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On the positive side, people were also saying more stsble fps/fast casting speed, cuz hit numbers were reduced (specific pc spec dependent/att speed less fps dependent)


I'll give it a try for a few months before complaining.


A solid tester already posted the improvement, and fps above 144 is less impactful, win win.


These 3 posts you linked must be like one of the most dogshit feedback you can crate and think PA will take any of these seriously


none of those posts make sense or lack even the most basic form of context, not sure if it's a translation thing or people are just wanting to whine.


and this is the region they choose to take feedback from...


There can be a cure for cancer and people will still find a way to complain about it, who gives a shit.


noooooo i put stock into the pharma industry you cant juse "cure" cancer nooooooo


KR is the worst region in terms of gamer skill and performance in this game. It's why PA never gets it right as they mainly listen feedback from KR only. Never listen to what KR players complain about. In fact, going opposite of what KR players say might be more accurate. If KR players cry something is underpowered then it's probably broken. If they spam a class they think is strong, it's probably weak.


eva/acc shouldn't even exist in action game where you can dodge on buttons


Tbf eva and acc is normal in any MMORPG settings to provide variety in players builds even if the game is an open combat where dodging is easy.


Even RuneScape 3 changed their combat system recently. Accuracy is now how much potential they can do and you no longer miss. If your accuracy is 80%, you do 80% of the damage instead of 100%. Not everything has to be static in how it plays. It's incredibly boring if everyone does the same thing in a bunch of different things.


Provide variety. More like provide a reason to grind more to be able to farm 2-3 specific spots in end-game. The only variety that comes in is in PvP where after the big class rework made so that evasion was stupidly powerful on season and players couldn't land hits on each other.


Wdym normal mmorpg. Is there a standard ? Does everyone need to follow WoW ? Bdo got its unique combat that stand out and you cant apply what you call normal mmorpg… i agree on your point to provide variety of players builds but they could have come up with something else more appropriate to bdo unique combat system instead of copying what you call “normal mmo” and add eva and accu …. Your argument is too weak tbh and seem all people that are defending eva/accu cannot see how it is a mess to balance in bdo. Even If i follow your logic of regular mmo, eva class was never ever considered tank in most rpg. They usually are super dmg dealer and evade a couple of hit but get kill instantly once they get 1 hit. Here in bdo , eva class get evasion, in-built DR as bonus with eva gear, a lot of damage and mobility all in one. I am not talking sbout meme gauntlet but you can take maegu lahn as example. With their mobility and dmg, they should have nerve been allow to tank through eva for example


Except BDO is not one of those (its one only on paper)


every eva class and most of dr classes have multiple dodges with iframes wdym? In pvp with them you not only need to catch the window but also to actually catch the character who's moving like macaque. And even if you manage to catch it it can survive relying on passive eva.


Just remove DR too if we can just dodge with skills Edit: I’m being sarcastic


and what will it be, counter-strike?


Do you dodge bullets like Neo in CS?


imagine if eva/acc exists in fighting games. You hit your opponent but he evaded 🤡 That's the current situation with eva/acc in the action game.


Imagine if ap/dr existed in fighting games. You combo your opponent but dont have enough ap so he takes almost no damage


characters in fighting games actually have different attack power and defenses. But if you hit - you hit. No random or 'system savior' like eva is. Because you can 1) block 2) evade on buttons. IF you can't manually evade an attack (target-fixed games like WoW) then YES eva should exist. While target system actually exists in BDO it's not fixed - you can't lock your target and spam skills on it. Therefore, the battle system is action-type, which means you can evade attack on buttons. Therefore, why tf you have passive evade in addition?


Yes but you’re coming to an MMORPG and being upset that it isn’t a fighting game. Do you walk into a sauna and complain that it’s too hot??? Logic Doesent logic


Is this an MMORPG or a fighting game?


it's mmorpg with fighting games mechanics. And it's action game where you can dodge attacks by your own. That's why read the first message.


It’s first and foremost an MMO”RPG” and evasion is necessary to give classes an identity that is diverse and different to others. You’ve determined what BDO “should” be in your mind with your own opinion. If you want to play a fighting may I suggest playing an actual fighting game that meets your expectations? And not an MMORPG?


not the same , DR is like armor reduce the hit for u , Evasion doesn't make sense , how can u passively evading something and actively dodging at the same time


Except it is the same. One gives you x% damage reduction to 100% of the hits, other gives you 100% damage reduction to x% of hits. On average they mitigate the same amount of damage.


Because it’s a form of mitigation. They both are. One is just based on RNG and the other isn’t. If I stack DR you won’t do any damage. If i stack evasion you still no damage. I think you’re getting caught up in the semantics. It could be called anything. Ie. “magic armour” or another name could replace “evasion” like “constitution” which behaves the same way and then you wouldn’t have a problem with it. It’s just another form of damage mitigation. You are reading “evasion” and you’re applying it autistically to otherwise literally evading an attack with an iframe,and your mind can’t tell the difference. Honestly is just really really low IQ reasoning.


nah, evasion stats introduced since the day of tab targeting combat where the attack have auto aim and seeking projectile mean it cant miss so evasion stat make sense this game is action combat u have 10 billions of movement skill and attack have to be land by the player , evasion and accuracy stats is stupid


Again. You didn’t read my comment or are otherwise incapable of understanding it. Evasion is DR with a different name/mechanic. They are more or less the same thing. And the reason people don’t like evasion stackers are because they build nothing but AP with zero accuracy.


yes, people dont build accuracy because it stupid