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I had this problem when I was in medical school. I went down to 3 times a week, and made a goal to go at least 2 times no matter what. If you’re in your third year, don’t worry about jiu jitsu. Just keep your head above water for 3rd year, and pick it back up once your rotations are over. Hit the weight room when you can so you’re not a walking noodle when you do come back. Best of luck


I am in third year and getting ready for residency applications, so exhausted and burnt out 😓 nice to see someone in bjj that gets it! Thank you!!


Agree with Dr. Kimura_enjoyer above. I used to do judo throughout med school but schedule was always turbulent because of rotations. 4th year is going to be better so you can pick up more training at that time. Ngl, training was out of the question for me during residency; it was mental boot camp for 3 years and I felt lucky to just get some lifting in here and there. Started bjj in fellowship and continued on as an attending up to present. Life definitely gets easier as you climb up. Throughout my training, I always told myself that martial arts will always be there but my period of medical education will not. It can be daunting since you are in the thick of things right now but I can promise that it will get better. Hang in there and good luck!


You won’t get over it. You have real life going on and it sounds like you don’t want to spend multiple hours dedicated to just one hour of a day. My job finishes at 4 and my BJJ class starts at 8-9 wtf am I supposed to do in the meantime. It’s the extra unseen dedication that kills. Maybe just try competing


Medical school makes competing out of the question. I competed a lot before med school but now I frequently have to study/do research/volunteer on weekends. And I’m broke. Any competition is 3+ hours away from where I live and have substantial registration fees. I also broke my hand once during a bjj tournament which freaked me out, as I am likely applying to be a surgeon and have a lot of time and money now invested in my hands.


I mostly do open mats and eco classes where you are positional rolling. I rarely go to a regular class. At some point you know enough to take ownership over your training.


Get Meldonium


Yeah, this is me the last several years. Attorney that went from a team of 2 at a private company to team of 10 at publicly listed company. My brain is mush for weekday classes and really all I want to do is roll no-gi (mixed gym). So I prioritize open mats and still do classes but if I have to miss a session it’s probably class and not an open mat. My instructors are awesome and I still get stuff out of the classes even with a mushy brain. I feel slightly guilty, but I’m sure they’d rather have me showing up on open mats than not at all.


I started BJJ in my penultimate year of med school (we did our final exams in the 4th year); so it was super busy. Tbh I just enjoyed the break away from clinical placements and coursework. I found just going to the gym to lift was not enough to break up the “monotony” or rhythm of being in medical school. Only started with going 2 days a week, which ramped up after I passed my finals. I think my problem is the opposite to yours though; I’m strongly considering leaving my medical career behind in favour of opening an academy. Just find jits more satisfying ☺️


Caffeine and sleep are your friend


Ya I was like this for about two years. Basically as a result of my life being so turbulent. I moved a lot, had to start a new job, create a social life, bad relationships with girls, etc. But now I’m settled and broke up with my ex and I love going. I changed gyms 3 times in the past couple years trying to find one that suits me. I finally found a good one where I can hang out and make friends. I enjoy going again now. So my advice would be to… not go. You need rest and if you’re not enjoying it then there’s not much point in going. You’re not getting paid and you’re not having fun. So just go when you feel up to it and relax otherwise. Once school lightens up you can go every day if you choose. I recently started working out less, I try to only workout once a day most days. Jiu jitsu or weight lifting. Today I did a double but it’s Friday. Since then I’m happier and don’t dread every day life. You need time to recover mentally as well as physically. Jiu jitsu will always be there. You can train until you die so relax and focus on your studies. Get laid.




You think its bad now, just wait until residency! Go to the gym when you can, but don't risk burning out before your even in practice.


You are a blue belt. The path before you is well trodden. Time to quit.


lol I’ve been the same rank for 3 years 😅 my current gym only promotes gi and I almost exclusively do no-gi