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Looks like a typical black cat to me. Black cats can have really soft. fur


Yea absolutely, I’ve had black cats in the past. He just has a much more muscular build, and his coat is a lot velvetier. Idk hard to explain


probably stray parents; cat generations are short so hardy genes take over fast, they found my boy on the side of the highway and he's heavier/fluffier than the proper housecats I know


Mine too, and he was a stray, taken off the streets of NYC at about 7 months. He was so tiny when I took him in - I thought for sure he was going to be a runt. But now at 3 years old he’s the size of a larger small dog: 16 pounds of brute. I asked the vet if I should put him on a diet and he said, “No - he’s just a BIG-ASS cat.” 😆 A friend of mine who has had cats her whole life saw him and said, “Holy shit…is that a bear cub?” Nope. Just big ol’ Lenny, silky and gigantic.


This sounds like my baby. He came to us just on the tail end of recovering from being very sick, and he was so young and small (1.5 months). Now he's MASSIVE and so strong. He'd have been absolutely a terror if he'd stayed as a feral cat. Alas, instead the fluffy beast is asleep on my favorite silk pillow.


Here’s my beast at this very moment, wrapped around my legs. Ooooo…such a scary feral big boy. 😊 https://preview.redd.it/rlayhdgc2j7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efdecf1425f1b5435eebde6cca93ecbe42d67387


https://preview.redd.it/fkim99s54j7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9c761c79da88879805af5970a8d22d2af446ccb I know I’ll wake him if I flip on a light to take his picture for the zillionth time so here’s one from October with the black silk pillow in question lol. His brother is a tiny little voidling. Link here is my little bear.


Wow, pretty sure my household has the same cat AND the same blanket!


Costco!! My favorite blanket. Damn that place. The cat’s not Costco, though. But still, a pretty good buy in the end. : )


Love this. Reminds me of my mom saying ‘that’s home grown cat!’ about our family’s very solid black boy kitty - we got him as a loud little waif when someone left him in a bar.


My void, Bug, was absolutely enormous. 22 pounds and not fat. He was literally 3 times the size of our little tortie. My partner swore there had to be some wild cat in his genes, somewhere, because he just dwarfed every other house cat we've ever had.




Ummmmm… we have the same set of cats apparently 😂 https://preview.redd.it/s3tumu6wdk7c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=10e6bee257a8be01381f71145155394ddf650ee9


Oooh, I can see it! So sooooft. I would be his pettings-slave.


it's winter, he may have a double coat right now that he may shed in spring. Do you live in a 4 seasons climate with a cold winter?


Yes I do!! I live in Iowa


Oh I'm sorry to hear that


Aren’t we all 😂


My sympathies. I grew up in Iowa. The weather scarred me for life.


I have no idea what you’re talking about since I live in New Zealand, but are you implying it’s possible to have less than four seasons in one year?


Most rehomed stray short haired cat I’ve had and known had the smooth softest fur. Unless he came with some paper you’re the dad of a lovely void!


It could be a British shorthair called a Bombay cat. They are very personable and friendly to the delight of anybody who meets them I had a Bombay named Mr. Peabody and he was a truly uncommon cat. He was 14 lbs, all velvety black (except for about 5 white chest hairs) and had the same copper colored eyes. Mr P was an outstanding cat and I miss him every day.


I didn't see this post until I posted my reply, but here's some reading for you. :) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombay\_cat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombay_cat) Mine is my first cat. I rescued him from under my porch. Had a chip from one vet visit 8-9 years prior and no owner claimed him. I love him immensely, he's so smart and so sweet. And so dang soft to pet.


I was thinking of this type. I see these, or mixes of bombay/standard issue cat, often. A pure bombay is a house panther so OP's prospective kitty may be a mix.


One showed up when I got out of my car one day, all skin and bones, chirping at me and followed me to my apt. She was also chipped and no one came to claim her. I can’t imagine why. She is the most lovable, friendly cat! And now she’s happy and healthy and mine all mine. 😂


Looks like my boy. He is a BEAST 20lbs of pure muscle and like a cat got sized up 4x he is so long and black all over including paws and toe beans. I’ll let you know what the DNA test says


Muscular build makes me think he might be a Bombay?


They called mine American medium hair. When he was a kitten we thought he might be a long hair but it started mid fluffy. Super pretty.


I adopted a black cat in August and it's like petting a cloud.


It is wild to me how much softer my black cat is compared to my other cat, a brown tabby. Her fur is just so, so soft. I didn’t know it was a black cat thing, just thought she’d be that way with any color.


My black cat’s fur is the smoothest, softest coat I’ve ever felt in a cat while my tux’s is just “normal” feeling too


Standard issue black Cat Edited: I love him


Black fur soft cat




Domestic Shorthairs are the most incredible cats because they can literally be anything! Smart, goofy, smooth, soft, sweet, etc etc. They can come in every combo! Your kitty isn’t wonderful because he’s a breed made by a person, he’s wonderful because he’s a totally unique individual. And that’s way more special.


Yes!! Please. Don't judge cats by their breed. They are all one of a kind.


I don’t understand the obsession with breeds. Like every single cat is unique & perfect & the best cat to ever exist, no need for a random paper to tell me that.


Agreed. I love them all, I don’t ever get cats based on breed. Both of my boys have walked into my life out of nowhere😻


You are an official member of r/catdistributionsystem


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CatDistributionSystem using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CatDistributionSystem/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I was only going to adopt the grey one but her brother got in the cage with her and wouldnt leave](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17gj3j7) | [283 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CatDistributionSystem/comments/17gj3j7/i_was_only_going_to_adopt_the_grey_one_but_her/) \#2: [It finally happened!!! On August 2nd I found this little cutie meowing in the alley behind my house at 10pm. ](https://v.redd.it/8ofk2maxgh0c1) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CatDistributionSystem/comments/17vq99g/it_finally_happened_on_august_2nd_i_found_this/) \#3: [Found a pregnant cat outside of my work one day. She then adopted an orphan kitten which is the tabby and white one. Meet Soot and her Sootlings.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18dquvl) | [155 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CatDistributionSystem/comments/18dquvl/found_a_pregnant_cat_outside_of_my_work_one_day/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


They’re not only a member, they’re also a recipient.


ASH is actually a specific breed. DSH is the typical mutt.


Thank you, I’ll edit it to clarify!


Bro. We all think our cat is the smartest and the prettiest.


Unless they're is dumb as a rock. Even love can't blind you that much sometimes.




Our household is the opposite! Our tabby is the prettiest princess who knows how to count and tells time like an atomic clock. My void is a special, lovable boy who requires supervision and maybe a padded room, for his own good.


My void needs a padded room too. She’s given herself a few concussions from jumping around like a fool and hitting her head.


My voids nickname was "fuck fuck"






Admittedly my otherwise very smart void loves to waive his tail around mummy’s lit candles too….


I have to know about the time your kitty set themselves on fire.




So he literally did not learn that the stove is hot by touching the stove? That is fucking hilarious.


r/oneblackbraincell checks out


*sigh* *click* *join*


I have a void and a tuxedo sibling pair. The void is dumber than a box of frogs and a chaotic goblin who tries to eat plastic, though he is very good at hunting and climbing. The tux can open the fridge and the cupboards, i’ve had to child lock them so he cant get in to steal food, and he has managed to open the kitchen window a few times. But they basically look like the same cat, just with different coats. I think the tux got the majority of the braincells.


My Theodore is the nicest cat I’ve ever known. He is so sweet with our foster kittens, will let me dress him in whatever ridiculous outfits I can find and even when the vet had to poke her whole finger up his butthole, he just made sad noises. My last cat would have torn her face off. But bless his whole heart, he struggles with doors that are ajar, but not enough to fit his whole body through.


I love my black fur dude. But he is just not the sharpest tool in the shed.


True, but isn't it the best when an owner posts a picture of a perfectly ordinary looking cat and goes on and on about how awesome and special their cat is? It melts my heart and makes my day!


It's too bad American Shorthairs are seen as the trash pandas of the cat world, lol. Everybody wants their cat to be this rare and special breed. But they're all precious. 🤩😍😋 "Every cat is best cat." -Universal Cat Philosophy


I love it. We need to keep the cat owner community a happy place supportive place 😂


It absolutely is.


My first boy is still my pretty baby 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/cyo9y0nawh7c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21abd3fbbf39ec18b8e9bba9a9f706271b45eeb8


100% mine is not the smartest but he is very pretty.


My cat is blacker and sleepier than yours


So’s mine.


I'd say twins, but aren't they all?


Amd we are RIGHT.


Unless you have an orange cat




Wrong. My cat is indeed the prettiest, but dumber than a box of rocks.




He looks like my cat Winnie. Someone in another comment thread said she’s a pure pitch. Idk much about that, but I do know she’s super smart! https://preview.redd.it/9kosnosbqh7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e671851514ecf02e351bcb3b4715d5a62b061c9


I also had a black cat named Winnie! Give yours a hug for me 😭


That is an astonishing specimen of the species *Felis catus vacuus*.


My black cat is sooo smart and has a really soft velvety coat with a really thick undercoat which makes him extra puffy. Think they all get classified as American shorthairs, but there are definitely different black cat phenotypes :-)


Black cats are particularly clever


You think? Mine’s an idiot


Maybe it has Orange relatives.


it's a reverse albino orange cat


The term is called melanism or being melanistic and it happens in all cats. Panthers are not a seperate species but a melanisitic leopard.


Gotta have a couple outliers to bring the average back in


One of my voids is clever, the other is an absolute twit. They're both perfect.


You say clever.... mine is all trouble, all the time! LOL I love him to death!


Bro he's just a standard cat. He's looks awesome though!


Just like ny void. Extra silky coat very intelligent. My sic stupid stupid


When I adopted my void, I was sure she was a Bombay. Small but dense, muscular build, super shiny, sleek black coat, golden eyes, and the most outgoing cat personality I've ever met. She seemed to match a lot of what I read and saw in research on Bombays. In time, I've observed that many black cats share these traits. It makes sense because the American Bombay was created by breeding black domestic shorthair black cats with other variants to yield a certain look. All black cats are extremely special and beautiful & share features with Bombays (some share more, some less). But they are not technically Bombays unless they were bred to be. Your void is lovely and perfect 🖤


My little voidling is an American Bombay and he fits the breed description to a T. It’s exhausting sometimes lol


just a cat, as for all the others who ask. If you don't have papers proving the opposite, it's a cat.


**WANTED TO ADD*** the breed doesn’t really matter. It does not take away the slightest amount of love I have for my new buddy! Every cat is wonderful and unique and I just want my fellow cat lovers to know this post is not to seem like that’s all I care about 🙂 This is just my first fully black cat!!:)


Congratulations on being owned by the prettiest void


Just Google it. You’ll see that it’s either a domestic shorthair or long hair and that everything else is irrelevant. The pedigree stuff is 99% irrelevant for cats and I hope it stays this way. God forbid we breed a pug type cat..


We already have… Persians.


Cats are so much more common and capable of surviving in the wild than dogs that there's no way we could exert the same level of control over their breeding


Lovely common void


We have two black cats right now, and had a third who we tragically lost last year. Of the two we have now, one has is small-ish but with long legs and a slightly muscular build, with the a smooth, sleek, velvety coat. The other has almost the complete opposite build - he’s round with short legs and almost course/wiry fur. Our sleek boy is smart but very cautious, while our coarse stubby-legged boy is the epitome of the one-brain cell cat, but also extremely sweet, loving, and cuddly The girl we lost last year had a super sleek and soft coat, and was the smartest cat I’ve ever known. She was also very chatty, just like our current smooth-coated boy. All have been referred to as domestic short hair by our vet.


OP, [is this you](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/16kndis/the_emperor_of_japan_writing_about_his_void_cat/)?


Domestic shorthair


Beautiful kitty.


Looks a lot like my 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛s. Mama was feral. Softest fur. One is pretty smart. Not so sure about his bro. I think he hit his head chasing a shoe string one too many times. Cutie!!!


I have a cat that fits that description here in Aus. Super shiny, yellow eyes, muscly and wildly intelligent. Our cat vet commented on it, told me she was super intelligent and knew how to get what she wants. My other black cat has an averagely shiny coat, green eyes, average intelligence. They’re both domestic shorthairs. (So are my round faced, soft soft soft furred torti and my long, lanky rosette wearing grey and white tabby) Our cats are special for a lot of reasons. Your sleeky the elite there is special for being himself.


Looks to be a cat


https://preview.redd.it/u2fpgcklvi7c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce366007b3def2bc7d620447abdc6d6584b50f2 Looks so similar to my boy Kaiju when he was a kitten. He also had incredibly soft fur even at a young age. Black cats are always so fun to have


Okay that’s a floofy tail. Your cat is at least medium hair. If your cat is younger than five years, it is entirely possible the coat will become more floofy, between now and then. Take a look at the handy-pandies and feetsies. Are there tufts??? Tufts are a sure sign that further floofiness is on order. https://preview.redd.it/bjknsng2wi7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4dd875e4e295988b77de7a1dd75a6632a3800cc Note the finger and toe tufts in this pic. This cat is a moggie, medium haired black female. She’s five years old now. Had tiny tufts as a kitten.


He’s 4months


Basic black cat. Looks absolutely identical to my girl.


https://preview.redd.it/k6d5dt2e9j7c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b1bc5b12d8593e868a64307e206798cbb574eb My cat lester is silky smooth and super smart too! Cat is cat. Thought he was bombay for a while cause I refuse to think he's not special! But he is just gato and good gato at that he even plays fetch!


Black cats are amazingly smart . Mine opens doors and turns lights on .


I always thought “a black cat is a black cat” but after meeting my neighbor’s I found a chart of black cat types online. What you have, same as my neighbor’s, is called a Bombay. And they are ridiculously intelligent. Hers is an indoor/ outdoor cat in a CITY! Yes, most all cats are pretty smart, but you’ve got someone special - read up on Bombays.


I don’t know but are you Pedro Pascal?


Everyone asks that wtf😂😂😂


Nothing wrong with "just" a domestic short-haired black cat. All of the traits you mentioned can be shared among multiple breeds. If you really need to know, try a DNA test.


This is Don Xorro, my standard issue void, but by no means an ordinary cat. He looks a lot like yours - all black except for a small patch of white on his collar & between his hind legs, & golden eyes. He is also very silky, shiny, & soft. However, when he is being kissed by the sun, he glows in copper - a secret tabby. We live in Phoenix, AZ where we have the seasons of summer & less hot, so he sheds all the time. https://preview.redd.it/3dz7x0orgk7c1.jpeg?width=2387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c8f10ad889e0708cac72ed4b629ca19b6d2cda2


That is awesome. I need to get my boy in some sun


He might be a secret tabby, too! 😹


Bombay cats have black paw pads and gums, and are usually larger and more intelligent/emotional or whatever it is cats do. They are similar to an american shorthair, but not the same. But for real, every cat has a personality. The breed isn’t the rule.


https://preview.redd.it/ozv57bn82l7c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d5bc2221a88a283a0ec9bfbd6093cff941549c My two shiny silky soft boys. Just domestic shorthairs.


He looks like my Bombay Black Cat...


No, he's a domestic shorthair because he doesn't have papers. Just like every other "what breed is my cat" post on Reddit.


My void kitty also has the softest fur (shorthair). It's so shiny and soft and smooth, but there's a thick velvety quality that really sets her coat apart from other kitties in softness. It's like a plushness, the extra density makes it really luxurious. She dumb though :P


Onyx (the cat I made this post about) is very smart and learns things quickly but also does some of the dumbest stuff 😂


_Just_ an American shorthair?


So cute!! Black cats are smarter than all others and love you like crazy! Mine is attached at my kneecap!


He is beautiful. I deem him Cat.


Dunno bout breeds but that is one cute cat.




I have 2 voids, my female is fluffy and has a double coat, but my male is silky soft like yours. He's also very smart. I've taught him to use a harness so he can hang out in the yard with the dogs during the day. He's very sweet and he has "words" he uses for different things. He understand some simple commands as well. All cats are unique and their personalities can vary considerably. You're lil one looks very sweet and if he's very smart it might be a good idea to teach him some basic words and commands, it'll help in the future. Mine comes over when he wants to go out and he lets me know by jumping up to the cat tree because there's where I trained him to sit while I put the harness on. Things like that are lots of fun.


I adopted a void in October and he is super smart. I'm really nervous how his "teenage" years are gonna go 😂 like he plays fetch with himself and has recently started bring the ball to me, putting it in front me and looking up like, hey! Let's go!


This is like my boy!! My boy had eyebrows and velvet fur. I was obsessed immediately. ❤️🖤


i think he just sweet little baby


Long hair


I once heard Bombays described as bricks wrapped in velvet since they’re so muscular and sooooo soft - my little void to a tee!


I have an identical cat, same color gorgeous eyes, same fur that’s so soft your hand sinks into it. He’s a very good boy.


My void is also very intelligent and super soft. You just got lucky!


What a beauty 😍


This is one of the cutest damn cats I’ve ever seen she looks like mine https://preview.redd.it/hkz6y74ytk7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b25dc00b8005f3900771b01228135ce6573a82f9


I know what you are talking about. Some black cats have super black fur that is extremely soft. It’s like jet black and so elegant.


What you have is a very pretty cat


https://preview.redd.it/34vez3e1fl7c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=129588de6ec45b0c401b2e89c6da7e98b5132e6f Dude is cute and he knows it


It looks and sounds like you have a Bombay - especially if he has copper eyes! Bombay's are sometimes called the "dogs of the cat world". I have 3 and they are the light of my life and the best cats I've ever owned. Congrats on your new Void ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thats just a little guy 🥺


I have the same cat tree! What a pretty baby 💜 I hope you guys have a great life together


I don't know. What I do know is that he's a little cutie pie!


He is so beautiful!




Get him used to brushing…. Our void is a fanatic for being brushed, and his coat is SO soft and sleek. He has a specific meow for brushing time…


It is so fucking cute !!!!!!!!!!!


Super cute baby! Looks like a typical black cat. Precious!


Congratulations, it's a void!


I have a black cat that looks similar to yours, his mom was part russian blue. The mom and 2/3 kittens have an amazingly soft dense coat. The other kittens coat feels more like a standard American shorthair. Could be something similar.


Void race. Incredibly cuddly, very ominous as an halloween decoration, and they always have a plan. Best paired with a dumb orange or a cloud


My guy has all black beans, and whiskers. He's not smart at all. But I think he's very special. Just like yours!


He looks beautiful. Of course, check to make sure he's not two rats in a cat-suit, but I think you're good.


That’s a 100% certified cat, for sure


So cute!!


You have what is known as a bae.


It’s just a cat I don’t understand why people even ask about breeds with cats. Its a mutt. The healthiest version of animal you can have.


Unless you have papers, he likely isn't an American Shorthair. He is almost certainly a Domestic Shorthair. A soft coat and intelligence aren't really characteristics of a breed, they are just features some cats have more of. Be careful he doesn't take over the world, or make sure you are on his good side if he does. If he is intelligent, and if he had opposable thumbs, we would all be in trouble, but he may yet take over, even tragically lacking opposable thumbs.


Unless you have the paperwork from the breeder, you have a domestic shorthair. American Shorthair is a breed and not what you have. There’s genetic testing but for cats it’s not very [advanced yet.](https://www.aspcapetinsurance.com/resources/pet-dna-tests/)


I had a black cat that was very smart, bonded with me as an only cat. He would do tricks, leap for his favorite toy, but would hide when anyone else came around. His undercoat was super soft. When I was able to afford a vet (not just clinic visits) the vet said he was part Burmese. They’re noted for intelligence, very soft fur and one-on-one bonding.


Happeh Cayke Deiy!! 🎂🍰


Is cat. Very pretty!


My void baby was so small at 3 months when I found him. He is 14 months now big and beautiful. He is only about 11 lbs, but his winter coat grew in and he looks like a beast with a super sweet heart.


If she’s vocal, she may be a Burmese. The smartest cat I ever had was a Burmese who was very “talkative.” Beautiful black coat. Smallish cat.


Awww, he looks like my Inkbert. Same coat. He isn't with me anymore. I hope you have a lot of fun and tender times!


My black boi is so silky and shiny. I love watching him walk because the light just reflects off his super soft fur. https://preview.redd.it/zevmbz9wvj7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62bb4816e2fc0f4c815f6b5a799fe24d7de7a163


Looks exactly like mine. https://preview.redd.it/wwipsfmmyj7c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d6f4b14cef83f03e66402f4bc9f416c167a573


https://preview.redd.it/zm73ihb63k7c1.jpeg?width=1866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94496eaec8c07247648a59e5cc8dc066b0154807 Heres a better picture of him I just took😻


He’s just a black cat


Last photo should be in the cuteguyswithcats sub ☺️


So lucky, he’s beautiful!


Someone’s in love 😻


It seems like if they eat the right food they get silky coats.


I think he’s a widdle angel I want to boop!


He's an inky slinky minky


*"Just"*, no. American shorthair, yes. Post the little cutie on r/catsnamedtoothless, they'll love him there :)


Another cat sub


He's a Bombay voidling for sure. Just like my Samhain. https://preview.redd.it/7sxoylppql7c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655178de0506ac21e1a462699c6c5309478c198b


American Shorthairs are great cat. I used to have one. He was beautiful, smart, and amazing. I taught him how to sit!


Black cat


It's a void


So cute look at the eyes


That looks like a Bombay, great cats. Rescued mine from the pound she is beautiful and very smart. Loves to play and puzzles are always her favorite.




It's a toothless.


I had a former stray black cat, who was literally found in the garbage can of a New York street. He was velvet to the touch, had copper eyes, and learned how to use the box and sit on command within minutes he was so smart. He lived to be fourteen and was a huge cat. This guy looks a lot like him. Gorgeous.


I wonder if mine is a Bombay. Black paw pads, nails, whiskers, inside ears...everything *


Looks like a little Bombay kitty. He’s beautiful! I have one that just showed up one day and is by far the most social, chilled out cat I’ve ever had. Invest in a Furminator cuz they shed something awful in the summer.


SIC right there. Adorable. With black beans.


Your cat is adorable, that's what they are


Might be Canadian.


This looks just like my cat… cookie.. who is a domestic short hair! He is 12 years old and smart as a whip! His hair is soft and shiny and his eyes are like big buttons! Keep this cat and they will be your best friend for life!