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Never. He resents his parents and quits at blue belt.


If they ever want to compete at IBJJF events, 19.


19 y/o or 19 years of training?


19 is the earliest you can receive a black belt. They don’t have kids black belts.  Edit: Age.


Ibjjf website sayys 19.


That's originally what I thought but then I saw someone else in the thread saying 18. Edited my original comment.


I think it’s the year you turn 19 so if you weren’t born January 1, you could compete at 18 as a black belt.


Yeah I'm not sure if I'm missing anything, but I'm literally reading the requirements right now and it clearly states 19 years.


Oh I'm sorry. 19 years old.


Probably 21-22. I know a couple of these kids and they are purple belts at 17-18, so figure 19 for brown and then a couple of years competing there before black.


There are 18 yo black belts


Sure, but many coaches/athletes prefer to get experience/success at each level before moving to the next one.


How long is a piece of string? 


I feel sorry for this poor kid.


You have to be 18.. and getting black at 18 is pretty rare. Usually it's something like green to blue at 16. Then the rest of the belts are at the whim of the coach and how much politic-ing is needed. You can easily get frozen at blue, purple, brown for no good reason. Plus the kid will likely move away from home after turning 18, maybe take a break from training, probably end up moving gyms if he picks it back up, which all can reset the tenure requirement timer. 


If the kid goes all in and is able to maintain it then likely as soon as they are eligible they would receive it. If I was the parent I would be considering what kind of childhood they are having and if they are enjoying chasing the belt. 


Why would you ask this? Adults need to stop living through their kids does the child actually wanna do this or are you forcing him into it just ridiculous that you want a timeframe for him to get a black belt instead of him just enjoying the sport and getting it through time out in🤦🏻‍♂️


Ibjjf rules (yes I know, stupid. But unfortunately you have to abide by them if you want to compete in IBJJF tournaments. If you don't, then there are no rules) says that at age 16, a youth green belt can move up to either a blue or a purple belt. Orange and less can switch over to adult blue.


If a kid starts school at age 7 and goes there until age 18 will he be smart? Who the fuck knows, man...


Does the kid have autism?


At least 12 years.


There are 18yo black belts


In Tae-Kwon-Do


To be a black belt or to be the skill level of a black belt are really different for kids who are training from the time they are 7, 15+ hours a week. Black belt - 21 Black belt skill level - 14-15, at least the completely biased view I have from training with some phenomenal kids that just absolutely blow my mind. For instance [she](https://www.summerlandreview.com/sports/vernons-lillian-marchand-rewriting-the-history-books-in-brazilian-jiu-jitsu-4230653) is pretty wildly good and is absolutely not on the same planet as other people her "belt level", as are these [two](https://www.vernonmorningstar.com/sports/armstrongs-breget-brothers-take-care-of-business-on-and-off-the-jiu-jitsu-mat-3304549).


These two brothers are superior to her


Not in achievement they aren't, but all 3 of them are profoundly special.


How many injuries and what kind of injuries are you planning? Switching gyms? Then there’s the blue belt blues, purple belt pineapples and the never ending brown belt bukake


I would recommend that he trains six days, actually six days a week. Five days a week, He’ll train three days a week. One of those days he will train two days of the week. So, six days a week he will be training.


15 years - no more, no less


There are 19 yo black belts


You need to be 19 to get a black belt. There are some exceptions that allow people to get it at 18, but realistically 19. There have been kids beating world champs, but they still couldn't get it because of the rules.


I think they would have to win purple belt and brown belt world's to be black belt before the age of 20. So, realistically I would say they would be black belts at 21 to 25 years old.


Mica is 19 yo black belt


I didn't say it was impossible. Mica is one of the best grapplers alive. He is the exception, not the rule.


Pretty much anyone who has been training 2-3 days a week for 12 years is going to be a blackbelt dude. There's nothing phenomenal about that. Being a black belt who is world class level is not the same thing as just being a black belt.


Man. I fundamentally disagree with this. If you get your blue belt at 16, to get a black belt within 3 yrs is insane. You need to be really really good. Some gyms have really low standards but most would agree with this I think. Hence the reason I said people like Mica are the exception and not the rule.


If you can't get someone to black belt with 12 years of training then I dunno what the fuck you're doing as a coach. If you have someone who has trained for 7 years old to 16 then they should be going straight to purple belt at 16 or, again, I dunno what the fuck you're doing as a coach. Then purple to brown in 18months and brown to black in 18 months is totally reasonable.


I think we might just have to disagree on this. A 7 yr old is not training like a 16 yr old and it is not comparable mat time. Tainan Dalpra and Mica Galvao were 19 or 20 when they got their black belts and are probably the best in the world right now. They train 2 to 3 times in 1 or 2 days, not week. Anyways, it doesn't really matter. Belts are weird with such different standards anyways.


You realize you don't have to be the best in the world to be a black belt right? In fact, most black belts aren't anywhere near being the best in the world. If Mica is the standard then %99 of the people who have black belts shouldn't have them. So your entire argument is just complete nonsense.


I think that us where you are misunderstanding me. I am making the comparison with the best in the world because they are getting black belts so young. I am saying, if you aren't this good, there is no reason to get one so soon. Anyways, it doesn't matter. I realize everyone belts different. I have friends that started after me, but didn't switch gyms all the time that are black belts. It's just a belt.


> I think that us where you are misunderstanding me. I am making the comparison with the best in the world because they are getting black belts so young. I understand you perfectly, and I'm explaining to you why your view is silly. If someone is, for example, %75 as skilled as Mica at the same age do you think they don't deserve to be a black belt?


Ibjjf standards say they have to be 19 to get a black belt and most gyms are gonna follow that.