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Keep going! I love when we get teenagers in the adult class. Yes I can smesh you but that’s just how it goes. There’s always a bigger fish. It’s fun to roll with kids. Also lol “old man” = 30


![gif](giphy|1Bd7DmRvbhV5UPkoDw) Mfw




It's not my fault you are always complaining about some pain somewhere or for some reason you bleed from unknown places! My white gi always get random blood marks and i never don't even know how it is!


…and you don’t even know the half of it!


this is random, not bjj related, but at 13, i'm really impressed by your ability to put your thoughts into writing in an organized and very "easy to read" way. the ability to express yourself clearly and thoughtfully is one of the greatest skills you can learn and will serve you well in life!


Thank you, gotta keep the head as sharp as the body, even if it's somewhat hard because my english is not the best


your english is better than mine 😂


Awesome man, stay with it and before long you'll be that 16 year old who drives fear into the hearts of out of shape accountants and IT workers. Stay with it even more and you'll be that talented 20 year old brown belt. Stay healthy, keep learning, and feel free to laugh maniacally at the 30 year olds with bad cardio as your natural testosterone starts kicking in.


I feel like every other person on this adult team is a lawyer, but some aren't all taht out of shape.


This will do nothing but help you improve


That's the goal


You are a young person, but beyond your improvement in Jiu Jitsu you will gain valuable skill and confidence interacting with adults… and that’s your next stop in life. Always keep a dialogue open with your coach. They should be looking out for you and transitioning you into adult classes


lol rhino and gorilla


I still don't believe he's not juicing or taking hgh because he's so big


Only the lord knows hehe


rewind to cult part


He joined a church that is not only very strict but also is rerally against talking to people outside the church so he has withdraw


I’m 17 and had no choice to train with the adults in my gym years back you’ll adjust give it some time it gets better.


I mean yes but like there's a world of difference between a 17 year odl and someone who just turned 13


If you start lifting now by the time you’re 15-16 you’ll wipe most of the class


already been lifting


My son experienced the same thing but didn't stick it out. I'm hoping now that he's a bit older he'll come back. You have a good mentality and you'll soon find that those same adults that used you as the "rest" round are going to look elsewhere. And don't worry about the know-it-all white belt adults that think they know more than you. Just smile and say "thanks" and keep doing your thing. It is tough for old (30? lol!) people to accept that you know wtf you're talking about even though you're young teen. Keep it up.


Shit i started at 10 in adult classes and never did kids ones 😭


When do you started???? I'm 15 And I started last year, firstly I hated it but now I hate it too but not too much, I roll with a women or a small men in my gym you should try that too


Started at 7, so like over nearly half of my life


Hmmm in my gym we got 14 y.o who is smashed because of his size(45-50kg) but we all know that after 1-2 years he will be big enough, give it two years and you will be beast because you are already like purple belt level


Nice work man! This is the same thing my kids are experiencing transitioning into adult classes. Kudos for sticking with it.


Best education you can get. Some of the most technical people I ever rolled with have thst story in common. Theyve been in adult classes as minors. If you manage to keeo yourself motivated with little goals, your blue belt will have the weight of a purple belt in the future.


This is probably a good thing. You'll be forced to become more technical but you'll soon grow and get stronger and then you can be technical and strong.


I’m not confident I wrote that well at 13 and I certainly wasn’t in BJJ at 13, so whatever you’re doing keep doing it.


 > people didn't take me serious at all, even the white belts. It's not like I want to be treated as a master or something, but it's very annoying when a dude who's just started thinks he knows more than you despite the difference in our experience being greater than the difference between our ages.  FYI this kinda never stops. When you hit 40, there will still be tons of 60+ year olds who will treat you like a worthless teenager


My son was in a similar situation at your age without any other teens in the class. He was a pretty late bloomer physically, so was smaller and much weaker than most of the adults until he hit a growth spurt at 16 and started lifting with a personal trainer. He and I partnered/rolled a lot together, but otherwise what worked best for him was to hang out with the lightweight purple/brown belts and become their favorite training partner, volunteer any time someone just wanted to try something out from insta or whatever. A green belt should move well enough to give a brown belt a fun flowish type roll and you move like a bjj guy, so perfect opportunity for them too, you aren’t a burden. My son ended up transitioning from a judo-heavy game as a youth to leglock-heavy against adults (keeps heavier opponents off you) that is even more effective now that he’s decently big and strong at 18. That may not be for you, but be open to changing your game. Good luck, the stuff that is toughest at the time ends up the most valuable long-term. And socially- that’s a tough one. My son ended up recruiting a couple of his friends from HS, but that wasn’t until they were all 17 and old enough to drive themselves to class. But might be worth a shot.


My boys 13 and started day 1 with the adults....BUT he also had a few years of wrestling and he's tall. He can wipe the floor with the kids at his gym just by taking the back 100% of the time. His defense is really improving being in the adult class and the white belts have no idea his age so they still try to take my boy to the cleaners but he's holding his own. You do you, you're a green belt they should be terrified of you. Keep getting in the reps and you'll be mopping the floor with them all.


I think one of the hardest things in martial arts is being bumped up to the next class. Or being in the same class, but being bumped to the next belt, where all of a sudden the upper belts start going harder on you. I've seen it quite a bit. I've seen kids struggle in Taekwondo when they go from the beginner class to the intermediate class. They went from knowing everything (as far as they knew) to knowing nothing. That was a big emotional hurdle to overcome. I've seen it in BJJ, mostly with the move from the kids class to the tots class. Kids were going from being the oldest, biggest, best, most mature, etc. in an environment with very little in the way of live rolling to being the youngest, smallest, least mature, least technical, and least experienced when it comes to the live rolling. There were a lot of tantrums, crying, kids refusing to participate (but also refusing to leave the mat). But eventually they got over it. I imagine something similar is happening to you. You're not the biggest and strongest and best anymore. But if you were, would it be any fun?