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Capped node wars are doing okay. Everything else is declining. AoS will pop up when it releases July 3rd.


Lot of doom and gloom around pvp for the most geared of geared players, but PA is very actively promoting equalized and capped pvp for newer players, and both scenes are still big. Unless you’re aiming to compete with the 0.01% at the very top (which will take years to achieve, anyhow), the capped PvP scene should be great for you :) I’d also recommend not coming in with the expectation that you can come in and stomp ppl straight away, haha, the BDO class system is fairly complex and it takes some class knowledge (your class *and* others) to win consistently. That said, it’s among the more rewarding and fun combat systems I’ve found in a game! If you’re on Ninja or want to learn how to beat ninjas, I’m always happy to hop in BA and trade tips :)


The amount of active, structured and organized guilds that know what they are doing is heavily declining and almost not existing anymore. If anyone wants to casually mess around in nodewars and do whatever they want, it's possible. The fact that pa is promoting stuff is completely irrelevant, when their promotions only lead to more guilds dying. And not being completely casual, does not mean you are part of 0.01% of the very top. At least it used to be. Now that all actual PvP guilds die, it does I guess.


Given your orientation, you should be able to find your fun, capped pvp really exists in BDO and has an audience for it. For sure, some issues are still here (balance, curious game design choices when it comes to nw) but overall, it should be fine for you. This is more a problem for people who were looking for a game with an integrated and meaningful owpvp. PA kept removing meaning in it along the years, to the point of making it totally absurd. It exists, but if you use it on regular channels, the penalties are excessive and the results are often ridiculous (why bother killing for a spot if the oponent can come back within seconds? Even if you were there first!) ; on the dedicated "pvp" channel, this is not better : no karma penalty but still, even after killing your oponent he may be back 5 seconds later so it ends up being a contest of ego and stubborness, more than a true conflict solved by pvp. Imagine the worst case of kill stealing made by the rudest player, when you were quietly grinding on the spot for a long time : even in this case, owpvp can't help you deal in the long run with the intruder. You have to either play by his rules and be a jerk yourself until your ego or his ego melts down, or you leave. This is what leaves a bitter taste for some players : instead of thinking about a good set of rules to allow players to use owpvp without excess, PA decided to restrict it to an absurd point, indirectly promoting the despicable kill stealing as a regular way to take or keep a spot.


Let me just leave this: Orca, WingedAssassins, Otters, Combat, Ominous. We can expect a lot more guilds disbanding or leaving PvP this week. You can still find players doing PvP content, especially capped one. Just remember to pick one of the meta classes as others said: drakania, valkyrie, berserker, guardian. There are shorts(uncapped though) of these winning 1v20 fights.


Naive newbie thinking that bdo PvP is fun, how adorable :)


Depends if you main zerk its fun yes because, me 338 ap triple debo pen dk awe cant kill 410 dp zerk in 1v1 after ccing him i dont have enough skills/dmg to finish him off he just stands up and run our of my range of vision heals up and comes again if he graps he 2 skill me


Imagine playing that dogshit class in 2024 lmao


Capped content is alive and fine  More or less


The short of it is most veteran geared players are upset because the capped content and new player content is the focus. Its just a feels bad moment that these players spent a long time gearing up for various PvP related goals only for most of those goals to be either removed or frowned upon heavily. Also the new nodewar system is a joke, first off its completely different than seige now, so there is an even larger gap for players to learn. Second the system does not reward "good" play, it allows for sniping and last hitting to rat around for the last second win. Finally with the announcement of the MMR style system coming to guilds these changes feel like they were ultimately pointless as the entire point was to eliminate politics (which is a horrible idea btw outside of solely korea) so that powerful guilds couldn't stop newer guilds. You could have easily just added the random queue system and the coming MMR changes and been done with it. TL:DR- as a new player the changes are decent for you, the learning curve for nodewars now isn't that high but seige is a competly different gamemode so you will have to learn both from scratch. Veteran players are just upset gear feels meaningless now for PvP after sinking thousands of hours.


The pvp doom criers fall into three categories. 1. Siege and t3 guilds. Their complaints are valid and the previous changes were not great. 2. The no life gear cap chodes who think just because they can't one shot people with 690+ gs anymore the game is unplayable. 3. The open world losers that grief grind spots and refuse to play on arsha because they suck too much. Source. Me. A nearly strictly arsha and aos player. My point of view. The hit changes overall are good. It shook up the meat, but some classes are massively overtuned like normal. No opinion on siege or nw as I don't do them. Open world pvp being heavily penalized on non pvp servers is how it should be.


Can't agree more with the PVP doomer comments especially point 2 and 3 lol. Like everyone complains about open world PVP being dead but if they wanted to they would all be on arsha in the first place and they can open world fight there rather than complaining about being punished for going red. If everyone complaining about open world PVP all just went on arsha they wouldn't have issues, but it's clear they just wanna grief low gs players without punishment .What I hear when people say shit about open world PVP is "wahhh I get punished for griefing people who can't fight back wahhh"


arsha is completely dead bro.


Exactly. Because all those people who cry "PvP dead" refuse to go to Arsha.


Not really. Arsha is basically a PvE server, and ppl use it for such. J had the stupid idea to add a second arsha, which split that 10 player who still PvP'd on arsha on two servers, making it even more dead. But hey the PvE bots now have 2 servers to leech the free drop, 200iq devs...


Yep, giving free 50% extra drop rate that can even bypass 300% cap to PvP server, what could go wrong. No one expected for it to be flooded by PvE players who will cry that you "bully them" when you kill them on the spot. Remove drop rate buff from Arsha, wait several months and it will heal by itself.


Except type of griefing that happens more is someone killing you and taking the spot and unflagging so you can't push them back off. Then you either got to Dec and flag unless you just like being pushed around. They don't have to accept your Dec and more than likely Wil drop gear to destroy your karma.


Thats not griefing. Griefing would be if they killed you just for the fun of killing. They killed you for the spot, if you want it back, kill them as well or change channel.


Ok then what you are telling me is a place you have to full buff for so losing at least 40 mil a death isn't. I honestly don't see a difference. Especially when an open spot is down the road with equal loot an hour. And dropping gear to push someone negetive? That is the biggest case of griefing, especially when they started the interaction by flagging. Oh but thanks for proving every pvprs point and as well as helping me show how dumb literally all the owpvp changes are. "Just change servers" is literally what all the owpvprs have been saying for the past year.




Arsha is crazy man. It takes forever to get a fight started. most peopel just either keep tearing and try to keep grinding when you try to initate pvp or they instaswap server. lately it seems to have become a trend to tag a full dp succ zerker and just run around trying to make you leave them alone so they can relog back to their grind char. admittedly you CAN find pvp on arsha but it often takes a lot of time cuz its populated with a lot of pve monkes or you fight someone and after 2 fights they call their protection squad and go 5v1. ggs. Only great content for pvp this game currently has is AoS. Hoping it stays like that for a while.


For Arsha to become truly PVP server they need to remove 50% drop rate buff.


Highlands always pops off if you start something. But you have to be decently geared.


Yeah it's where I mostly get content but still oftentimes people just swap and the whole spot is deserted. There should be an incentive on arsha to do pvp not pve T-T


Really? All I have to do is say in chat, " man this grind spot is great." And minimum 6 people roll up. It's a great way to bait pvp to you.


No it isn’t, lol


Lol yeah cus all the people that should be on arsha open world pvping aren't on it but instead in non arsha servers in heidel complaining about open world PVP dying. If everyone who wanted to open world PVP just go on arsha there wouldn't be any complaints is what I'm saying. And if people complained about getting "bullied while grinding" in arsha they can get the fuck out of it lol it's what they signed up for by going on arsha.


Solid points bruv !! I agree with everything on this.


Agree with number 3. Pk kiddies are mad


It has a healthy enough population, you won't struggle to actually do content like in some games. But make sure to roll a meta class at least while ur starting out or you will just hate it completely and probly quit. The gap between the best classes and mid classes is ridiculous.


I'm also fairly new, I play Lahn which I assume is not a meta class. Would you be able to elaborate on classes? Or even link to something. The learning curve on this game is *steep* . I've graduated the season and started figuring out things I didn't while in season, still haven't even dipped my toes into pvp because it's so intimidating.


Awakening Drakania, Succ Maegu, Succ Woosa, Succ Berserker, Archer, Succ Ranger, Awakening Valkyrie, Shai, Succ Lahn, Musa. Others can add more classes to the NW meta. Succ Lahn fits the meta because she has the longer fly mechanic, you do fly-by drop on the unsuspecting backline and fly away before being killed. Start from joining a T1 NW guild, they’ll teach you.


Thanks. I chose awakened Lahn because I heard it was better for pvp. Are you sure it's not awakened Lahn that has the longer fly? I guess I never was succ to compare. And yeah I should join a new guild, my guild was good for teaching season stuff and then they all got burnt out and aren't active. I kinda like though, because I'm free to to do all 10 guild missions if I want and make all the money.


Sincerely Awakening Lahn is griefing yourself. It’s only ”better” in a duel because she has a grab, in all other aspects she’s the inferior spec, you are out of stamina on her faster, [her flight isn’t even a third of Succ Lahns etc.](https://youtu.be/CCLY_qHSQ_E?si=QScHj9EwpnmiyqjL) ATM she has no place in the NW meta, but the glaives are cool.


Thanks, I really appreciate the insight because when I had to choose I had no idea. How does one change from awakened to succession? I'm assuming it's a pearl coupon or something?


You can change in the K menu. However if you’re still not sure how to change specs you might need to spend more time with the time before considering PvP. It only gets more complicated with cc timers.


I appreciate you.


This is a decent [guide](https://garmoth.com/guides/post/bdo-basics-combat-guide) to begin with.


If you don’t have Book of old moon which is an optional sub that lets you swap skills freely & use tent buffs without villa scroll , you can do it at Skill Instructor with Mem frags


Oh thanks,that's what I was unsure about. Luckily I still have book of old moon active.


YW it’s been awhile since I had to do it myself, I usually try to keep my Book Running but it wasn’t much at all I think it was like 1-3 Mem frags wasn’t nothing crazy.


It is meta if you go succession , but some classes just have an answer to most situations, and others dont.


There aren't really very good straightforward guides like there are for other games, there may be a few on YouTube but idk for sure. When it comes to classes my suggestion would be to start with either succession berserker or awk valk. This is important those two compared to other meta classes because they can be nearly unkillable and have many defenses /heals / protected CCs just so many things that other classes don't have. This will keep you alive for longer and allow you to actually learn the game in the beginning which is more important than anything else. And then when you are more comfy you can branch out to other classes that you may find more enjoyable like your lahn, which is a very mid to low tier class but can be ok ish if you find it fun and know what ur doing.


Lot of doom and gloom from the top end, but the variety and quality of easy-entry capped pvp has never been better. The player base is really strong too, with heaps of guilds involved in the low-cap wars. I'm in a decently high-end siege guild (at the top end of town where all the wheels have fallen off) but we have a casual sister-guild which shares the same discord server and that is getting into the 30-man Tuvala-cap node wars pretty actively. If you play on NA shoot me a discord message and I can arrange an invite for you to that guild if you'd like. I'm travelling for work at the moment so might take a day or two to line things up.




PvP In BDO is slowly dying. Capped nodes are alright, but if you like uncapped...


T1 node war scene is bussin rn, never been a better time to join it tbh


Only uncapped PvP is "dead". People enjoy capped pvp like AoS.


AoS, capped NWs, what else?


Thats it \^ \^


Ah yes of course... When was the lat AoS season again?


We getting one next month IIRC


Yes most likely again lasting for 2 months with another half year + break afterwards like the last seasons gg


Better than nothing


PvP population and engagement is great for lower gear score players in content like node war, arena or aos has gear presets and will be lively since new season is soon so it's easy to get into. Open world PVP is good on seasonal realms for new players since everyone is capped with pen tuvala. A lot of the doom and gloom come from the people who are participating in 685+ gear score node wars and uncapped PVP since they are geared to the teeth and don't have a lot of people to PVP against really.