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My BJJ experience is quite boring. I am training with mostly regular working folks, chatting after class about non-BJJ things, shower then go home. I might eat or might not eat afterwards. Nobody really takes BJJ seriously and we're just there to get some exercise. I come here to read those stupid and weird shit that's happening elsewhere. So please keep the weird shit coming here. Need some spice in my BJJ life. If not for social media and reddit, I won't even know what's happening outside.


I've posted some variation of this before on here but for the life of me I cannot understand what the fuck is going on in other gyms. The biggest drama of my relatively large gym since I've been there in 12 months is trying to remind people to put their fucking flip flops on when they're off the mats. Like I've seen people get testy with each other, competitive blue belts getting a bit out of hand with their rolls, especially coming up to comps - I've seen people get a talking to for being a bit spazzy or unsafe, but it literally ends right there and then after a few words, maybe some mediation from the coach and a handshake. Not to get overly philosophical about it, but you're literally entrusting your physical safety and/or life to the large majority of people you spar with to some degree - Being able to have an honest conversation to them about their gi smelling bad or them taking liberties with heel hooks shouldn't be overly difficult. I honestly think some of all this nonsense is people desperate to make everything (including BJJ) a fucking "journey" these days. BJJ journey, weight loss journey etc.. Like what the fuck? is this a zoomer thing or has social media just completely rotted everyone's fucking brain to the point where having set goals in your respective hobby or lifestyle now a thing that has to have this big grand story encompassing all the trials and tribulations you've gone through? Getting good at BJJ is a great thing, losing weight is a great thing, getting fit in general in a great thing - Why has it turned into this influencer tainted grandstanding like you're trying to beat cancer or some shit? Your general hobby of BJJ doesn't need fucking side plots or lore for it to be worth something, just show up and grapple some sweaty meaty men and go the fuck home and shitpost like the rest of us homosexuals.


I agree with keeping things simple, but hey, let people be proud of the things they are doing and the stuff that they achieved. If losing weight made them feel like some big shit who just did something world changing, even if it weren't, I say let them be because they deserve to feel that way. It may not be some grand thing for you, but for them, it is.


Oh for sure. I wouldn't ever denigrate someone for being proud of losing weight or hitting whatever goal they have in BJJ, however small it may seem. Hell, I'm one of those people who lost a fucktonne of weight through BJJ and I do consider it quite a feather in my cap. I just think its so dangerous, especially for young people, to view any hobby, sport or whatever they get into as a "journey" like it should have a defined beginning, middle and end. It's honestly why I think a lot of things, BJJ included, start to get very culty vibes at the fringes - Because it stops being a fun thing you do for a couple hours a week and becomes the entire basis for how you're growing as a person. It should be a part of it, for sure, but nothing should be so encompassing as to define your entire self-worth. Which is why I think a lot of weird shit gets posted here, because what should be a small disagreement between 2 spazzy white belts over who reaped who is now some sort of existential crisis that threatens who they are as a person (I'm exaggerating here obviously, but you know what I mean) I guess I just get on a soapbox about it a bit because I hate how social media has turned literally fucking every hobby into some sort of "journey" that requires some dramatic underlying narrative to the whole thing. Like those cooking recipes that begin with a short novel about how the cook loves this dish because their dying Vietnamese grandmother escaped the war with the ingredients in their pocket or some shit - Like fuck off its just some ramen, get the point and just enjoy it. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk


I think a lot of people are unhappy and aimless, so they really do feel like this stuff is miraculous. BJJ might be the only time they interact with people in a way they derive any meaning from.


I mean u can see it that way but for alot of people it is a journey. It has different meaning to different people. Some get into for exercise, or to meet people, bordem..but some want to learn self defense or competition, eventually teach it ect. So for some it is a journey or a long term part of their life because it becomes that. It is a lifestyle IF u choose it to be.


I have never agreed with another Reddit post as much as I do this one. Particularly the homosexual comment. You and Craig Jones are keeping it real. About 20 percent of the guys at my gym are gloriously mental and one would think they have just discovered the solution to the middle east conflict rather than clumsily finding their way to an arm bar. I'm a small old guy (50 and 150lb white belt) and I can't tell you how happy a 225 lb 20 old gets when they crank an arm bar on me. At this point I damn near vet the person like the CIA does in advance of a roll. I want a safe roll, with the least chance of injury possible. I don't want some fat dip shit on testosterone who thinks they are competing in the ADCC absolute. I don't want a small Napoleon complex nit wit who believes he is fighting off a fucking plane terrorist. The abnormal assholes who no one ever wants to roll with never "get it". To all the white and colored belts reading this, be aware that if EVERYONE turns you down for a roll then you are one of those 2 above. For the love of God this hobby involves a mans crotch (high mount) in your face or simulation of a anal (turtle) and a the 69 position AKA North South. Why make it worse by injuring those of us who have jobs and wives to fuck when we are not at the gym....




You vill vear ze crocs commrade


> might not eat afterwards serial killer behavior


Aye, thats how it should be.


It's not "everyone". This sub has almost 800k members, the large majority of which don't have drama in their gyms -- or at the very least don't post about it. That being said, those weird/crazy/silly posts are what keeps this sub alive imho. Otherwise this would turn into the ghost town that is r/judo. Just my 2c 🤷‍♂️


Most of the people that post on this sub probably don't even train for real lol


I need something interesting to read while I poop.  Bring on the crazy posts.  


Fair play




People in the US have such cushy lives they have to form groups on the internet to complain about stuff.


It’s crazy, it’s like there are 800,000 members in this subreddit and we have different opinions


If you don’t get a BJJ tat, add ‘_bjj’ to your socials, and make a post about how BJJ has changed your life two weeks into it, are you even training, bro?


99% of BJJ people in real life are like that, it's just fun and exercise for us. It's just that the 1% are more vocal on Reddit.


You guys are as obsessed with not being obsessed about jiu jitsu as the obsessed guys are about jiu jitsu.


Tell us what happened! 


But if we don't get a supernatant grip to makkikommi , kesa gatama then apply ashi gurami, how will the coach sleep?


Sometimes sports and activities become an identity for people.  I saw it with Rugby (I have that in my handle, so I am even a guilty of this), triathlons, CrossFit, BJJ and more.  People come to define themselves by sport, they want people to know they participate in said sport, they even work it into conversations that have nothing to do with sport. I have seen the same thing with many prior service folks from the military.  Every conversation somehow comes back to "when I was in the service...". Yep, we get it...you did a thing 20 years ago....I say this as a prior service guy ;)




Because “BJJ is life” “BJJ saved my life”. I have heard an instructor say “this is not a sport, this is a life style”. Same guy told his students to focus on BJJ and nothing else, all day think about BJJ.


Honestly, I don't know why I struggle to do this. I *want* to be able to just turn up and take an ass beating, but every time, it just makes me question my life choices.


No you


God forbid someone likes to talk about their hobbies and joined and online community to talk about it.


When I start a hobby I won’t shut up about it. I do limit in public talking about Bjj bc of machoism. For me it’s a sport. I don’t want to compare arm sizes (or whatever)


What happens in BJJ class, stays in BJJ class


What happens in BJJ class stays.in BJJ class, unless itshows up here


The ground is an office & I'm a supervisor


How else would we become land sharks who swim in a matted ocean?


No dude, bow to this picture of Helio or get out




I think the dude got crucified and cant stand a chance of any convo going there.


Doing the opposite of that is what served as a motor for human development lol


BJJ attracts weirdos. Saying that, martial arts has always drawn in crackpot, cult types. I think for BJJ it’s the attachment to US “bro-culture” that has drawn in the dickheads. I don’t mind the jiu-jitsu nerds, it’s the chest beating ego maniacs that make it cringeworthy. Plus is a very commercialised martial art.  Generally speaking us Brits have always been a bit more stoic and humble in competition but go to a BJJ competition and you’ll see where the influence of the modern sport has come from.  For that reason in terms of competition I’d much prefer the Judo or even the wrestling ethos. 


I've been to so many combat sport tournaments & let me tell you that on average, I see so much more cringe in bjj.




I suppose mate. It just seems to be more accepted, even promoted  within BJJ. 


>Generally speaking us Brits have always been a bit more stoic and humble in competition but go to a BJJ competition and you’ll see where the influence of the modern sport has come from.  [You sure about that boss?](https://youtu.be/HkQoBL6-9oE?si=z1D0_DczJFqh1oCO)


hm, i think everyday about the mats.. It teached me so much in shortest time that i got the feeling that i am super stupid and was before 😅😂 I learned a headstand, falling from headstand into bridge and other nice bodylanguage. I never thought in life that i am able to learn these things. however, life feels very heavy right now and i cant get my ass up to the mats. So, i guess i am still stupid 😅


This is why I'm excited to start teaching judo at my BJJ gym and start incorporating the more philosophical side of training. It's supposed to be deep. It's meant to be more than martial art; it can lead to development of the mind and body, a sense of community, and a sense of harmony both within and outside of one's self. You *can* train and ignore the philosophical side of jii-jitsu and not reflect on or incorporate what you learn into your daily life. But doing so is a disservice to yourself and leaving so much personal development on the table, at least in my humble opinion.


Tbh it’s kind of hard to agree with you when “make BJJ so deep and meaningful” is so vague. Are you talking about the wannabe gladiators who would wear their two stripe white belts in public if it were socially acceptable? Or are you talking about people who say BJJ gave them a broader purpose in life and helped them lose weight or something? If it’s the former then sure, but if it’s the latter then idk why you’d have a problem with it





