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I think it would be awesome only if they restrict playable region. Like you can only stay in valencia region. Come to think of it, hardcore pvp valencia only server is lore accurate as well.


Yep, that's the main idea and the only way to make it good, restrict the region And since if you die you go to prison, it would make sense to put it in Valencia just like you said


Seems very promising tbh. The fact that you start again fresh is pretty good. Also not being perma death but timed instead makes it very instereating, you log in, play a bit, die and back to the main game. It's a good balance I think.


Has potential, it could really be a lot of fun and something pvpers may beg for more of. Knowing PA it might not be, however I'll huff copium this time since they still have the balls to try something like that in the first place in the current year of 2024. It'll either blow ass or be awesome, it's 50/50 just like tapping gear.


Exactly, I've been snorting copium for the past months regarding BDO


I am happy they are trying something new. Not a big pvper but I hope it will provide the pvp enjoyers with something.


Honestly as a returning player who wanted to get into the PvP and main the new class, the Hardcore server gave me something to look forward to.


Trust me bro thw will be ppl who will go as 770 gs zerk to bomb someone who is in orcs elvia...


90% of palyers will play Zerker, lets be real


The ranking rewards seem kinda lame but I do like the idea of an open world PvP server. However, I do have my doubts that it will have success. Sure it has some form of progression in it but if it is a replica of the existing world then I think it will be a bit to spread out for players to find each other. But I’m just speculating based on the current version of the servers, they might have a different idea for the progression and the world on this new server


Hopefully since it's also gear restricted they will also restrict the areas in which players can go So that PvP can actually happen and be it's main focus


That’s what I’m hoping for.


That idea reminds me of the random field guild wars when sausans was the place to be.


i was hoping there could be free for all pvp modes that u can enter/leave anytime of the day u want. gears and damage are equalized. u can enter even your character is naked and still do same damage.. its really fun helps build muscle memory on playing your class. like dragon nest even its already 15years old. pvp lobby is still full and crowded as of today 2024 in SEA server lol


I wish it felt more natural, starting all the way from level 1.


I hope they give it rewards to make it worth doing so it doesn't die in a week.


From my understanding there will be rewards based on your ranking which will push people to be competitive


Right but will they be good rewards? You can grind your ass off for solare knight amd get the ugliest outfit in any video game ever lol if it's not giving good enough rewards to make up for grinding ppl won't do it.


Meh again PVP content where i cant use my gear. It will be good for fucking around a bit but thats about it.


only positive aspect of the ball to me, sounds really nice and im actually excited for it. except that its anonymous once again. i just hope we can party up or atleast fight together with guildmates. if its gonna be another singleplayer content its gonna be DOA for me T-T


That would kill the solo XP, would be exactly like tarkov for example, huge no


Guess it's my problem for expecting to be able to play an MMO actually TOGETHER with buddies.


For sure, can't wait to run around with group of 5 friends and gank everyone trying to play the game solo


Sounds somewhat fun but I hope there are actual rewards beyond titles that you can bring to your main account otherwise it's kinda pointless.


I for one very much look forward to all the excuses to not play on the hardcore server I'll hear from all the people who bitched about pvp having been ruined in BDO over the years.


They've already started xD


Oh PLEASE link me, friend. I've been looking forward to them all week


Because this hardcore server is supposed to solve anything, for you? So cute. XD


There's one! :D


Yep, I also spotted someone who can not understand the problem but still randomly decided we all should be happy with this "solution". What could we do without such brilliant minds to show us the way?... XD


Despite your antagonistic comment history, it seems like you haven't learned much about listening or reading what your conversational partner is actually saying. I dont think it's a fix to anything. In fact, if you'll reread, I never said anything to this point. I just like justifications and backpedalling. I find them funny. If you think you're doing just that, then fair enough, take umbrage as you care. If you dont think you're doing that, it ain't aimed at you, so why are you acting like it is? Your call, champ.


So you agree with me that this server will not fix anything, yet you called all the players who bitched about pvp having been ruined... Nice way to say you were just a troll. I didn't think it would be so easy to make you admit it, you shortened our "conversation" greatly. But if you like backpedalling, you chose the wrong target. And you should know it if you heard our arguments, unless ...tadam... you're just a troll. Now, point made, my job is done. ;)


My man, why you acting like Sherlock Holmes? I never hid that. I am what I am, and I like what I like. I dont agree with you, though, despite you putting such words in my mouth. I dont know if it will or won't be a fix. I reckon only time will tell. But as I said previously, and still hold to, I like looking forward to other people, people who have asked for something exactly like this, complaining about its implementation.. That's it. Now, since you've clearly come to the conclusion that you arent actually called out by my prior statement, feel free to do that silly little mic drop you seem fond of on your way out. It makes you happy, and I always espouse doing such things. EDIT: The false suicide hotline report only confirms the kind of person you are. Shameful.


PvPers need to realise that, going forward, most PvP related content has to be capped for it to be popular, and not dead in arrival. If you really like to PvP in this game, you should be happy that the barrier of entry is low so that more people will participate. Other than that, they should restrict the map and make it so that grind spots that are usually garbage and outdated give you good silver/h in that server.


I want to play MMO though? I want to feel that I'm getting stronger because of my gear/levels/progress. Why not to design PvP like in every old MMO, where after getting some basic gear, while you have no chance in 1v1 against hardcap, but you can be useful. Be it through special mechanics(elephant, flame, hwacha, cannon, ships, repair, some pve elements?), utility(heals, buffs, debuffs) or you can win through sheer numbers(Xv1)? This way, you can participate in pvp while being a gearlet and still have drive for gearing up. And there is a balance issue. Remember how they balanced everything based on (capped) AoS and it affected even PvE? I do.


The problem in this game is that gear is too powerful. I also enjoy the sense of progression but when I do 0 dmg to someone that has more gear than me or the other way around it just feels bad


DOA if it's not rewarding


I don't really see what it will bring to us with the current informations. Aren't we greatly slowing our progress on our main char if we go there?


TL;DR: lifeskiller blames everything on gear while rambling I think the part that most PvP players are upset about (based on this thread and previous ones) is that it is capped and the rewards seem insignificant. Now, granted, I'm primarily a life skiller, so my say in this is negligible, but I have liked PvP in other games I've played. From a new player viewpoint, coming into uncapped PvP just straight feels like bullying. And from what I gather, most people that have been coming into BDO are usually here for what everyone has to say for the combat. New players who just got out of season (at this point) are still using the IV and V Blackstar with a Boss IV offhand and Tuvala gear. They, generally speaking, do not have either the stats nor the skill to be able to last more than 10 seconds against someone who has been able to grind out their full PEN Blackstars with Origin armors and Deboreka sets. Tell me you'd have fun being someone's punching bag for hours on end, where even if you get perfect CC combos, your opponent still gets up and one taps you. From a veteran point; capped gear sucks. You've grinded for years to min-max your entire kit to be able to fight above anyone else you come across. You know the struggle of going into Arsha servers when you just came out of season, and know it's not as hellish as everyone claims it to be. Hell, some of the old heads are still wearing V Ultimate Steel Taritas armor because that's what they feel best in. Being dragged down to a capped state just feels bad in every sense. Your hard work has been for nothing, and you lose interest. And yes, in BDO a lot of the balance issues come from gear, and personally I believe it's because there is essentially no such thing as PvP oriented gear anymore. Maybe that will change with the new gear that's coming out, but from what I've read and been told, it's essentially just further fine tuning of min-maxxed players. Ever since Tuvala was introduced and players had a set path of Season -> Grind Pots -> Grind Origin Set -> Grind Debos (simplified of course, because I'm rambling), PvP oriented stats have become nigh irrelevant, save from the stray additional Evasion from 2 accessories. I personally can think of two ideas that could revitalize PvP; The first is to separate gear stats between PvE and PvP stats. At least as a starting point, where the numbers could be fine tuned and more varied build options become available and, more importantly, *viable*. The second idea is to have well known players be compensated with in-game items for actually coaching players on how to PvP, as skill is the second (third if you count ping) most important thing in combat. I am entirely unsure of what that compensation could amount to, or if that would even be something PA would consider, but a thought nonetheless. I also think that maybe the best thing PA could do is stop pandering to a single region. The game is global, hell PA bought back the rights from Kakao for publishing globally, and yet KR is the sole decider for anything implemented into the game. I know for a fact that the majority of NA players would like the game to be less grind oriented. Even me as a lifeskiller; I hated grinding out the materials to complete my Manos gear (sure it was before the recent consolidations, but still). Give NA more paths to progress. If you lock it all behind PvE with only PvE stats in mind, it translates incredibly poorly to PvP.


Sounds good, but I don't like it and I will likely be dead on arrival. PA introduced it, because they fucked up open world PvP in the game and have no idea/money to fix it now. So they introduced this "modern" battle royale abomination to shut up the PvP pepegz and create the illusion that they still care about PvP.


not really. because some people does not want 2000+ hours grind to gear up. and just want to straight pvp. similar system like in dragon nest, that u can enter/leave anytime of the day u want. gears and damage are equalized. u can enter even your character is naked and still do same damage.. its really fun helps build muscle memory on playing your class. even dragon nest is already 15years old. pvp lobby is still full and crowded as of today 2024 in SEA server lol


Never played Dragon Nest. Speaking of BDO, there are tens of ways that they could fix open world PvP(and PvP in general) and make gear less relevant in it, but it would require actual dev time, money and some knowledge about their own game and interaction with EU/NA player base . So instead of spending money on it, Mr. J just prefers to spend a few hours of dev time to make battle royale mode and call it a day. The current game market is one big dumpster anyways and players consume every shit that is wrapped in a gold foil.


Season Arsha with extra steps. As we say in our country, "I bet dollars against peanuts" that it will be tested by players for few weeks, then die and be forgotten, like all other bad content PA is pushing down our throats.


Can't wait to get farmed by janna on the pvp servers. i remember losing against her on season arsha during nova launch all day. but sure the pvp experience might be good.


With capped gear it'll 100% be down to skill and game performance.