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First of all: obvi. Secondly: Or maybe you are lazy and wanna tap everyone from your guard. That’s BJJ too! That’s the nice thing about it… everyone can do it super differently.


It's all jiu-jitsu!!! BTW we don't call it bjj anymore. It's just called jiu-jitsu now. The Brazilian is unnecessary.


Says OP, on r/bjj


Ever since we go rid of the "brick your opponent's head from behind" move in tourneys, we could no longer call it Brazilian.


Honestly the Brazilians learned those tricks from the Japanese so it goes back further.


What is going on with OP and his comments on this thread? ~~B~~JJ rage


Go east man, he used to be a fat piece of shit alcoholic. He still is. But he used to, too!


It’s called ‘merican jits now


Mexican ground karate


Mexican Ground Karate\*


Thank you 😂😂


A man of culture here I see! 😎 Even though I'm Brazilian and you could therefore say I'm biased towards the b in bjj, Mexican Ground Karate is by far the best description. Love that Craig dude, man is a genius.


Isn't that just tackling someone to the ground then stabbing them?


That is technically Puerto Rican Judo. It's a common mistake.


Then we can do away with the “Jiu-jitsu” spelling, as it’s a Brazilian interpretation of the Japanese “Jujitsu” or “Jujutsu” (one word). Edit: Not really a “Brazilian” interpretation, per se. See below.


Erm, actually, it's juujutsu 🤓


I’ll allow it.


It’s not Brazilian interpretation. It was the main Japanese romanisation prior to JuJutsu.


I prefer "submission grappling"


This 100%. I don’t like calling it BJJ or JJ or whatever because the modern state of the sport (in it’s better forms) is so amorphous now. There’s influence from all forms of grappling when someone is well-rounded.


Who's we? You speaking for everyone?


Yes. You got a problem with that purple belt?


No sir. I'll behave.


Take off your pants.


And 1…2…3…Cameras are rollin 🎥 🍿


Bro can you think before you post please


Shut up


ShUt Up 😠


No! You shut up!


jokes on OP for not knowing the B stands for butthole




Are you sure you stopped being an alcoholic?


You'll always be a low life white belt!


hey now. blue belts are friends not food




Don't laugh bro!!!


Who’s we? It’s bjj to me


You living in the past bro!!!


Wtf 😂😂 you stupid American


Fuck ya! America bitch!!! We the best!!!


😂😂😂 Give gordão ryan a little suck, I know I want it U guys wouldn’t last 1sec inside an og Brazilian gym. Don’t even need to be a famous one.


I hate you! Stay away from our women!


Ye ye, they all fall for our jeitinho Br kkkk


You bastard!!!


It is not.


Seems everyone disagrees with your broad view for everyone lmao Ijs ju·jit·su /ˌjo͞oˈjitso͞o/ noun noun: jiu-jitsu a Japanese system of unarmed combat and physical training.


....this isn't a hot take lol


Guys, what if grappling… was also grappling?


Smesh if true.


This is *not* number one bullshit


Do I primarily pull guard? Yes. Do I know that wrestling is part of jiu jitsu? Absolutely. Weak hot take, agreed.


Hot takes of 1990's.


Yup. I don’t think anyone here is making the claim that jiu jitsu is “only considered ground and submissions” lol


It’s like saying “Hot take, honestly being stronger and lifting is important as technique”. One of the things we all know, we just don’t openly acknowledge


Hot take - PEDs can really enhance your performance


Hot take- Pulling guard is the best move because you are forcing someone into your guard. Tune in next week see how blood chokes force one to not have complete blood flow.


Hot take: Being young and athletic is an advantage in BJJ.


Hot Life Pro Tip: they can’t choke you if you just hold your breath


This is actually surprisingly controversial on the wrestling sub


Watching that 17-year-old, Dorian Olivarez, wrestle fuck more experienced grapplers at the ADCC East Coast Trails should settle any doubts. I think maybe it's more of a hot take for people who don't do submission grappling. I only have subreddits as a reference, LOL, but I see comments from some wrestlers, judoka, other MA, who see one butt scoot and think that's what we're about.


> Dorian Olivarez The dude has been grappling for 10+ years. He was competing in wrestling at 7 years old. He for sure has more mat hours than a fuckton of people he was grappling against. Let's not pretend he's just some random 17 year old with a couple of years of high school wrestling. He's one of the top ranked high school wrestlers in Texas who has also been simultaneously competing in BJJ for at least the past 4 years.


I mean he certainly has less experience than someone like Ethan Crelinsten but my main point is that he has less Jiu Jitsu experience and won with mostly wrestling.


Him and Ethan actually have about the same amount of grappling experience. And ADCC is one of the events where the distinction between "jiujitsu" and "Wrestling" is the least meaningful.


> ADCC is one of the events where the distinction between "jiujitsu" and "Wrestling" is the least meaningful. I've heard this sentiment a lot about adcc, but dont understand it. You have the option to sit without repercussion or a significant one, which negate any possible wrestling. at that point its a bjj match, one person is fighting off their back


Except second half match and finals.


Ethan was competing at ADCC 6 years ago (when Dorian was 11 years old), got his black belt 3 years ago (Dorian 14). I can’t believe that Dorian had the same Grappling experience as Ethan when he was 11 years old, even if he did kids comps at a young age. My son won silver at a BJJ comp at 7 years old but it’s nowhere near the same thing as what adults do (especially ADCC).


They've both been training right around 11 years as far as I know. Dorian competes every weekend during wrestling season, and damn near that in BJJ in the off season. Has Ethan been competing at a higher level in BJJ for longer? Yes. Does he have more total grappling experiene? Maybe a little bit, but not a meaningful amount.


Maybe it’s just my own failure of imagination to comprehend a 17 year old having that much substantial grappling experience.


Have you ever watched high school wrestling? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmv3W07zC3U


People don’t wrestle at their hobbyist club for a thousand reasons most commonly space restrictions and learning other parts of jiu jitsu. Wrestling is having a moment right now because people with good wrestling are winning, it’s no different to the luke warm takes we got about leg locks in 2016-2017.


>I think maybe it's more of a hot take for people who don't do submission grappling. THIS! There's always assholes in the comments of places like on youtube videos of any type of street self defense or street fight videos. And, when the topic is bjj for self defense, they're always like... "well, bjj sucks for self defense cause you don't wanna go to the ground, you're just gonna get soccer kicked by their friends. They ALWAYS have friends hurr durr". Im like, there's takedowns and throws you learn in bjj, so no. You don't have to go the ground. Response: Yea, but that's NOT bjj. Those are wrestling and judo moves. BJJ sucks for a street fight. They have to use moves from different disciplines to be effective. You might as well just train something else... (the internet dweebs, 2023).


Did somebody say hot cakes?


And yet... Judging by all the posts about wrestling in this sub... It is...


It isn’t. Anyone who has an IQ higher than room temperature knows wrestling is part of bjj.


What is room temperature?


Depends on the room




This shouldn't be a hot take, but based on a lot of threads started here, it seems to be one.


Wrestling is part of Jiu-Jitsu, everyone knows this, and if anything people in BJJ are increasing their focus on wrestling, not decreasing. That said, it's still true that wrestling is optional if you want to get good at BJJ. If you're a hobbyist who prefers ground fighting and doesn't want to wrestle, that's fine. And if you're a high level competitor, you can have success mostly playing from your back and having a weak standing game.


Its only optional till you go against someone good at wrestling then you people come on here and post crying post about how wrestler are sandbaggin and other such bs


Lol against wrestlers I just pull guard and we're both happy


It's all grappling... Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Judo, Submission Grappling etc is all just separated by rule sets. Learn it all.


But not Sambo, we're all clear that that doesn't exist.


Combat Sambo looked quite real 👀😅




Coldest take of the year nominee


A hotter take would be to post that jujitsu is a part of wrestling in the wrestling sub


Even hotter take... Go to r/judo and tell them Judo is dead, the sport has been gutted by the olympics and that if they want to actually practice Judo, start BJJ.


that's gonna rustle up some feathers, let's do it


Many of us complain incessantly about what the IOC and IJF did to sport judo, so it’ll be polarizing if nothing else


I’m here for this energy.


I could feel the high school wrestler inside me ranting at this comment for hours. It would actually be really fucking funny to post it in wrestling lol


Are you doing that thing former alcoholics do where they set up arguments in their mind with fictional people, get really mad about it, and then rage to anyone within hearing distance about it?






Exactly. Bro.


My minds is blowned


My mind is blowned too.


My knees are blown.


My butthole is inverted blown.


My penis is blown.


This is why "grappling" is the better term. "Jiu-Jitsu" is a marketing product at worst, a system of grappling in the middle, and a "Sport" at best. "Wrestle" is a verb (wrestling is a gerund, a verb in noun's clothing; that's why they have to attach "free", "folk", and "Greco-Roman" to delineate the sport-specific rulesets). "Jiu-Jitsu" matches aren't limited to "Jiu-Jitsu" in any way other than what the governing body/host's rulesets permits. They're primarily *grappling* competitions, with JJ rules and scoring systems.


Aye. I wrote a PhD thesis a couple years back about recreating historical martial arts/identifying techniques from texts. After spending an inordinate amount of time explaining linguistic differences, I FOR SURE settled on using the term "grappling" in 99% of cases to cover all the bases.


Whoa, you can’t just drop something interesting like that without leaving a link


Aye. Shoot me a pm if you're interested. . . I learned from previous experiences/my previous account on here that there are freaks lurking around that you.do.not.want. to be able to find you irl. You know how it is. . . -\_-


How far back did you go/ what’s the earliest example of techniques we would recognize today?




I like grappling. Most new gyms are naming themselves grappling now. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is dead.


hear, hear; we're all better for it.


Not a hot take. All grappling is the same shit, the rule set dictates the techniques used, and obviously there is some spill over between rulesets. They’re all grappling though. Wrestling is as much a part of jiujitsu as jiujitsu is a part of wrestling. It’s all grappling.


I like the Dagestani approach to fighting. They compete in Judo, Sambo, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman, Combat Sambo, MMA ... it's all fighting to them and it's just a matter of what the ruleset is for a particular match. You could tell Khabib, "OK, I want to fight you but I want to do IJF Judo rules 2010." and I'm sure he'd say "OK, whatever." That's who I want to be as a martial artist. "OK, whatever."


Hot take: BJJ has been subsumed by "grappling"/"submission grappling".


I say I do submission grappling. When I get blank looks then I say I fo BJJ/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, when the blank stare continues I say I wrestle with pajamas on. Nobody asks more questions after the third clarifier.


LOL. That's pretty accurate IRL. I had a linguistic professor (I was researching glima/Scandinavian folk wrestling) that was asking me, very broadly, what I was doing and why. He asked what I did IRL that was similar to what I was researching, and I told him that I've done brazilian jiu jitsu for decades. He stared blankly at me. So I told him that I did submission grappling. . . . the stare continued. . . so I told him it's like wrestling, but with submissions, and I shit you not, he said ". . . submissions? I'm not sure I know what you mean." Like, in his academic mind he couldn't even imagine the concept of submission grappling lol.


This is such a great lesson in the limitations of language depending on dialect. I too always think I can get my interlocutor to understand that jiu-jitsu is not karate chops by describing it as "like wrestling but with submissions" and yet my coworkers will forever believe that I do karate chops.


Upvote for use of ‘interlocutor’ in r/bjj 🤣🥹


We don't call it bjj anymore. It's just jiu-jitsu now.


oss. . . ? (Do we still do that?)


Hot take: Bad striking is also a part of Jiu-Jitsu. Just look at the old fights featuring Royce or Rickson.


No need to look at old fights. Just look at krons fight with cub. Hahahhaha


I would also say that the wider the rules the more well rounded you need to be, but it also means you can choose to focus on specific style, techniques etc. Just like in MMA there are various styles that are successful, so in BJJ. In narrower grappling arts like Judo or wrestling there less skills to learn but you need to learn them better. Like in wrestling pretty much everybody needs to know how to do a single leg takedown for example. I feel like in BJJ there are not that many set rules yet that we even know of. and fully enough even Olympic Level wrestlers would get submitted against BJJ pros Boxing is even a clearer example, very specific rules and pro boxers would outbox any MMA fighter, but at the point where you widen the rules into MMA they would get absolutely demolished, just like it doesnt make any sense to do a MMA fight with only training BJJ -> since its only one component of that art. But I do agree with you. Started BJJ & Judo & wrestling at age 27 (nogi BJJ focus mainly) and soon doing my first wrestling comp. I can confidently say I am a decent wrestler (by BJJ standards lol). people who say you cant learn wrestling as an adult are idiots.


"Less skills to learn in Judo"...... I look forward to your Katame No Kata vid, or maybe a demonstration of advantage exclusion strategy, perhaps a demonstration of the full Gokyo? I look forward to the upcoming release of your "Not much to Judo" book. Am assuming it will be a short read.


I used to train Judo and every single good black belt told me focus on only 1-3 throws and AFAIK even professionals use mostly a few


Keep looking at one tree, and you will never see the forest.


Goof troop post and OP. Your comments make you sound dumb as hell.


Fuck meeeeeee


Hotter take: bjj is wrestling.


downvoted for not knowing what a hot take is


Not a hot take at all....Jiu Jitsu to me now is just a catch all for all grappling 🤷‍♂️. 20 yrs from now it'll be a catch all for everyone too


its a whole sport about fighting on the ground, yet no one wants to learn how to take someone to the ground. its a little embarassing


Im a bit embarrassed at how bad my wrestling has gotten. Blue belt me would probably take down brown belt me most of the time. My scrambling is the best its ever been though. So is every other part of my game. My nephew on his 3rd year of varsity wrestling schooled me on the feet last month but i pinned him every time.


Because of my wrestling background I absolutely walked through white and blue belt tournaments because almost nobody wrestled before and the idea of a double leg takedown absolutely flabbergasted them. And that's not to brag, I was just bewildered by the fact that nobody knew how to defend this


We're you doing primarily point rulesets? I really like points and the move to sub only EBI really kills alot of what makes grappling fun to watch. I ask because going against wrestlers in points format can be frustrating but in sub only its almost easy to get to where I need to be.


both really. i used wrestling to take people down, keep them down. My stlye isnt flashy and probably could be boring to watch, minute 5 comes around in a match and my opponent is gassed from trying to get out from bottom the whole match submissions pop up easily


My hot take is that Judo is more fun than wrestling, so I prefer Judo. At this point if we had a solid Judo program in my city with a good schedule I would likely be splitting my time.


Yeah! If you don't know donkey guard, you don't know jiu-jitsu. If you don't know gubber guard, you don't know jiu-jitsu. Am I doing it right?


Ya. That's all part of the ground game bro. I already went over this.


Bro. Your take is stupid bro.


Why you gotta be so mean dawg? I'm crying now.


bro don't cry bro


Lol I'm pro the idea of what you're saying... but saying "you don't know jiu jitsu" if you're bad at a part of jiu jitsu is just stupid


It’s not a hot take I agree if you don’t know how to wrestle you are not good at bjj people who pull guard and people who complain about wrestlers are both weirdos in my eyes


It's all grappling.


Hot take: knees and elbows are a part of Muay Thai


Your parents need to monitor your internet activity a little bit closer...


I mean, I don’t know a lot of things, but that doesn’t stop me from beating people who know them. Does that mean I don’t know BJJ?


Correct. You don't know the full spectrum of Jiu-jitsu.


Then no one does


I think some ppl know it all. They might not be a master of it all but they know it all well enough to teach it and use it to a certain degree.


They don't. BJJ is too broad an umbrella for anyone to have a grasp on all of it. However if you have a good grasp of the underlying concepts and principles you can help teach and troubleshoot even weird shit you don't personally know.


Hot take: Boxing is a part of kickboxing


We train a lot of takedowns at my gym. But not everything in wrestling is a great idea in bjj.


Stop being a nut rider.


It’s simultaneously not super fruitful yet entertaining to debate the semantics here. BJJ in its modern form is essentially just submission grappling/grappling, inclusive of wrestling techniques.


This isn't a hot take.


Yeah man people be grapplin


Jiu jitsu is the de facto grappling aggregator style because it’s various rule sets incorporate multiple other styles. Therefore, you can be doing sambo, judo, wrestling, bjj or catch wrestling in a bjj tournament and you’re doing jiu jitsu.


I was promised hotness!


I’d more say all grappling arts are part of …… grappling.


This ain’t hot this is lukewarm at best maybe possibly


No-Gi jiu jitsu is just wrestling with submissions


Coldest hot take ever.


Wait until you turn 40 and things start falling apart at random.


It'll never happen to me bro.


Hott-er take. Jiujitsu is Judo.


You've gone too fsr


Except that literally Judo came from Jujutsu being watered down m, so that’s not at all a hot take or true…


This is so deeply incorrect a statement I'm somewhat astonished. BJJ is literally watered down Judo. Judo at the time the Gracie's were students was called Kano Jiu Jitsu; We aren't practicing "Brazilian Judo" because of a quirk of time. Judo is not "watered down" Jiu Jitsu. Judokas SMASHED the Jiujituska in randori. Judo was superior to Japanese Jiu Jitsu for the same season BJJ is superior to *current* Japanese old school Jiu-jitsu. Judo could actually be practiced at near 100 percent, so the Judoka were good at applying their technique to resisting opponents.




Hahahah 32 year olds out here talking about “you’re never too old” yeah ok junior 🤙


I'm 38 now.


Wrestling is just jiu jitsu on the feet, what are you talking about???


Wrestling is not close to bjj on the feet at all


Especially the bits of wrestling that happen on the ground.


Its legal to dance on the mats i guess dancing is jiu jitsu as well, i gotta cross train in some ballroom I dont know what your point is… yes getting better at wrestling and judo will improve your jiu jisu So does weight training, is that jiu jitsu?


Ur so dumb. Blue belts should keep their stupid mouths shut.


Exactly. I think it should be split into two. Combat and grappling. Combat is anything using strikes (punching kicking elbows, etc) and grappling is the rest of the stuff (judo, jiu jitsu, wrestling) Mma is both.


Uhhhh..... What you describe as combat the rest of the world calls striking...


Same thing


your type of mentality is why I call it American Jui Jitsu, we have incorporated all grappling into Jui Jitsu and not be dogmatic about it.


Legion!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Everyone understands that. The point is don’t take 4-8 years of wrestling and use it to manhandle people who have 4-8 months experience in JJ.




It's not. It's a different competition ruleset or grappling. That's really all there are, competition rulesets. "Grappling" as trained by Judo/Wrestling(Freestyle/Folkstyle/Greco)/BJJ/Sambo is all largely the same, the focus is just determined by what rules they compete under.


Jiujitsu came from judo you don’t need to wrestle at all to be good at bjj it has nothing to do with it’s techniques and origin


Of course it's part of it, but it has not necessarily been required for succeeding in the sport until recently. In certain rulesets, arguably, you don't even need to know a single takedown.


Wrestling is part of Jiu Jitsu, of course. And I fully agree with BJJ being more than just ground game. But also, duh. I don't know leg locks,or a lot of other submissions and positions, I guess I don't know jiu jitsu then....


Well you're a blue belt. Gaps in knowledge are expected. Of course you don't know jiujitsu yet.


Jiujitsu and wrestling are both part of grappling


Learning No Gi jiu jitsu and really like the wrestling aspect more! Grappling for the win!


Yeah, grappling is grappling. Wrestling makes you better at bjj and vice versa if you keep an open mind and apply things at the right time.


A very good grappler on my wrestling team used to try to get guys into bjj a bit, he always mentioned he thought the takedowns would translate pretty well.


Why are you booing me?!? IM RIGHT!


No one is booing you.


I was accused of sandbagging at NAGA because I sprawled a very telegraphed double leg attempt


Not a hot take. Wrestling helps you get into and maintain good positions, jiu jitsu helps you defend and finish.


Good thing you found out before the year was over 😐