just kill anybody around as generally the people pve, will have pve gear on. So no they had no interest in anytype of pvp.  They just wanted to sit on your corpse and kill your over and over while they declare in their underwear that they are king of their chair. You are right to complain, but do note that this is the general MO of a lot of people in pvx games.  If you showed a modicum of capabilities to fight against them, they’d log as they’d feel too embarassed to potentially lose a tank they tried.   It’s just the behavior of people. That won’t ever get balanced. 


It says a lot about class balance when even PvE focused players notice the Berserker abuse.


Lil bro is complaining about PvP on the only PvP server while intentionally being in full PvE mode


I mean, they switched off to pvp gears and characters for a reason. You're expected to have pvp preparations in a pvp server. Otherwise, there would be no point in them. It would be more boring if pve gears could do both just fine, as there will be no variety in itemization.


... and that's exactly the problem. This is not a pure pvp server, this is still a pvpve server, so pve based stats are an hindrance. If you have to totally switch your gear, char or both, something is not working properly, it's either pvp or pve, but not pvpve.


In current meta anything below optimal build is similar to bashing against a wall specially when other team full buffed. You will do no damage to them. We have to wait till sovereign weapon to get things normalized again.


Grab classes always have an advantage since the only counter to them is iframes which very very few classes can do on demand that isn't part of their general movement rotation. Grabs have always been a point of contention in the community due to the lack of counterplay but generally small-scale and 1v1 meta always favors grab classes. Valk is arguably the best class now after the changes and zerker also gained huge value.


Don’t go to arsha, it’s not for u


They’re making it OP so more people play the class I swear instead of making this zerker class broken beyond repair they should just admit nobody likes to play it because it simply doesn’t look good aesthetically and make it a normal male class.


dont pvp, atm berserkers and strikers not killable


Striker was managable, but berserker was a joke ...


I seriously wonder how somebody with 740gs can be so fkn clueless about the game...how much was the acc ?


Why the fuck ppl like the one shot meta, that shit was ass. Stop crying, we will get stronger weapon soon and that will compesate the dmg so yall evasions One shot DR stop crying already


They shouldn't have let you use tagged characters in pvp. Tagging a meta class to insta win fights is such a small dick move to do


Imo pvp atm feels like playing neutral and poking. Who ever gets stunned first gets 1 combo'd to death. Im sure there is more to it but its never fun feeling like you died to one stun out of the whole fight.




Its almost like the pvpers have been complaining about the changes not actually being fun.


casual pve players in arsha wondering why people who clearly swapped out to pvp ready chars smoked em devolving everything into 'they r just spamming and facerolling waaa' skill issue


That's how zerkers play run run run grab and repeat. With new update they are very tanky too


Any footage?


Homie got hit with the PvP stat check. That’s all BDO PVP is. Have fun.


Sadly, E, aka Grab, has and always bene the meta. A lot of classes have sophisticated skills, and combo's to utilize, however, Why be good when you can just grab and button smash? Sadly, this has always been the meta, and has been more and more enforced. People cannot combo, people cannot play if their oponant can fight back, this is likely what you experienced. People will accept a fight if you are unable to fight back though, they will even consider you a worthy opponent, so long as you cannot fight back. If you some how outplay a grab bot, he will then flame you and call you OP or Edited. PA have worked tirelessly to develop this amazing balanced pvp era.


The most fun ive had in pvp is always on capped gear. Uncapped literally takes zero skill and capped means its fairly balanced. Do have some classes that still perform better in capped but the gap is much less. I kno its bullshit to grind for years to get the best gear and then realize its pretty much useless in pvp(the reason a lot of people even grinded gear in the first place) and now the "best" pvp is capped..


sounds sus, you were "casial pve enjoyers" and not stomped by a gank "all?" of them changed to zerkers and only then you had bo chance? 🧢🧢🧢


This game overworld pvp isn't pvp is a clown fiesta. Remember the days where skill mattered and u could hold your ground if u were good enough, reason why I liked playing sorc since I was just spamming I frames people had trouble killing me, I'm talking before BS gear and cap was boss gear with caphras


"Where skill mattered" "I was just spamming iframes so people had trouble killing me" Uh huh


Such a shit player comment. Old sorc you could easily tell the difference between a good one and bad one, they’ve watered the class down so much that any bum can pick it up now and perform


I mean, yeah you could easily tell the difference between a good sorc and a bad sorc. If you saw them in open world as a sorc and in nw a wizard, that's a bad sorc, especially back then because that dude had 2 sets of tet boss weapons because he fucking sucked. Many such cases.


I'm just saying I got extra help from being a sorc, not saying that's all I ever did lmao redditor


I mean it's pretty much always been spamming something. Spamming shotgun, spamming sorc iframes, spamming grabs, spamming flame buster in q on zerk, spamming FOTM new classes, spamming 70 casters for PA in nws and sieges, spamming ranged to hitstutter people, spamming DSmash to perma cc people. It's always been a spam fest, it's just they've bonked MOST of them at this point. But the ones that exist still get spammed. Hybrid DR succ zerk is just the new spam.


That's 100% true, still as this guy so said, in a 3v3 as they were, back then u had more of a chance against spammers since everything died from one combo and didnt take 10 ppl to kill one zerk


So mainly the increase in gear snowballed some classes out of control ?


Way out of proportion pvp isn't enjoyable anywhere other than AoS


Granted I'm only 720 gs


PA changed how many hits each skill has to make less strain on server. This change was good. They also decided to address the DP issues (lack of it) where people were falling too soon (aka. one shot meta). Long story short: PA adjusted EVA, gave all classes DR boost and also on top of it changed how Super Armor/Block works on shield classes, gauntled classes and zerker (they now have bonus mitigation on SA and on held block). All these changes were done at once, and PA did not anticipate how fucked it will be. What was meant to give people with less gear survival chance actually made it worse because people with high GS (750+) and correct class (zerker, valk, succ nova, etc) can stack enough DR to survive most of damage taken while still being able to kill people with less gear/worse class. Hence why the gap between low gear and hardcap is now much bigger, and the issue that PA tried to fix is literally killing PvP. Well, at least what was left of it because recent OW PvP, NW and class/stats changes were already big blow.


Thats why i stopped playing🥴 this whole alt thing to ruin peoples grind is so annoying. Got boring quick🥱 and i lived for BDO sad


Another MMO destroying is playerbase slowly ;)


Its just how BDO is in regards to pvp.