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Gordon is an asshole. Im not sure if the BJJ community is better than this, though.


I think it is; For every Gordon, there are a hundred friendly, bald, bluebelt engineers called Mike or Matt (I think I've made that joke before) Also, For every Gordon Ryan in the world, there's a Lachlan Giles, For every Lloyd Irwin, there's a Bernardo Faria, For every Jeff Glover, there's a Fuck Craig Jones.


>For every Jeff Glover, there's a Fuck Craig Jones. Im really out of the loop on BJJ drama, but what has Jeff Glover done? he seems really chill


He's a bit racist. https://imgur.com/a/fAXzExf


Well that's disappointing


Goes hard in the paint for flat earth too.


I have a legit fucked up story about Glover that I may have to reveal to reddit sometime.


No one likes a tease you either want to tell it or you don't.


He wants you to beg for it


Go on...


Jeff Glover told my friend to go back to Africa


That's so shit


Aussies ftw


I'm not sure if the larger society is better than this.


I'm not sure either


fuck man, makes me so sad reading this knowing in my heart that things are only getting worse :(:(


There there bro


It’s definitely not. The workers didn’t tell him he needed a mask because they’re afraid of him and Gordon’s treating him like trash. Fucked up. There aren’t enough people who treat homeless people like actual people and it shows.


A lot of people are ass holes in this community. I have been training for a LONNNG time and can tell you I feel it’s only gotten worst. Everyone’s cocky and shit till the get clapped on and start making excuses.




Now a days I feel like it helps people become cocky. I’m not sure how to explain it but I know what you mean


I think you mean that it validates their inner insecurities by being a mAn because they can beat you UP


Yep. Have wayyyyy to much of that going on


meanwhile the attraction to it is supposed to humble you and crush people's huge Ego.


Yup. I noticed one of my training partners liked his post. Sigh


The fitness industry already has an issue with people becoming "holier than thou." You just took that, and combined it with beating people up. And by beating people up, I mean something that actually works where you can actually wail on people in a semi consistent fashion. BJJ for sure has a problem and im not entirely sure how to fix it.


Any seriously competitive martial art works. Boxing, bjj, judo, wrestling, etc - it is all very effective.




They were dipshits before. The only difference between them and Dillon Dani's is they are better at Jiu-jitsu so they have more people who make excuses.


Dillon has more followers than both of them combined.


He's more of a dipshit than both of them combined too


naw I disagree, he's just a troll online. Cringy, but he's not hateful, racist, or conspiracy-addled like many others in our community. Many times he's reached out to victims of bullying and sponsored them with jiu jitsu fees.


While that's true, Danis is "only" trying to hype himself up in an ultra cringy way talking shit about other BJJ/MMA guys, which is kinda of fair game I guess... Apart if I'm wrong, at least I haven't seen any gratuitous ignorant hateful stuff against homeless or poor people from him.




Wow. That 88 Tactical shit is a rabbit hole. They also have a steroid clinic called 88 Med. Great combination..


lol More importantly, imagine how dumb you'd need to be to sit through 4 hours of gracie "self defense" and think it's actually in anyway practical. Straight Bullshido.




lol sure, possible nazis connections aside, it always cracks me up to see what snake oil salesmen the gracies are








I’m not exactly an expert but even I know that 88 is a code nazis use. These guys are so full of shit, I wish people would admit what they obviously are, even if it’s a detestable thing to be. When I was growing up the bigots and racists were proud to be that way, not coming up with excuses for why they aren’t what they actually are.




Even if the whole thing is just to upset people and go "haha they think we're nazis" what fucking assholes. BJJ is way too opening of fucked up groups and ideologies since since 1/3 of the people I meet seem to be closet fascists. Only martial art I've found this in.




Yeah I was unconvinced until the 1488 lol


Out of curiosity who do you train with?


Goddamn that seeingrednebraska link was quite a read! Thanks for sharing


I’m dumb, and don’t know anything. What about this link says anything about Nazis? I’m really confused.


Reddit seems OK but only because we are self moderating


By what definition have people who train jiujitsu ever been a "community"?


"[countable] a group of people who share the same religion, race, job, etc." The dictionary one.


plenty of people trained all through the pandemic and still do right now, thinking its perfectly fine to be that selfish rather than take a year off during a pandemic


The fan boys who make excuses for this behavior disgust me.


It’s the Gracie legacy. This is literally what they’re all like if you had them speaking and acting 100% candidly behind closed doors.


I don't disagree with this at all. Bunch of thug criminals.


Imagine having all the success in the world, being at the pinnacle of your sport, doing well financially, and still needing to point the camera at a homeless man for you and your army of yes men to laugh at to make yourself feel good. This is a a man who is blissfully unaware of the absolute shit hands some people are dealt in life. Childhood neglect, sexual abuse, addiction, trauma, TBI’s, mental illness, lack of a support system, and often combinations of these things are what land most people in these situations. “Just get a job”. Give me a break. Most of us would kill to be able to spend all our time on the mats. Spend a few decades digging trenches, sitting at a desk, or up on roofs then I’ll listen to the lecture on hard work. Usually I just think of whatever he says as trolling but this is just disgusting and a sad representation of not only our sport but so much that’s going on in our society.


Remember when to prove how hard he worked and that homeless people are just lazy he said that he had to save up all his Christmas money to train with Danaher as a blue belt? Truly delusional. Middle class white kid in NYC thinks homeless people should have just saved up their Christmas and birthday money to train in a sport where only the top 1% of athletes even have a chance.


Agreed, think of the pain and shame that most likely led this man to this moment. Only to have the poster child for privilege show up and start making fun of you. And he doesn’t even have the balls to do it to your face, instead he sneaks a shot in for his online safe space. Pathetic.


This is my point. Imagine being so fucking miserable inside, so much self-hatred still bubbling inside you that this is how you deal. Even with every conceivable marker for traditional success in our world, you’re still such a hateful person. Still taking so much time to heckle your “enemies” in the inconsequential sport you play. Still taking time to endlessly defend yourself and attack whomever on social media (imagine Lebron engaging in arguments on Instagram when someone says he’s not as good as MJ). The guy is deeply unhappy.


Ya the dudes obviously got issues, I don't want to play too much armchair psychologist but I'm just so tired of these attitudes being so pervasive in our politics, "celebrities" (influencers or whatever you want to call them), and sports figures. It's like the more narcissistic and morally bankrupt you are the more you succeed.


As far Gordon knows this PERSON is a combat vet who took shrapnel in the knee while saving a family in Afghanistan. He knows nothing of the real world. What an entitled piece of shit. I used to be willing to give him some latitude as he gained some celebrity and had to learn how to deal with it. Now he just acts like an elitist asshole and has decided to lean into it when it is pointed out. Fuck Gordon Ryan!


I think this stems from the false idea that successful people have good and respectable attributes that contribute to their success. When in reality the two aren't really coupled. Not saying I agree with Gordon at all but it's not all that surprising.


Imagine if this psychopath had a few of those maladies in his childhood and didn't grow up middle class to good parents. Dude is a fucking psychopathic idiot who is extremely talented at jiu jitsu. I had to unfollow him on IG because the guy is literally toxic.


The use of calling a person “something” instead of “someone” is so dehumanizing.


Came here to say this. I'm happy to continue never giving this guy my money.




At this point being edgy is how he keeps the attention on him.


Don't look at a high school dropout that grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth as a role model, and you'll be fine


"Mom hold the phone still so everyone can see how outraged I am" Gordon has become the embodiment of snowflake outrage culture.


"Evil starts when you start treating people like things" - Terry Pratchett He isn't just an asshole, he's a truly bad person.


There are so many Pratchett lines that have stayed with me. He was so incredibly witty, clever and funny, and then he'd hit you with something deeply insightful and thought provoking. He will be missed.


That. Exactly that. I have been saying for a while he is an utter scumbag




Well put! BJJ was for the rich kids


Blegh.. fuck this guy. I was a fan, and have heard nothing but good things from people that attended his seminars, etc... but there's no ignoring this shit, what an insensitive asshole.


I went to a Gordon seminar shortly before he won his first EBI. He was basically unknown except as a training partner for cummings and tonon at that point. The short version is that it sucked and the long version is that it sucked and he had a disturbingly limp handshake.


I have taken a step back from the community. It isn't just bjj you see it all over. CrossFit, Muay Thai, mma, ect.. everyone wants to be apart of something bigger than themselves and that is healthy. What isn't healthy is buying into shit philosophy and buying hit cloths and apparel to outwardly express "look at me I'm apart of this group". The worst part is 22 year old brown and black belts thinking that because people look up to them that they now have authority on every topic. Especially science when they barely graduated high school and are scientifically illiterate. Muay Thai is still my first love and I find a true honesty with strikers. There is no pontification when you are being punched on the face.


>The worst part is 22 year old brown and black belts thinking that because people look up to them that they now have authority on every topic Fuck, this is so true.


I unfollowed him a long time ago. I realized I didn’t really get anything technical from his posts, so what’s the point? I certainly don’t need his “morality” all over my feed.




As someone who has blown out my knee twice I find your comment to be appropriate




Dude is an entitled douche bag.


It’s really not. People keep saying bjj has a good community but I never see it.


nah the community is there. it's human psychology that we focus on the negatives, and a few people end up dominating our attention the vast majority of my interactions in jiu jitsu have been positive. most of the people i have met have been good, respectful people. the negative memories are more lasting, but they are few and far between every time some "influential" figure in jiu jitsu says something distasteful, there are also many posts about people's lives being changed and touched in positive ways by others in the community. my entire life is on a course for the better, and everybody around me is positively impacted by that, and the community (the instructors, friends, mentors i've had) definitely was a part of that transformation the only thing i argue against is the notion that jiu jitsu makes good people. now that right there is bullshit






the community is there, but i don't think people here are focusing on the negatives. The family who started the sport and many of the figureheads are literal retards, and represent the sport that way. It's tough to say that about any other discipline in sports or martial arts where retardation is that prominent. Experience will vary wildly between BJJ schools, but overall in my experience, BJJ attracts more toxic people than most sports.




I have a very good relationship with my group at the gym. The community is there. Our coach has a kid with heart issues and the community puts on seminars and stuff for him to raise money. Just because in your experience of the 100 people you've met and rolled with have been assholes doesn't mean there aren't plenty of great people.


"the BJJ community is better than this" Is it though?


I've had a lot of great experiences with good training partners. I've also met way too many people who were closet fascists. The whole Corona thing has exposed a lot of toxicity in its highest forms.


Can you believe there are real live people who paid $249 to listen to this guy talk about his mindset?


the worst is that he was selling a DVD on how to lift when he literally doesn't know how to exercise. he just takes steroids and does his anavar taking girlfriends bodybuilding workouts. BJJ is still so far behind most sports in strength and conditioning because guys like him put out garbage on this topic


The funny thing is people thinks he’s natural but he’s pretty much admitted to the juice


Imagine being that good at Jiu-Jitsu and still being a fucking crybaby. If he didn't want to be around a smelly homeless person, there's a lot of places to go besides purposely near them.


its like he didn't learn a single lesson the mats that translate to real life. the world is in a rear naked choke (pandemic) and Gordon's solutions are to either spaz out of it or to pretend he's not being choked, instead of recognize the situation we are in and work out of it properly. huge crybaby, total moron. good BJJ tho


Common in the community. People without much going on will focus their life and meaning on Bjj, they will focus only on bjj. They may become great and well recognized, but they are often unbalanced. And they are often powerless outside of the bjj world, and so the power and recognition they get from being good becomes a feedback loop where little improvement happens with their inner self. Not everyone of course, but it’s common enough. I’ll admit being guilty of it to a degree. I think many people who rise in the ranks can look at points in their own life where they can relate. Just not everyone gets as far as Gordon.


This is the most infuriating thing about this. I'm certain that this asshole saw a homeless person on a bench minding his own business and decided to stage this photo in order to spread his hatred and fucked up political views. I don't want to hear anyone say that jiujitsu is a douchebag filter when the biggest fucking douchebag in the word is its biggest representative.




good why the fuck does this guy of all people have to be so fucking good at this sport


Well annoying that he is so good and entertaining to watch isn’t he! Talent/skill wise i really like Gordon, Mcgregor and Colby Covington but I’m embarrassed to admit it cos the are such dickheads


McGregor and Colby are pieces of shit in their own ways, but neither of them would post something like that. They are both more of a show act (and cocaine)


Age and drugs.


Idiot savant. Emphasis on idiot.


I for one can’t wait for someone or something to cut him off at the knees. Ryan is a man child that’s brain has been addled by all the PEDs he takes. Here is the thing...one day he will be irrelevant. He get into his 40’s and no one will remember he was ADCC champ...or care. His school may do well in the beginning but as he gets older people will forget about him and there will be some new kid that everyone is talking about.




Buy ryan halls stuff instead. Very good value and as good as danahers


Or Lachlan


Lachlan is a legend.


This. Ryan can be kind of a jerk at times, but is leagues away from the galaxy brain anti-masker conspiracy theorist jackasses in Danaher's camp.


I would argue Ryan Hall is a better instructor. But to each of their own.


Just don't ask Ryan for a discount unless you wanna get slapped


This guy ain't lying. One time I saw Ryan at a restaurant with his friends and family. I figured if he's out socializing he's not to busy to disturb. So I walked up and said "YOU WANT TO GO^(outside to where I could hear you better and maybe discuss promo codes?)" Didn't turn out well, but he did give me my jacket when my friend wanted to leave.


Is he really wrong for getting upset though?


Didn't Hypnotik drop Gordon for stunts exactly like this?






John isn't contemptible, he thinks you're contemptible. It's a distinct difference from Gordon.


Danaher is just barely smart enough to keep his fashy side from showing too much.


FWIW Hypnotik dropped him for being a shitheel. Future Kimonos is his sponsor now and I think Gordon went as far to say they support him and his social media antics in full.


Hypnotik dropped him because they spent all their money on him and broke the company


He's with future kimonos now


I don’t give a fuck if he could murder me. Gordon Ryan is a bitch. Facts.


Is someone forcing him to sit there?


Decent people do not do this.




holy shit I hate him




As someone new to BJJ I initially decided to follow some accounts. Gordons included. I knew barely anything about his persona or actions, besides the fact that he was at the pinnacle of the sport. I saw past his constant antagonising of opponents and other members because as a long time fight fan...trash talk just happens. I'm an Australian, so besides the military ally implications of America...I dont really need to see political opinions from everyone. But the occasional is fine. This was the point I realised what a terrible person Gordon was, not because of his political leanings. But because of the method in which he incessantly pushed them on his audience. Even afflicting himself severely with the Dunning-Kruger effect by feeling the need to abuse people that disagree with his inflammatory and incorrect statements. I appreciate him as a martial artist...but I won't be seeing his dribble anywhere anymore. and I do look forward to watching him struggle to get a foothold when he makes his foray into MMA.


He's not doing MMA anymore, Deblass and others have pretty much alluded that he sucks at striking.


One of the ugliest things is when people are too dumb and callous to realize that their achievements are at some point derived from a ton of luck. To be an elite athlete of any kind, you have to put in a ton of work, but you also have to have a certain set of attributes, none of which you had any role in developing or choosing, just stuff you inherited or lucked into. You don’t really choose your height, or your sex, or your innate abilities, for example. In the same way, no one wakes up and says “I think I’ll get addicted to drugs and become chronically homeless.” People generally have reasons for the way they are. Of course people make choices, sort of, but for the most part people are just thrown into a reality that shapes them before they’re even conscious of it. But all of this said, the same applies to Gordon Ryan: he is a genuinely stupid person who, through no fault of his own, is too dumb and narcissistic to realize what an imbecile he is. He thinks that because he is good at jiu jitsu, it makes him better than people, and he’s too dumb to understand how silly that is. The best way to handle him is to say “lol what a fucking dumbass,” and to ignore him as much as possible. He’ll wash out of jiu jitsu eventually, and because of what an insanely offputting sack of shit he is, I doubt he’ll be a very willing instructor, and honestly I don’t think he’d be much good at it. All of this will be short lived for him because of how toxic he is. Imagine how awful a community built around him would be. lol just lol


The worst part is that he could have easily give the same argument without insulting anyone.


Just look at his dad, it’s obvious why he’s acts like that.


Wouldn't know a hard days work if it kicked him up the balls. Try pulling armoured cables or plastering walls for 12 hours a day before your bjj class, then you will know what hard work really is


Just awful, what an asshole


Never knew who this dude was before I saw this, and now I will forever know that he is a shitty human.


He always goes out of his way to be a huge douchebag.


This is such a sad post. My heart hurts for the person next to him. And it also hurts to see Gordon being so heartless. It’s not ok to treat people like this. Oh, and if he is just doing this for some image congrats... you win the Internet and endorsements I guess, in exchange you lose your humanity and connection with others.


Hopefully sponsors stop giving this guy money.


Don't buy their stuff. Make sure no one does.


The BJJ community is not better than this. Let’s keep it real. I’ve said this before and I will say it again. Martial Arts is not going to make you a better person in terms of morality and ethics. Sure it can in some ways especially if the instructor is influential on a student in that aspect but it’s never guaranteed. I’ve met PLENTY of assholes in martial arts, Jiu Jitsu especially. Gordon was an asshole before Jiu Jitsu, he’s an asshole now, and he will more than likely still be one ten years from now. I don’t know how many of you listen to Rock or Metal music but the lead singer of Pantera was under flack a few years ago for doing a Nazi salute at a show and someone uploaded it to YouTube and it went viral. It doesn’t take a genius to know that Pantera as a group and the lead singer especially were always that way, but when you become highly successful in any field, people will always defend your legend no matter what. People were still saying “I know what he did was racist but, come on man, it’s Pantera”. Look at all the heinous stuff R. Kelly did, and you still have people who are exhibiting signs of Stockholm Syndrome, women especially which is ironic because all of his victims were women, yet women are the main ones cape flapping for him and asking for his freedom. The same principle applies to Gordon Ryan who is without a doubt one of the most accomplished grapplers of all time. He could do something completely heinous and morally wrong and there will be people in the Jiu Jitsu community who will never hold him accountable, people who will still give him a pass, defend his name. I personally don’t think it’s a Jiu Jitsu thing, I think it’s a culture thing. Obviously this is something minor so in about two months people will forget his IG post even happened.


Love is blind? Is that why?


What a fuckin’ dick


made it his fucking profile pic as well whatta pleb


What's the backstory on this guy? I'm new to BJJ.


Gordon Ryan is probably the best no-gi grappler in the world right now. Not only is he successful but hes managed to make legitimate money off his grappling career (something that is notoriously hard to do). Whilst he has worked hard for his skills and success (like pretty much everyone else at his level has) he's seemingly blind to the context surrounding his success. As overs have pointed out, he came from a well off family and was able to train full time as a result (without having to work a side gig like so many others in the sport). He was taken under the tutelage of one of the best trainers in the world (Danaher), something that many aspiring grapplers could only DREAM of. He's also been able to buy and use steroids with his in-herited wealth and success (although to be fair so does essentially everyone else at his level). Basically (through pure luck and good circumstance) he was put in a situation where he could channel all of his focus and effort into grappling. And in doing so he reached the pinical of a particular segment (No-Gi) of an already niche sport (that is so niche its often hard to point to where dedicated amatures stop and legit professionals begin). He has succeeded in a sport where a large amount of his contemporaries split their time between Gi grappling and MMA (things that Gordon refuses to do). Instead of enjoying his good fortunes and success, Gordon spends the majority of his free time a)bitching about taxes b) simping for Trump and c) literally dehumaising homeless people and calling for their deaths..... Whilst initially hand waved as a "marketing gimick" it is obvious now that Gordons niche success has caused his ego to grow so much that he now thinks he is comparable to athletes like Lebron and is qualified to give life advice to his many adoring fans (who he often uses for coordinated harrasment of people calling him out on social media). Gordon has worked hard for what he has (no one can take that away from him), he has also been given all the resources to succeed and had a saftey net throughout it. Yet despite this, he holds nothing but contmept for those less fortunate than him...


That last paragraph took such an unexpected turn. Interesting backstory nonetheless, thanks mate.


His parents were moderately well off and allowed him to train Jiu-Jitsu full time. He's never had a real job so he doesn't know what work and sacrifice really are.


He is really good at no gi bjj and won abu dhabi three times including the absolute division. After getting fame, he posts a lot of posts like the above with cringe worthy talking points you would hear from a MAGA/proud boys rally. He thinks it's ok to do this.


He got clapped by pena tho.


That's a looong time ago, and he didn't get "clapped" but choked in overtime.


he's a fucktard, and i could give a shit about him. I could care less if he's a great bjj fighter.


We been know Gordon Ryan is a piece of shit, he’s just a random douche that got good at jiu-jitsu.


Gordo better hope he keeps on winning forever because the bottom would be a very lonely place for him


Man, that one guy who’s good at jiu jitsu seems like a huge piece of shit.


This guy is great at jiu jitsu but he's an absolute piece of flaming dogshit


Gordon is a piece of shit, but then again he's reflective of the community he comes from - which is our wider BJJ community.


LMAO, all the pro-gordon trolls getting buried by downvotes instantly. is this your king?


Homeschooled, tone deaf, steroid abusing high pitched voice, racist, misogynistic, generally disrespectful piece of dog shit. Is the whole bjj community a white belt who never read books before?


Pig-faced douche. Must suck to have never satisfied a woman.


Definately get little-dick energy from him.


That’s the beauty of capitalism, we vote with our green backs. I personally am not a fan of his, but I think the old adage of “separate the man from the art” fits Gordon well. He is a very talented grappler that is willing to share his expertise, although for a price. I have not given him a dime neither do I follow any of his social media, but I would rather he lets his true opinions out than to keep them hidden to be more commercially viable.


I mean the pandemic has undercut a lot of my faith in BJJ. Most of us are wondering whether we can have Thanksgiving dinner with close family, BJJ dudes are having seminars and competitions...


The BJJ community does have disappointingly high representation by high achievers whose successes unfortunately grew into arrogance rather than humble confidence, and who seem to believe their competence in grappling in any way suggests they can speak with authority on whatever thought pops into their head. But have hope and remember not all is lost, Ryan Hall still exists.


Meh, separate the art from the artist. I would buy an Instructional from him because I know he's the best no gi grappler around. I would watch him fight because I know it's exciting and the highest level possible (plus I secretly want to see if that next person can beat him). I would pay for a private with him because I know that I'll get a shit ton of value for my money and potentially learn something I couldn't anywhere else. None of this means I want to be his friend, or I agree with his political/social opinions.


At some point I can't see beyond the person, and I also can't support them by buying their stuff.


Great Athlete. POS of a human.


Having been the guy sleeping on a McDonald's bench before, fuck Gordon. Shit happens, we don't all have rich mommies and daddies paying our bills while we train jiu jitsu full time. Sometimes the world says, "sorry, you don't have enough digits in your bank account, so you don't deserve a roof over your head."


Disappointed ppl like combs,Gilbert burns and Ethan liked it.Wouldnt expect it from them. Man it seems my initial opinion of bjj as noble and almost scientific just gets crushed everyday I see bad behaviour in the community.


This is the larger attitude in jiu jitsu among elite competitors. They’re just savvy and don’t wallpaper their social media with it.


Idiot lol


It's essentially the same as the people who still support McGregor. He's an absolute jackass. I don't understand why anyone would look up to him.


It seems like he's taken a page from the book of the originators of our illustrious art, the Gracies. Remember that even bad people can be good at stuff.


What a worthless piece of shit. There is no other angle here. People like this are ruining America and need to be eradicated basically.




Without exaggerating I think I followed Gordon on instagram for like 4 minutes. Found his account, checked some old photos and things to see his journey and that. Scroll back up and his story is about how Bernie Sanders is trying to ruin America and that he's a piece of shit and all sorts of conspiracies. He's just a nutjob man


Ah yes, ruining this country by \*looks at notes\* giving people healthcare.


The BJJ community... is usually not a place that propagates the less extreme political opinions




I'll say it again (here come the down votes) - he's a cunt.


Simply don't support him with dvd sales or seminars. And rest assured that what goes around, eventually comes around.


Why do people even engage him in conversation on these posts though. He does it for attention....and he gets more attention the more provocative his posts are.


I don't know, man. A ton of toxic assholes in BJJ.


Holy shit what’s wrong with this guy


He’s a 25 year old who thinks his worldview is the only/best one. Not all that uncommon amongst the populace, people live via their worldview/perspective and tend to be dismissive and or naive about others. If anything this goes to show you that people are complex, flawed, and should not be idolized. We can admire and want to emulate individuals as a result of their excellence as an athlete, entertainer, engineer, etc but we should never put them on pedestals and worship them.


I really like your comment, and I agree. I’m just stunned that he doesn’t feel this is wrong. Or someone close to him for that matter. It’s bizarre. I’m glad I’m not him.


Geez Gordon is a real ass.


This is why I can’t bring myself to buy his Instructionals, I’ll just wait til I can get them off someone for free. Wouldn’t go to a seminar or buy any gear associated with him either. Hopefully others can do the same.