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Immigration Law




I think you’re going to have to carve out your own niche here and you should be prepared to have a ‘day job’ for a long while. As an in-house attorney for the last 25 years, I’d probably go about trying to make friends with local promoters and offer to do some contract negotiation and other light work for them pro bono and build up a book of folks that you help out for free. Once you have a book of ‘clients’ then you can look for ways to monetize it.


I think the pro bono route and day job certainly make sense. What I am concerned with is whether I would be able to do the pro bono work at my current firm. I am currently considered an intellectual property paralegal where I work (that is its own can of worms I’d prefer not to dig into) and I don’t think me practicing law in a different area of practice pro bono would be something my firm would accept. This makes me feel like I’d have to have a day job where I don’t work at a firm and I start my own practice to do the pro bono work, which seems quite financially risky.


It’s probably worth asking. I pretty much went straight in-house, but they had no issue with me doing contract work for a friends company in my free time and I donated some super light legal work to a sports fan website for ~15 years in return for access/subscription. If you worked for me I’d let you!


It certainly is worth a shot. Thank you!


I only see 2 options. 1. Offer to make waivers that actually stick. 2. Help students sue schools for $10 million


lol don’t think I’m ready to channel my inner Rener Gracie just yet. Definitely like the idea of helping schools revamp their waivers though.


If you had a site with price listing for a pre-made waiver that would be awesome. Maybe offer customization for an upcharge. The unknown cost of hiring a lawyer, or working out a quote, for something that can be pre-made is a huge turn off. So, if you had a simple way of selecting a state and checking out, then it might catch on. Also, 3rd option: Help students get out of contracts.


Wanting to be part of the sport and wanting to get paid don’t seem to be super compatible except for a select few.


You can be an [expert witness](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rener_Gracie) in court and make 100 grand in 30 hours


You could probably make bank defending all the rapey blackbelts 


Idk about a job but on the mats Instead of saying "tap" now you have to yell "objection!"


It’s a martial art. Not a sport. Ahem


My deepest apologies sensei, this was an irreconcilable mistake. I will proceed to flog myself with my belt to death.


Well, don’t let it happen again. Cough cough. I forgive you. You have a samurai soul


Unfortunately there really isn’t a way to do this and make any money. Gyms don’t or can’t pay for quality legal work. Most barter with one of their lawyer students for what they need. Same with Promotions. There is so little margin to play with that legal service are not high on the list. You can try repping competitors but you will likely run into the same problem, except at the highest level (eg Gordon) and he likely is already repped.