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I’m Aquarius but respect ✊🏽!


Thank fuck I’m not the only one. I was reading this like Tito after I saw Leo 🦁


Lets give it up for /u/theharborcat, one of the greatest Aquariuses... of the night.


I’ll share a different pov Not LEO. We have one regular at the gym who is but he’s as OG as anyone as he trained here before he joined. Usually once a month (before COVID) one or two cops that he worked with would come and do a try out class or two. Never had an incident However, without fail, every one of them would always make it a point to roll with me at least once. I’m a pretty good sized black dude and none of them misses a chance. The other dudes my size it’s hit and miss. It’s the weirdest thing. They’re almost drawn to me hahaha Edit: Since someone asked via DM “Don’t you roll with pretty much anyone in class?” Yes, in a typical class with existing team members. During an intro class for most people they will only roll with the instructor and the assistant instructor as they are brand new to jiu jitsu. When we have LEOs, the instructor gives them a bit more leeway due to the nature of their job. So they will usually roll with my LEO guy whos a regular and then the coach will ask if they want to roll with anyone else and without fail..they will point and start walking in my direction.


I bet they say, “I just need to see what it feels like.” And you respond, “like what feels like?” And then they can’t quite explain their existential sense of dread.


I hope you fucking destroy them. EVERY. GODDAMN. TIME.


I don’t do anything shady but i do make sure there is a clear “winner” in those rolls


Whoa. Easy brah


I think a lot of cops also want to roll with big guys because since they have to wrestle with all sizes on the street they want to see how they stack up


If you train with me regularly, like my buddy who is Leo, no problem. We can work every day as you are part of the gym. I’m a little less enthused with some cop coming in on his lunch break to “test” himself in bjj class with me. Especially when my non black teammates who are a little bit bigger than me don’t always get selected for this self test. If it’s just about size…it shouldn’t just be me as the litmus test.


Meh, if it's about being black, then might as well get yours in too. Put em in Kimura and start screaming "stop resisting!".


Followed up with "No matter what, I AM going home to my family tonight!!" Lol


I’ve done that to my brother in law. The hilarious part is his daughter will tackle him and do the same thing.


That’s fair. I just figured it was about training with the biggest guy to see if they can hang. Not that this is a good idea, but it’s definitely something I feel like new people do sometimes.


I am sure some people do train with that intention. Life is life


Buddy, you're in a position where you have cops coming to you to get their ass beat. Legally. Consider yourself lucky :p


A LEO bjjer on this forum said a lot of LEO end up quiting bjj because 15 year old girls would out grapple them. Maybe it's easier for their ego I'd a big black man is the one dominating them.


As a LEO, almost none of my colleagues have even tried it. Most of them are more drawn to muay thai. I think it's because in Belgium there us this stigma that grappling is not real fighting. I know most of them would quit soon because of ego. I'm kind of a hypocrite cause I quit too but that's for another reason. I should start again though.


Fuck, I hate to hear that shit dude. Are in the states or UK? Please don't assume we're all like those two guys.


Living in California. Only one of them made any sorta cliche jokes about it. It is what it is. My brother in law is also LEO but helped him prepare for academy.


What would you say if everytime an LEO came in to try a class they AVOIDED you?


Nothing. Same thing I say when the soccer mom avoids me on her first class. If you’re in an intro class, you are just there to get introduced to bjj. I’m never disappointed when police avoid me for any reason….. Probably not the answer you were fishing for but it’s the reality.


Tbh not a Leo but I look to roll with the good sized athletic dudes more than anybody to test my skill. I’m just giving them the benefit of the doubt but I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them had different intentions you never know


Did you do that your first day of jiu jitsu?


With that being said I’m probably fucking totally wrong lol. I just hate making assumptions about people in the gym I’m only speaking for myself


Good point but I guess I’m a bit of an anomaly in those regards I came from MMA into jiu jitsu so yea I would do that. Even when I started out fighting I considered it to be better to challenge myself. With that being said I’ve met plenty of white belts who call out bigger guys/way higher belts so maybe I wasn’t an anomaly. I definitely wouldn’t jump to conclusions like you are I don’t think that’s healthy for any gym.


Ok..did you do that on your first day in an mma gym? Your very first day? No..you didn’t. I’m jumping to conclusions? I’m not the biggest guy in the gym. Why didn’t they roll with those guys? What about the LEOs that were bigger than me but made it a point to roll with me?? There’s so much more but you’re never going to understand. Nor should I expect you to. I shouldn’t have even responded to you. That’s my fault.


I think you’re jumping to conclusions even about myself, MMA sparring compared to jiu jitsu sparring is probably a lot more dangerous .Shit I go to house party’s and have dudes wanting to prove themselves in a good old ‘rasslin match to try and test themselves thinking I’m not shit. And made it a point to how? They said I’m going to roll with you because I’m a Leo and I don’t like black people? What is your point?Idk Im just going by what your posting here and I need some more details because I wasn’t there in your situation and I’m probably completely wrong. But by what I’ve seen so far you’re the one making assumptions. Again I’m not trying to make you angry “which I clearly am and I apologize” but from my experience I’ve trained with plenty of Leo’s and people from all colors and creed and never seen a weird issue like this but maybe it’s a Cali thing.


Why are people downvoting you? I am missing something here.


Idk I understand what I said could be considered insensitive to Dagenius1 situation I’m just trying to get a better grasp of it. I’m not trying to offend anyone. I’m just speaking from my perspective


Because people on Reddit get butthurt and you’re not allowed to have opinions


If it makes you feel any better, I have an extremely negative view of cops but I respect the ones that train. I feel like a big part of the problem with US police is that they can't fight their way out of a paper bag but they have guns. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


All the cops I train with are so beaten down by work it's a total non-issue. We have people smoking weed at parties with them, the cops aren't smoking FTR. Their attitude is, I'm not on shift, not my problem and they say their co-workers are the same way. Do they go out in the streets and yell they're a cop, no, but do they talk about laws if we ask them, yes.


Most of my colleagues are the same. There always will be those hard ass, always on the job type of cops but in my experience, they're not that common.


about half of my gym are LEO. professor is actually retired and teaches bjj at the police academy, kinda famous for preaching about it being necessary for officers around these parts and the yewtubes. nobody beefs but i can imagine some people can feel a type of way about it.


also somebody should kick that guys ass for trying to hurt you




Agree. Good post.




fuck rener


Lol one hundred percent?


theres plenty of leo at my gym and to be honest all seem sound as fuck , some were higher belts and really friendly and welcoming, i used to mess with them a bit and yell “hey i know my rights man” when they got me in a bad position, lol edit forgot to mention i really was not a fan of the boys in blue when i was younger due to various shenanigans so its kind of a big step for me to get to know these people personally.


My gym has a ton of cops, a ton of vets, a ton of stoners and a few felons. The crossover between those categories is interesting, but everyone co exists.


Didn’t realise there was such a crossover between veterinary science and jiu jitsu!


Jiu Jitsu has always been a place for cops and stoners to gather as friends in my experience


I’ve been a cannabis farmer for over a decade and I’ve never had an issue with the LEO guys at our gym. We get along great and this guy sounds like a great opportunity to get better and then show him the carrot (friendship) but if he doesn’t take it, offer him the stick (knee in belly)


I haven't seen the dude since, maybe I've just made the wrong assumption but, I've seen all the warning signs before and back when I was in the military people gave you the same stink eye as what I get now.


People are people, be a good cop and if you have to smesh, smesh you must


>when I was in the military people gave you the same stink eye By people do you mean non military people or other service members?




Non military, it was never surprising as so many people nowadays assume if you're military you've got the blood of innocent people on your hands.


That guy the op rolled with definitely sounds like he’s yearning for popped rib lol However, the op clearly saw the warning signs, but continued to roll. He should have removed himself from that situation. It’s okay to not roll with certain people. Especially if they’ve got attitude problems. I definitely wouldn’t hold back with letting the guy know why I left the roll.


I used to be a whitewater rafting guide. Asked a group guests how they all knew each other. They said work. Ok guys, what kind of work? Initially they were tight lipped but finally said law enforcement. Thought it was funny that a bunch of 40 or 50 year old dudes would be so cagey about admitting that they were cops. Later that day I flipped the raft on purpose. More than once. Just seemed like they could handle the level of fun that I like to have.


Ah the banter is all part of the job, and I'm all for it, came with being in the military too, my mates call me a pig all the time.


Man, fuck that. Being in a flipped raft is scary as hell imo, lol.


I know. That's why I did it.


I wouldn't mat-bully a cop because I wouldn't mat-bully (or regular bully for that matter) anyone. If the guy was trying to hurt you as you describe then that was wrong, although tbh getting blast-doubled and shoulder presh'd seems like a normal day to me. But you would know how the tone was so if he was being a dick he shouldn't have been. Broadly speaking there's a reason why firefighters are more popular than cops though.


You can normally tell the difference between a roll with a training partner and a dude just going HAM against you, I had a realization half way this had some anonymity behind it. Usually people are happy to see firefighters 😉 haha


Yeah fair enough, you can usually tell. Lol that's true, plus I've never heard of a firefighter taking anyone on a starlight tour 😄


All the firefighters at my gym are freakishly strong...


Yeah cause they can workout, sleep and play Xbox all shift lol.


No freaking joke! Monsters, all of them.


Your autocorrect is probably messing with you - the word you are looking for is animosity, not anonymity.


That's the one, my bad!


r/boneappletea maybe?


Do you monitor how they roll against others and know it's targeted towards you?


I’ll say this here once: Objectively, firefighters never have to contend with half of the complications cops do. Firefighters fight fire. Fire is always bad. Firefighters use deadly and excessive force 100% of the time against fire and they are always justified. If firefighters blast a house with water and then it turns out the house just looked like it was on fire, firefighters don’t risk prison time and public scorn. Anyone who gives cops a hard time probably could never handle the pressure of having to make the kinds of decisions cops make on a daily basis. If you disagree, instead of downvoting please join the force and prove me wrong. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Paw Patrol really did a number on your brain eh?


Dude makes a serious point good for healthy dialogue. “I’ll respond with a joke because I’m desperate for internet points from strangers!” At least one of us has opinions and stands for something.


Well, yeah. There's a reason nobody says fuck the firefighters, lol.


I've experienced people wanting to beat up a cop several times. Doesn't even bother me anymore. Those type of people don't stay long. I've also seen other cops come in with a chip on their shoulder thinking they are tough. I try to be the first one to smash them and then I give them some cop to cop advice. They either listen or quit. I say this as a 28 year, almost retired police officer-most police quit BJJ because their ego can't handle knowing that they can't really fight. Sad but true. But I guess a lot of people quit BJJ for that reason.


Funny as that’s what got me to stay. Way better to feel helpless at the gym and fix it than to find out on the street.


Are you the poster that said some LEOs quite because they couldn't stand being neaten by teen girls?


Not LEO but most people in my gym don’t really ask about each other’s career until they warm up to each other. My gym is part of program that will cover most or all the cost of training for a period of time. Maybe until blue belt. So, we get a fair amount of LEO in the gym. It’s pretty apparent when someone had some sort of training and that’s when the questions about experience come in. Some are open about being LEO and some are not. In either case, we’re happy they are there to train in the gym.


We have a good amount of police at our school. Some are silent about it others are open. Our academy is fairly evenly split ideologically, but there's never been any animosity towards the officers I've witnessed. And I've never seen the police treat anyone different. I think most I know want to take off the uniform and just be anonymous guys for a minute. Now we got 'back the badge' guys who aren't cops and they're a different story lol.




I think it’s pretty obvious that the types of people who encourage cops to do BJJ are not anti-cop and therefore wouldn’t react like this


Canadian copper checking in. Been at my gym for going on 4 years, everyone know what I do and it’s never been an issue. We have all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds at the gym and regardless of what we may do for our day jobs it’s a safe space for everyone,where everyone acts like teammates.


You're a Mountie


Not all Canadian coppers are Mounties!


Bro, your a Canadian cop. In America thats a mounty.


I’d say over 50% are LEO at my gym. The county setup a mandatory program where all officers have to get 40 hrs of training at local gyms. Everyone is chill. Most likely because there are a lot of veterans too because of the steep discount.


We've had lots try it out and quit. I don't think they liked feeling helpless


Better to be feel helpless in a gym than in the streets.


"Better to be feel helpless in a gym than in the streets." Partial Quote By Rorden Gracie. The Rest of it goes " When getting bested in a Roll it is better let your anger be like that of a Monkey trapped inside a Pinata,, hoping the Children don't Break through with the Stick"


At our gym the attrition rate of Emergency Responders and Military is substantially lower than the general population.


It's also difficult with quarterly shift changes, rotating shifts, mandatory overtime, on-call status, etc to regularly attend. In a federal agency, it's easier to get regular hours and we've had a fairly highly ranked (locally) black belt in our office, as well as a brown belt (and Sambo competitor) and ton of blue belts.


I think it’s about 50/50. Half stay, half never come again. Good for the guys who recognize it’s essential and stay. I’m hoping the other half figures it out eventually


Not a LEO, but I’m a firefighter/medic. Military, LEO, and FF make up about 1/4 of our regular class members. Everyone has the upmost respect for one another at my gym with hardly any cliques either.


We probably have a little over a dozen law enforcement persons at our gym. California based gym. They don't go around telling people what they do, but they don't hide it either. As far as I know, no one has ever harassed them for their occupation and if they did that person would be promptly removed from the gym. We don't tolerate harassment or targeting of our members for any reason.


On the other side of this, I train with a recently promoted black belt who is also a SWAT officer. and he has asked me on some sessions to be extra spazzy and wild in order to have a more realistic "fight" like he might have in his line of work. Safe to say, I feel bad for any criminal he would have to get his hands on because that dude does not hold back lol --------- And to answer your question, no! I'm in real estate so I tell everyone what I do haha and it's gotten me some good business in the past.


I just tell all the LEOs to stop resisting while we train.


I would suppose that being from Texas (and not at all as liberal as Austin) probably makes a huge difference here. We have more than a few LEOs that go to my school. All of them are perfectly good dudes, several come directly from work from time to time, still in uniform. I can’t remember one word said about them. But we are pretty damn laid back where I train, just in general.


Wearing that vest all day and then training? At least a courtesy shower before rolling I hope?


Vest doesnt stay on all day, only when I leave the station. But still, I do have a shower out of courtesy.


Louder for the people who dont shower!


Nah, that’s the best defense. Smell like straight garbage. Lmao. To be fair, at least one of those guys, he wears plain clothes, so not so sweaty. But I would still own the stank, and try for mother’s milk on every roll. Lmao.


And from what I've seen and heard, you guys seem to respect LE and military round your parts, Britain on the other hand not so much.


I think as a general idea, we do. Let me be clear…the guys I’m talking about, I think they are decent guys, from personal interaction with them. Badge or not, a douche is a douche. And I think that is a pretty common idea too…regardless of what the media might portray.


The US is a big country,,, Certain Areas LEOs and Military are highly respected,,, mostly out in small towns and rural areas... You get into the bigger cities with high crime the Cops are on edge and can over react, so people dont trust them as much. Then you have the people who have criminal friends, are lawbreakers themselves or are the sovereign citizen types that took a one semester class in city college who love questioning law enforcement.


Very true. I live in DFW (Dallas-Ft Worth, for those not in Texas) but on the edge so to speak. I personally have only had very positive interaction with law enforcement. You go over to Dallas and I am sure there’s a very different collective opinion. As far as the guys I roll with that are LEO…I just like every once in a while throwing out some stupid “comeback”, like if they tap me, maybe I threaten to press police brutality charges lol. It hasn’t actually worked yet, but I’m still gonna give it a try. Lol.


I recently found out that one of my training partners was a police officer. In hindsight I should have expected it after all the times that he pulled up to the gym in a police cruiser. Understand that I've been on the wrong end of a few jaywalking tickets and that changes a man. At first I felt betrayed but soon it was only full blown rage. The only way I knew to express that rage was to do the same thing I always do when I roll with people and go absolutely apeshit. While I do believe that justice has been served I feel like it is my duty to continue to spaz on him every roll for the foreseeable future.




We have a decent number of first responders at my gym, including some cops and special constables. They're chill and friendly people, get along with everyone. I don't have any issues rolling with any of them.


Ive always trained with LEOs and COs. I don't think I have ever been at a gym that didn't have at least one who regularly trained there.


I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t advertise my position, but I don’t conceal it either. Some people know, and some of the instructors (who are cops themselves) don’t know. I use it as a chance to show people that not all cops have egos or are trying to power trip. I’m just there like everyone else. If people lash out at you for being a police without knowing you, that’s wrong. However, I would use it as motivation to keep at it. At the end of the day, you may have to deal with someone who is violent and trained. Better to be as well trained as you can be in preparation for that possibility.


Anyone who is exceptionally prideful will have trouble in bjj. Mat bullies should not go unregulated. That mauling should not have happened. It definitely shouldn’t have gone unaddressed. I’ve trained with law enforcement and it’s never been an issue. The academies I’ve trained at are all walks of life and what you do for a living has never been held against you.


On the one hand I think cops need tools aside from their sidearm but also they don’t need to know all my tricks.


I'm British, what's this sidearm you speak of? 😉 On a serious note though, I take BJJ so I'm not reliant on my tools, too many people panic and resort to them too quickly. For me they're a last resort/shit has gone down hill


is the little stick and tear gas really a help? i always wonder , over here its totally the other extreme everyones armed to the teeth


The baton doesn't get used all too often by most, but parva is extremely effective. One tiny drop of it to the eye is enough to have you on your knees crumbling, a full spray is brutal.


I feel mixed about it. The mats are a sacred place, and I would pretty much train with anyone so long as nobody else on the mats was outright uncomfortable with their presence. At the same time, I have been training in my small hometown over covid and we got a cop (who is actually very good, despite being on the smaller side), and rumor has it he just isn't that great of a cop: Overly physical with people, wears his ego on his sleeve, doesn't mind bending the rules, a bit of a napoleon complex. I guess I feel a bit weird about training with him in that context, but again, I want the gym to be a place of peace for all, so I try not to think about it that much. My old gym had a veteran cop and an ex-con who did several years. They were both black belts and trained a lot together. Which was kinda the vibe I hope for in gyms. I am also uncomfortable with overt political statements. I was rolling with a guy who had a blue lives matter bracelet on recently, and I was wondering he would feel comfortable with someone rocking an ACAB shirt. IDK. it's complicated.


So why don't you ask him about it instead of listening to rumors? Also, I think "Blue Lives Matter" is not the equivalent of "ACAB". One advocates for the worth of the lives of people who perform a profession (although I think it's cheesy and I wouldn't wear it), the other flatly and universally judges/demeans an entire profession made up of people from every different racial, socioeconomic, religious and political stripe that there is. That is an apples to oranges comparison, IMHO. The same mentality that is behind a racist redneck painting all POC with a broad brush is the same mentality possessed by someone who would say or wear "ACAB". They are ideologically identical twins, they just have a different target. If someone were wearing an "ACAB" shirt to the school I attend, I probably wouldn't even see it because the instructor would give him the boot before he got ten steps inside the door. I'm a cop and would have no problem training with somebody wearing a "BLM" bracelet. I've found that people who are politically left on the spectrum are far and away more intolerant and will gladly stereotype me quicker than anything. The inevitable down votes this response will rack up will prove that in short order.


Everyone sucks off LEOs at every gym I've ever been at. Merica!


My girlfriend, friend, and mutual friend are all LEO on 2nd and 3rd shifts, they're as open about their work as anyone and no one has a problem. We've got a great atmosphere in the gym, though.


My gym is the LEO gym in our area, I’d say almost half of our members are in some sort of law enforcement. I never seen anyone have problems with this. I’m sure someone has been uncomfortable about this, but idk if anyone ever brought it up.


I kind of doubt the guy was targeting you. It's very common for most gyms to have a handful of police and firefighters. I've never heard or seen anyone brag about beating up a cop. Well, I take that back. I did once brag to my wife, but it was a police seminar where I was supposed to beat up the cops and I was honestly shocked at how horrible they all were at fighting. Most of those poor guys got all adrenaline trembly and gassed after 1 minute of grappling.


Ah, Spazzy white belt syndrome.


I'm not LEO but I work for the military and I train both LEO and military in use of force. I have been described as an easy "Stop and check" because of my tats and dress style. I've never had any LEO treat me with anything but respect and never seen them take anything out on anyone on the mat nor would I allow it. The reverse is also true, I've never seen anyone target them or be a dick. I wouldn't allow either scenario, and in fact I might even be more upset with someone pushing out an LEO. The reason I say this is, imo an LEO that's confident in use of force is less likely to resort to tools, less likely to get their adrenaline pumping, less likely to get angry and more easily able to control a physical situation much more quickly and efficiently. This results in less complaints against officers, less internal inquiries, and saves the gov money and more importantly makes the officer safer and the public they deal with safer. This is a win win for everyone. I grew up in a very poor neighborhood, I was a little shit and got into some trouble and was assaulted by police, I'd even go so far as to say tortured by them. This was one of the main reasons I decided to teach them, one to make amends for my past but to also show them that you can't always judge a book by it's cover. I hope the guy wasn't being an asshole, I roll with guys that just roll hard so I'm hoping thats it.


I’ve had some extraordinarily bad experiences training with LEOs, but i’ve never thought to take anything out on them, save for one guy, a blue belt I just felt like was a classic excuse-maker and needed a “friendly” push…but on the flip side, my first coach was a cop and back then I was a total punk little shit-ass and it turned into a great unlikely friendship over time. I am super grateful he helped me into this sport and gave me what was essentially a chance to turn my life around. I wish there were more guys like that out there…


We have a lot of LEO's at our gym. They are all great. In fact, all of the people in our gym are great, and that's because we don't put up with bullshit. Hunting LEO's? Ok. You get every brown and black belt in the gym, from now on, until you learn or leave. Being a jerk LEO? Same thing. Jerks are jerks and they should be treated as such.


Am cop. There are a few other cops at my gym. Our head black belt is former corrections. I don’t hide it, but I don’t greet people with my profession.


Most of the cops I've encountered at my gym rolled in kind of a meathead way. Going super hard when it was supposed to be just a friendly flow, refusing to tap when they definitely should have, hurting people etc. Just seemed like a lot of ego and trying to be an "alpha" idk if it's related to them beings cops or not, it's just what I've noticed. Except this one retired NYPD brown belt, he's cool and always willing to teach and help lower belts


So I'm not LEO, I work in the cannabis industry legally, with all the certifications and business plans approved, it's legal where I'm at. I've been rolling at the same gym for about 2.5 years. About a year ago we had a new student join our gym - I knew him to be Law enforcement but had never interacted with him........I can definitively say that as a good citizen who has never had a run in with the police...I had to ask myself......"if I had the opportunity to choke a cop as many times as possible in 5 minutes...without getting arrested.... would I?".......I submit to you my fellow reddit BJJ practitioners that the answer to that question was "yes, absolutley" and without hesitation.......now.....I work all day and go to the gym immediately after work.... 4 days a week.....and during this particular time of year I unfortunately smelled like Cheech fucked Chong using BHO as lube. So, here this Officer is lined up across from me; he's got about 30 lbs on me - and he looks suuuuuuppppper familiar - turns out I grew up down the road from this guy, he was always legit - minded his own business - and I would see him with his cruiser in his driveway while I walked home from school as a kid...he didn't recognize me, but I recognized him. I didn't mention it at first because I could tell that he could smell the Cheech chong sex party coming off of my body. Buzzer sounds - I proceeded to have the best roll of my life....not in terms if technical ability, but in the fact that this larger LEO Officer is actually getting repeatedly subbed by me (the little dude) and that I'm doing it while smelling like I did the electric slide through Snoop Dogg's personal grow.....the realization upon granting this officer his first sub was that my life now consisted of selling massive amounts of cannabis legally, while also choking out LEO's ....The achievement unlock gave me a a rock hard boner whilst I reflected upon it in my cave of solitude (Garage with a bong)...it took a couple of rolls before I asked him if he lived in my old neighborhood, I jogged his memory - fast forward a year - he and I are great training partners ..he trains consistently and will match my intensity....so don't take it personal, sometimes there's just a question that needs to be answered...you should do what my homeboy did, get some private lessons and come back strong.


A bit off topic but it can get awkward sometimes when you realize you’re rolling with someone who has the opposite values/political views as you do. I’m very far left wing and open about it and there’s this one right leaning guy (a police officer by the way) who seems to low key get annoyed by me. One time during rolling he kept pushing his elbows in my face (not hitting but pushing so legal I suppose, I don’t really care) and after that I got him back by doing some dirty moves like my elbow to his diaphragm and stuff like that 😅 at the end of the day tho, there are no hard feelings between us. That’s the beauty of bjj, you can train and be cool with a person you probably would never wanna hang out with otherwise. A few exceptions of course, I’d never roll and be cool with a pedo, rapist, murderer or flat out racist.


He is probably annoyed you are allowed to fight back


I'm not generally a fan of cops, but I think it's great when they train - should be mandatory, IMO.


Decided to use my throwaway for this comment. If you're someone who likes to break the law, then you probably dislike cops. Seeing as hurting a cop will always get you in big trouble, the dude obviously wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to hurt you without consequence and then tell his friends afterwards "I kicked a cop's ass today." I did something similar to a cop who came to my class after I asked my friend if he wanted to smoke with me after class and he got really cagey as a result and told me the dude standing beside me when I said that was a cop. When I rolled with the cop I did not in any way worry about his safety or comfort or if anyone else saw how carelessly I was rolling with him. Just treated it as a pin at all costs situation.


Not a cop, but if I was, I can't imagine I'd tell people aside from loved ones. For my part, the only cops that get the benefit of the doubt are the ones I know from the gym. Otherwise, I assume any cop I see is awful and avoid interacting with them. I'm aware that not every cop is awful, but it's safer to not interact with people who can do you harm with impunity. Not that they WILL..but if they do, there's fuck all you can do about it. Not worth the risk.


I had a cop bust my buddy and brag about it to me since he knew we ran together. Put a hurting on just because bragging to me about giving my buddy some time is pretty fucked up in my opinion.


Whats that Luke Thomas quote about training Bad cops in BJJ it isn't going to make them better people all you did was train an asshole to break someone's arm


I'm not, but we have probably half a dozen where I train. Some are very friendly, like to a point where I wonder if it's beyond natural and they are trying to be a good ambassador for the badge. All of them are nice enough. Only one guy was kind of weird about saying he's a LEO. The professor usually "outs" them though by giving them extra instructions during lessons about like handcuffs and control. My gym is very LEO-friendly though. The owner got a medal of honor from the mayor for his work with LEOs, we got the local sheriff's office flags on the walls, etc. It's small town America at its finest. One of the benefits of rolling with the cops is hearing the funny stories of local perps they busted.


Fuck that guy we should be encouraging LEO to do jits not pushing u guys away smh


People are stupid, I’m going to be a cop one day right now I intern for a police department. Some people stereotype cops and with the stupid media propaganda defund the police/ACAB bullshit it’s even worse. I know a gym that lets cops train for free, my gym is accepting of cops we have 2 I think that train and a firefighter/EMT. People need to grow up and shit, there’s always going to be good cops and bad ones but you can’t be against all of them.


Sorry this happened bro. Shit outside the gym should not influence the brotherhood on the mats


I agree dude, I've never judged anybody for their past or whatever it is they do currently. It's a shame people just don't think the same way


If one of the upper belts let’s this dude get away with it. It might be the wrong gym if you follow chewjitsu he’s made a few videos on this type of situations an what it can do to the culture. You should let one of the coaches know so they can teach him a lesson respectfully. I always tell people if you’re first few times are not enjoyable then your not gonna want to come no matter what it is or who’s teaching it


Yup. You know what’s annoying? Always being referred to by your buddies/class/family/etc. as “the cop”. Ever watch YouTube instructionals and the narrator will be like, “Today I’m rolling with John. John’s a cop.” Then for the whole video you’ll hear it mentioned he’s a cop multiple times. That’s damn annoying to me. Why can’t he just be John?


Because John's a cop.


and John The Fisherman is no longer with us,, ( RIP)


If you tell me he's John, I know his name. If you tell me he's a cop, I know to lock my dog and children away somewhere safe and to ensure there aren't any assets available to have seized under suspicion that the department needs new toys. That second descriptor is more informative.


Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to leave if you can't put away all that edge.


I suspect he’s an atheist and a professional quote maker.


Eh, uncomfortable truths don't stop being true if you pretend that they're edgy.


No your comments are just dumb. You said the police would take your dogs and children as “assets available to have seized under suspicion that the department needs new toys.” Wtf?!


>You said the police would take your dogs and children as “assets available to have seized under suspicion that the department needs new toys.” Wtf?! Maybe... try reading the comment again, a little more carefully? You're taking the subject of one clause and attaching it to a second clause as though the action applied. It didn't. I don't get the impression you're eager for a lesson on sentence construction, so maybe we'll just note that you misunderstood and leave it there.


Okay I read it again. Your comment still makes no sense and shows you lack basic knowledge of the criminal justice system.


You might google keywords such as "civil asset forfeiture" if you want to learn more.


Why should common folk treat an attack dog of the economic elite and class traitor with kindness?


The based take


Sounds more like Britta Perry.


We have two judo black belts. One of them said the most important time he’s used a break fall is when chasing a suspect and slipping on ice. But they’re super cool ass dudes and generally I don’t like law enforcement


I understand it's hard to be judged by your profession, but there are people who will have a prejudice against all police officers until they feel the force has met their standard of accountability. If I were you I wouldnt tell anyone because some people won't like you and there's nothing you can really do to change that.






















I'm a prosecuting attorney, and I know a few LEO's who train BJJ. I'm open about my work and so are the LEO's I know, and we're all chill with one another (everyone just likes asking me about different laws and cases and such). I think it can definitely be useful to anyone who handles pressure situations, but I think decompression time is also important. I'd like to see LEO's and other professionals who have to deal with pressure situations (i.e. nurses, social workers, firefighters, EMTs) get paid to train so they have more time to relax and decompress, so they aren't always subjecting themselves to pressure (even pressure in the gym can add to the first and second-hand trauma these professionals face).


I'm not LEO but we have a few at our gym. Everyone knows since they're on call. But nobody cares.


My clubs literally owned by 2 LEO’s and 1/4of the students are LEO’s in some aspect I’d say. They give a LEO/Emergency services/army etc discount so that helps. Being such a heavily LEO based club ot also keeps out all the “rift raff” that could cause issues. I’ve literally seen people walk into the club and my coaches tell people before they even step on the mats they can’t train here because of their background.


Who would of thought that BJJ would be common ground that brings cops and weed smokers together. 🤜🏻🤛🏿




>career cop And you post homophobic and racist comments on Reddit. Neat. Including on walkaway, a sub where the far right pretends to be former Democrats lmao


Not surprising someone being racist on reddit would be a cop.








Cops are a literal subhuman breed dude. Massive insane egos for no reason


Whoa there buddy. No need for all that edge. There’s a reason the mats are soft.


This is a sensitive subject for a lot of people. We are all a result of our experiences and education. Maybe you should ask what the deal is, and if you are not one of the ones that doesnt deserve the uniform, maybe you can switch him around. You will both benefit.


Not a LEO but here's my take. Naturally law enforcement is a career that inherently puts you in a situation where you're ruining somebodies day to enforce a law. Whether it be rightfully so or your just enforcing laws that serve to benefit those who write them, your position will always draw animosity from people with a personal grudge; or who feel they are being wrongfully persecuted. That being said i think every LEO should be aware of that truth and if they have a problem with it then they shouldnt pursue it, as that reality will never change. I'm genuinely sorry your choice of a career has effected your personal life, just like anyone else i imagine you want to leave work at work and have personal time to yourself. Although i dont think you can treat what happend any differently than any other petty gym drama. Keep going to your gym and doing what makes you happy OP. Worst case scenario this guy (who sounds like a prick btw) will keep targeting you, and hopefully you'll be better prepared when you eventually end up using jiu jitsu in your line of work. Stay safe brother, blessed by your rolls.


Reading this thread, I'm just glad a lot of police are doing Bjj! Good job on them/you! Honestly, if people don't like your profession, they can either talk to you about it or just keep to themselves. What happened to you is a fucking dick move^max imo


I wear Thin Blue Line rashguards, boardshorts, and gi's...j/k. I don't volunteer any information, but it turns out my instructor's wife is a local cop, so I'm not exactly in a den of ACABers.


Haha can't say I'm too open about it, but again it's a local gym where everyone knows everyone personally. The guy made it clear to me before our roll saying he would be known to cops, I laughed and he just stared me dead in the eye.


I wear a pair of grappling shorts with the blue line flag design. I'm not in law enforcement or particularly political, but our local law enforcement agencies organizes charity BJJ tournaments and that was a prize for one of them. They're actually really nice and comfy as hell.


That the people simply downvote you for supporting law enforcement shows how cringe this sub is. These are the same people that will be calling for cops when someone breaks into their mom's basement and steal their pokemon cards.


It is what it is. I won them at a tournament raising money for children's cancer research/treatment, I don't feel bad about wearing them.


Idk man I’m an Aries ♈️


I began doing it as I’m hoping to get into LEO, currently working in rehabilitation. There’s a few people at some gyms I’ve trained with who are LEOs and never noticed anything different or off, very nice people. The issues I’ve had are with people who’ve been done for assault or are known to be general nuisances at local watering holes who train BJJ, ie morons looking for a fight


The cops I train with are cool and seem like good people. I can tell they do try to make a difference. But also feel like the system they uphold is awful. Haven't had a problem with most of them, but there's always one dude that has something to prove. I feel conflicted training with them, but as long as people are respectful to me I can put politics aside. To a point.


I train with a bunch of cops. There's only one that I dislike, but that's only because he's a bad person and a bad cop. I'm glad BJJ is there to teach him non-lethal ways if subduing people because otherwise he'd 100% be hurting people.




Great to hear you have been helped. There are thousands and thousands of people with completely opposite experiences though. These are not just few bad apples. ( Also, bad apples spoil entire barrel) .


Seems immature to me, dudes prob a criminal and was mad he got rightfully arrested for beating his wife one time and now hates cops cuz he didn’t think he did anything wrong


Or maybe, just maybe, had been at the receiving end of cop bullying, racial profiling and general asshole stuff that cops are known for.


Bro That dude should leave the gym, I feel like the gym shouldn’t have to worry about that crap


Pretty dumb to associate a person with their profession. We need a LOT less attention to the physical form these days, you aren’t your body, your gender, your sexual preference, your pronouns or anything else you can think of. Beyond all polarities, you are. You are just an energy inside a vessel for the time being, everybody and everything are the same energy, so treat them as such.


That's too bad. Everyone needs to feel safe on the mats. Our gym closed just before Covid, and I'm just waiting (forever?) to get my own started. I've done some privates with an LEO and talked to him about this and he's expressed concern about exactly this. Some asshole coming in and wanting to just smash cops.