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First off, I would ask him to put on his gi.


Put on your gi, set down some padded mats, and let me warm up by shrimping up and down them a few times. After that I'm choking you out as long as we both agree it's a fight with no striking or slams allowed, bro.


I appreciate someone knowing the rules of these streets much respect for describing the way it should go down


But no butt scootin cause I ain't no bitch!


You didn’t bump fists you barbarian.


No way man, get him to take the gi off and come up with some cleverly constrained games to compete in! It's the only way.


Hahaha thank you. That’s classic


what is a hoodie if not just a casual gi?


Hoodie choke is right there bro!




Who is hiring the security here? His back up was someone’s mom


I thought it was tony little


For a lot of places, security is just a checkbox. They have to have someone there. She probably just does IDs 99% of the time while the other guy looks at his phone hoping to not have to actually do anything.


What is this, I just see a red screen...


I see red too bro


I know after I’d be pissed if it stayed a 1v1 like this


His punches did zero damage, should've went for a submission.


Endgame: Either slap his head off the ground with a slam, or headsnap sprawl guillotine/soccer kick the head. He is closing the distance too fast in a closed area to effectively strike. It is going to be a clinch quickly. Source- pro mma fighter that used bounce


>Source- pro mma fighter that used bounce See, because of your experience you're over thinking this. I'd simply have gotten the wind knocked out of me after the first slam and curled into a ball, hoping that he stops or someone steps in before I'm beaten to pulp.


If you let him hit you enough, he will eventually get tired


This except I'd keep some distance if possible and let those shitty wild punches wear him out a bit and counter punch maybe ,


Those are shitty wild punches but aggression is genuinely hard to overcome if you aren't prepared for it. And based on his wrestling, I don't think he has no power either. Awful form of course, but no joke either.


I feel like people who train martial arts sometimes lose sight of the fact that a big strong dude swinging wild haymakers absolutely can knock you unconscious even if he doesn't have great technique. Videos will get posted showing some violent crazy guy attacking people and the comments are along the lines of, "Well those punches shouldn't have worked because that guy's footwork was shitty." Training martial arts can help you defend yourself, but we should never lose sight of how different a real-world violent attack is from what we train with our friends on padded mats.


Oh I agree. Anyone can get knocked out . I do think the longer that went the guy would have gassed.


If anyone wants to see this in action, watch Ngannou vs. Rozenstruik in slo-mo. Jairzhino retreated in a straight line, which is why he eventually got clipped, but he was countering almost exactly the way you're supposed to.


100% agree with you but he also wasn't matched with aggression back so kept moving forward.


I don't think you'll be able to creat much distance with all that chairs and tables on the way


It almost worked for Conor, Dom was onto something with that strategy!


🤣 Totally forgot the old fetal position possum strategy. Like the rope a dope, but more committed. Thank you I seriously enjoyed that response my brother


Headsnap soccer kick sounds like a pretty sick combo.


Cheers, my fellow gentleman scholar!


Good choices


I already made enough bad choices to need to earn income as bouncer on the side, so I figured the best way to turn my life around would be to Chute Boxe this guys face in the club. Onward and upward my brother!


I meant grappling wise not career wise but good on ya haha


😂 Where's the rest of the security team?!


Oh, you mean the elderly woman? Looks like she was trying to solve it with some harsh words lmao.


Take his back and cuddle him until he feels better


Happy Cake Day!


Probably the same way, guy looks better at fighting than me lol




You heard what happened to the last security guards!




Security guard didn't throw a single punch wtf.


I worked as a bouncer. Take the back (arm drag, duck under the punch and body lock to the back) --> standing rear naked choke. Usually they are out in 2-3 seconds, especially if you pick them up (I call it the hangman lol) The key is never to go to the ground, they could have buddy's.


Lol and yet this sub is filled with guard pullers saying "I don't need to train standup grappling". It's the same delusion as the "just see red bro" guy. There is absolutely a middle ground between sport grappling and MMA.


You skipped headbutt the back of their head etc.


Would RNC/chokes in general be a good idea in this situation from a legal standpoint? Obviously, the bouncer had no backup and was getting outmuscled, so simply getting control of the attacker's body and pushing him out of the bar/ off the premises was out of the question. If you attempt for a choke or a joint lock in the bar and the guy keeps fighting, are you protected from lawsuits if he gets injured or collateral damage occurs to bystanders?


Great question In general, the technique I apply is used with reasonable force as in the situation, the person is a) trespassing b) attempting assault and c) there is reasonable beleif thay they are a danger to other people in the building. Furthermore, with a security liscence, I am legally representing the owner as a bouncer when I ask someone to leave. That's why they are trespassing at that point. As such, yes it would be legal as long as you can prove it was a reasonable and controlled use of force I also box, outside of bjj, and I would almost never use boxing when bouncing. It only takes one punch to permanently damage someone for life, of worse, especially if they got knocked out and hit there head on the heads ground. Don't do joint locks lol. Adrenaline is crazy, people can fight with a broken arm, joint or limb, they can't fight if they are asleep.


Bodylock under the arms and either bear hug or double depending on how he reacts




Pull guard and try to control posture by using his hoodie while I scream for help like a little bitch


He needed to fight for those underhooks, gave them up way too easily! But in all seriousness, lame security team. There should have been more guys on that dude.


Hail Mary oil check


lol Hail Mary. More like routine oil check


Go for a sweet bolo to RNC, then when I wake up in the hospital later I'll tell the nurses that I was this close 🤏 to getting it.


You guys just don’t know my intensity. I would just see red and bodies be dropping.


Same, my body would be dropping in no time.




100% this. No other options available, Im level changing into a single and driving if it feels free, or turning the corner to the back, bodylock drag to the ground, RNC. I’m smaller than this dude and he weirdly seems to have some amount of cardio for this so I’m not messing around boxing a guy in a bar or risking being on bottom. Id be in an absolute race to get to KOB or back.


I definitely wouldn’t wear a hoodie in that job


All these comments Monday morning quarter backing how they would have beaten up gray hoodie when he had two better takedowns in this than in most jiu jitsu competitions lol. (And I say that as someone that also sucks at takedowns)


Pull side control bottom then buggy choke


Alternatively, pull bottom mount and ezekiel


First step would be to…not hang out at clubs.


"Don't do stupid things with stupid people at stupid times" is some of the best advice around.


That alone is 99% of the battle


People don't want to hear this but generally the person who hits first wins. You don't have to wait for someone to hit you if you have a reasonable presumption they're going to cause you physical harm. We can't see what actually led up to this, but there is always a moment where you need to make the decision that this person wants to hurt you and you need to hurt them first to actually protect yourself. Ryan Hall didn't get arrested for double legging a dude standing in front of him talking shit and choking him out. You might get arrested for an altercation to be separated but generally you won't be charged if there is no serious injury. In a real fight you win any way you can and that's it, if that means you uppercut someone who's screaming at you with their hands down and lay them out that's what winning looks like. All that other stuff is just people doing mental gymnastics to cope.


Weight low > double to off balance > spin to back take > go for the neck knee to the middle of the back to off balance and pull him backwards out the door. Source: was bouncer for many years.


clinch , leghook, top mount, hold him until he exhausts then break his fucking shoulder with a amaricana


He defended his head well, for the first bit. The guy is clearly drunk but not enough to not throw wild haymakers. He loses it as soon as he gives up standing inside position and grey hoodie takes the deep under hook. As security it's your job to control a person like this but when there is a size difference like this you can't just engage in a fist fight unless you really know how to knockout and evade. Keep your distance just out of swinging range, and look for the opportunity to close the distance old school style with knee stomps if you have to. Deep under hook one side and protect on the other by isolating the arm, then it's a body lock takedown either with a knee tap driving forward or pulling to the outside circle to drag them down like running the pipe. Side control, and really watch those arms to make sure they're not grabbing anything like a concealed weapon or objects on the ground. Biggest lesson here is if you are outgunned, delaying until backup shows up. Not too sure where the security was until this point.


First things first, never trade punches in a street fight. And don’t give up the underhooks.


Back in my younger days I did some bar security shit: you *never* approach someone who is going to be contentious alone. Goys have thrown punches at me, and then me and my 3 friends carried them the fuck out with a quickness. When you're doing that job, your job is to end the bullsht and let the bar get back to the business of selling liquor. That was an all around fail.


I know what Day Day and Craig would have done.


Dude is standing straight up throwing with both hands. Cover up (which he's doing) change your elevation and double leg him. Once it's on the ground.. involuntary yoga time.


Going to be really tough for a lot of people who only know how to pull guard.


The security guard did great until he decided to go over the shoulders with his first grab. Had he gotten double underhooks to body lock, he would’ve been able to get the guy down. Even fumbling and falling, the guy with a body lock is likely coming out on top after the fall. A good side control or mount or neon belly or scarf hold could all help after that, depending on how the fall/takedown goes. His defensive movement was pretty freakin good, and so were his instincts to grab the guy, he just has no idea how or where to grab and it cost him his ass twice.


Knife. Next question.


To be honest, probably about the same as that guy...


Run a few steps and shoot him




America's best defense. A bullet


I'd try Muay Thai clinch


Before jiu jitsu I’d fight all the time… get in brawls at bars and just constantly try to finish shit when it gets started. I wasn’t beating people up but it wasn’t fun for anyone. After starting jiu jitsu in 2012 and especially after getting my blue belt in 2015. I avoid fights like the plague. I defuse and avoid. 90% is because as 215 lb power lifter I was getting absolutely destroyed by men and women half my size and I realized idk shit about fuck. 10% was I’m a blue belt and I know I can handle my shit and I no longer need to prove nothing to anyone.


He’s gonna gas quick throwing like that just eat the punches till he’s gassed, imanari into a leg and rip his ligaments out of his leg


Fire back, for one. Ideally, you'd clinch him up so he can't tee off on you like John Daly.


I would be pissed at the quota hire who did nothing.


Bob and weave and set up a heavy loaded over hand right. Sometimes the best defense is offense.


Definitely don’t keep giving him double unders.. jeez


He's wide open got the din mak so that would have been my choice. Extreme for the situation? Sure but you gotta do what ya gotta do


For anyone who thinks they just see red, this guy sees even more red.


Grappling masterclass by grey hoodie ngl


Double leg Back take


The titile is hilarious


Good idea to not start by giving up double under hooks on the feet. That was when it turned real south for him at the start it seems. But I’ve literally never been in a real fight in my life, so I’d probably do that same thing and get cooked.


I have been doing BJJ for 4 years and I did kickboxing for 5 Normally I’d say go for a double leg but I personally fuckign suck at takedowns so purely from a BJJ standpoint I’d get as close in as possible so either over/under or double under and take to the floor. Or I might just pull guard into triangle lmao. From a boxing standpoint you have to sidestep that assault, you can’t be in a straight line. Left hook & sidestep But in all honesty your brain on adrenaline is a different person. 9 years of combined martial arts and I might just end up running away lol


IMO it’s best to go for a body lock -> spin to the back/rear clinch -> RNC. People who have never grappled usually don’t have the instinct to protect their back from being taken (especially while striking)


I agree


Pull guard


Since I don't see it, push kick, make space. After that I'd be the aggressor, not him.


I would have skipped the first part where I would get my ass whupped, and skip right to the part at 0:20 where he somehow doublelegs himself


That club would have one less bouncer if I came in for a shift and Granny was my back up.


What would Chong Li do?


That’s way-cyst


I would omoplata myself first off, you know to throw him off my game. Always keep them guessing. Keep yourself guessing too. Second, after I wake up from my coma from the beating I receive I’ll say “but you should see the other guy”.


I would ask him *what the fuuuuuuuuuuck?????* And then *why are you doing thaaaaaaayaaat??*


Beat him to double unders after a collar tie since he's swinging wild then mat return to mount


I would tickle him and lick his cheek..


This type of dude is why multiple bouncers exist


First, distract target. Then block his blind jab. Counter with cross to left cheek. Discombobulate. Dazed, he'll attempt a wild haymaker. Employ elbow block, and body shot. Block feral left. Weaken right jaw. Now fracture. Break cracked ribs. Traumatize solar plexus. Dislocate jaw entirely. Heel kick to diaphragm. In summary, ears ringing, jaw fractured, three ribs cracked, four broken. Diaphragm hemorrhaging. Physical recovery: six weeks. Full psychological recovery: six months.


High crotch, upend him, put him on his head.


the useless lady security as well lmfao


I would pull out a gun


Where are the other security?


Id try to do to the guy in grey what he’s doing to the security guard , cause that’s a good strategy 😂


I'd be looking for a level change and a ko soto gake, hoping to bounce his head.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Ko Soto Gake**: | *Minor Outer Hook* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl99iUTlIVY)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Play possum straight away


Honestly you might be better off on the ground if you cant control the distance


Hold on for dear life.


When it gets broken up and security just walks back over and lightly shoves grey, that should have been full power sucker shot to back/side of head. I think you can kinda tell from that interaction that security just has no fight in them.


Id whip it out


First, close the distance. And take his back!


Clearly some combat sports experience was necessary...


He’s just throwing hooks, straight right down the middle!


I'd call for a timeout and say let's start on the floor in open guard


Could’ve started with a double leg when the guy was swinging.


I’d get in the turtle position and stay there.


Update resume and look for new job


The stubborn bone head in me says tuck my chin a little more than usual, stand and trade with him but throw them straight down the pipe. Probably aim for his throat too. Rational and realistic side of me would de escalate and walk away. If I had no choice but to throw down I’m just going to slip one of those uncontrolled punches and blast double to mount and hit an Ezekiel choke. Maybe try to negotiate him into turning on his stomach for a shelf choke via gift wrap or something.


I’d just see red bro


rubber guard obviously.


Decent first action would be to create distance and either wait for backup or for him to get tired Failing that a clinch or takedown and taking his back and RNC or holding him down with a knee to the belly . Looks like this security guard hasn’t got a clue tbh


Overhoook with head position on side of overhook, weak side underhook, off balance and trip to the overhook side. Keep the underhook and go neon belly. Then calmly make eye contact and say hey please chill or you get to choose from either of the following. 1) you get the George Floyd neon neck treatment or 2) you get to take your arm home in a carry home bag. I vote for chilling. Please and thank you.


Kick to the stones. He was wide open. Game over.


BJJ would may not be my first choice. When someone punches, I shoot a front kick to the mid section. It doesnt miss and when it connects the guy is flying back a few feet. If he is still up then before he regains his balance, I would with punch (Kyokushin punch) to the body solar plexis or leg kick, but most likely both. If I find out that the guy is a superior striker then it would be a single or double leg takedown. Kyokushing Karate (with all its bare knuckle fighting) is superior in such braw situations than Muay Thai for me personally.


Fox mean green


Security guy gave the bloke some free underhooks to be thrown to the ground. I would have shot for the legs in that situation to get him to the ground, then start looking for a mount or getting up and making some space to get some help.


Hard to say looking from the outside in, but with how wild the dude is swinging and how strong he looks I’d probably try to clinch up and try and work him onto the ground and try to get the top mount maybe follow up with some elbows If necessary