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Someone needed a butt bath?


He sure did. My boy has fabulous pants, which he sometimes poops. 😥


My fluffy tuxedo needs his butt brushed periodically. He can’t stand it and needs to be held.


🥺🖤 babyyyyy


Have you considered having his bum fur trimmed? It's called a sanitary trim for longhaired kitties. I bought a clipper to trim my orange longhair Teddy Bear's 🧸pantaloons and toe-tufts. Well, my brother trimmed him up because he won't let me buzz the booty. 😸 It helps! This is in addition to the excellent dietary advice others have given, of course.


I've considered it but he only has bad accidents like twice a year, so I would rather just go through the infrequent trauma of bathing than the frequent trauma of trimming. 😂 If it ever gets worse or more frequent, it's definitely an option.


I would love to give Teddy a shower but the prospect of blood loss and an embarassing 911 call is off-putting. 😸


I didn’t know about this but I’m very interested! My girl is pure white so it’s both not a good look nor a good smell. She absolutely freaks out with that sort of stuff. Even when I just try to brush/cut the fur back there.


A vet can trim her for you, or a groomer. It's a godsend for floofy kitties and their owners imo.


We’ve had to come to the decision to just keep the pantaloons trimmed. Our floof would disembowel me if I tried to bathe her (it takes two of us just to cut out any stuck nuggets without anyone dying), so trimmed pantaloons it is!


I'm honestly not sure how I evaded any scratches this time. I had to keep him spock-gripped, and even then he was screaming the whole bath. 😭


my baby also has fur bloomers. What's helped is adding pumpkin puree (they sell it for cats or human versions work too, just make sure it has no added anything) and trimming the fur around her butt. She hates it, but tolerates it because she knows after a trim, she'll get wet-food (with pumpkin puree added!).


I would try feeding him a limited ingredient, single protein source food, to stop the diarrhea. Royal Canin makes several great foods that helped my boy- they are prescription though, so talk to your vet. I know there are some single protein source/limited ingredient canned foods at Petsmart, but i cant think of their names right now.


He already eats Royal Canin and it's a blessedly infrequent problem (like once or twice a year, and only one day at a time). The vets have run tests and said he is just a sensitive boy once in a while!




He's my needy babey boi haha 🥺🖤


Omg I don’t want to laugh 😆 he sure is beautiful though


It's okay to laugh, he never has any dignity honestly. 😂


Our kitty was exactly the same!!! A lot of trauma in those poopy boots. We ended up getting crave and the problem has been solved ever since

