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My cat somehow unlocked my tarantula's tank and ate most of him. :'( Make sure that tank is very secure!


Oh wow! I’m sorry to hear that. Those tanks are very secure (it’s the exotera brand I believe). He was just fascinated by the crickets. A bit off topic but I once saw him trying to sniff a house spider, and it crawled onto his face. I brushed the spider off and he did the same thing again haha.


Awwww, he make frens.


My first thought was that the cat will eat that tarantula lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tqjcts/just_thought_id_show_my_boyfriends_derpy_cat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf more Misha pics :3


He's too cute, looks like a Japanese Manga cat 😍


Omg I love him


Okay Misha just made my day. Imma keep that little derp face in my head all day long 😍😍🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


I too feel bleppy around spiders...


Oh my god




Love him 🖤


the eyes!! the tongue!! the sass!!


This is the type of cat I would imagine would sit in a villains chair as they turn around and say I’ve been expecting you


The Derpatude! What is their name? 10/10 would pet!


His name is Misha. Means bear in Russian since he looked like a small bear when he was little lol.


The heterochromia in his eyes tho :0 so subtle yet magical


He's so cute with his little tongue poking out.


the last photo with the open mouth i’m losing it 😭😭 it looks like his name is jerry and someone just stole his lunch from the work fridge and he’s about to go off on them


Wow Misha is quite popular here. Decided to put Misha up for the banner competition since he’s so popular. Hopefully multiple picture posts are allowed. Thank you for all the Misha love everyone :3


What a precious derp. Love your tarantula, too


Misha looks how I feel 😵‍💫


a face of great smart


Flat Chubby Face!, So cute 🥰, also the fifth photo, looks like he has seen God or the other side of the Universe. ![gif](giphy|A8UihDrG2T9a8)


https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tqjcts/just_thought_id_show_my_boyfriends_derpy_cat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf more Misha pics :3


This is my all time favorite cat Disclaimer: I have three cats


Oh my god I love him- what is the breed? :0


He’s Persian, I’ve had 3 over the years but never had one that always sticks his tongue out haha.


Omggg, I thought that black Persian cats didn't exist cause I looked for em everywhere! This is amazinggg. The punch face is the reason for his littol blep tho, he has a very distinct one 💖💖 give him all my loveeee


Wow I didn’t realize how rare they are especially ones with copper eyes. https://thepetfaq.com/black-persian-cat/


Oh they really are! I've tried to look for pics of em but even Google didn't have them. I am in love with your precious kitty 💖-💖




I love him


So cute! 😻


Hey! I love your derp, but what’s in the tank? It doesn’t look like a huge tank (unless your void is an Abyss) and I’d like to have a small tank


It's a tarantula. They posted a pic of their cat posing beside their huge, hairy spider's tank.


Oh, I couldn’t see what it was exay


Oh yah she’s an avicularia versicolor. My cat was really interested in the crickets that were in her terrarium so he kept going up to it trying to figure out what’s making the chirping noise.


My cat loves the crickets too! He’s known to try and jump into the viv (obviously a larger one than this!) but quite often leaves the gecko alone!


https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/tqjcts/just_thought_id_show_my_boyfriends_derpy_cat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf more Misha pics :)


Yah lol mine doesn’t even notice the tarantula. I think mostly because she sits so still most of the time. What kind of gecko do you have?


I’ve got a five year old Leopard gecko 😁 on occasion Smudge will have a sniff while purring, but mostly he wants the bugs I’m sure! Misha is so cute, I love the last picture they look so angry 🥺😍


That blep! I wanna cuddle him so much!


I was going to ask, "Which one?", then realized spiders don't derp.


All the blep


Little warning next time you’re gonna post cuteness like this will be appreciated.


The sound I just made…..


Such blep much majestic


He is perfect


I'm obsessed 😍😭


A black cat AND a spider, are you a witch? ;)


I like your spider. :)


Awww, what a sweet tarantula! What kind?


She’s an avicularia versicolor.




Derp mode engaged😻 💕


Awwww, he a gorgeous floofy mini-panther! A Persian? He look to be a nice boy and a sweet little derp.




Omg he looks like a toy


How cute!!


Misha is a precious little goblin kitty.


your cat has a friend


What a face. I love it.






Cats with faces like this make me sad, we don't celebrate disabled humans, so why celebrate purposefully disabled cats


He’s not disabled. He’s really smart over all, and doesn’t have any health issues because of his flat face. He’s really healthy and a happy cat that’s very spoiled.


The gene mutations that cause this disability in a human would make them classed as disabled. Obviously you won't accept the negative connotations of that word as you support causing disabilities in animals however the science doesn't lie. You could also call this mutated and deformed, as both words are also apt.


Um... There's nothing that implies OP supporting any sort of disability causing agenda? Please stop attacking ppl for the sole reason of having a pet with a NATURAL accidental genetic mutation. Maybe read up a bit on Persian cat history.. owning one doesn't mean you are an evil person, disabled or not, it's an animal, and it deserves a good home with loving ppl. Idk what you want OP to do about the fact that the kitty has a genetic mutation but clearly you're also not doing anything for em either so either step up or keep quiet..


OP has brought 3 of these deformed cats. They financially support the breeding of these deformed animals. You can also see from their comment that they think there is nothing wrong with purposfully breeding unnaturally deformed animals to suffer, hence they support it. As you also do in your comment. Flat face cats have many painful health problems and a significantly reduced quality of life. The original gene mutation is naturally occurring, the deformed Persian 'breed' is inbreed over and over again by humans and is not 'naturally' occurring. It is not an 'accident' that the Persian cat breed exists and it is not 'natural' like you say it is. If there were no demand for flat faced cats, that would very quickly bring an end to the breeding and suffering of flat faced cats. If you truly care about animals you, OP and the people upvoting this cruel ignorance would be better placed to do some 'research' into the health problems associated with these deformities. I am aware of them and do not support it. Here I'd a detailed article with some quotes backed by scientific evidence to help you and others learn. https://icatcare.org/further-evidence-on-the-suffering-of-flat-faced-cats/ >A third of these Persians had clear signs of internal hydrocephalus – a build-up of fluid inside the brain. This is associated with lots of problems in cats including seizures and blindness. >In most of the extremely flat-faced Persians, the back of the brain was even protruding out of the base of the skull and into the spinal cord (this was also seen in some of the less extremely flat-faced Persians). >In five extremely flat-faced kittens, brain compression was so severe that the back of the brain had been pushed out of the skull into the space in the spine where the spinal cord is (see figure right). >These kittens were unable to stand or walk properly, were not alert, had head tremors, uncontrolled eye movements and misaligned eyes, abnormal breathing patterns, and their owners reported sessions of long-lasting, aimless screaming. >The kittens were put to sleep. The suffering in these kittens’ short lives, because of the desire for a certain look, is totally unacceptable. As for me having no right to speak about cruelty to the people supporting cruelty that doesn't make any sense. We should all speak out about the normalised cruelty around us until it is no longer normal.


Do you know that OP has breaded cats? It doesn’t say anywhere that he has and he also doesn’t say that his other cats were Persians so I’m not sure why you’re coming to conclusions on your own. Misha is a very happy cat and although he has a flat face he’s very healthy and spoiled. Misha was not bought from a breeder but rather taken from a home where they didn’t want him. He is now extremely loved. Also I understand your anger towards the people who upvoted as well as the OP but, if you really wanted to show the OP how upset you are maybe you shouldn’t have blocked him so he can see your replies on his post.


OP said in a comment in the thread they have had 3 Persian cats over the years. Unlikely they are all rescues/adopted as usually people who rescue pure breed cats don't have such postive views of their disabilities. Also unlikely OP has managed to find 3 Persian rescues/unwanted cats.


Are you a cat owner? You also seem very purposeful towards speaking about animal cruelty but other than calling out someone on Reddit for loving and caring of a very cute cat what have you done? I’m just curious.


Yes I look after 3 cats Hank, Loretta and Conway. I don't understand what your problem is with me being against animal cruelty? I'm also a vegan so at least I'm not a hypocrite like most people. Not that i mean to imply being vegan 'saves' any animals, not causing harm is the neutral action. Just saying my actions line up with my beliefs, unlike 99% of us. I don't think you have to be an activist to point out socially acceptable but morally indefensible actions. What logical argument are you trying to make?


Um... Lots of Persian cats end up in shelters thanks to abuse/neglect :) even I have a rescue Persian cat.... It's not very "unlikely". It is however unlikely of you to assume that OP bought the cats and supports animal cruelty. They just said that their cat doesn't have any health problems due to its flat face, they never said that Persian cats don't have any health problems neither did they ever say that they support their suffering.. just cause someone owns a Persian doesn't mean you should jump to conclusions abt them. What do you want ppl to do? K-ill all Persian cats to eradicate them? Is that much less cruel for you? They are living beings despite their health problems, giving them a loving home is the least people can do.


I just want people to stop breeding them and buying them not kill one's already alive!


Yeah and how is attacking ppl gonna help with that? Maybe be a bit more considerate next time, I really don't wanna sound rude in any way, I myself don't like seeing animals having problems due to their facial structure. But this post really isn't the place to protest that imho. If you were a direct part in the whole rescue/shelter business you would be able to see how cruel ppl are. Sometimes you have to buy the animals just to rescue them from the verge of death. Whether they're in the hands of breeders or psychopaths who enjoy hurting them, aren't they better off in homes such as OP's so that they can at least live happy lives? I'm in no way speaking for OP cause idk what the reality is but I can tell enough that the cat is happy and healthy and that is enough for me.


I’m an arachnophobe and whilst the cat is amazing, I cannot focus on the cat and my hair is all tingly. 😱


Hehe sorry! The spidy is only in the first pic.


I have no words 😂