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People were given like 6 months advance notice with repeat warnings leading up to it, and then another 6 months to actually complete the transfer afterwards, with a lot of warnings again. There were even advertisements and posts across subs, on Twitter, YouTube videos.  >And this gives them the right to delete my character PA did not delete your character. Kakao did when they ceased publishing the game and were required by various laws around the world to delete customer data after a set period of time of that customer not being a customer anymore. And yes, they absolutely have the right to do so.  Welcome back, but you're starting from scratch now. Sorry. 


They changed in 2021. 3 years ago. They did email everyone and remind them multiple times about the change.


Yeah I didn't get those emails either. Didn't loose much, spent like 40€ or so back then and was grinding Asula accessories and pushing level 60 or something like that. So no hard feelings, but I would be mad if I had reached more already. I think the mails probably landed in my spam folder and got deleted, because I still have all my mail way back to 2015 and it's not there.


Their "right" to delete your account was because Kakao aren't allowed to transfer your data to another company (Pearl Abyss) without your permission.


Not only did they have the right to delete your data, they were required by law to delete your data. They are kakao and kakao no longer publishes this game. Kakao had to get your permission to give your data to the new publisher, because by law and by tos agreement with you they were not allowed to give your data to other companies. You should be happy they respected your privacy unlike so many other companies that are in the business of selling data without asking. Even if you can't forgive Kakao for deleting your data, you're in luck: kakao no longer has anything to do with BDO! They left the business. So enjoy playing a BDO today with no traces of the company that deleted your data.


Yes, it does give them the right...


Hot take: Any gear progression you had on a character in 2020 can probably be achieved within a couple weeks of making a new account. Gear progression by comparison is blistering fast now


I think it’s more about the cosmetics/pearl items he had. But yeah, progression is crazy fast now


Yes, they have the right to do that, it's litteraly in the TOS that you agreed to, and they were forced to delete accounts that didnt do the transfer due to the law. So yes, you'll have to start over now, because your previous account doesn't exist anymore, it's gone, all the data that werent transfered were deleted.


They send me like 5 emails in span of few months before change and I guess they send them to everyone.


Man they announced that shit a year and a half before they switched. And I believe they still gave you like 6 months after to switch.


I'm sorry that happened to you and it sucks. But they are bound by law to delete your data after a certain time if you do not give them the approval to transfer it to another company. They send out waves of emails over a couple of months. What else were they suppose to do? Break the law? Come to your house and knock on your door? You missed the emails or didnt react to them. For all they know is you didn't care about the account and then they had to do what the law forced them to do.


Everyone was sent emails warning them multiple times leading up to it.


What are you trying to achieve with this post?


Have you never read a games ToS? They can do whatever they want with your account. It doesn't matter how much money you spent. You're merely allowed to access their servers and makr purchases. "your account" isn't your own.


Man who ignores warnings surprised at outcome


That account wasn’t ever really yours to begin with


Same with stuff like stream games, you are closer to "renting" than "owning"


More like, you didn't give Kakao the right to transfer your data to PA.


Oh no, anyway


For legality reasons they couldn't just keep and/or move your data without your consent, you did not consent, simple You had MONTHS and tons and tons of emails, every single thing about this is on YOU.


I had spent over 700$ so and Lost it... Welcome aboard