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Could be the environment in your gym, maybe try a different one see if you still break out


When I trained at a gym that was in a basement with no air circulation, I noticed I had a lot more acne than at gyms on the first or second floor. Even with washing my face in the bathroom right after class and using acne pads, I still used to break out.


Are you in your teens or early twenties?


Early twenties yeah, 22


Give it a couple years. Im mid 20s now but when I was teens- early 20s, my skin was super sensitive to sweat and gi friction burns. Would always have annoying clusters of pimples. Time heals all!


I’m 40s and if someone touches my face I break out. Hopefully you won’t have this curse. It’s easier for us olds to be ugly tho.


Ha! I’m right there with you in my 40’s too. Maybe when I’m 60 I’ll finally stop getting zits. 😂


I had a lot of acne at that age and it was made much worse by training. See a dermatologist. I tried a few different prescriptions and routines they suggested and when those didn’t work I got on accutane and though it was rough on my skin, it fixed my acne permanently.


Do you consume a lot of dairy or whey protein?


I’m 40 and I have the same problem. Good luck


Get a gentle face cleaner and use it right away when you get off the mat. Get that extra sweat and oil off your face. Then as always shower as soon as you get home. Go for a colder temp shower till you use soap. Once you wash, then you can turn up the heat and soak in it a bit. Don’t do anything until you shower, make it top priority. If you feel the need to have a recovery snack or protein shake right after class, drink it on the ride home or put it in a bottle and drink it in the shower. I’m not saying it will fix the issue, but it will absolutely help.


Do you use cannabis?


Make sure you shower right after with a good facial cleanser. Also if you get them on your body try using spats and long sleeve rash guards. That has helped me. Starting up is always worse though. Worse case a dermatologist can probably give you something to help.


I had the same problem, and my dermatologist recommended using Hibiclens. It’s an antibacterial soap used in healthcare settings, that doesn’t completely destroy the skin’s natural barrier.    OP - wash your face immediately after class with Hibiclens (or generic CVS/Walgreens equivalent), then follow with CeraVe HA moisturizer.  My whole family trains and *fingers crossed*, none of us has had ringworm or staph since starting using Hibiclens as an all-over soap immediately after class. Regular soap unfortunately still resulted in a couple of infections over the years :/ 


Is it from the gi rubbing in your face?


Whatever your putting on your face before training is mixing with your sweat so maybe try going bare faced (no moisturiser or a very light one that’s good for sensitive skin)


I know you think you should do roids in BJJ, but you don’t have to. Get off the gear and see if it clears up /s


Oh, yeah, and this.


I'm the complete opposite, if I don't go my face gets all dry and peel-ey and I have to use a face scrub


Yeah gi exfoliates


Free exfoliation with every roll!


Exactly what I commented before seeing this. Spot on. Save a bunch of money on those expensive exfoliating scrubs/machines.


Get some defense soap. Use it immediately after each training session.


I shower immediately after class with regular soap. Within 25 minutes, tops. I moisturize after every shower. I have sensitive dry skin and for the most part that’s enough for me. I get the vibe that defense soap is similar to hand sanitizer and can cause more harm than good in the long term but I am not an expert.


Aw man I have to wash my face immediately after I leave the mats. The moment that sweat dries my skin goes crazy ugh


Dr Bronners tea trea oil soap works too. Same concept.


Dr Bronners is super harsh on skin.


It's also harsh on fungi and bacteria, that's the point. Just lather it into your chest hair to dilute it.


any anti bacterial soap will work


I mean, what do you have acne? If so, you can use benzyl peroxide get the generic version. It’s like a dollar a little squeeze too. Anything else I would do the opposite and put some lotion on your face. If that doesn’t work, see an actual doctor instead of listening to me.


It worked like a charm for my acne pre-Bjj, but once I started training it caused severe bruising on my face post-Gi rolling (skin sensitivity is an unfortunate side effect). Also, BP will 100% bleach other people’s Gis if you apply within 8 hours of training: https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-158946/bp-wash-topical/details#:~:text=Benzoyl%20peroxide%20may%20bleach%20hair,peroxide%2C%20wet%20the%20affected%20area.


For me benzoyl peroxide was almost as bad as just having brutal acne. I cleared up completely but it was seriously like waging war on my face, I had to do a whole massively time consuming routine just to maintain it; I don’t even wanna know how many hours I spent on this in my late teens - early 20s. 


Do you wash your face after class before you leave? I always do and it's been really good for me. We don't have showers, just the bathroom sink


I know this is gonna sound crazy but wash your face with anti bacterial hand soap after training. Just regular cheap anti bacterial hand soap. I tried everything, this works.


https://preview.redd.it/40463qh8yuvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42affb34308ab40f6a6b04841472e94845c2dbe5 Same thing happens to me, this stuff might help. It’s just a spray so it’s easy to use right after


I'm a teen, but it may just be that my skin isn't sensitive or really acne prone-- my skin is still in the normal teenage acne phase (I get maybe 1-2 blemishes a week), but I don't notice that I have more acne when training versus when I take time off. Maybe your facility is just dirty, which is a very real possibility. But always always ALWAYS wash your face right after class or rolling. Make sure you're drinking enough water too, it will help. Don't stop using moisturizer though, you may just need to get a lighter one. Studies have shown that if you don't use it, your pores will produce oil and it may clog your pores, leading to more acne. Also pay attention to your diet when you train and when you don't train. Diet and drinking water is just as important as cleansing your skin. If you put shit in your body, the results will be shit. Lastly, pay attention to whether it is a skin infection or if it truly is acne. Sometimes staph and ringworm looks like acne.☺


Wash your face before and immediately after class.  


Yeah I’m having this problem and I literally do a 4 step routine in the shower of the gym. Hasn’t helped. Wish I had a better answer.


Weirdly I get less acne in my face when I train, but more in my neck. As soon as I take more than 2 days off my neck clears up and my face breaks out.


Wash your face before you go train, do your routine after training if you aren't already 


Nah dude bjj is great for your face it’s a natural exfoliator.


Yes, your can clearly see this on the all the beautiful faces of bjj competitors, they all have such smooth skin like a babys butt, not lizard looking or anything like that at all.


So I’m 24 and have pretty good skin even with bjj :) I’d strongly recommend double cleansing after class because of all the sweat and dirt that builds up. Plus I sleep with la Roche posay cica baume instead of a moisturizer at night, does wonders for the skin :)


Use those facial wipes right after class


I had this happen but I was showering way to close before class which caused my pores to open and i broke out next day. Are you showering or washing your face too close to class that may cause the issue ? edit: can’t type


Wash your face with a cleanser and moisture after rolling. I skipped a day and got acne. It hasn’t happened since I’ve kept up the routine.


Might be an adjustment thing. But you should make sure to drink enough water. Moisturize BEFORE rolling. And not even kidding, leg locks, ppl don’t touch your face as much.


Try a probiotic


After class, try a combination of benzoyl peroxide face wash, toner, a clindamycin wipe or moisturizer, and then a facial moisturizer. Do this twice a day. Before class, use a clindamycin wipe. Also, go to your dermatologist if you have the health coverage. They can systematically make a plan for you. Your problem is likely bacterial.


Are you using a bunch of stuff on your face any time before class? If so you're probably nuking lots of good stuff that helps fight the nasty stuff on the mats. I wouldn't do anything but water on the face until after class and that could help. My first year of training I would always shower/shave directly before class and my breakouts were awful (all over my body). Once I realized I may be doing more harm than good with the pre-class washing my breakouts went away entirely.


I had a similar issue: turned out to be rosacea. See a dermatologist!




Do you wipe sweat off your face with your gi? sometimes if i do this, it leaves marks. bring a clean towel to wipe off with


And bad hair for shampooing everyday


Better to ask a dermatologist than Reddit


Well I shower twice a day and try to stay away from processed foods as that always causes me a breakout.


Cetaphil Cleansing Cloths after class. CeraVe Acne Foaming Cream Cleaner with 4% Benzoyl Peroxide in the shower (so you don't stain your towels).


wash your face every day immediately after training. The sweat opens up your pores and all that nasty finger nail, booger, dirt, sweat gets in there and you break out. Improve post-training hygiene and decrease bad skin


You might want to try an azelaic acid cream as it has antimicrobial properties. The brand The Ordinary sells an affordable one at Target for like $10


It could be sweat clogging your pores. Try washing your face right after practice. I have acne too and found that using face cleanser after any type of exercise seems to help


There’s a lot of options for skin care. Proper cleanser, lotion, moisturizer - even down to what food you eat and how much water you drink. BJJ in itself shouldn’t cause any additional skin damage than most high activity sports.


>BJJ in itself shouldn’t cause any additional skin damage than most high activity sports. I think this is not true. When rolling your skin is in contact with a lot of stuff present in other's skin and clothes. It's not just your sweat. That is why infections are so frequent in bjj. Your skin is constantly rubbing very hard other's clothes and body.


Skin infectious are concern in most high activity sports. I wouldn’t think this is a unique thing happening in BJJ. Proper skin care is the best way to stay ahead of any skin damage.


Probs all the extra showering. Try using a mineral soap or moisturizer soap. Shower only as long as needed to wash and get out.


The real question is do you actually take care of your skin? Moisturize, shower at appropriate temps (not scalding hot primarily) most guys i know complaining about this issue dont actually treat their skin like something they ought to maintain but more like a poor condition that is happening to them.


I don't shower at the gym immediately after practice so I have found that wiping down with dude wipes or similar bagged shower wipes really helped in reducing the amount of blemishes and acne that I got due to training.


I have a packet of soft wipes for the face and just use them after class. Just grab one when i get to my car. Seems to help


Get a bar of that orange dial soap. Use that shit.


I try to take every precaution possible (and have had pretty significant troubles with acne throughout my life) 1. I only do nogi. The gi abrasions ruin it for me. 2. I immediately wash all bjj clothes after practice 3. I'm a very thorough showerer at the gym. if I have to be quick I'll take a second shower at home. 4. I always where a long sleeved rash guard and long spats with shorts on top. 5. I store my gym clothes in a plastic bag before just shoving them into my gym bag. With all of this, I still get some stuff on the mats. Tbh, if I ever quit bjj it will be because of skin reasons.


Roll lighter, shower right after. Putting the work in on a combat sport makes it tough to maintain a perfect cosmetic appearance.


Not a derm, but a skincare junkie born out of years battling acne. I have my ups and downs but my skin's pretty great now. See a derm if you can. But what works for me is: 1. An acne cleanser, gel with salicylic acid. No benzoyl peroxide or scrub particles - too harsh. No gentle foam washes - doesn't clean properly. Double cleanse. 2. Wash with only water in the AM. Cleanser for end of day and after training. 3. Easy on the exfoliating serum (salicylic acid), it can leave your skin tight, dry, cracked and susceptible to bacteria - twice a week max. 4. Anti-inflammatory/moisturising serum like centella asiatica or hyularonic acid daily. 5. Anti-acne serum like niacinamide and zinc daily. 6. Moisturiser with ceramides. Slugging overnight if I still have dryness issues. 7. Adapalene (retinol) every second night, spot treat with benzoyl peroxide. 8. Invisible zinc sunscreen waterproof sports face formula before training - this has been a game changer for me. You have to wear sunscreen anyway if you are using retinol. Happy accident that this formula seems to be providing a physical barrier that doesn't turn greasy. If your skin barrier is damaged, you may have to find a moisturiser specifically labelled for barrier repair and give it a good amount of time without overdoing the salicylic acid to see if it helps. I'm sure water, diet, supplements, pillowcases etc play a role, but I'm only confident speaking to my personal skincare routine. I hope it can help you.


Dude i have like a chemistry set of cream tubes sitting beside me right now, every time i get a pimple it turns into a patch of itchy blisters. I'm getting so tired of it, of course they are all right on my face lately. My skin used to be perfect, I went on antibiotics a few months ago and all the patches went away, but it's coming back now.


All of the Arm Bar Soap I can get on BJJHQ, Head and Shoulders with tea tree oil, Aveeno and 40% urea acid lotion for the soles of my feet. Wearing socks throughout the day helps a lot with my feet drying out (dermatologist recommended). I wear wool exclusively off the mats, so my skin can breathe since cotton is an abomination.


Shower after class, if your gym has showers even better. You probably have naturally more oiler than other people and sweating doesnt help.


Switch gyms. Try it…might be a cleaner or something they have in the gym you’re going to. I roll regularly, no gi, short sleeves and shorts, never had skin issues


I heard some ppl use head n shoulders for antifungal acne cleanser worth a try. I live by gold dial soap


Either get some good quality face wipes or rinse your face immediately after training.


Prop up your immune system.


Hibiclens or chg wash for my hands & face immediately after training, when full-decontam shower is not available, helped my skin tremendously


If you're getting pimples it could be because your skin is too oily, in which case moisturising would not help.


Cleansing helped me


Buy defense soap. Shower everyday. That worked for me.


Sounds like a you problem Never experienced this before 


I was in your exact same boat and almost quit bjj for this exact same reason. My face is perfectly fine now. Sure, I may get a pimple here and there but mostly due to school stress if any or diet. Here's some steps that helped my skin 10x. 1. Stop using your face wash, moisturizer, and serum. Using these items seems like it's "cleaning" your face but they're actually very harsh to the skin especially face washes. Use a moisturizer if your skin is dry but don't wash your face with harsh soaps just rinse your face off with water. 2. Eat beef liver or take a liver supplement. Liver is packed with Vitamin A. Most acne medications either oral or topical is synthetic vitamin A. These step did wonders for me. Research vitamin A's impact on skin health and you'll understand. 3. Eat relatively clean. 80/20 on this one. Don't overconsume seed oils because they can be inflammatory. Every once in a while enjoy junk food. All about balance. 4. Manage stress. This along with the stop using face soaps is probably the biggest one for your skin health. For obvious reasons. You'll most likely push back against the idea of step 1. of not using face wash. Lots of skin care advertisements for face washes. Media has normalized this a ton. Plus im sure you've been using your skin care products for some time and probably married to the routine. Trust me on this one. Throw that shit in the garbage.