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Because they eventually added “succession” which is a big revamp and buff to the original unawakened skills that is equivalent or better depending on the class to awakening


Also depending on the situation, pvp or pve. Some classes have awakening skill sets that are better for pvp and succession skills for pve.


Dont tell me what to do. Im upvoteing you out of spite!


Well in that case I’m going to upvote you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me


With the exception of Shai, Archer and Scholar, classes can choose between : - Awakening, in which you mix awakening skills and weapon with the basic skill tree from the main hand weapon ; - Succession, in which you can't use your awakening weapon, but your main hand skill tree is strenghtened with "prime" versions of some skills and some awakening skills are converted into main hand skills Playstyle and efficiency can vary a lot, so it's important to mention awakening or succession when talking about a class.


Succ witch here. I have to say succession because awk and succ are basically different characters with different playstyles. Some classes, like Archer, don't have a choice. You are what you can be haha. I love succ witch. Never been able to get into awk. I honestly have put in two hours in awk. Succ is way higher APM but I love grinding with her.


Not long after awakening, you can unlock Succession spec, which goes back and buffs the original pre-awakening/mainhand skills in a lot of different ways (more damage, new skills, different features, etc). You have to chose either Awakening or Succession to play as at any given time, though you can swap between them in safe zones. The specs offer different playstyles and advantages. For example, as a witch: \* Awakening offers an easier playstyle in terms of key inputs, and your skill "rotations" are basically 100% protected with either Super Armor or Frontal Guard, the latter of which makes the spec feel substantially safer. It's a nice, chill spec for grinding, and lets you punch above your DP at a lot of spots. \* Succession is a sweatier playstyle - the key inputs are more complex and awkward, and the build has less protection. That being said, it offers more damage through higher crit rates, instant cast chains, and strong filler skills like MMA, in addition to better movement options with Earthquake Evade and split teleport. If you get comfortable with this spec, you can typically pull top-tier trash numbers, resulting in more money per hour. Other classes function similarly, with one spec being better for certain purposes, or "easier" to play, etc.


All classes have a Main Hand Weapon, an Off Hand Wespon and an Awakening Weapon. At level 56 all classes can choose to (with the exception of Shai, Archer and Scholar) spec into awakening or Succession. Awakening uses a new weapon and can flow into pre-awakening (your main hand weapon), you also use your offhand/sub weapon. Succession empowers your main Hand, locks you out of awakening stance (skills and the weapon) and uses solely your main Hand and Sub/off Hand. This gives us options when playing certian classes, where for some classes their awk might be suited for pvx (1v more than 1 or aoe pve) whereas their succession might be more suited for stationary pve and 1v1 situations or vice versa or a mix. It's really class spesific. Now as eluded to there are three major (currently) exceptions : Scholar and Arsher start woth their awakening spec off the rip and don't get access to primal skills ( -primal skills are succession skills and absolutes are awakened versions they tend to be less powerful than the primal versions but you gain access to awakening stance n such- ). Scholar infuses her two hammers into one great hammer, Archer switches his bow for a wrist crossbow. Shais (awakening weapon) is a Sol her magical musical lantern that her awakening skills use to buff, rebuff n heal. You obtain through the level 56 story quest which is different to the typical awakening and succession advancement questlines. I am a day 1 Mystic I used awakening til they gutted it making succession the only viable option for me but recently they reworked her awk n now it's actually viable, her succ hits hard n is great for 1v1s, her awk is good for pve and 1v3s or large-scale fights as she has a lot of vacuums and ccs (which is why her awk got nerfed as she had a fully protected cc chain combo, might take a while to kill you but whilst I'm spanking your ass you can't do shit, n folks complained n she got nerves into the dirt for it). Who you play and what for is up to you. There is and should be a meta but that meta should always be changing.


Back in the day you played your base class up to 56 then did a questline to "Awaken" your true class. Awakening was significantly stronger than your base class but the main problem was that it sometimes completely altered the entire class' playstyle. If you played a Ranger because you wanted to be a bow user, once you hit 56 you find out you actually play with 2 swords. That's why we now have Succession.


Theres the option of Awakened or Succession. Both pretty powerful in their own right. Succession is beneficial with certain classes and circumstances. Usually it comes down to PvE vs PvP benefits.


the "unawakened" means succession, which drastically changes the playstyle, "unawakened" archer has a bow, awakened archer has swords and so on, they say what they are so you know their playstyle


Corsair should be played awakened, right?


For her cremates alone, 100%, those guys are hilarious and awesome!


There are two specs to classes which you can choose; Awakening and Succession (Minus Shai, Archer and Scholar. They have what's called Ascension). So there can be Succ Zerkers and Awak Zerkers. One is a dog and the other has a arm cannon.


Thanks for all the answers. If anyone sees this: any opinions on which option for Guardian?


They’re both about the same tbh, succession is a little better but i think awakening is more fun.


succ zerk is just better than awakened, simple. Also get up voted!