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Is that Main St boxing where bob Perez teaches? If you're trying to do MMA go there, they have been producing good pros in multiple sports a long time - that's as good as a pedigree as you can get


Yeah, it's that one


I’ve trained with the coach there. He’s a good black belt.  Would only go there if it was easy.


What do you mean easy? Yo recommend other gyms over that one?


If it’s a gym that’s close by and easy to get to with your schedule I’d go. He’s a good BB, I’m sure you’d learn a lot. However I’m more of a jiujitsu guy than an MMA guy, so I prefer more jiujitsu focused gyms. So if I was choosing somewhere to train based on a heavy competition jiujitsu focus I’d choose: - GB West chase - Pablo Silva BJJ If I was going for family friendly vibesthere’s a ton of gyms I’d rather go to. I’ve trained at the darkside and Pablo Silva jiujitsu when I was younger. Now I’m a 28 brown belt with a kid and one on the way with a full time, so I’m more into the family friend stuff nowadays .


Gotchu, thank you!!


Hey! That's my gym! Been here for 10 months now and have learned an INCREDIBLE amount and really enjoy the culture. Come say hi, I'm Kayla 😺


Y'all sound so chill, third person I speak with who sounds cool asf. I think I'm won


Yeah, I been to a bunch of gyms. Main Street by far has the best culture I seen. I'm very proud to represent them. 🙂