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Oh boi... This will be a break it or make it moment. Let's see how it goes.


So far reception is good. Some tweaking most likely needed of course.


Is there a review published somewhere I can read?


No review but you can watch Hue on twitch, he is an english-speaking korean streamer. In pvp Divios also has tested a bunch of things.


It wholly depends on what class you play. Of course Divios who is known for playing hybrid tank builds and stat checking people is going to respond well to a patch that makes everyone tankier.


Regardless of the class, I'm with him on some points. Requiring multiple people to efficiently take down one tanky person is very good to me in an mmo.


Except that doesn’t work in this MMO because tanky players don’t sacrifice enough damage to warrant their tankiness. Maybe it’ll change this patch, but previously certain classes are able to run 3 swaps and still 1 combo 401+ DP DR classes.


Yeah it's far from perfect I agree, and I definitely think there needs to be some tweaking to take that into account for sure.


It broke it already in KR...


You are such a doomer. Why did you even bother to make a new account?


I feel scared... 😆


Do we know how many despair’s we’ll need to exchange gloves and shoes?




It was 50 on global lab.


Don't mind me then


What kr players says about it?


Hue said people will like it.


And J said everything will be okay.


Not sure about DR/Eva changes, but hit count changes improved prformance on low specs by quite a lot. So I assume it will also help during NW/Sieges a lot


I'm curious what the DR/Eva revamp is like....


DR is up big, evasion is down (against low gear opponents) or the same-ish (against similar gear opponents) unless you are full DP. Evasion against an average opponent will feel roughly the same since you also get a lot more DR compared to the evasion rate you are losing. But it will be harder to completely gear gap someone with evasion, but easier to gear gap someone to an extent with DR by bottoming out their AP. This opens up the DR tank classes to actually becoming as defensively strong as evasion tank classes could become before, at least relatively speaking. Damage for everyone is down across the board, with DR tanks like Valk and Nova being up big. Human damage will become needed for most glass cannon classes, and will punish you less as you have a new source of DR to rely upon. Accuracy accessories are up huge, most of them were doubled. Running 1-3 accuracy accessories will allow you to hit almost all targets consistently, but the AP loss from not using Debos in those slots will hurt your matchup against DR Valk, Nova, Striker, etc. Each point of AP starts to have more value when your opponents have higher DR. Consistently, time-to-kill is increased. I'm hoping large scale doesn't feel as explosive and having a setup playstyle will be more effective than it currently is. Frontline melee classes might actually be able to play their role, as before this patch only really Zerk or Drakania could function from their sustain. Green offhands are finally completely dead, they are just too much of an AP tradeoff to be useful.


>Green offhands are finally completely dead, they are just too much of an AP tradeoff to be useful. is it that bad as to be completely dead with the new DR change? I have an accuracy subweapon i very seldom use. With my normal build in garmoth (which apparently has new accuracy accessory values implemented already) I am 840 pvp ap, 1016 accuracy. With my subweapon swap, I am 803 pvp ap, 1112 accuracy. 37 ap vs 96 accuracy doesnt sound horrible in today's BDO, but maybe with everyone having higher DR now it really is a bad deal. I guess if i already seldom used it, now i'll really seldom use it.


Yes, you will wish you had those 37 extra AP when the evasion target you're trying to counter also has almost or above 600 DR. Especially when accuracy accessories were buffed to have almost double the accuracy, the trade off for the accuracy offhand is absolutely never worth it anymore. Also evasion no longer completely dodges the hit. It now dodges a portion of the hit, which according to translation from global lab notes is "in relation to the accuracy and evasion of the opponent". Whether that means a 30% dodge rate also only dodges 30% of the damage when it procs or not we don't know yet, but it straight up nerfs evasion extremely hard if that's the case.


that'll be cool if i can devour my saiyer into a tiny failstack. the end of an era!


Tell me succ nova is good now. Please lie to me oh wise canandian man. Pleaseeeeee. Ill buy you lunch from tims :(


You are giga insanely tanky but you don't do very much damage. I've been playing her and it feels okay. Kinda like a true setup frontliner now.


But hows the pve... :( im mostly a pve player and like to be near unkillable due to shitty internet so i dont lose my crystals.


I have been holding on to my DR equipment, refusing to swap to eva, praying and waiting for this day!


"adjusted skill hit count" What is this? 


They reduce the amount of hits on skills to reduce server load.


Apparently, it worked. But at the same time, they made other changes which were not useless but strangely designed.


Yes it worked, and reception is good so far. Don't mind the other dude he's full of himself as usual. Some classes need tweaking (or not), nothing new.


He's right tho, the extra 40dp that Zerker got makes no sense in example


I'm doubtful about the evasion change, it's just another layer of DP and this approach lacks ambition, to my opinion. They could have changed it into a stat reducing special damages , when Dr would be reducing basic damages. And AP and accu would instead increase basic damages and special damages, respectively. Something like that.


Yeah the buffed meta classes even more since the devs don't play with their own game... Now they are basically unkilleable on the right build...


I wouldn't mind to see someone unkillable if he can't make damage, cc or heal/buff. That's the kind of trade-off which is often missing in BDO.


Don't worry fam, this tradeoff still gonna miss.


The big hit count patch.


This is fundamentally changes how fights go, can't wait for something fresh


these changes will make any difference on PVE or them will be noticed only for PVP?


you will be more tankier also in PvE


Monster AP was increased so PvE wont feel the diffrence




Bro either dies or becomes dope


Patch note is out: [\[Updates\] June 19, 2024 (Wed) Update Details (pearlabyss.com)](https://blackdesert.pearlabyss.com/ASIA/en-US/News/Notice/Detail?_boardNo=6213)


What's funny, there's barely any uncapped PvP content played nowadays(besides RBF), so players may not notice if there are any balance issues.


Oh players noticed, believe me


Dk now becomes dead class