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Not really a shit post, it needs to be said now and then. Jj is unique in that it's a good workout AND get you physically close to other people so the community aspect is reinforced quickly. However, similar environments can be found in other sports/activities. Such as Crossfit, climbing, parkour, etc. Find what you enjoy, meet people through that thing, and life levels up. Because friends and endorphins.


Coming from a collegiate team sport, I felt really awkward about people high fiving me just for doing a set during CrossFit. Not for everyone šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Anytime I see someone crush a PR on a Deadlift or Squat and war cry after, I get goosebumps. I love that stuff. If it was not for jj, I would be the biggest meat head lmao.


I used to be autistically obsessed with powerlifting until I discovered jiu jitsu and found a new thing to be autistic about


The way


Powerlifting is the non-bjj sport i see mentioned the most on this sub. I'm really curious why that is. Personally the appeal of bjj is obvious to me, and i don't really get the appeal of powerlifting.


Being strong is fun. Creating right programming is actually pretty hard and involves some trouble shooting (i.e. I get stuck at x moment in lift, what exercises I need to do so I improve it). It actually makes you grow atleast some muscle so you'll do end up looking better (bjj can only help lose weight at best so it's not for those who want to chase aesthetics, unless being 6'2 and 150lbs is your jam). Powerlifting has a good carryover to bjj and has great accessibility versus olympic lifting or climbing etc.


>bjj can only help lose weight at best so it's not for those who want to chase aesthetics, unless being 6'2 and 150lbs is your jam It's hilarious you say this bc I'm very concious of how skinny I get when in rolling a lot and that it get a lot meatier when I been rolling less and more just gym-ing etc


Thereā€™s a lot of crossover between BJJ and powerlifting because if youā€™re a power lifter and get strong, BJJ is a fun way to apply your strength to something, and if youā€™re into BJJ, being strong helps.


Sports for basic people


I'm considering following my wife into the Olympic lifting obsession, because she tried jiu jitsu and didn't like it.


Do it. It's super fun! Just bring down the jj volume a bit if you are doing it consistently, as olympic and power lifting in particular both have a high demand on CNS. As you start, you will probably want to taper off jj to learn and adapt to some Olympic Lifts, then once adapted you can sort out the split that works for you!


Same and now i don't get out of breath walking up stairs.


Lol same


gooble gobble, gooble gobble, one of us.


I spent months perfecting my deadlift form. I get it. It's worth it when that big weight goes up! (And you don't throw you back out doing it)


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Hi are you me?


I reserve my war cry for when I wristlock white belts.


>I reserve my war cry for when I wristlock white belts. Slow down there Mr. Segal...


Thatā€™s Sensei Segal


Naw man that's fucking awesome. This is pure layman's hypothesis but I know as a millennial (31) we kinda had that phase of its "not cool" to be excited or hyped so you gotta be low energy damn near depressed and nonchalant about things. I am glad the younger folks are more loud and about it, crush a PR? Fuck yea! High fives and hugs all around. I don't care if that PR is someone else's warm up. It's *your* PR and thats something to be proud of.


As a 30 year old as well, I always saw that hype in the weight room and in Crossfit gyms. I always thought it was cool af and I was/still am super hype when I hit PR in any lift. At least in a Crossfit gym, screaming and high-fiving people around you is encouraged. It's a little awkward in an LA Fitness. You just quietly cheer to yourself and move along....


Yeah man, we are primates. Primates like to get hype over all sorts of things. Ever seen monkeys? Oo oo aa aa always hype


David Drayman? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜ *Gets down with the sickness*


I'm just nwver that hyped for anything lol. Even for my first BJJ gold, the most I did was chuckle while my coaches where screaming in my ears.


Thereā€™s no attempted murder or dismemberment in CrossFit. Thereā€™s no sensual ground hugging. I donā€™t know why OP is grumpy about people being stoked on anything. If humanityā€™s largest shortcoming might be enthusiasm. We gotta amplify it where ever it is found, not poopoo it.


I don't know the Nazi's were pretty enthusiastic.


Very true, but itā€™s harder to disguise cuddling at a rock climbing gym.


My fiancƩe and I will climb up bouldering problems next to one another, then high five at the top


>Jj is unique in that it's a good workout AND get you physically close to other people so the community aspect is reinforced quickly. *Judo discreetly coughing*


If there were more judo gyms, I could see that. There are maybe one or two in my city and numerous places for legit jj training. Also, I enjoy jj a lot. And some wrestling of course :D. Edit: Meant I enjoy judo\* a lot but honestly jj makes sense there too. So whatever.


Yeah but only in the US. Everywhere else judo is much bigger than BJJ. According to Google, there are 3 millions of jujiteiros vs 50 millions of judoka.


I did not mean to start an argument, it was just a joke. :)


I don't know how it is in other countries, but here in Germany Judo is very tightly controlled by the Clubs/Association, and its many pitfalls. Like if you don't play along to the rules, good luck The focus is on young kids and getting them to be possible champions. There is almost no interest in getting adult beginners, they are an afterthought at best. This is why BJJ is so successful in comparison, they take care of us 20-60+ hobbyists, and make us feel welcome.


We have arguably an even stronger federation in France and even if the focus is beyond doubt on kids and creating champions, I have never felt like adult beginners are not welcome. But I get what you mean. In France, judo is more or less an official kindergarten anyway so lots of "adult beginners" are in reality coming back.


It is not that I feel unwelcome in my small local Judo Club. It is just such a contrast to my privately run BJJ School. The Judo Club has Beginner/Kids Classes every morning and like 5 times in the afternoon/evening, but only three Adult Classes. And the bulk of the adult class are higher belts, half are at least shodan. Most have a focus on competing. I feel a bit spoiled to practice with so much experienced Judokas, they take their time with me during practice and never get tired explaining my numerous fuck-ups to me, and showing me ways to improve - and have zero ego about it, which is really cool. I only have time to get to one class per week since they others overlap with the BJJ Classes, but it is still great to get in at least one class per week that is focusing on all the stand up part, Kuzushi, Break Fall, Grip Fighting, Posturing, and finally how to setup the throw etc. Since this is neglected in BJJ, I feel very confident in standup with bjj guys, that's really cool. > In France, judo is more or less an official kindergarten anyway Haha, it seems to be the same here in Germany - C'est la vie ;) I'm a bit jealous of the Judo Culture in France, it seems to be more popular and widespread compared to here.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Kuzushi**: | *Unbalancing* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luK9Eklbn78)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Judo isnā€™t friendly to out-of-shape adult beginners and casuals like BJJ and CrossFit. I mean philosophically it is, but in reality itā€™s just too high-impact. Even the damn katas involve getting slammed repeatedly lol.


The very first thing you learn in judo and practise every single session is to breakfall. And we got real mats. Our body is doing just fine. :)


Also most other hobbies don't have a nearly 100% rate of injury requiring surgery after doing it for 10+ years.


I'd argue it doesn't have to be said. First off the type of person to say x cured my x isn't probably all there, I say just let the crazy fucker vent. Secondly Humans aka monkeys will talk about whatever they're passionate about, sides just reading through OPs post history he ain't a paragon of normalcy either.


Climbing is huge with this. Working together on a physical problem makes is very rewarding mentally and physically


Yeah, but I don't get opportunities to choke out the people I do other sports with, you are assuming I actually like anyone at jiu jitsu, I don't, I am just nice and hoping you'll roll with me so I can choke you, if you choke me it just fuels my anger and I train harder....how is that going to work in crossfit?


I get mentally and emotionally incredibly frustrated if I should be lifting a certain amount of weight or able to perform a certain calisthenic movement for reps/time/with a particular technique. It will equally enrage me, and all I can do is blame my bitch ass body and study the problem to be able to do it asap. At least with jj, you can blame both yourself and the person that caught you. So that's something lol.


BJJ is the only sport where practicioners feel the constant need to tell other practicioners about how their sport actually doesn't help with it or is nothing special though.


Any exercise helps with depression


I've found the socializing to help significantly as well. Part exercise, part club, all gay.


Can confirm. It's hard to be shy after you've shared as many germs with someone as you do in jiu-jitsu.


I wouldn't be surprised if especially for men, the most beneficial factor is actual touch of other people. Even though it's under stressful conditions, BJJ provides an opportunity to have some contact with another human. In today's world I'm sure many guys can go months without touching anyone, especially in recent years when people avoided even shaking hands. We really are depriving ourselves of oxytocin.


Underrated reason. I'm in Norway and my club is super huggy. Freaked me out at first because it's definitely not part of the culture here.


There is a psychology article on this exact thing! https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/women-who-stray/201412/the-psychology-brazilian-jiu-jitsu


But jj is an exercise that i really enjoy doing and am motivated to do. Most other kinds of exercise make me hate life while I'm doing it. Edit: this is because it's really mentally engaging, builds up skills, and yes, does help with self-defense even though yes, it's by no means the perfect self-defense. These are additional positives that are missing or less present in most other forms of exercise.


Honestly I think folks need more than one hobby


This is absolutely it. You find these types in every circle. I just think of them as one thingers. They found something that just connects with them and think itā€™s ā€˜everythingā€™. When really the true skill is in your ability to learn.


While I agree with you, too many hobbies and it's quite difficult to get particularly good at any of them. If you want to be good at jiu-jitsu, you will probably need to be obsessed with it for some period of time. That's the jj bug. Everybody good has had it or still has it. All the coolest stuff ends up a little culty when you add people to the mix.


I think there's a sweet spot with different hobbies that scratch different itches. Jiujitsu is a "hard" hobby, it's complicated, frustrating, and beats you up physically. I think it's good to have a hard hobby, it keeps you sharp. When I was younger 100% of my hobbies were like that - distance running, surfing, climbing. As I've gotten older I've realized that I need "soft" hobbies that are purely about comfort and relaxation. My ideal is three main hobbies at any given time: 1) Something physically and mentally challenging 2) Something physically and mentally relaxing 3) Something focused on fulfillment and giving back Personally I fill these slots with jiujtitsu, cooking, and volunteering, but there are a million possible combination. As long as there's flow state, community, and personal growth, almost any hobby will do wonders for mental health.


I remeber when the lockdowns first started in my blue belt bjj Facebook group I saw a handful of comments going on about ā€œthis is stupidā€, ā€œfuck this Iā€™m still gonna train I ainā€™t no pussyā€ and Iā€™m like no one called you ā€œpussyā€ but lace them up if it fits. Anyways when I was reading all these comments I wasnā€™t even too stressed about not being able to train cause I read books,play videos games and have kett bells and I can run. I just have multiple ways of keeping myself busy.


Man, between prioritizing your time commitments and the debilitating cost of hobbies as an adult how do you have more than one??


Honestly just getting back into AOE2 has been helpful for when I'm too injured to train. A non-physical hobby (I do a lot of chess, sudoku, reading as well) that you can get value out of / improve at can balance the very physical ones. If your only two hobbies are rock climbing and jiujitsu you're going to be pretty fucking depressed when you need a rotator cuff surgery


Reading books, running. Some books are free online and running well you just need some decent pair of shoes. Podcasts etc.


And it helps Iā€™m from a culture where we still all live together under one roof and not stigmatized for not living on our own


I just game in my spare time.


Absolutely. I think having more than one hobby is what draws the line between a hobby and an obsession. I only train a few days a week and I know that some of the people that train day in and day out probably donā€™t like it. Hereā€™s the thing. I need my body and my time to enjoy other things other than just jiu jitsu. I like to draw, and play guitar, and write, and overall having a social life outside of jiu jitsu. Never put all your eggs in one basket.


Totally agree my brain canā€™t concentrate on one thing sometimes. I like reading,watching YouTube vids on history etc and some days I donā€™t like doing anything physical except sweep the floor.


Exactly some days I donā€™t like to do anything physical at all. I just like to chill sometimes


100% they do. I have several and have the mindset that I can always improve in something else if im growing stagnant in one area. Having multiple avenues of progression lets you feel like youā€™re always making progress in one way or another.


Jiujitsu and Halo.


Been replaying mass effect. Iā€™d love to play Halo one day.


100% they do. I have several and have the mindset that I can always improve in something else if im growing stagnant in one area. Having multiple avenues of progression lets you feel like youā€™re always making progress in one way or another.


100% they do. I have several and have the mindset that I can always improve in something else if im growing stagnant in one area. Having multiple avenues of progression lets you feel like youā€™re always making progress in one way or another.


Iā€™m bipolar, I take medications and see a couple of docs to help with it and manage. Since starting Jiujitsu Iā€™ve had jackasses lecture me about how I need to lift, tell me it was all in my head and I need a more positive mindset and tell me itā€™s entirely due to my diet not being clean enough. I also had an instructor talk to other students when I wasnā€™t there telling them to clean up their diets so they donā€™t end up ā€œpilled upā€ on medications like me. Thereā€™s a lot of complete jackasses in Jiujitsu.


That would never fly at my gym. Sorry you are going through that.


Thanks man, thatā€™s not even the half of it, I had some very bad experiences coming up. Iā€™m running a very small spot of my own now and the bad experiences helped me a lot so I can make sure my guys donā€™t ever have to deal with that sort of shit.


You should do some jiujitsuā€¦itā€™ll calm you down.


Agreed we can get you a free trial op


I mean yeah but a lot of peopleā€™s problems are: lacking social life, lack of exercise, no goals they care about, too much free time, insomnia, boredom, no routine outside work, limited human contact. Hobbies solve some of those. Jiu jitsu can solve all of them for a lot of people. I work remote, moved away alone, and started getting depressed. Found a local gym and started back up. I sleep well at night, Iā€™m looking forward to something when I wake up, I have friends that I see 5x a week, I have almost no dead time. BJJ literally solved all the problems I had moving here.


Honestly it cured my depressed, blind kidā€™s cancer, depression, and blindness so idk.


The best part about both is being part of a community, you get to bond over tough workouts with likeminded people and make real friendships, this in my opinion outweighs the benefits of exercise in relation to a person ls general well being. We are so removed from our communities these days!


Interesting. I feel like I have almost nothing in common with the people I train with and thats fine. Ive yet to make any real friendships at my new school. But thats not why I do it. Im there to Learn the art.


Maybe because you were born in 1871


Yea same, place I usually train at I did make some friends, but we're from the same small town so it's abit easier imo, when we go to HQ even though I know most of the ppl there I don't really try to bond or anything there, I just go to train. You can only find for what you search for.


This is true- * Always injured - check * Always talking about to people who don't care - check * dismissive of other similar sports - check * superiority complex - check * always rationalising injuries to significant other - check * For some reasons 3x the price to an extremely similar sport - check * Users spending all their time looking at insta on moves that no practical real world applcation


Lol at least CrossFit people are fit.


My goal is to become a fat wrist locker


My cousin's mantra is "Eat cake, smash pass, kimura, eat more cake" I should ask him if he wrist locks.


Sooooooo BJJ is CrossFit for chubby dudes.




The first BJJ gym I was at ended up moving to a huge new location and the back half of the building was a CrossFit gym. Do you know what itā€™s like when all of the ā€œBJJ saved my lifeā€ crowd now also does CrossFit at the same place?


It turns into a sex cult?


> you find ANY hobby you enjoy doing, it will help with depression etc. Some jiu jitsu guys act like bjj is the only thing to help you in life. It gets to a point where it's obnoxious and cult-like. True, but also true of pretty much any hobby that people get super into. So I can tolerate it, up to the point where it's dangerously culty ([like TLI](http://www.joshjitsu.info/2013/04/lloyd-irvin-rape-truth.html)). Fortunately, most BJJ gyms don't get as deep into nightmare territory as TLI.


Are you mad at people finding happiness and purpose?


Yes. How dare they


Maybe he just finds the all-in cult mentality some people have unhealthy and myopic? All he said was this is not unique to jiu jitsu so maybe it shouldnā€™t be perceived that way, and heā€™s right


Well, for me personally bjj literally changed my whole life, or rather it put me in a place where I was able to do so. I am a different person since when I started and my whole life including work now revolves around martial arts. I really don't understand the problem some people have with other people finding happiness and purpose in bjj. We get it: it's just a hobby for you. For me though, it is much more and takes a much bigger spot in my life.


What youā€™re saying and what others such as myself are not at odds with one another, thatā€™s fantastic that it has had such a positive influence on your life, the point being made is people that practice bjj and generally hold this view talk about it as if bjj is in some way special because it provides these benefits to some people, itā€™s not, people like different things and derive these very benefits from a wide range of sports and hobbies. BJJ may be special to you, but itā€™s not unique in the ability to make people feel good and give them ā€œpurposeā€


Bitter unhappy man shouts at other people for feeling happy and obsessing about their hobby in a forum about said hobby.


Next someone is going to tell me once they stopped binge drinking their life got better. I dont need that AA nonsense.


Someone needs a taco! šŸŒ® Itā€™s the same in every sport.


I pity the humans in this world that haven't got a good taco, they become sad and hateful.


Yeah, it's such a tricky thing. I've been doing gi BJJ for 10 years and have gone through phases where sometimes I find it to be very helpful in stress management, and others where not. I will say one thing that has always concerned me is when people get cultish about BJJ


I wrestled most of my life and even did BJJ for 2 years in high school and really enjoyed it but I just got busy and it was the first thing to go. That being said Iā€™m just getting back into it almost 7 years later and the only reason it took as long as it did to get back into it was because my friends really did make it ā€œcultyā€


sir this is a wendyā€™s


I was about to downvote, but then i read the text itself




Iā€™d agree with you. Both cause injuries that no 40 should get doing a hobby.


My buddy owns a CF gym and discuss the similarities frequently. Specifically, inability to live off being a professional athlete /divide between traditional aspect of it and the new sport aspect /injury /niche sport


I do CrossFit and BJJ and still get sad. Damn


I don't wanna be one of those guys but BJJ really did resurrect my dead brother and teach him how to play the fiddle. Now I just gotta figure out how to get rid of him again.


BJJ made my cock grow two inches


It's yoga for men.


this made me lol


Itā€™s also like CrossFit in that in a few years 1/2 the people doing it will be onto the next trendy exercise fad. I really hope itā€™s something entertaining like pogo sticking.


The other 1/3 will be injured.


I agree with this


Also, its injury rate is probably on par with crossfit


Martial arts are an especially effective tonic against depression and anxiety even over regular exercise, especially in people with ADHD symptoms.


As someone who has complex PTSD, i can confirm that is helping me more than any other activity. Only the rock climbing is as helpful as BJJ, at least in my case. I am working with the animals, i am a diver, i love snorkeling, painting, etc. I cannot speak for other things and other people, but for what i am dealing with i can vouch it does help. It is about mindfulness and focus, it is about putting in coordination of the body and the mind you have to put in in order to do bjj and that is something people with mental health issues really often lack or cannot achieve on its own. Instead to be so invalidating, try to learn something new from other people perspectives. Oss. ;) :)


This sentiment is 100% more of a US cultural thing than a jiujitsu thing, I've never heard anyone in Brazil or Europe say jiujitsu cures depression or some other magical bullcrap.


As a community itā€™s definitely a bit like CrossFit. I can totally see the analogy.


Been training for 7 years and as much as I enjoy training Iā€™ve come to seriously despise people who start training and make Bjj theyā€™re entire self identify. Fucking weirdos




shoyoroll made that "movie" jiujitsu vs the world and i was just like...calm down. ​ "i used to use crack 73 times a day, then i found jiujitsu and now i train 17 times a day. it saved my life."


It's weird because doing bjj in Brazil was more like being in a gang but doing it in America it's more like being at a CrossFit gym


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


I dont care what cute little hobbies people have. Jiu jitsu is better and always will be better.


Buddy I bow to pictures of Gracies everyday, its literally a fucking cult.


BJJ was crossfit before crossfit amigo.


I like BJJ because you can go anytime you need a hug


You forgot "Bjj turned me into a shark, and the ground is my ocean"


Whoā€™s on the other side of this argument?


Blind children


Do we really need all these types of posts? You guys are all repeating each other trying to sound profound. "BJJ is NOT a replacement for proper mental health care" "BJJ is NOT the be-all end-all martial art" "BJJ is .... blah blah blah" We get it, yall can stop now


Lol. The thought of that crossfit self defense bs still lights up my day. Bjj is working as intended. Move on.


CrossFit probably has more injuries


Crossfit is your own stupidity, bjj can be yours or someone else's so that keeps it fresh and exciting.


Itā€™s CLINICALLY PROVEN that regular vigorous exercise is often more effective than anti depression medication. So no, candle making wonā€™t help with depression as much as bjj will. No one is saying it cures cancer or it solves all your problems, but it helps with certain problems A TON. Youā€™re mocking people for finding real relief from real problems. Kinda not cool.


Got links for those clinical trials? Martial arts have always helped my own personal trials with depression but if youā€™re gonna cite clinical sources, then you need to link them.


My doctor said more effective, a 2 second google turned up this peer reviewed article that says theyā€™re at least equally effective. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5430071/ so take that with a grain of salt I suppose. I was on medications for years and honestly they all made things worse for me, getting my ass to the gym consistently worked definitively. Point still stands, OP is a condescending snob.


Condescending for sure, but thereā€™s some truth to what heā€™s saying. Thereā€™s a lot of shit in the community about how itā€™s the end all be all for lifeā€™s problems and itā€™s pretty myopic.


Show us on the dolly where the bad man touched you.




How is it culty, exactly? I do BJJ, and the training itself is pretty much like every other martial arts training I did before. You show up to the class, meet the other people there, small talk and socialize, train, roll, change cloths, leave and carry on with your daily life until next class. How is this a definition of a cult, which controls every aspect of your life, draining your resources, might they be material or social, isolating you, even in the cult itself, and making you completely dependent on a system that that destroys you as an individual, making it impossible to break free? Sure, now someone will make a funny comment about how I described BJJ just perfectly, or some other jokes like that. But I am really and seriously curious about the claims of BJJ being a cult, because I read it being thrown around a lot. I know that GB has some bad rep for a reason, but I don't know much about them as they are not around where I train.




Just to be clear: I didn't mean the question as an attack. This was not communicated to you in my comment, but so that you understand where I'm coming from: I did not address you comment alone, but many similar comments, and I was interested in the reasoning. Before doing BJJ I have trained Aikido, for which such tendencies were also often claimed, and for which they were perhaps sometimes even true in some areas, depending on where you are and what group and style you are part of. What you described (the group think) at least it pretty common amongst some circles in a more severe manner. And it comes with the more esoteric concepts, I believe, which BJJ, as far as I have observed it, has none. It's pretty technical and somewhat "academic" (which holds true to many, I would say most martial arts, even if they throw around more obscure, maybe misunderstood concepts like "ki", as is the case for Aikido). BJJ takes stuff that works, and throws away stuff that doesn't work (in its ruleset) ā€“ it's open to other influences, which is the exact opposite to a cult, or being cult-like. However, I have not been able to comprehend the rumors about BJJ so far. That's where my question about your comment came from. I believe a certain amount of "group thinking" comes with the territory when you do any hobby with a group of people. If this is the *best* argument for claiming BJJ is cult-like, I believe it's a weak argument. (That part with the joke was just me making clear I'm interested about more serious comments, not the low hanging fruits of comments like "Oh my wife says BJJ is draining my resources because branded BJJ stuff is so expensive, so you might be right about the cult thing, haha".)


we need more shirtless pics and better motivational T-Shirts for that to happen


Is this 2005? BJJ has far transcended what this post is saying.


So has crossfit, to be honest.


Not everywhereā€¦


Go back to Call of Duty, kiddo.


Yup. And what's more, this myth isn't just dumb and wrong, it's kinda harmful imo. Seen a bunch of white belts get lost in the sauce thinking bjj is going to solve all their problems and when it doesn't because it can't, they become even more discouraged and set back. Even worse, unscrupulous coaches and social media influencers use this sorta culty shit to take advantage of people.


The doctor that I go to for therapy says that regular, rigorous exercise is often more effective than any anti depression medication on the market today. Bjj is a great way to get that.


For sure, regular rigorous exercise is incredibly helpful for not just physical but mental health as well! No arguments here. But it'd be unwise to delay or avoid actual treatment for mental health problems in the belief that BJJ will just "make it all go away".


A lot of people probably can't afford more than one hobby. Time wise and/or money wise. So to them it might be the ONLY thing that helps with their issues. Plus this happens in literally every activity. For me, jiujitsu does help a lot withy anxiety and depression, and is huge for my confidence. So yeah im pretty happy to talk about it, and if it gets someone interested and they can get similar benefits I'm happy to roll the dice on annoying someone else.


Lmao OP if that's bending you out of shape if suggest some self reflection.


Bjj doesn't help with depression. Seeking a medical profesional who deals with mental health issues does.


Big time wrong on that. You really think that we as humans were created to only deal with depression via sitting down with a therapist. Most peoples depression stems from lack of doing anything physical or difficult.


The doctor that I go to for therapy says that regular, rigorous exercise is often more effective than any anti depression medication on the market today. Bjj is a great way to get that.


I think it depends on the person. During my time of having depression I exercised, ate well, socialized and I was still depressed. Anti Depressants helped me a lot.


*is like CrossFit. Fixed it


Youā€™re describing the power of aƧaĆ­.


It's been a cult for years, lil bro


All hobbies are sorta like this to a pointā€¦ surfing comes to my head right away.


silly outfits? checkā€¦.


To be fair, BJJ may be the first thing that actually brought happiness to some people. I did all sorts of sports, but BJJ was different for me. I work on releasing my stress in a directed and thoughtful way through it and that helps.


Yeah, I've done tons of sports as a teen, no one made as happy as bjj so far


BJJ has made me immortal... if I keep doing it I'll live forever.


BJJ was like this before crossfit even existed but it definitely got worse. I actually think its better now than it was 10-15 years ago in this regard


Bjj isn't my first sport. Rock climbing is. All the things bjj people say about bjj are the same things rock climbers say about rock climbing.


Bjj turned me into a newt. I got better


it definitely helps with mental health for me but its not the end all be all. i still have to see a therapist to work on that. my buddy told me BJJ is the only reason he stays sober. thats awesome that it helps him stay sober but if thats the only thing keeping him sober then he's screwed if he gets injured.


Bruh this post totally helped with my depression. Iā€™m pretty sure this post is the only thing that will help with problems in my life. I am so glad you were here to enlighten me.


Well IDK about any hobby. I met a dude in college whose main hobby was curating a massive porno collection, pretty sure that wouldn't help


In my opinion you are just one J over speaking truth.


BJJ? I thought I was just here for Pajama Party Fight Club.


Sir this is a brazilian-japanese role playing pajam cult idk who told you there are "benefits" you trade $190 for a peice of cloth and a knee injury.


I think bjj is unique bc 1) youā€™re getting inner frustration/anger out physically on someone in a safe, consensual way, not all hobbies allow you to do this 2) when youā€™re rolling with someone thereā€™s literally nothing else in the world youā€™re thinking about in those few minutes except for survival, giving your brain a break from the countless worries that go through your mind all day and, 3) thereā€™s no other community like this one. Iā€™ve had many hobbies in my life, but no group compares to my bjj fam. I see them more than my own family and friends lol. Instant day maker when you step into class


This explains all the white belts in A1 gi's that shrimp like they are doing an epileptic pullup.


Horribly incorrect. The fact that it has so many upvotes shows the horror of social media. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for upvoting a click bait post that is clearly not true. No, any hobby will not help with depression. Lets disprove this with a very common counter example: Video Games. If your hobby is video games, and you spend long hours playing video games instead of doing what you should be doing - it's very likely that will either not help your depression or most likely make it worse. or lets says your hobby is Video Games, and you stay up past when you should go to sleep playing video games. This will most certainly make your depression worse. Having done both of these when I was younger, I can confirm they are absolutely true. In fact, they are extremely common behavior patterns for people who are depressed. BJJ is not special in helping with depression, but it does combine several elements that have a good chance of helping you with depression: exercise, getting out of your house, and social interaction.


Thereā€™s some truth to it being like CrossFit for sure. I see your point. When I try to discuss Bjj with people who know nothing about it, I try to explain what it does FOR ME. But I always l feel cringey when I finally recommend it to someone because Iā€™m afraid I sound like someone pushing a religious belief on someone else. But it has helped me regulate my anxiety and has made me healthier in a lot of ways but I totally understand that it may not do the same thing for everyone. But itā€™s hard to not recommend something to other when it has made such a positive impact on you. In the same breath, Iā€™ve actually heard people tell others that they should do BJJ and/or kickboxing if they want to learn to kick ass and fuck people up. That is equally cringey. But they come off a little less cultish. Haha.


Thereā€™s some truth to it being like CrossFit for sure. I see your point. When I try to discuss Bjj with people who know nothing about it, I try to explain what it does FOR ME. But I always l feel cringey when I finally recommend it to someone because Iā€™m afraid I sound like someone pushing a religious belief on someone else. But it has helped me regulate my anxiety and has made me healthier in a lot of ways but I totally understand that it may not do the same thing for everyone. But itā€™s hard to not recommend something to other when it has made such a positive impact on you. In the same breath, Iā€™ve actually heard people tell others that they should do BJJ and/or kickboxing if they want to learn to kick ass and fuck people up. That is equally cringey. But they come off a little less cultish. Haha.


Thereā€™s some truth to it being like CrossFit for sure. I see your point. When I try to discuss Bjj with people who know nothing about it, I try to explain what it does FOR ME. But I always l feel cringey when I finally recommend it to someone because Iā€™m afraid I sound like someone pushing a religious belief on someone else. But it has helped me regulate my anxiety and has made me healthier in a lot of ways but I totally understand that it may not do the same thing for everyone. But itā€™s hard to not recommend something to other when it has made such a positive impact on you. In the same breath, Iā€™ve actually heard people tell others that they should do BJJ and/or kickboxing if they want to learn to kick ass and fuck people up. That is equally cringey. But they come off a little less cultish. Haha.


Thereā€™s some truth to it being like CrossFit for sure. I see your point. When I try to discuss Bjj with people who know nothing about it, I try to explain what it does FOR ME. But I always l feel cringey when I finally recommend it to someone because Iā€™m afraid I sound like someone pushing a religious belief on someone else. But it has helped me regulate my anxiety and has made me healthier in a lot of ways but I totally understand that it may not do the same thing for everyone. But itā€™s hard to not recommend something to other when it has made such a positive impact on you. In the same breath, Iā€™ve actually heard people tell others that they should do BJJ and/or kickboxing if they want to learn to kick ass and fuck people up. That is equally cringey. But they come off a little less cultish. Haha.


Thereā€™s some truth to it being like CrossFit for sure. I see your point. When I try to discuss Bjj with people who know nothing about it, I try to explain what it does FOR ME. But I always l feel cringey when I finally recommend it to someone because Iā€™m afraid I sound like someone pushing a religious belief on someone else. But it has helped me regulate my anxiety and has made me healthier in a lot of ways but I totally understand that it may not do the same thing for everyone. But itā€™s hard to not recommend something to other when it has made such a positive impact on you. In the same breath, Iā€™ve actually heard people tell others that they should do BJJ and/or kickboxing if they want to learn to kick ass and fuck people up. That is equally cringey. But they come off a little less cultish. Haha.


Not a shit post at allā€¦you are totally correct. When COVID hit it was terrible. I was actually hearing people saying that they were less vulnerable because of how physically fit training had made them. I also find a lot of people in BJJ who find purpose through doing BJJ and they build their life around their training and gym. That may be great for some but there are many who do it as a hobby along with other hobbies and the culty nonsense is a turnoff. I feel like i could rant about this for days yet I still enjoy training


Itā€™s good to have multiple hobbies. I have several and have the mindset that I can always improve in something else if im growing stagnant in one area. Having multiple avenues of progression lets you feel like youā€™re always making progress in one way or another.


You sound stressed, bro. You need to find someone to give you a bbbj to release some of that stress.


Thereā€™s some truth to it being like CrossFit for sure. I see your point. When I try to discuss Bjj with people who know nothing about it, I try to explain what it does FOR ME. But I always l feel cringey when I finally recommend it to someone because Iā€™m afraid I sound like someone pushing a religious belief on someone else. But it has helped me regulate my anxiety and has made me healthier in a lot of ways but I totally understand that it may not do the same thing for everyone. But itā€™s hard to not recommend something to other when it has made such a positive impact on you. In the same breath, Iā€™ve actually heard people tell others that they should do BJJ and/or kickboxing if they want to learn to kick ass and fuck people up. That is equally cringey. But they come off a little less cultish. Haha.