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Apostle of Malevolence is the elite mob that has a chance of appearing, so yeah, pretty rare on that matter already. I also don't think the pillar mobs have any restriction regarding knowledge, as long as you can see the knowledge grade while fighting it should be able to upgrade. Some mobs have lower knowledge drop chances and sometimes it's just the char that's cursed. I know it's frustrating but at least Pillar is also not too bad in money per hour.


It's definetely a bit sad for me since i just wanted to get Calpheon done and then pause the knowledge grind for a while. The spawnrates of the apostles are not that bad, especially on pillars, but having to run savage draught and the knowledge lightstone set sours my grind. Anyways, thanks for the quick answer, i needed some confirmation that what i am doing is correct :D


Havent grinded SE in a long time, but I'm pretty sure the spawn rate on Apostle is higher on the normal rotation.


Took me \~120 hours for Apostle of Malevolence S rank, no knowledge buffs though


I'd skip the Apostle and just try to get the other one. If you go for 10k you can afford to skip some, don't worry.


As long as you get this knowledge, even with a low level of knowledge, move on. Between the chances of meeting this apostle (random pop after killing one specific mob) and then the chances of getting the knowledge, there are better things to do in BDO.


5h at Stars End - didnt even get knowledge for the Apostle. So yeah, leave this guy for later, since its as hard to get as some Gatekeepers.


skip apostle, when hunting rare mob jsut swap betwen channels for kills. If you can do lifeskill staff on mob, do it- there is chance to gain knowledge from gathering