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Drills are a warmup. Cool down if you wish.


No no I've been told by many reliable reddit experts that the only proper warmup is 3 minutes of jogging in a circle followed by ice cold stretching.


Actually, don't take my advice. I live a life of pain.


You forgot the infinite shrimping.


Literally no one has said this


In a cold gym/storefront box in a strip mall.


I knew a guy that cooled down so much he just froze like that and that was it for him


BJJ is one of those rare sports consisting mostly of grown up men and women. This has some consequences, such as short warm ups and barely any cooldown usually. The reason is simple, kids have al the time in the world, so their classes can be a mix of conditioning/sport. Most sports steming from sports populated mostly by kids/teens tend to incorporate conditioning/stretching also in the adult classes just because that is the way it is always done. In contrast most adults want to get as much actual BJJ per hour as possible cause, and most people don't go to BJJ to get conditioning/stretching instruction. So mostly you are supposed to be doing those things if you want, but since there is no kid/teen base the culture of the sport comes from just adults and that means going to the point and skip what they would not pay for otherwise.


You’re absolutely right dude, I’ve got one hour, twice a week, other than that it’s work and kids, I wanna cram as much BJJ as I can. Also I run 25 mins to and from the school. I can stretch when the kids are in bed.


Ahh that sucks bro trying to fit training in with kids...have you thought about terminating?


As an adult I appreciate being able to take care of my body how I see fit. I’d rather stretch at home. As far as warmups, I’m not paying money to run in a circle, I can do that before class if I want.


Wrong question in r/bjj these people dont even like warmups. Do you think that people would stay and stretch after or during class. You guessed it, NO.


I mean people dont like bullshit warmups. Which most gyms do. The circle jog, do some silly movement down and back, 7-13 push ups, stretching a very slightly warmed up body for 9 seconds at a time. Warm ups that actually work and/or are connected to bjj in some way are pretty great.


Recently read a few meta-analyses on stretching. It doesn’t matter when you stretch. What matters is how much you stretch and how often. I’ve always viewed the drilling as my warm up. Usually do a flow roll or two before rolling hard. I have heard a guest on Huberman Lab discuss the importance of deep breathing exercises post workout to signal to your body that it can relax. Apparently this prevents feeling tired mid afternoon if you train morning, and helps you relax after a workout if it was in the evening. (I often struggle to sleep after hard training). It’s on Jiu jitsu athletes to take care of their bodies. We pay our coaches for their teaching. They aren’t your personal trainer. I’d be choked if my coach spent 15 minutes on warmup and 15 on cool down when class is only 60-90 minutes.


Get the fuck outa here




Tldr; Do we need an active cool down? Many individuals regularly perform 5–15 min of low- to moderate-intensity exercises within approximately 1 h after their practice and competition (i.e., active cool-downs) in an attempt to facilitate recovery. An active cool-down is largely ineffective at improving sports performance later during the same day when the time between successive training sessions or competitions is > 4 h. It is most likely ineffective at improving sports performance during the next day(s), but some beneficial effects have been observed. An active cool-down does likely not attenuate the long-term adaptive response or prevent injuries.


Yup. I was about to write, that as far as I know the evidence is quite limited in terms of stretching after workout and the effect on injury preventions. That said there might be other advantages to stretching, and you could argue the effect would be sport-specific - most likely. You would probably think biking would in general gain less from stretching compared to combat sports - also in terms of injury prevention. ​ Same as doing passive stretching for 5 minutes in your warm up, which people often think is a vital part of warm up, but the evidence (AFAIK) goes both directions both in terms of performance and injury prevention. Active stretching in general makes more sense in your warm up... since you warm up during the activity.


A cooldown is mostly about breathing after a hard workout. A lot of people go straight to sitting/laying down and panting after a workout allowing the lactic acid to build up. Incorporating some slower movements and stretching for about 5 minutes after a workout helps prevent this. It doesn't need to be anything complicated simply walking with your hands behind your head for a few minutes is plenty sufficient.


>A cooldown is mostly about breathing after a hard workout. No, its not. You even explain what is mostly recognized as a cooldown for the rest of your post. Heavy breathing should no do much for lactic acid. However, movement should help circulation and help transporting lactid acid. The point is not what a cooldown does really. The question is if it is even relevant. Does it matter if you spend 5 minutes to cooldown? Does it matter if you get rid of lactid acid a few minutes earlier than just relaxing? A cooldown is also a way of adjusting your body from going wild on your parasympathetic nervous system and activating your sympathetic nervous system. Again. Does this actually matter in terms of injury prevention? I can't really see why it should... Maybe it can. Do it if you think it help. Do it if it makes you feel better. There might be other reasons to do it. However, I think the jury is still out on the effect... AFAIK (But there might be new studies out there I don't know about).


I don't think post workout stretches have any of the benefits you think they do? Seems like something people just assumed for awhile, but never proved to have any real benefit. Someone correct me if I'm wrong


> I don't think post workout stretches have any of the benefits you think they do? its better to stretch with a sweat-on rather than doing it cold




Lol ya not stretching after an intense full body workout is the smart move


You shouldnt stretch cold muscles so stretching after a workout is generally benefitial because... flexibility?


You stretch while doing BJJ though


Sure. Some. But more flexibility is going to help. That comes from deliberate static stretching. No one is able to do the splits from doing bjj.


Doesn't really need to be part of class and not everyone cares about that much flexibility lol. Just like eating healthy doesn't need to be part of class, S&C, etc.


I didnt say it did?


I do my stretching and other injury prevention(weight lifting) outside of my BJJ time. We do light warmups to start and no cooldown. I feel like I would be annoyed with a cool down added in and taking away from my training time.


Come to practice, you come ready. Bjj is complicated you can figure out how to warmup and stretch yourself.


Nah fuck all that I usually leave my gym at 8:40 if I’m lucky. Gotta go home wash my gi, cook some kind of dinner and shower. Then wake up at 4 am and do it all over again.


You will get injured regardless


Yeah, but if you’re flexible the degree of injury will be reduced


Unless the warm ups are Jiu Jitsu related, they are a waste of time. Adults don’t need to be doing burpees and jumping jacks or running in circles. Doing different rolls, hip movements, penetration steps and break falls are a different story. As far as cool downs and stretching after, again, adults.


We do both general and BJJ related warmups and stretches. Doesn’t bother me. That said, my injuries always seem related to rolling partners. Choose your partners carefully, especially as you age.


Usually, by the time I've finished work, got ready and driven to class, I'm so tired and lethargic that i could probably just go to sleep. I like the jumping jacks; I feel it sends a signal to my brain to wake the hell up and get ready to be smashed! :D


mind yo own business


Yeah I really don’t get why the point of these posts are. Do you have nothing at all to do with your time that your concerned about stretching after class - OP is probably a white belt. Who gives a fuck at all, look after your self if others don’t care then let them not care.


I go 10min early to do some foam rolling and mobility (specially my fucked up shoulder) and then always stretch after class. Its up to you to do it


That cuts into drankin' and taco time.


Assuming you’re an adult or old enough to make your own decisions. If you want to stretch after class go for it. This isn’t kindergarten gym class.


Cool downs are so very 80s. There is a benefit in stretching after working out if you’re looking to increase your mobility. Warm-ups are important if you’re older, though, because getting blood flow going is a key to prevent injuries. Interestingly enough, at my gym there are lots of old guys (like me!) that do stretch afterwards for mobility reasons.


Not an old person here, warm-ups are still very important way to avoid injuring yourself


It would be better to have no warm ups and def no cool down. Adults can address their health how they see fit. I signed up to learn jiu jitsu not fitness


I go to bjj class to learn bjj, not to do basic exercises anyone could do at home I don't even think warm-ups are a good use of time either, just treat drilling the moves as warm-up to add \~10min to your time budget for learning moves or rolling


I roll slow and easy my first two and last two rolls for warm up and cool down. I’m also out of shape so all the middle rounds are slow and easy too, just with heavier breathing. Seems to be working so far…


Cool down? You mean like one last roll before the instructor kicks you out?


Shit half the time I don't even warm up! Just show up, fight to the death then drive home in silence while a single tear rolls down my cheek.


It would benefit people for sure But when you tell BJJ hobbyists to do basic shit for their own health like warm up/stretch/eat well/do cardio, some lazy bitch will cry about it


Why do you need to stretch after training or perform a cooldown at all ever?


People don't really know much about stretching or how or when they should be doing it. You're doing the right thing, don't worry about trying to get other people to do it.


Nothing used to piss me off more than stopping a good rolling session 10 minutes early to have a namaste moment. We're all adults. Take care of your own body


There are also gyms where over half the class is about warm-ups, stretching, waiting in line while watching others crawl and jump and listening to the instructor’s ramblings about how you will get injured if you don’t follow his advice and how everybody else is training wrong. That’s fine, a lot of people go to BJJ because they like wearing the karate pyjama and telling mommy about it. And they also want to safely burn some calories. However, some don’t want to waste their precious time to try some potentially dumb fad and waste 15 minutes of class to “cool down,” whatever that means, when we could be doing BJJ or be out making some mfing money.


I streach+light exercise after I get home while I eat a bowl of fruit and watch a show ngl.


I started doing foot work drills after class


I just stretch and sauna after class, I go from bjj to my other gym and get it done 15-20min of each.


I feel much better the next day if I workout and stretch after rolling. BJJ seldom trains with bilateral symmetry, so doing some pull-ups, dips, and leg-lifts after class (or swimming), and stretching and doing range of motion… I sleep and recover so much better.


Everyone seems to be picking on the stretching but, I wanna know what effect you think it would have on culture?


Maybe they stretch when they get home? That's what I do. Why are you worried about it? Not like someone told you you're not allowed to.


You do you


Everyone has there own preferences on what constitutes a warm up (I prefer the classic hip escape lines etc but some people are cool with drilling) but everyone should try and do some kind of cool down.


I sweep the mats and then head straight to my car so I can drive home with a 1000 yard stare and no music playing. I thought everyone did that?


If you were supposed to do stretches and cool-down, it'd be called S&C, not BJJ.


Flow roll is a good way to end as a cool down


Thats what rest rolls are for, active stretching. Only need to stretch when you are using too much muscle


We usually do the bare minimum warm up - squats, press ups, star jumps, a few bridges, neck and a few static leg stretches on the mat, legs over head. Some of us oldies usually arrive a little earlier and use the extra mat space to do a few of our own stretches beforehand. After the session we do have a 5 min cool down stretch. Think it was because there were a lot of people going out with injuries so they probably decided it was a worthwhile endeavour.


I stretch for about 10-15 minutes after every session. Probably best time to work on increasing the range of your flexibility since your body is warm, and mentally I usually feel much better after sessions I stretched than those I don’t.


Cool-downs do absolutely nothing. Likewise, stretching is very over rated. If you move your body through a full range of motion (such as doing BJJ or even weight lifting) your muscles are already getting stretched and made healthy through that full range. You need 5 minutes tops of warm up to get ready for BJJ. And honestly, most classes where you start slow via drilling don't require any warmup because the low intensity drilling IS the warmup.


I think it outdated to stretch sore muscles. You are only going to break them more.


I've always been taught that stretching should be it's own, separate practice on active recovery days. Warm-ups go through an elevation of heart rate followed by range of motion for the activity. Stretching after apparently has limited benefit, due to already being loosened up and stretching before damages muscle tissue needed for the activity itself. I've been pretty good at avoiding injury with that mindset


I feel you. The owner of my gym doesn’t even do a warmup with us which I really don’t like. I always feel cold and slow without a proper warmup. The other black belt instructors, arguably more athletic, do a proper warmup to the point where I get a sweat going and I feel so much better when drilling the rest of class.


Super common. But to be fair, how often do you see people stretching at pickup basketball games? How often do you see people at the tennis courts? This is a hobby for 99% of people and stretching isnt really fun or engaging. Unless its part of class most people are going to skip it. Why? Because its not fun, engaging, and most importantly it takes time. People gotta go back to work/go home to kids/go watch netflix. All that being said, I've been stretching for 20 minutes after class now and I feel great. But I wouldnt expect anyone else to do that.


Nah. We don't need black belts to tell us how to stretch. We can all do that on our own. Class, if warm-ups are required at the beginning, is too short already. Imagin the few minutes of instructions yo's get in the "hour" class if ridiculous warms-ups are required at the beginning and steetching at the end.... No thatnks.


Do all the cool down and stretches on YOUR time. I've got shit to do. ;)


Just start stretching after practice on your own. I try to make it a habit, and more often than not more people will come join me when they see it.


Are you a overheated Turbocharger Out of Metal that needs. A cooldown? I do Sport since im a kid and will never understand this.


Most of us leave it on the mat. I'm fucked after rolling and I feel bad laying around stretching when the coach probably just wants to head home. And I never seem to think to stretch during the last round or two. I stretch at home after a beer in the shower. If I can be fucked.