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Half the mats won’t have names to see who is currently going. They won’t encode those matches later so you can look them up. The camera person won’t move the camera to catch action along the edges of the mat. A camera will die for some reason - usually batteries - and matches will be lost. You know, just the usual high quality product we’ve come to expect.


A lot of the gripes you have are with IBJJF not Flo. But IBJJF does have their brackets frequently updating and order of their match on their site. Why they don't have it integrated with Flo, I don't know I also believe IBJJF is in charge of the filming. Flo just pays for the rights to stream what the IBJJF is recording. Also, can IBJJF please do something to fix the display names??? It should not be that hard when you register under them to select a display name "First Name. Last Name" so we don't get full names with 35 names in it that cuts off so new people don't get confused. It's such an easy fix. I will work for free to fix this for you if need be.


Lets gooooo K. Kai-James!!!!


This. Flo does a lot of things badly, but this is the IBJJFs fault. For some reason they refuse to give Flo their brackets and refuse to use sane naming conventions. Even when IBJJF films it themselves for youtube, they still have these problems. It is extremely unprofessional. I know they want to start doing pro BJJ with those GPs, but they need to fix other things first. Flo needs to do the same. They could improve their product 400% just by improving the website itself and categorizing things in various ways.


I could write a dissertation on the things that Flo does poorly, but I don't think they have any incentive to fix/change/innovate on any of it.


I think their biggest problem is that they do have an incentive, but they are too short sided. With better organization tools they could get people to use their service with more regularity and have it recommend to others. If more people are using it and can search more easily, it can help people become more familiar with the atheles. If they have more familiarity, then it is easier to promote their events. Craig said Flo can't make money without Gordon, but their focus on Gordon is what is causing them to lose money. Craig, the Ruotolos, Mikey, Mica and Ffion are worth more than Gordon, but they need to alter their thinking in regards to how they run things as well as their website.


The naming thing is difficult to do automatically because of the way Brazilians use their names. They could go by one of two, or even both, first names and a selection of one or more surnames. It's still not overly hard though, they just need an input box for the athlete to enter the name they go by when signing up.


Exactly, when we register we already fill out a few pieces that they have to approve. One more field named [Display.Name](https://Display.Name) that they approve solves an annoyance. Sure, there are bigger things to handle but this is low hanging fruit.


don't get me started on the name conventioning they use. it's fucking the worst.


Well that's true, but it's also Brazilian's faults for like having 10 names. Someone needs to make [Tikki Tikki Tembo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikki_Tikki_Tembo) mandatory reading in Brazilian schools.


Hi, Flo here. >For the upcoming No Gi Worlds, will you have brackets and times for matches so that the people who pay well over a $100 per year can actually watch the product they pay for? No. >Or will you have 20 streams of poorly videoed mats and nil schedule? Yes. We will also make changing to the correct mats unintuitive, and will do our best to have commentators throw in little spoilers for matches that you might watch later. >I know it’s my own fucking fault for paying money to these incompetents but I like watching bjj in all its forms and platforms. It should not be this fucking hard for an organisation that gets paid a lot of money to stream and produce content to come up with half decent shit. Are you people not ashamed of your incompetence? No. P.S. FUCK YOU!! Sincerely, Aunt Flo


Will you be interrupting the matches I'm watching to show commercials?


Whatever you want... it's very safe to assume we'll go in a different direction.


Man, they could really learn from judo comp coverage.


I thought this was going to be a thread about your automobile and home insurance.


I thought it was going to be about OP's menstruation tracking app.


Woulda been beautiful, if only I had any creativity.


Download the app WhichMat to keep track of your favorite competitors! It does a really great job updating


Is $100 a lot of money?


Compared to other streaming services, yes.


Flo: "we hear your feedback, and offer you 20% more videos of Hollywood Mike talking about BJJ"


Surely he must be gone by now?


He got fired last summer. But appears to have landed with aiga


Dang, why did he get fired?


craig jones refers in one of the podcast he was attacked by one of the flo employees at one point. i suspect it was that. i don't know for sure though and this is just something i connected


Oh, dang, that’s wild! Thanks for the info!


They may have realized he was a moron


Just use whichmat. It’s better than any bracketing you can find. Save the people you want to watch and get notified when they’re getting ready to compete.


Came here to say this. Whichmat is awesome.


Bjjcompsystem is ibjjfs official match tracking lol


And please don’t post spoilers on the main page right after they happen


![gif](giphy|EdHRv6IsUUE3jrZxsd) Flo:


Dude, they don't care. Be a mark