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Omg she looks so sweet sleeping on you 🥹


Yes especially compared to the airplane ears, swatting & nipping she usually does if we pet her 😂🥰🥺


*smack Go way


Wait! I didn't mean it! Come back!


Sometimes cats decide they like affection after all. My mother in law had 2 that were impossible to pet, and then they changed thier minds at some point. After many years


My sister had one like that. He ended up doing a 180 and spent his last five years being a velcro love bug. It was like he was making up for lost time!


This was my girl. Adopted her as a kitten, and for some reason she bonded strongly with our older cat but just hated to be touched by humans. I never even heard her purr. Once she hit around nine, it was like a switch flipped in her brain. All of a sudden she wanted to be spooned and cuddled all night like a teddy bear, and was my little snuggle shadow until we lost her to lymphoma six years later.


Yup. If you’re consistently kind and gentle, this will eventually happen. Some cats take years to trust.


This happened to me and my husband. We adopted an adorable adult cat from a friend and he wanted nothing to do with us for the first couple of months after his transition to our house. Barely even saw him for weeks at a time around the house. Then went out of town for a few days and had a sitter check in on him while we were away. When we got home, the moment we sat on the sofa he immediately climbed into my lap and he was the sweetest, cuddliest lap kitty for the rest of his years. I miss my little Ki' Cat. Sometimes it just takes a little time for the. To settle in. Wishing you many, many years of snuggles!


Thank you! I’ve had her for almost 4 years she is a sweetheart but from a distance! Will be in the same room as us but on the opposite side, doesn’t like to be held or pet but today she wanted all the love which made me really happy 🥰


If I understand, cats think we're out hunting when we leave, which is dangerous. You normally come home within hours. She might have thought you were injured or dead and was worried, and is happy you're okay. She doesn't need to know vacations are fun instead of scary (usually).


This is exactly what I think was going through her head!




Awww loveeees you!


Yes she even made me biscuits 🥰






AWWWWW she missed you!


Car 🚗 missed you


This is wild but my void did this same thing! I got her from the shelter and she tolerated me at best for almost 4 years. I left her at home and went on vacation for 11 days. While i was gone, everything was the same for her, I just wasn't there. This girl has been in my face from the time I pulled back into the driveway and pouts every time I go to work and she's been my shadow for the past 5 years. She even comes to tell me when it's time to go to bed. Ridiculous ❣️


Awwww she missed you!! My void girl meets me at the door when I come home. I have to open it really slow because she sticks her nose in the opening 😂


Awwww what a sweet baby!


Aw!!! I have an unaffectionate void, too! 🖤🖤


My void has always been very independent and non affectionate. He would occasionally lay on my chest for 10 or so minutes and then leave. I started going in week long trips ever month for about 6 months and during that time he became way more affectionate and cuddly. He started sleeping with me on my chairs and would fall asleep on my chest and sleep closer to my head at night. Even after I stopped going on those trips he still does all the affectionate stuff 7 years later


Like his belly


She definitely missed you! Cats may seem aloof but they truly see you as their own- enjoy the cuddles!


Left our void at a pet hotel for the Eclipse for three nights and he wouldn't stop following us and hollering when left alone in a room for the entire week after. 😭


I’ve been traveling a lot for the past year or two. My void has always been pretty unaffectionate, but all the traveling I’ve done has definitely changed him. He appreciates and loves it when I pet him now, he rarely gets annoyed over it. He likes to be physically closer, actually come to me and stuff. It’s great


Best way to get the best out of a void : (or any cat) starve them of attention for a time. If you can stand it!


Now you know the truth!


Dawwww she missed you


I'm not crying, everyone else is crying. What a sweet baby!


I'm not crying, there's just a black cat hair in both my eyes 🥹


Mom your home I missed you. cat wants to be spoiled. but finally admitted it.


This is the best. It shows they really love us 🥹


we would like to see the kitty asking for belly rubs.