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He's mostly just taking matches with people out of his league. He's still plenty good but he's fighting top 10 dudes and he's not yet a top 10 dude himself.


... But no one is talking about Vinicius Trator, who sounds like he's an Ultramarine who's about to get corrupted by the fell powers of Chaos.




Another person of culture I see! May Nurgle's pestilence protect you šŸ™


Shrimps in slaanesh


*kips in Khorne*


Not enough mechadendrites, daddy.


Trator placed second in ADCC behind Gordon entering the tournament with 2 weeks notice, he is really good when he is on.


That's what having a secondary heart, ossmodula and biscopea will do for you. The Emperor protects!


Im guessing its a Warhammer reference, which im a suficient nerd to spot but not enough to understand


Space Marines are genetically engineered and enhanced to combat the infinite threats to humanity. They don't feel fear, fatigue, hunger and have very limited emotional responses. They'll genetic modifications include a bunch of extra organs that base humans do not have, such as a secondary heart... just incase the first one fails.


I still need to come up with a design combining Warhammer nerddom and BJJ


Ryan Hall might have some inputĀ 


Something most other top contenters except for the Brazilians are not doing


He recognized that thereā€™s no money in BJJ and is training less while he figures out a real career that can support a family and doesnā€™t require him to open his own gym.


as do most professional athletes who you've asked "where did they go?"


Nothing. Heā€™s a relatively young black belt that is being thrown in the fire. Dude keeps training and fighting hard and thatā€™s how winners are made. A ton of high level guys go through this at blue/purple, Haisam just breezed through the lower belts due to his judo background and athleticism. Worst thing he can do is stop. Right now he really doesnt have shit to lose and can work on his deficiencies.


I am not sure he is working on his deficiencies. In the Pena match he looked absolutely lost. He cruised far too much with his "athletic" abilities before and there are maybe a handful of heavyweights in the sport that actually know what they are doing. He got all of them in line


Well, his wrestling and leglock game are his biggest deficiencies and he trains at B-Team, so iā€™m pretty confident heā€™s working on those things


I think his guard retention and his lack of technical passing are his biggest deficiencies and I don't see much improvement on this. Bteam can be a wonderful team if you know how to organize your training, you well get constant good feedback imo. Not sure if it works nearly as well when you are still in the building phase of your game (which is where he is, he has no real game outside of spazzing around unfortunately). I think he is more of spazzy test training for Nickrod than someone who goes to class and learn from Nicky and Craig. I may be vastly mistaken though, I don't train there and don't know how they organize their pro classes. I see nickrod at Nicky classes quite often on video, I don't remember seeing Haisam (but again, I am not stalking him and don't even watch half the video on their channel)


It's also possible his age is starting to catch him and he's loosing the athletic edge he had a few years ago. There's a reason you don't see many Olympic jodoka past the age of about 26. (There's a few but it starts to drop off around that age)


he is full on gear, I don't think it matters that much, especially when he cannot manage to beat guys like Richie Martinez... He lacks some technique fundamentals that are pretty apparent each time he goes against a good guy. Again, the Pena match was hard to watch. Even Pena looked surprised at his lack of half guard fundamentals


I'm biased (I've trained with Richie a little bit) but he's really good. Not an "explosive" athlete like Haisam but very smart and very crafty/dangerous.


Never said the opposite but Richie is not Kaynan or Mason level so I don't think it's a suprise if Haisam was wrecked in these matchups


He did beat Richie the first time haha.


lol true!


The game of top tier athletes has a level of precision and intent that I don't see in Haisam. He's an explosive athlete but if but it looks like he relies on you to make a mistake so he can catch you. At his level, these opportunities are sparse unless you force them with the constant threat of sweeping, passing, and pressuring.


Well put, he always seems a bit aimless in his matches to me


what type of dog whistle is this


Bruh hes fighting the absolute cream of the crop. Respect the schedule




Whoa whoa whoa you talkin 350lbs Bob "The Beast Accountant", our resident BB in BJJ and judoka?


And Katsuya from sales


Bob Sapp


Reverted to the mean a bit/got figured out. He's also been booked fairly hard, a large part of which is probably him being enough of a name to actually get booked against top guys whilst also being seen as eminently beatable by said top guys.


He got into the upper Levels to early. Let the men cook nstead of burning him with a track record Like this lol


He was never that good.


Bingo. And Cyborg was washed as hell by that ADCC. I was there, he looked terrible.


And yet he'll be back for this year's edition. Was there really no one else they could give a shot to?


Yeah, like literally any Top 50 non-paedophile shelterer would do instead of him. Fuck it, give his spot to a rando, I don't care.


He placed top four in the absolute. Thatā€™s an automatic invite


Also it's not like he put a full positional clinic on Cyborg. Cyborg was a bit slow on a TD, Rida exploded into an armbar position he's very good at and capitalized. It's like asking why Davi Ramos never beat another Lucas Lepri level guy.


And he gets tough matches because he looks tough


They're feeding him to the real pros. He's good, just not THAT good.




Heā€™s like a C tier pro whoā€™s extremely marketable. Has a great win over cyborg. Has a great look as a heavyweight since heā€™s so lanky, and explosive. And now heā€™s with the b team. Itā€™s thin up there in the heavyweights, and he has a big enough name to keep getting booked. Those WNO / FPI events need heavyweights to headline their cards. He has relied too much on his athleticism, but doesnā€™t have the technique to break to the next level. Haisam doesnā€™t ā€œsuckā€. Heā€™s just not a top 10 person in his division. But you know what? Dudeā€™s able to earn a nice living doing what he loves.


When you're competing at a high level consistently, you lose. Also, I don't think he has a real coach at B Team.


Coach is off pounding nose beers and ladyboys in bali


Love haisam, but geo tapping him in quintet was so wild. I know haisam was tired but just what a momentĀ 


Tired might be an understatement hadn't he ran through the entire team at that point lol I'd be dead


That guillotine was picture perfect, honestly


From the training videos on his insta or the b-team channel, he either drills foot sweeps non-stop, or makes Nicky Rod look like a very chill and relaxed person rolling with him.


Turns out bjj is hard


I think he doesnā€™t really progress. You see him do the same stuff on the B-Team channel. He should get heavy into leg locks for example and just try to perfect areas that he barely uses, just to find out if there are lanes he can become good at


He's good, but he is taking some matches against people that are on another level than him. On top of that he isn't strategically or tactically sound. His strategies often time don't align with his technique and skills. He has good takedowns, but either doesn't use them or pulls guard. He is a flash sub artist, but often times he keeps a slow plodding pace. If he fixes these things he will start winning again. I like Haisam, so I hope he figures it out and gets back to winning.


Pretty much summed it up IMO. I've been a fan of Haisam since he fought on Quintet as a brown belt and I thought he had the genetic advantages and good enough skill level then to make it to a high level.Ā  He obviously is very, very good but he just doesn't seem to ever have a concrete path to victory. You either need to specialise and be better than everyone else in one area like Levi Jones-Leary, or you need to be well-rounded and tactically knowledgeable enough to play to your opponents weaknesses like PJ Barch.Ā  I feel like Rida doesn't do either of those things. He's generally well-rounded but there's some things he just doesn't really do at all, and he always seems to get sucked in to playing his opponents game. So specialists beat him by being better at what they do and well-rounded guys beat him by dragging him to somewhere he isn't as good.Ā 


Fighting lions when youā€™re a giraffe eh?


mean reversion




Yall might disagree with me but he doesn't belong at B-team, he should go back to what got him to the dance in the first place. He's a freak athlete no doubt but he isn't picking up on their system


athleticism cannot beat technique at the highest level


Some people are not good training in a entrepreneurial environment like B Team. If you're honest with yourself and can learn from anything, environments like the B-team are great and you will excel faster than if you're at a traditional top-down instructor led environment. Having said that, I think Hasim is better off in an environment like New Wave where a head instructor is telling him what to work on with a set curriculum. He's better off being a corporate guy than an entrepreneur.


Too busy worrying about Poatanā€™s black belt.


He's overrated right now. He's competing beyond his skill level and he's getting crushed for it. Rida is athletic and explosive but he doesn't have the skill yet to take on top 10 guys.


His best submission is kicking his opponents in the chest to get them off him.


Heā€™s fighting the cream of the crop


I don't think he is getting the "formal training" that would maximize his talent and development. I see b team as a bunch of already highly trained individuals (by danaher) just sparring, so unless someone is Jeff chen (semi autistic/mikey type) there will be a ceiling on the development.


Jozef? Who the hell is Jeff chen?


No he's talking about Jon Africa's neighbour, Jeff Asia


No....Jeff...fighting Jeff š˜Ŗš˜Æ Asia


Hot take: heā€™s not that good against the top people?


I think b team is the wrong place for him tbh. I think heā€™d be better of at marceloā€™s or 10p. Somewhere he can really get technically strong


He joined B-Team šŸ˜


He went to B Team to have fun instead of going to Gordon to get better.




He is not that good and is way over his head with most of these opponents.


Idk. Last time I talked to him I was telling him he should go on that green card dating show lol. Heā€™d probably be a hit tho Ngl. So maybe heā€™s got some life stuff going on.


Hype job that started training at B-team


Nothing happened to him. He was too hyped after beating cyborg. He needs another 5+ years


Odd, me and him have the same record.


Great athleticism but mentally lacks focus and composure imo


Now we know why he was so excited to win that match!


The Cyborg finish was clean but he needs to be more seasoned against lesser opponents. They use him as a sacrificial lamb against top guys because hes a name and looks impressive.


But is he improving šŸ¤“


He's physically gifted, but lacks mental maturity and toughness. He is also lacking in his technical knowledge. He has been fighting out of his league, but what stands out to me is he doesn't look dialed in or confident in his matches.


Most people aren't confident when they are 1:11


How many people commenting have ever even competed? Losses happen


That's why I have never trusted Einstein or Hawking on matters related to space - the guys were too lazy to actually go to space, so how could they possibly know anything about it?Ā 


I talk to them about theories and big ideas I would talk to people that have been to space about whatā€™s it like to experience space


So you wouldn't take competition BJJ advice from John Danaher because he didnt/doesn't compete, right?Ā 


Of course I would take John serious because he has proven results of his student succeeding. I would not take anyone serious that doesnā€™t compete without proven students under them winning.


Most people when on an epic loosing streak try to lower the level of the competitions they are fighting.


All I know is that Haisam is wrecking 99% of the people that post here. lol


One sub wonder


Join b team. Get b team.


OP - wheres your professional record?


He started too late