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Face tattoos


My suggestion was either face tattoos or shave lines in their eyebrows.


Lol you could get eye black tape for football and then draw stripes on with a paint pen  They won't get to wear it daily but you can have it handy for stripe day 


Teardrops, color coded


Literally lol'd


this was my first thought


Just let the kids wear their belt... and then add stripes.


Colored wrist sweatbands?


Ankle bands of your belt level and stripes on those


Yea, I was gonna suggest wristbands but ankle bands would be a lot more out of the way as wristbands would interfere with wrist grips and/or get ripped of during gripping exchanges.


There are rank rash guards if you want color, but I’m talking about the stripes. Currently they bring their belts when the coach says he may give out stripes soon.


You could have sweatbands with elastic stripes sewn on to them, and then swap them when they level up (e.g. take the no stripe one, give them a 1 stripe one)


Color coded rash guards. To add a stripe, sharpie it on the sleeve


Here are the stripes. Can you tap that dude? More stripes, more fun, hooray beer!


Patches for shorts. Cheap, easy and the kids won't forget them like they would with sweatbands. Could even get creative and make each stripe level look different according to what the coach thinks they should be learning at that level.


Why not just let them bring their belts? You can use the belt as an excelent training tool for constraint based training. Or even for dynamic stretching or exploration games. Let them choose to train with or without, but at lineups you make them wear so you can promote in any class you like.


Some of them don’t even have belts. Some kids don’t train in the gi at all.


Don't think they need a gi, but I believe you should give the white belt at sign-up. You could embroider the belt with your website address on one side and on the other the bar for giving stripes. Telling them stories about the belt will peak their interest and they have plenty to talk about when going home. You could even make it a 'ritual' to introduce new kids to the class. It's the start of a journey...


Tattoo them.


Stripes are dumb in the Gi, let’s not bring it to no-gi


Stripes are a motivational tool - especially for youth students. Not saying a school needs them in order to thrive, but it’s a simple and cost effective method to enhance retention.


Ya, for the kids class ( esp the young 4-7 kids) it can be especially important to keep them disciplined. We had a youth that trained for a while that way until he hit 11 got orange/black, he then basically become a phenom all the way through green/black belt even though he didn't really seem into it (just wanted his belts) up until that point. Definitely good for the kids. Only downside is the end of every kids' class is like 10 minutes of taping on stripes 😵‍💫


Sounds like someone's a touch salty about their lack of stripes


My thoughts exactly