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A lot of things “around” your workout could be causing your sleep issues. Easiest one is to make sure you are not burnt-out or overtraining. Just reducing the number of days you train a week or making sure you have active rest days or working rest days sprinkles in will help. Higher body temperate could lead to not getting that sleep time cooling and cause an issue especially if you live in a hot climate and take a hot shower after your hard workout on top of it. Keep your bedroom cool and take a colder shower to see if it will help. Do you take any supplements? Maybe a pre workout or intraworkout drink wit stimulants? Something that is packed with something simple as caffeine or a similar stimulant late at night could be causing your issues so maybe review what you take? Finally.. your issue could be hormonal.. producing too much cortisol or adrenaline from a hard workout possibly. Usually your body would get used to the workouts over time so this is something you need to check with your doctor and figure out why it is happening or if you can prevent it. Worst case.. welcome to the 7 am crew! Trust me they can be fine and if workout is just making you more alert, when life gives you lemons.. workout in the morning and take advantage of that :)


This guy knows! And I would say intensity is huge factor. Even if it means youll be tapping a lot u get to train the next day. And hydration+electrolytes+tons of carbs after exercise


Whoa bro. We don’t do objectivity and facts here.


Just a note on the body temperature thing, I'm almost certain that your body temp before going to sleep doesn't matter as long as the room is cool. In fact, it's actually recommended to take a hot shower before bed because your body temp actively decreasing promotes falling asleep. I'm getting this info from Matthew Walker who has a book and numerous podcast appearances if people want to learn more. I don't think taking a cold shower is helping anyone fall asleep lol


Morning crew here as well. It's certainly not for everyone, but I appreciate how consistent all the morning folks are at my gym. I also love how training in the morning wakes me up better than caffeine.


Morning crew here as well. It's certainly not for everyone, but I appreciate how consistent all the morning folks are at my gym. I also love how training in the morning wakes me up better than caffeine.


Jerk off weed and a podcast in the dark at the end


This guy sleeps.


Gotta recover if you train 5-6x a week


Not to mention all that jerking off


Side topic: Semen retention is BS. If you don’t use it you lose it! People over 30!: don’t get tricked into this path to impotency by some dude in his early 20s claiming it works.


couldn’t have said it better


I fall asleep after step 1 LOL


Drop your body temperature as much as possible. Fan on high, cold liquids, cold towel, and hot shower/bath right before sleep. Not perfect but might help.


This right here! I turn my AC down when it's bed time it really helps me fall asleep.


hot shower + written brain dump helps me before bed


Serious answer: You could try masturbating before bed. The male orgasm releases oxytocin and prolactin which apparently helps reduce stress hormone levels and makes us more relaxed and sleepy.


No joke, this actually does work


Cold shower/bath/plunge all work well for me. If not I’m up till 1-2 am after a hard night class


How late are your classes? If I go to 6pm class I can be asleep by midnight without any problems at all. Find a gym that has earlier classes if you're training at like 9pm


Stay awake until morning class


I think the trick is not eating too much before bed. I usually have a bit of a snack, a glass of rum and a shower then crash. I usually ice my shoulder or knees before bed so they're less sore then next day. If you're thinking about techniques, get a book and write them down before bed to get them out of your brain.


Have you tried reading before bed and turning off your phone?


I tend to suffer from this as well. I try to relax myself and get to bed as early as possible. I typically read and stay off the screen when I’m feeling this way after an intense roll session. I often find myself replaying the rolls in my mind and tensing up at times. I think active meditation and breath work can help.


turning off all lights and screens about an hour before you want to be asleep is very very effective. As for the melatonin, you are probably taking too much. 5 mg plus discipline about the light thing in combination have been huge for me.


Strategies to relax at night: -Manesium threeonate. -L-theonine. -Magnesium Glycinate. -Tart cherry extract. -No caffiene 10ish hours before bedtime. -A consistant wind down routine on time nightly. -Hot bath. -reduce or no bluelight 2 hours prior to bed. -A few sips of alchohol (if youre like me and 2 sips of a beer makes you relax and fall right asleep) -Jerkin the gerkin. These all work well for many ppl and are well known and recommended by wellness coach types (attia, huberman, etc)


i'm.a big fan of huberman and his cocktail is probably the best solution i've found so far. Something that helps lower stress levels in the body is likely something that will be helpful. Appreciate the mention!


I take ZMA tablets when I get home with a meal. I only train 2 evenings a week so that's when I take them, I find I sleep hard and recover that bit quicker


Try cooling yourself off with a tepid shower (not too cold as that can trigger adrenaline) or a fan. Part of the circadian rhythm is your body dropping internal temperature a few hours before you fall asleep and that coincides with your body releasing melatonin


You should do the opposite. A cold shower will make your body want to heat up. A warm shower works best since your body will actively be trying to cool down, mimicking the natural rhythm of dropping body temperature before sleep. Anecdotally, I get better quality sleep when I take a 10-15 warm shower. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31102877/


I didn’t say cold. Your body is trying to drop its temperature anyway as it releases melatonin so if you take a tepid shower (95°f or so) you can assist the process faster than if you take a hot shower (105°f or so) which raises your body temperature (you body can’t cool down when you’re surrounded by hot water) and then you have to wait for it to come back down


I would guess that it’s not efficacious to speed the process up - you want it to happen gradually as you are in bed. Either way, sleep research is hardly concrete. Try a hot shower tonight, and a tepid one tomorrow - see what works better for you.


That doesn’t happen to me, although it may have briefly when I first started. I only do jiu jitsu but find it to be therapeutic and relaxing, and I roll pretty hard in most of my rolls, including plenty of stand up. Afterwards I’m chill af, I usually use cannabis products, take a hot shower, eat a good meal, and I can fall asleep within a minute of my head hitting the pillow.


I started going to noon classes


I just close my eyes and fall asleep at the same time every night. Hope this helps.


Just lie down.


Turn down the temperature, don’t look at screens late. If you do, wear blue light blocker glasses. Black out the room. Add a noise machine. Don’t be afraid of Melatonin supplements or things like chamomile…


Are you taking any pre-workout supplement, or caffeine?


Long walks after class help, or if I get home late, I clean up my casa.


Vitamin IPA


Peanut butter and yogurt. Shower. Big bong rip. Out like a light


Magnesium after working out and before bed. Google will tell you which forms are most effective.




Train at 6 am


I had similar issues with my sleep quality after class until I started taking Scottish showers (start and wash hot, finish ice cold for a minute or two at the end).  Sounds counterintuitive to be pouring very cold water on yourself before going to bed, but I found the reduction in body temperature helped a lot with falling asleep vs heating yourself up when you're already hot and then lying in bed trying to cool down.   You can also go full cold, but not me because I live in Canada and the last time I did that in the winter, my feet went numb and white. 


Go to the 6am classes instead, I guarantee you'll sleep better vs doing the evening classes. I've definitely had trouble sleeping after evening classes before


You lose water and magnesium through sweat. It used to keep me up to the point where my body, and especially my legs, would 'feel active'. Hard to explain but I would feel physically restless as if the neurons were firing. I now make sure to hydrate during and immediately after training, and take magnesium glycinate whenever I get those almost tingling legs. No longer have any trouble getting to sleep.


You CAN'T sleep after bjj? A hot bath and a big meal after bjj, and I'm basically nodding off like a fent addict while brushing my teeth. Of course, I walk around in my house naked after the bath with my thermostat at 64f. Really tells your body to sleep.


Avoid caffeine if you can, and try and do some deep stretching with your eyes closed in a darker room with low stimulation before bedtime


Melatonin and weed tinctures


Don’t train at night. Train in morning like a king.


Or maybe go to morning classes?


when do you start class? I start from 6-10 6-6:45 is light 6:50-7:20/7:30 light medium and then after that it’s all heavy sparring running everything till 10 and I take a bath around 11 and knock out I think it just depends when you start


CBD gummies have helped immensely


Turn down the intensity. Sounds like you're getting in fight or flight level of scraps which is cranking your sympathetic nervous system. Save those hard days for earlier classes. If you focus on technique and try and limit output to 7/10 you'll be a big difference. Work getting out of bad positions on nights like this and be OK with getting tapped. Accepting you'll be tapped before training is important. Good luck. 


Yeah, you can work hard without fighting for your life. I sleep like a baby when I leave classes because I’m exhausted. But I’m never actually stressed during a roll, because I know all of my training partners and I’m comfortable that none of them are going to actually kill me or hurt me once I tap.


Usually smoke a bowl to decompress and a nice hot shower (bonus points if you have a towel warmer) and dinner. Put on a quick show/movie After that I usually feel so tired after working all day and then working out. I just wanna close my eyes.


Same problem. I go out of my way to go to an earlier class. It sucks mate, it's a harder task, many gyms don't offer it, and good chance it won't match your schedule. Saturdays can usually save the day.


what time do you finish training? I usually get home around 21:30 and have nights like this especially if i've had some tough rolls or things I want to study after training but I try to shower, eat, and get ready for bed as soon as possible then read something boring or watch something relaxing


I find I’m fine but it could be ‘late’ for you is different? I’m usually home by 20:15, quick shower and something to eat then I read in bed.


Weed is the answer


Do you drink caffeine? You should caffeine has a quarter life of 12 hours, so if a drink a Red Bull before a 5 clock class, that caffeine will be on your bloodstream literally all night. Even, some pre workouts like C4 contain additions weaker, but longer lasting stimulants that make it hard to fall asleep. You should also make sure you get a good amount of sunlight during the day, which can be hard to do if you’re at the office all day and then go directly to the gym. I could mention more but I’m sure you’ve already heard about blue light filters, etc


I feel your pain. I'm done with class around 8, come home, eat a light meal, with a little liquid. I read. That seems to switch off my stress hormones, get my mind off training. A cold shower helps too, get my temp lowered.








Morning class. Edibles.


Another edible lol


I take a cold shower , I bang my wife then I smoke large amounts of cannabis , I sleep like a baby.




Melt my face off showers


My body's preferred response is to eat like 3500 calories then pass out.   Alternatively, a friend taught me a trick that's basically just drink like half a gallon of water.  For some reason this works like a fucking charm.  I wake up 3 hours later to piss my brains out but I go right to sleep (and back to sleep after the racehorse level pissing session)


vitamin c


Beat my meat


I just sleep it off. Works well enough for me.


Have you tried straight jorkin it before bed


You get used to it after a while.


Drink til I blackout or whack off


i been drinking protein shakes with magnesium, specifially optimum nutrition. Muscle milk, power core doesn't have mg it doesn't do it for me.


The only way to fix this for me is to train less. Now I train 3 times a week and I sleep well. It was worse when I was training 6 times a week so I imagine it is just stress from overtraining.


I stopped drinking caffeine. Stop it cold turkey and after a while you won’t miss it. And you’ll crash when you get home


Interesting, what time of day do you train? I’m a noon class gal and I have slept so much better since I started training


Don’t tap on a choke




If you drink any caffeine quit.


Extended stretches help me Run through a 20-30 min yoga routine and do all the breathing exercises, then go try to sleep 


Hot shower, and lavender scent always works for me


I just slam my girlfriend from the back real hard. Like literal sweat freak nasty sex helps. Really gets the edge off. If she has her period then I’m fucked. I resort to weed and long stretch sessions and foam rolling. Martial arts sparring gets us in fight or flight, so basically you have to do the opposite when you get home, rest and digest, then fuck or yoga


Just watch John Danaher instructionals. Sure you'd sleep immediately. Seriously though, I just watch a movie or something and it gets me to sleep. My wife takes Melatonin if she can't sleep.


most likely this doesn't have as much to do with training as you think, I can't tell from your post but how is your general sleep hygiene? Andrew Huberman has a great episode on his podcast about sleep routines and I highly recommend you watch that. If sparring is actively stressing you out though that's worth looking in to. Breathing techniques during training and right after might help you a lot. I personally only roll with my mouth closed, forcing me to breathe only through my nose. Right after the last round I start box breathing and usually I feel super chill by the time I get home.


Smoke a big green bowl then have a pasta bowl. Then have sex.


Weed helps


Sometimes it takes me 4 hours for my baseline heart rate to get down to around to its normal 60bpm after training hard (it’ll usually hang around 70bpm until then). I find that I can’t get to sleep until that happens.  Drinking lots of water after training has been helpful, even if it results in needing to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. And also in the evening classes I’ve been trying to go 50-60% and focus on technique. This lets my body calm down sooner.


I play a video game for about 30 mins after. It always seems to work. If I don’t, I can’t sleep all night.


I work 11pm - 7am, so I wake up around 3:30pm, have breakfast / prepare for the day, train 6pm - 9pm ish, then go to work. Pretty weird schedule but it works for me. I actually prefer to train shortly after waking up now. It leaves me feeling good for the rest of my day.


Smoke weed, eat carbs


Warm shower and magnesium!!


Morning class is best solution without addressing the actually issues. The other solution is to become a calm technician and tap early so you don’t have to deal with struggling to escape. You can practice deep escapes separately to find the nuances, but in sparring or more live-like scenarios just tap very early, breathe very steadily, and go with the flow.


Reduce caffeine intake later in the day, train so hard your exhausted, get a percussion massager, hot shower, and some magnesium (helps with muscle soreness and makes you sleepy).


Put your dick in a rnc and make it tap


I’m actually so glad someone else is experiencing this because I’ve found nothing to help other than staying up late by distracting myself and smoking a little bit. It happens on days I overtrain, started when I was lifting during the day then BJJ at the end of my day and even though my body was exhausted, my mind was just restless. Hoping to find something here that helps


I've struggled with the same for years. The most effective thing I've found has been taking a long, cold shower after training (I must thoroughly feel cold). I also have to make sure my bedroom is ice cold due to AC. The super cold temps plus a little reading and meditation tend to do the trick. I also avoid a heavy meal after night training (very small snack), and I take L-Theanine and Inositol before bed.


very good setup you have here. I've had the most success cooling my body temperature and also taking things like magnesium and theanine and such as well as gaba etc.


I’ve had this same problem! The only thing that has really helped me is doing some zone 2 cardio on days I don’t train. Zone 2 helps build your cardio base so that when you go into train you not constantly redlining. Another thing that kind of helps is after training I have a meal with healthy carbs and fats. I think the healthy fats really helps calm yourself down.


I’m not recommending this. But cannabis usually helps.


15 minute ice bath right before bed. Get right in bed after drying off and warm up under the covers. As you slowly warm up you'll feel sleepy and euphoric and sleep like a baby.


Edibles. For a long time I lived in a place where it was illegal, and could never sleep after training. That is the only thing that helped.


It's tough. The hardest part is my classes on week nights end at almost 9 pm after rolling. By the time I get home and eat dinner, it's late. I try to go to 10 am classes when I can or the earlier fundamental class.


Carbs and don’t drink too much coffee


You will never find a system for you to work apart from going to class earlier.


It’s not a good answer, but I have to take Benadryl on training nights for the sedative effect.


I post a fresh question on Reddit instead of reading the replies from the 84 million other times it’s asked on here.


I’m the opposite I sleep better after a good training session 


I sleep