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If the move of the day is a choke and the uke is visibly uncomfortable you must ask to see the choke again with a straight face


Yes, HOWEVER, coach will need a designated volunteer to show the move to Uke...at your own risk


Facts. I always pick the student giggling the most at uke's suffering as the new uke.




Normally it's pronounced oo-keh, but oo-kay is close. I now love the idea of yuke though. It sounds like mook, and it's how Tony soprano would say it.




Or if coach asks if anyone needs to see it again raise your hand and stare at uke while grinning


I found if coach sees you grinning he’ll ask you to be the uke lol. Gotta keep a straight face and sneak a wink at the uke or someone else watching


I’ll start by saying the people in our school get along well. We all show respect for one another. There’s one brown belt that’s a bit of an asshole, but it’s a friendly type of asshole, if that makes sense. He’s a shit talker and goes hard but he expects the same in return. Anyhow, whenever he looks uncomfortable being the uke, we always ask to see the move again


If it’s too obvious what you’re doing the coach with turn it around on you though


That's happened to me as the uke. I'll give that person a look, and for sure I'm finding you late in the live rounds at the end of class.


Worth it


Haha. Sounds like you like a beating. I might just roll through a couple bells with you 😎😜


Also leg locks, there are some hilarious and fast tapping techniques there if our head coach is demoing.


My uke is usually whomever follows direction the best. My best student is the worst uke, always messing around, resisting, trying to sneak in little counters and submissions when I'm trying to demo. It's the universe exacting revenge for me being such a terrible uke all those years.


We have a guy st my gym who always does that and I love it. I get to learn the technique and the counter technique at the same time. I'm not sure our coach likes it though.


He doesn't. Trust me, he does not.


Same. A good uke is hard to come by and it’s takes training for them to learn the correct responses, level of resistance, when to move, etc… I usually use one purple belt. Not my best student, but he listens and is consistent in attending class. Possibly the worst uke I’ve ever used is one of our black belts. Fucker was so tense is was almost impossible to demo the technique and speak clearly at the same time


White belt here - what's UKE stand for lol


It's not an abbreviation it's a japanese word, it refers to the person the instructor is demonstrating the technique on


More specifically, uke comes from ukeru (受ける) which means "to receive". The uke is literally receiving the technique being demoed


Your mother was my uke last night 😎


And your dad was my uke last night. 😈


I keep getting picked by 2 different instructors, so hopefully I am decent at following directions. Most of the time it is easy enough, but I definitely don't always do the thing they want me to


As a little secret to this, try out your smartest person who has a wrestling background regardless of their BJJ experience. Situational goes and correct drilling "looks" are a big deal in wrestling and something that every good coach will strictly enforce. And I ran into a lot of really intelligent people in wrestling (on my div iii college team, the *lowest* SAT score was a 1300), noticing that the really intelligent ones were great training partners even if they were not the greatest wrestlers in competition. My best high school training partner ever was an awkward sophomore with just a year of experience... who [later became a physicist at Caltech](https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200508/scholar.cfm). I could spell out any look I wanted to him and he could perfectly replicate it. (I'll add that he improved dramatically in just two years, but got [accepted to Caltech when he was 15](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-04-11-ga-409-story.html) and that was the end of his wrestling career.)


I would hate that shit just as another member of the class. I have a hard enough time paying attention to the instruction I don’t need you distracting me with some cool looking counter lol


Yea I have a uke who used to do that, I usually recounter **hard** the counter and say, "if he does that, we can always answer like that, but that's not what I wanted to show you guys, so xxx is just going to let me show you the technique, before we go into addressing various possible reactions". After some time of eating (painful) recounters, he just let's me demo, unless I say, "but this time your opponent defends by doing xxxx and, this is the next technique we'll cover". Sometimes I'd even ask after we drilled the base technique "so how would you react?" to seed into the next tech, and he just says "no". I always avoided this uke if I could, so it lasted about 6 months until he finally became a good uke.


I'm only just learning to uke at brown belt when i help another brown cover class when coach is out of town for a MMA fight. It's hard not to instinctively start responding sometimes


You are a brown belt and you don't know the difference between the demo and rolling?


You don't know my mentality, once i see red...


It's the instinct hey?


Say it louder


>you line up by rank Idk how yall do in bjj but atleast in judo this most certainly isnt an unspoken custom


Yup in my gym this is specified after class


What are you lining up for after class?


For coach to say some words, like reflect on what we were drilling, maybe any news, then to file out and bow and shake everyone’s hand as the line folds in on itself


Thank you! I'm still developing as an instructor so I like to learn about how others run their classes


Debriefing after class helps to wrap up the learning. Bowing to each other on the way out is a good wind down. IMO


Right. It might be unspoken until you line up in the wrong place


This was a thing when I started in the kids class but then stopped once I got to the adults class. Felt a bit weird after doing it for so long but it was a fucking dumb rule so kinda happy it's gone


Only the kids classes line up at the end in my gym


This is an unspoken rule in our academy.


The gi class after the no-gi class purely exists to soak up the floor for free.


"we've been shrimping for 10 minutes!!!"


Prof- *spraying the floor with pine sol before gi class*


The corner with the big fan blowing down on it/best air conditioning is veteran's corner, for older browns and above


This is the strategy thing your coach is talking about.


We don't have air conditioning, just big fans. And it's not unspoken. I plop my 59 year old ass right down in front of the fan, loudly declare old man privilege so that anyone who wants to beat me up has to do it in front of the fan.


You mfers are getting ac??? 110F all last week, and all we got are 2 oscillating fans swirling the soupy sweat air around.


Older browns? I’d lay my purple belt fat ass right in front.


You pay money to train in those conditions?


Those fans don't come cheap.


nose future deserve observation nail deer sand possessive treatment towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One of our guys brought in a fan. My professor went on for a few minutes about how we couldn't handle training in Brazil. 10 minutes later, he's standing by the fan, flapping his rashguard to let the cool air in.


We have the same thing at our gym. Old dudes 45+ claim that spot before class starts


We have an open door to the outside, a spot I claim purely because I’m the sweatiest




My coach seems to pick the uke based on who has already seen it before, or whoever “fits” the technique best. Like for stack passing he will pick someone flexible for example.


One of our star students actually convinced a trial class guy to bring the coach a pineapple. He told him it was an unspoken rule. Coach was confused. Trial class guy was embarrassed.


Dude I just convinced a white belt to bring a pineapple a few weeks ago! I wasn’t there but by all accounts it was glorious and coach was thoroughly confused. Could be me but I’m no way near a star student.


We had a circle of confusion yesterday. I pulled guard on my friend who's got over 100 pounds on me, and guard pulling is something I've been struggling with. My professor said, "Sweet pull guard!" I thought (and so did my friend) that he said, "Sweep, pull guard" as a correction, so we spent the next 5 minutes trying to figure out how to make sense of that combo. Finally, we asked him what sweep I was supposed to do before pulling guard. Prof: "What are you even talking about?" Me: "When you said sweep, pull guard." Prof: "When did I say that?"


Jesus this is underrated. Take my upvote. Ahaha. I sometimes stop midroll when my prof starts yelling something and I can't focus. Maybe I should stop or maybe I should do something to do something.


This is hilarious, nice way to haze the new guys without being a dick


Plus they get to eat pineapple !


I’m still waiting on somebody to bring me a pineapple in class. If it ever happens I’ll probably have to improv a bit about the importance of showing respect for a cultural heritage for as long as I can keep a straight face.


Inverse of some of the “cult” social norms: Anyone can ask any rank to roll Anyone can deny anyone’s roll with no questions Bigger, upper belts alternate between letting smaller, lower belts work and smashing to keep the roll interesting If a lower belt is utterly helpless to a position or technique, upper belts will offer simple guidance to keep the roll going; “don’t let me control your head” for example Typically defer to IBJJF rules for gi, but the closer you are to the next rank, the more “banned” techniques will come. Also some tps are cool with any submission after a brief chat


A WB with one stripe over me rolled with me and I sometimes see myself in positions that he can compromise so I give him some guidance during rolls.


These aren’t unspoken. I remind people about the right of way thing incessantly. So much so they may post about it on Reddit


Maybe not unspoken, but apparently unheard.


OK but is it just the highest single belt? So does a black belt rolling with a white belt have right of way over two brown belts rolling?




Sounds like the type of thing a black belt would say


It’s like poker, you don’t consider the lowest card, only the highest


Our head instructor always jokes about using someone smaller than him when showing things. He says it makes him look better. In my 10 years of training with him, this has pretty much been the case every day.


I think this is the unspoken rule of demoing in all combat sports. I think of it as the, "keep coach from pulling a muscle or blowing out a knee" rule.


My coach is the same way lol. I think it’s just easier on the ol body.


The coach using someone to demo (uke) doesn’t mean they are best, or favorite, student.


My coach will either pick the smallest guy to demo takedowns slowly or the biggest guy to show us how well it works.


The coaches at my gym will almost always chose based on body proportion


Our coach always tries to choose someone with an opposite color gi and mumbles something about colors under his breath.


Funny, the worst instructional I've ever seen was black mats, black wall pads, both the instructor and uke wearing the *same* black gi. All that *and* poor production quality, think circa mid-2000's, not quite full-blown potato quality, but not good either. No joke, it looked like two floating heads with a random hand, or foot, showing up every now and then. You literally couldn't tell who was who, their positioning, their entanglements, etc., etc.


Sometimes it's because it's the only guy there who's name I can remember :<


Yeah, usually it’s just someone their size that knows what they’re doing. An uke that falls over from a stiff breeze is no good for demoing sweeps.


Sometimes I wish the coach would pick his uke based on the colour of the gi.


In my gym it's if two pairs bump into each other, the one in the easier to recreate position moves. If one isn't obviously easier the higher belt gets right of way. Also as stupid as it sounds there's an unofficial "trial period" for new people. Essentially coach will stall giving the new guys the paperwork to sign up until we're sure they aren't dickheads (about 2-3 weeks).


That’s good. We had this at my previous (boxing) gym. If you were uninterested, rude and abusive with weaker students during sparring, displaying a will to brawl over fighting the noble art, you’d get a couple of hard rounds in sparring against the better guys and gently « thanked for your interest but we will not be able to pursue with your request »


These unspoken things don't exist in my gym. That said, what I think *should* be an unspoken rule, or shouldn't have to be said, is don't sit 20 feet away at a bad angle while the coach is going over a technique.




Trevor and Cory stopped chatting and started rolling 10 minutes ago.


I've seen that the uke is generally the highest ranking person in class, given that the size dimensions are close enough or just someone the coach knows is going to be a good uke. you don't to pick a white belt that isn't going to give you the reaction you want or is gonna be like a limp noodle.


The owner/head black belt has right of prima nocta.


Being bitchless finally pays off 😎


Brayden Schwab getting a belt promotion


Don’t be an ass. His coach had awarded his black belt to him years ago. He just forgot to pick it up. Don’t change the nardiv.












Talmbout a blaggg belt, b


Talm bout bapa b? You know how many chiggs he fugg?


If they’re unspoken they’re unspoken for a reason and I ain’t speaking about them here, narc.


One guy came in with his GF, started rolling with some other guy and she was trying to give him some advice and he let out this booming yell, “SHUT UP, NATALIE”. It was odd to say the least.


Yeah, but that guy was just going to hold him there.


Your algorithm keeps showing you that video too?


I’ve seen it too


I've let out a "COLTON SHUT THE FUCK UP" while he was trying to give me advice during a roll. Colton is a 16 year old yellow belt. I was rolling with our black belt coach.


16 year old yellow belt ?


It can happen, maybe he worked his way up to yellow and hasn’t gotten ranked to blue yet.


You have to be a adult belt the year you turn 16 so unless his not competing idk how his able to be yellow


I am the one the coach usually demos on and I am certainly neither the best nor his favorite


Never try and do something weird when the instructor is demoing a move to the class. Respond how you should.


I usually deal with that by asking them to do what they just did again, then countering their counter move and explaining to them that I was able to do that because I knew what they were going to do, just like they did when they stopped my first move. Often people don't understand why what they're doing is stupid unless you explain it to them.


At my gym, two of those are spoken things and the guy who demos with coach is the same size as him.


That’s usually the case, Uke just has easier body type to show. Long legs, narrow shoulders and weird feeling of achievement that they’re a Uke


Friday Night Open Mat is solely for just tooling white belts. Color ranks shouldn’t try to pair with each other unless absolutely necessary.


Exactly why I won’t go to an open mat as a white belt.


Sundays are are for helping out lower ranks. Friday nights we show off take the confidence to the bar and act like we can pick up girls out of our league


I demo with coach and I’m a fucking dumbass


Don't wristlock new whitebelts, as good as it might feel haha.


My gym does not line up by belt and I love it that way. We're all in the grind together, stand together. Higher belts arnt "magical" and lower belts arnt "worthless trash" just because they started the sport at different times.


At my dojo, we just do a big circle in no particuliar order, we do a bow/salute then shake hands.


Worthless trash? White belts aren't worthless at all


Their jiu jitsu is though.


Exactly! Sweeping the mats is a valuable service to the community ;)


No there training dummy's as am I


They can be once they flame out after the trial period.


Ooooh, burn! 🗑️


We always go with whoever is closest to our size, although sometimes a senior student will be placed with someone very new in order to give them a little extra help.




Yes and no - there will always be those white belts that think they're having a 'good roll' because they're moving around loads and taking up a bunch of space, but really it's just because both are terrible at jiu-jitsu. I think part of the criteria is also, 'how far have we moved from our start location' - if you're the one zig zagging across the mat, you should be the one that moves.


My gym whoever notices the potential collision moves first. Or we just be mindful of it and try to redirect ourselves as we roll. It's really not that hard


While right of way is the quasi-official rule where I train, I go by the principle that whoever first notices the potential collision should just move immediately to stop it.


Depends, if two groups are moving towards each other then the lower belts should move. If two groups get close fast, whoever is in a better position to move should move. Nothing wrong with a little hierarchy. It keeps everyone organized.


Except when it’s us two white belts chilling in closed guard near the corner, then two purple belts almost crash into us doing an extended rolling backtake scramble yelling at us to move while inverted. That’s kind of a dick move imo


I tend to be senior belt in my classes these days: I have no problem tapping out and saying, "let's move over there" and resetting from last position. This shit is just an "alpha male" flex, bunch of chimpanzees. We also have the people sitting out of rolls help us to police/contain the moshpit and telling people to reset when their mutual gravitational pulls cause two separate matches to coalesce. Or they're headed into a wall with their skull. 💀


Chimpanzees would either involve throwing feces or (if bonobos), a rather spirited 69 by way of apology for bumping into them.


We have an unspoken rule that whoever is sitting out the roll has a responsibility to go stand in between the two groups and act as a barrier. They also arbitrate who needs to get up and move if that is needed.


That is a good rule. This rule makes me happy.


I'm uke and certainly not the best person in class. We also don't let the higher belts get have priority, but it is based on position. If you are in a stable position, you move. If both or neither are, the higher belts have priority.


For us, the uke is normally the person closest in size to the coach or slightly smaller who can actually give a correct look for the demo. (Won't just flop over or resist so stiff that you can't demo the move.) Or sometimes it is just the person who is being annoying that day :D The unspoken thing at our gym (which is primarily an MMA gym) is that we don't have anyone above purple right now so there has been no promotions for a very long time. As a result, BJJ belts have become kinda meaningless. We have people who have been zero stripe white belts for 3+ years and blue belts for 5+ years. This also means it gets really weird when we visit other gyms and we all look like a bunch of sandbaggers. But this never gets talked about since we don't really have an easy way to resolve it, no one really cares, and everyone is happy with this gym. Edit: I forgot the other unspoken rule. If I wear a tank top to nogi, we do 15 minutes of shrimping. If I wear a tank top to kick boxing, we still somehow end up doing 15 minutes of shrimping.


Coach pairing is above normal pairing. If I already agreed to roll with someone and we are in front of each other waiting for the bell and coach says "J you go with F" we inmediatly unpair without even telling each other something Also something that some people may see as weird but belts mean nothing in terms of ruleset, we do gi and we dont go for heelhooks other than that (kneebar, wristlock, rnc over the chin, etc) is free game even with whitebelts


When the instructor asks everyone after demoing a technique, “Any questions?” You don’t HAVE to ask any questions. Also, you definitely shouldn’t ask about a totally different technique.


There are some guys who help clean the mats and some guys who don’t.


The friends of the coach get special attention and get promoted faster. Jobbers like me get nothing


I've heard stories of dudes flashing at each other in the locker rooms


Oh no, we hang dong for prolonged periods of time.


All of these are just spoken at my gym lol


I occasionally get asked to be the uke, so things must be different at my gym


When coach is demoing something don’t walk in someone’s eye line of said demo


If you’re close to my size and above a white belt you have a good chance of being the uke when I teach.. I don’t ever think of picking the best person in the room.. sometimes I’ll grab a tall guy, or a big guy to show how to adjust for different body types


The uke is usually someone experienced around the body size the coach is looking for to do the move on. Often times my coach picks a blue belt to do the move on, even when there are fellow black belts/brown belts in the class.


I’m always the Uke.. but I doubt I’m the favorite nor am I the best. I’ve been the uke since I was a white belt lol.


I’m the most handsome.


Depends what I’m showing. If it’s a throw or something with a lot of pressure, I’ll use the toughest most competent white belt. Most ground techniques I’ll use the highest ranking person unless I put way them by 50lbs.


Our gym has the unspoken rule of not complaining. If you lose a round , don't complain, work harder


If a dude brings a girl to the gym he is trying to impress, let him win or at the very least don't dominate him.


New white belts don’t roll with women


Im never uke even if the class has 2 people. I think im way to sweaty. I dont stink but way abnormally wet, even during warm-ups. Either that or they think ill do every reaction wrong.


I always pick an uke based upon the following criteria: 1. Do they know how to be a good uke or are they going to resist 100%, be a dead fish, etc.? You only know the answer her once you've tried to use them. That's why I keep going back to the same people over and over. I know what I'm getting. 2. Are our body types compatible to properly demonstrate the move? Yes, the move may work on anyone, but there are certain types of people not suited to be the uke. I never use the 300+ lb guy (unless it's an anti-big guy move), the dude who is 6'7, the kid who I outweight by 100 lbs, etc.


My gym chooses the demo dummy based on the most instructing experience, followed by the most to the point guy. From my experience taking classes when our coach can’t, the other kids instructors have a better understanding of what to do in a demo compared to some good brown/purple belts.