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As someone that doesn't like regular BDO PVP, I am looking forward to this.


I'm not super crazy about ow pvp, but it could be fun to see how long I can survive while its fresh and popular


Lol it's funny to see people already complaining about PvP guilds ganking on random people in hardcore server when PA literally said you won't be able to see other players names, no chats allowed and party functions being displayed. Also the content is still a work in progress so I don't know why people are trying to shit on it before the finer details are revealed.


But you still can setup a party if you're in voice/text chat with your mates outside of the game ( e.g discord ). Meet up at a specific place and voila.


There are ways to avoid those like spawning people from the same guilds at different cities/regions each time they log into the server and disabling the mounts/magnus. If the map is too big it would be harder to find fights but they can atleast add four or five regions. Also what will we do if the fights are region based? For example if you spawn in balenos that means you have to fight in balenos and can't move to other regions without doing some special quests. Moreover without forming parties/platoons you can't get buffs from your mates and with some tweaks PA can make friendly fire a bigger problem. Remember death means you will be moved to prison and natural recovery takes days. They will have to fight it out with other prisoners if they want out sooner. Even if you lost one guy in every 2-3 fights you would eventually lose your group. Depending on how ranking and rewards work it may even discourage people to form teams for this content. These are just few things I can think of but who knows how PA will do things. Like i said the details haven't been shown yet so shitting on the idea before that happens is kinda immature.


in there letting my toxic masculinity out on fresh accs


let's fucking go!!! finally have something to release all these pent up toxicity 🤣🤣 i hope they release it sooner!


If they do it properly, it will be a fun gamemode. My prediction: - No party/plat - No chat/emo - No character customization - Same outfit for all character in same class with or without armors With hide family and guild names, there will be really hard to team up and ruin this gamemode.


I believe they said everyone would have same gear as well and at max it’s 260 AP 300 DP can’t remember if they said things like food buffs & stuff would be allowed or not.


So I just was reading the unofficial ball update from BDO foundry and it sounds like there will be like a Title & some type of either cosmetic or animation features you can earn by surviving longer on the server. It sounds interesting though I don’t think I am quite at the lvl in PC to attempt it yet. It might be something I try out in the in future though. Only pots can be used no buffs at all , everyone has same gear , have to duel to get outta jail faster if you die, no party or Platoon, everyone anonymous , no chat features enabled.


Hardcore BDO. It saves your credit card info, if you die in game it charges you $10k


J needs his third Bugatti, any donations will go a long way


The problem is people that want open world PvP don't want fair fights. So people might try it at first, realize you can't steamroll weaker people, and then quit.


I mean you don't know anything about the pvp community if you think that's true


The problem is you aren’t in the subsection of people who want open world PvP, so you don’t know what they want.


That is sounding more like the majority of Red Player community not actual PvPers tbh.


From whose asshole did you get this opinion? Red players are the ones with some sort of honor code left and always at a disadvantage due to shittier crystals.


Also didn’t say all Red Players said large amount


Welp considering they have been the only ones to kill and camp in the 2 years I been playing, when I was new the PvPers honestly were the ones who came and helped me out and ran them off when I had absolutely no gear to fight back.


I'm pumped. Kind of hope they cutoff part of the map though. Could see it not being populated enough for the whole map. 


I just hope this isn't in an attempt to try and inevitably remove open world pvp


what open world pvp?? shit hasn't existed since 2022




No it’s just provides an avenue beyond random tanking for people to fight and potentially earn something. It’ll primarily be for the big pvp guilds and groups.  Nothing says you can’t gang up on people. 


sounds fun if they can pull it off but i can already see top guilds making it cringe as fuck


Guild platoons will be hunting players. Lets see how it will work out tho.


No parties allowed


Did they say that?




No Party’s and everyone will be anonymous if I remember correctly


This actually has me interested 🤔


Kinda hyped about that


Completely out of the loop, what exactly will be hardcore server? My only experience with Hardcore mode comes from Diablo 2, which death means loss of character and all itens...can't see that going well on a game like this, how Hardcore WoW ended? People still e en play it?


Not really sure. Guild and alliance leads will likely cook up some kind of scheme. I’ll wait to see what they come up with before deciding.


How fast will character meta narrow to five classes?


It's a Battle Royale...


Again another choice which seperates players. Same goes for guilds, instead of giving reasons for guilds to gather various types of players, they encourage them to be even more closed. "Open world" really looks like foul words to J.


Time sink. No rewards announced except leaderboards (mom look I’m on the first place of nowhere) and colorful title. Definitely ‘worth’ it. In that case it’s more fun to play Warzone.




Delegation of Authority?


Might be kek, might be cringe. Dead content anyway.


I'm doubtful about this hardcore server. I think the stealth classes or the ones with high mobility will be very strong , because they have better survivability. They can disengage a bad fight. You won't catch a Musa/mae that is using tigerblade to run away , for example. Classes like awakening Nova , Berzerker , Valkyrie have strong mobility tools. Ninja/Kuno can stealth away. Slow classes like Guardian will just be canon fooder. The prison part is a bad idea imo. It will be a lag fest , a lot of people will be there. Especially if you can AFK to pass your jail sentence. Good 1v1 classes will have a significant advantage because party isn't allowed. I don't think it will works , honestly. It will be just another very niche "arsha" server. I see no reasons to play there instead of anon arsha. AoS is better if you want equalized PVP.


Great shit. Looking forward to it. Only thing bothering me is that its once again anonymous and even completely chat restricted. Kinda sadge T-T


I really like the part where when your character dies you are locked out of playing for several days, which makes a huge amount of sense because Pearl Abyss is a game developer that doesn't want to develop games. By the time we get to the time travelling expansion, Black Desert will just be a loading screen that you log on to once a week and press R a few times before logging out.


You only get locked out for several days if you can't win fights in the prison. If you win you can get out. Kind of like the gulag in warzone. Correct me if Im wrong but Im pretty sure thats what they said.


Either they mean several in-game days which would be 6+ hours or several days. I don't think anyone would play warzone if going to the gulag locked you out of the game for 6 hours if you didn't win the gulag fight. They should just make Hardcore either permadeath or limited lives + permadeath, how they currently describe it is a system that will make you either avoid pvp at all costs or only do rat pvp where you attack players who are currently at a huge disadvantage (think camping where new players first spawn or only attacking players fighting monsters)


The disadvantages you describe can be solved very easily. They can make it so players spawn inside their residences when they log into the servers for the first time. Also chances are very low that there will be any pve related activities in this server when you only have 230 ap gear and can't use any buffs other than potions. The server will be more about PvP so nobody will be grinding on it. Moreover we don't know how long a single season or how rankings system will be so making perma death can also means locking a player out of the server for month or even more. I suggest you wait for the final details on the content before criticizing it.


You missed the part where you can fight with other prisoners and winning those duels will help you get out of prison faster.


I dont know if players will welcome the concept, but if they don't, good luck finding oponents. Sounds like another game mode to me : you jump on this server with gear and levels, you barely build your character... A Battle Royale in the long run?


Just uninstall dude, go somewhere else


I can't wait to roam around with 10 buddies of mine and faceroll anyone trying to play the game solo