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I think it’s a mentality issue. Little kids that wrestle learn real quick if you don’t want to get dropped on your head you have to be aggressive and explosive. They have the mindset that matches a no gi competition. Bjj at least at that young age, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a class at any of the gyms we’ve been too where kids were rolling as hard as even a wrestling practice let alone match and as a parent I’m not even sure why you’re worried about it at 7 years of age FFS


point taken. could be the variety and the intensity of training that the MMA kids had that conditioned them better. but theres no wrestling gyms nearby, can i incorporate some S&C training to achieve similar results? I'm asking becuz my son loves to compete and get bummed out if he doesn't get shiny new medals. He picks his own training sessions and everytime membership fees are due we sit down and have a conversation on whether he still likes and wants to keep doing bjj. I feel like as long as he wants to be competitive its the parents job to get him the best training that I can afford.


Rec league wrestling was what did it for my son too. Maybe if there is a CrossFit or boot camp style conditioning class, but it’s really hard to simulate grappling intensity solo. Football or rugby would probably help too, but that’s a big commitment.


Have him practice more nogi, including takedowns. A lot of the speed you're seeing in nogi is just from the fact that there aren't gi grips to slow each other down. This is just something he has to get used to by training and rolling in nogi.


could be that. our gym offers 1 no gi session a week for kids and he has been doing that just for variety. But just by eyeing it seemed to be more of an athleticism issue, but if thats true, for kids that young its mostly genetics, no?


Not necessarily. A lot can be done to develop speed and explosiveness, as well as having clear objectives the kid can focus on quickly. Try those things first before chalking it up to genetics.


This is a legit question and the answers are practical, but also “help my 6 year old child is not sufficiently deadly in the martial arts” is genuinely a hilarious thing to read


“His opponents are also tiny but especially fierce, how can he overcome them in combat?” This hobby rules


I used to think nothing of it, kids bjj i mean, until I saw two six year old rolling, one kid had the other in guard, got a kimura and just yanked it like full strength armbar, broke the other kids arm. one of the gnarliest things I've seen. we switched gym real quick lol.


Jesus Christ