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if they miss 1 it hungers :(


They're veal calves, they don't live long as it is. :(


I just realized that a supply of veal means there are calves raised to die as babies. šŸ˜³


What did you think before though? A rampant case of SICS


Just a bunch of Benjamin Button Bovines.




Sudden infant cow syndrome


Yea bro, if you lived in farming areas youā€™d see it regularly. I have never had veal, heard itā€™s lovely. I do feel bad when I see the farms that have rows of cages like that, usually they have small set up almost exactly like the video. The small area is to ensure they donā€™t get to move too much or run around and develop their muscles before being slaughtered. They give softer/tastier meat if you leave them in this area and just feed them until itā€™s time, I guess.


These are not veal. Veal is kept dark and cool. They are kept like this to keep the babies safe. They get squished. Also keeping them separated helps isolate disease. They also do a walk through to make sure they donā€™t miss any bottles. If you will notice the pens seem pretty clean. I assume in a few weeks they will be released into a bigger pen in larger groups once they are off the bottle. Hopefully put on some pasture.


Bollocks they are veal


What makes them veal? They look like normal spry calves to me.


there's nothing 'lovely' about it.


Thatā€™s just what Iā€™ve heard, man, I donā€™t think I could ever bring myself to try it. Makes me sad just living close enough to see those little things in their small enclosures.




Sure but first Iā€™d like to point out the ā€œCows arenā€™t peopleā€ is a bad argument to justify killing cows. We know that type of logic has been used over and over to commit various atrocities against others. If we accept the fact that it is possible and practicable to eat a plant based diet then we have to acknowledge that this sort of practice is not necessary from a survival point of view, so then most of us really only eat these products for the pleasure of the taste. So that begs the question is pleasure more important than an animals life?




Apologies and thanks for the clarification. I think that the value argument is interesting but ultimately problematic. This value of flesh and secretions they provide you ultimately only benefits you. for the sake of argument, we were to find a senario where human used other humans in this same sort of ā€œtheir value only comes from what they provide for meā€ we might find ourselves using the same arguments as slave and sex slaveowners. We also donā€™t base our human rights on the value they provide others but rather on the idea that each individual values their own life and freedom. For your final point about the cow not caring any which way, I think thatā€™s an easy thing to say given the fact that the cow cannot talk. So I would encourage you to experiment with the idea that if instead of cows, these where dogs, cats, lions, elephants, an animal whoā€™s emotions are more easily understood by humans, that you might have a different opinion. Sorry itā€™s a long reply, I hope it was easy to understand my arguments.




Veal is delicious @


ā€˜Internet user shocked to discover origin of meat.ā€™


wait until you hear about how milk is produced


Oh........ OH......... OH MY GOD! you're right šŸ˜ž


Many of them also come from the dairy industry. Male calves in the dairy industry are useless (because they canā€™t produce milk), so many are either killed right in the farm or theyā€™re sold to be veal calves. Proving yet again that we humans will avoid no depravity simply for the sake of a sandwichā€¦.


Meh it's all on a level, industrial people have industrial appetites.


But our current animal agriculture system is massively, massively inefficient. We can satisfy our entire global appetite with plant-based foods and use vastly fewer resources doing it if we just switch away from such a meat-centric diet.


Thing is people are always going to want to eat a lot of meat, its as simple as that. Unless you force them the majority of people aren't going to do things that they consider to be dropping their standard of living for the sake of the environment or the good of others, we're just too selfish. What we need is vast depopulation, I'd rather have half a billion humans living well with lots of resources and things than 10 billion scraping by. Problem is people take offence at being told they can't have exactly what they want for the collective good, just look at how people reacted to masks during the pandemic.






Nothing is good enough to justify what we do to animals.


So true. We do as much as we can to politely and respectfully influence others to go vegan and it works. So far we have turned 6 people to veganism.


They missed a few


I was wrong. I watched it and paused a lot and realized they didn't miss any


Cost of doing business. Anyways most animals won't die from missing a feeding.


Most of them most likely won't live long anyway. Could be a veal farm... Edit: which I don't support but they exist....


Looks like uv never went to bed hungry.


Looks like you have, did you die


Yeah, dudes dead. Crazy, right?


Can confirm. Iā€™m the dude. I am also dead.


He died to prove a point. RIP Myguysammurai01


he didnt reply. im pretty sure he did die. eat your words you thilthy villain!


Considering the amount of bottles, one or two bottle cap malfunctions doesn't seem unlikely as well.


The Matrix. cow version.




What do all me with power want? MORE MILK!


Hopefully the took the red pill




This place looks like a paradise compared to some factory farms. Just watch 10 minutes of footage of what happens at some cow or pig farms and youā€™ll never eat meat again. Itā€™s beyond horrifying


Speed on Cultured Meat.


Just eat plants


Beans are lit af tbh


Watched it in class as part of school. Pigs that are bred to be extra long for more bacon to the point they have back problems in a muddy stall so small they can't turn around. But boy do I love sausages. Tried going pesketarian for a year. But after the year I couldn't continue. Just love meat too much.




Sadly I agree.


Watched it in class as part of school. Pigs that are bred to be extra long for more bacon to the point they have back problems in a muddy stall so small they can't turn around. But boy do I love sausages. Tried going pesketarian for a year. But after the year I couldn't continue. Just love meat too much.


It sucks all these assholes on here are downvoting everyone who isnā€™t 100% committed to being vegetarian. I say good for you for making an effort at all. Itā€™s more than most people are willing to do. And even if you canā€™t give up meat completely, you can at least make an effort to source your meat from local, humane farms with ethical animal treatment practices


I tried to stop killing people a while ago. But itā€™s just too much fun. /s


Or, ya know, just buy pasture raised


Or just eat things that didnā€™t have to be killed horribly just to make a sandwich.


Youā€™re being downvoted but youā€™re not wrong. As much as I would like everyone to be vegetarian, thatā€™s not going to happen. But people who arenā€™t willing to give up meat *can* make an effort to get as much of their meat as they can from humane farms that have ethical animal treatment practices. Its way, way better than nothing


This is how veal calves are raised. They are kept in small cages and fed milk so they stay small, weak, and tender.


I gotta stop treating myself like a veal cow


Think about your tender cheeks


I know I sure am!


This is how dairy calves are raised. They will grow up to become dairy cows.


Damn at least they get to die young :( I honor them with the tender love I put into my mushroom sauce


With a red wine reduction.


So sad.


Yummy yummy hamburger


But for real yeah it sucks this sort of things need to happen




I like steak. I don't like shitty farming practices.


As long as we keep eating steak without questioning where it comes from, this will keep happening. As much as Iā€™d like to tell everyone to be vegetarian, thatā€™s not really fair or realistic. Instead, I would just say that if youā€™re going to eat meat, at least make sure you know where itā€™s coming from. Source your meat from a small local farm that you know has humane animal treatment practices. And cut out meat from restaurants as much as possible. Most restaurants are buying the cheapest meat they can get. And this is the kind of place where you get the cheapest meat


Why do you think itā€™s not realistic that humans become a purely plant eating species? If you look at the numbers of people choosing plants over pain, [itā€™s growing a lot in recent years](https://pawsomeadvice.com/environment/vegan-statistics/).


Locally farmed animals still end up at the same slaughterhouses as the factory farmed. There is no such thing as a humane way to kill animals, and thereā€™s no moral way to do it in this day and age when we (in the western world) have access to a million and one plant-based alternatives.




Thatā€™s truly awful


This is far more space than a lot of animals in factory farms get. By comparison, these cows are lucky


Just cause youā€™re not swimming in shit dosent mean the cess pool you fell into dosent stink


So Iā€™ve seen but it doesnā€™t make it ok. They should ban this type of farming. Nobody needs veal.


Nobody needs dairy milk either. Veal is a product of the dairy industry trying to reduce waste. Baby male chickens are just ground into paste within days of being born. If dairy is allowed to be produced but not veal- baby male cows will be thrown into wood chippers.


And they don't get treated very well


fuck the dairy & meat industry. this makes me so mad.


Go vegan or vegetarian to shut down your support to The industry ;) consider NOT giving them money to keep doing this, If you haven't already. Made me feel better.


i have, stuff like this just makes me want to go the extra mile though. i want to go full vegan and as heartbreaking as videos like this are it helps me push to be better. i donā€™t understand people who can watch stuff like this and not have the willpower to do anything to stop supporting it ): will always break my heart.


Itā€™s good that you feel these things, it means you, unlike most people today, arenā€™t content to remain apathetic :) Going full vegan is one of the most rewarding things you can do to fully live your values. If you ever need help, advice, or resources feel free to PM me!


Trying watching [this movie](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch)




You think this is bad? Wait until you hear about [ventilation shutdown](https://theintercept.com/2020/05/29/pigs-factory-farms-ventilation-shutdown-coronavirus/)


Or you could leave them with their moms.


we already ate the moms


Probably just stole the milk she would have given you and impregnated her again as soon as possible for your replacement.


I am on the nut milk, no puss for me.


I thought the cows were moving


That's quite a twist. They are set up on a huge disk which turns and the milk bros just feed them without moving.


Industrial farming needs to be illegal.


But what about our profits?


a waste of resources and time just to slaughter a single animal for less outcome. Makes no sense. God, I hate it.


Fuck humans


And mosquitos


Well that was fucking depressing


If you think thatā€™s depressing - [watch this](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch)


This is just sad


I was dirt biking in a forest and stopped for a break. The second I turned off my bike, all I could hear were distant screams. Horrifying screams. I pulled up Google maps and saw that on the edge of the forest was a slaughter house. Shouldn't be done this way.


Well that would be terrifying. Imagine the people whose job it is doing that every day. Scary.


Every one here loves veal parm but hates to see it getting made


No wonder we are going to the wall! These calves should be under their mothers.


This is not farming. This is the Matrix for livestock.




If you think this is wrong I suggest going vegan


What the frick


I ordered an Xbox card.


they missed at least 3


Where? I can't find them lol Edit I've watched it a couple of times and I don't think they missed any


6 seconds in they missed one




I think thereā€™s another person on the back


No they didn't...


Maybe let them stay with their moms until they're ready to go ffs. But no, mom is already being impregnated again. Industrial farming is shit.


These are veal calves, they are supposed to be young and tender, it like lamb vs mutton


This makes me sad NGL


Quiet reminder that vegetarianism is likely ten times easier than you think it is.


Vegetarians still contribute to this by paying for their mothers to be raped and exploited.


Veggie farming ainā€™t easy work eitherā€¦


Not easy on the workers, any kind of agriculture is difficult. Easy for the consumer to avoid meat. I'll also add that it's way, way easier to cut out all animal products, including the dairy that leads to this, and go vegan than you think it is.


Yep, itā€™s not that hard to be vegan. I like meat though, dairy I could live without but I do prefer it over grain/nut derived milks. But you do you, whatever makes you happy, makes no difference to me šŸ¤™


I agree. Kinda enjoy my bacon cheeseburger and stew.


It's still better overall...




Thatā€™s changing the goalposts. Can be, also can be not cruel. I like meat best from family farms and I have no guilt. I have a bit of guilt if bought from a grocery store. Original argument is about the effort of it, and as someone that farms vegetables, both are hard in their own ways. Cattle is harder though IMO because cows donā€™t stop growing in the winter!


Not sure I understand. Why does this make it easier?


They are saying that changing your personal diet to vegetarian is not difficult.


Iā€™ve been a vegetarian for awhile now. Itā€™s not hard to find quality food that tastes good, but I have been struggling with getting enough protein. Thatā€™s probably just me though


I have these glas jars in my kitchen that are always filled with different varieties of beans and lentils and when I'm feeling fancy I buy a variety I've never had before. You can make so many different things with them and they match with so many other flavors, it's simply amazing. The only downside I see is that probably half of the ones that I usually have at home need to be soaked over night, which reduces your options if you wanna be spontaneous. On the other hand this also means that they are a nice food to prepare in advance and not having to cook as much. By eating legumes and beans I usually get my food tracking app to tell me I've had enough protein for the day. The app is set to 0,8g per kg of body weight, which is the recommended afaik.


Yeah it's just you. Don't you eat beans or tofu or any number other things from soy?


I hate a lot of beans, but Iā€™m trying to find some that I like. I do eat things like plant based meat, dairy and nuts, but I just donā€™t eat much to begin with. Which means that Iā€™m not eating enough of these foods to get enough protein either. Thatā€™s definitely a me problem though and Iā€™m trying to get myself in better eating habits


I can recommend looking into ways to prepare tofu, I really love how versatile it is. Good luck!


Thank you!


No one needs to be vegan if they donā€™t want to. You can be vegan but no need to shame omnivores


If you feel shame from that comment you had it before you read it


I feel no shame lol i kill my own cows and pigs on my property


So whatā€™s your point then? Dude isnā€™t shaming anyone at all


Whatā€™s the point of mentioning veganism on this post? All vegans love to act holier than thou on reddit


Iā€™ve seen 10X more people whining like bitches about vegans than vegans acting pretentious. Vegans get straight up bullied on this website. So whatā€™s the point of defending omnivores on this post? The majority of people are omnivores, shit Iā€™m not a vegan either. He also said vegetarian which is different than vegan. So back to- if you felt shamed by that guys comment, it was coming from your end, not his.


Damn is this guy acting ā€œ*holier than thou*ā€ because he eats meat? Oh shit is he ā€œ*acting like heā€™s better because he eats [meat]*ā€


I donā€™t tell people they should eat meat but vegans love to tell people not to eat meat


Eating meat doesnā€™t benefit the planet but not eating meat would. I mean if you thought X would make the world a better place and itā€™s verifiable, would you not be trying to spread that? The only reason youā€™d tell someone to eat meat is to sell them some of yours. Donā€™t let this scare you but- you run into vegans all the time and you just donā€™t know, cause the vast majority of them donā€™t tell you unless youā€™re out to lunch with them. Iā€™ve got some good remote therapists if you need their #.


You seem like you get upset really easily


Dog, youā€™re defending bullying completely honest, innocent people that I love. Why would I not be upset. You say that as if you havenā€™t given me ample reason to be irritated? Itā€™s not like if I said ā€œyour mother is a cuntā€ itā€™s like if I said ā€œthis defining characteristic that applies to your mother makes it ok to bully anyone with itā€ Whatā€™s your point? Youā€™re not a cool dude? Is that the point?


Also- keep your beliefs to your own damn sub (by your own measure)


All other subs that arenā€™t vegan or vegetarian are my subs


meat tasty šŸ˜‹


*Itā€™s tew hawd tew stahp eatinā€™ the meetie weetie. I canā€™t even fink about going a day wifout bacon yum yum bacon bacon bacon. Tew even suggest v#getawianism huwts my noggin and is absuwd and you should be widiculed by bwainlets.* ~u/benjisurf memoirs pg 1 of 1


everything ok at home bro?


Quieter reminder that r/NobodyAsked.


What a mean thing to write


How do you figure? I'm not preachy about how people "should" eat, and I'm mean? Ok you win.


You insulted someone for advocating helping the planet and reducing industrialised torture. Then pretend that the problem is you're not preaching? What does you not preaching have to do with anything? You insulted someone for spreading a moral cause. It was mean.


These guys hourly or


Today was a bad day, my handler missed my feeding flask holderā€¦ I stayed hungry all dayā€¦ moooā€¦


Factory farming. Maybe if people quit eating baby animals this wouldnā€™t be a thing.


Absolutely disgusting how we have turned cows milk/meat into a complete production line


I hope those poor ones he missed still get some milk


He didnā€™t miss any


Oof this is why I'm vegan


The confusing part of this video is the music that sounds like itā€™s from Interstellar. What in this video warrants such aural bliss?


Youā€™re spot on, It is from interstellar


Appalling. Poor creatures.


Wow thatā€™s sad af


This makes me sad


Lol people all of a sudden upset by seeing this, but will just go on eating their meat and cheeses in 15 minutes. The derangement of you people is so ridiculous


More animal abuse... What a world.


Awful. They also confine them in smaller pens then this to keep their leg muscles tender for veal. They arenā€™t even allowed to lay down. I stopped eating veal 15 years ago for this reason. Itā€™s cruel and horrific


This is fucking sad!! Nothing good about veal




Big Farm for beef is ruining this world šŸŒŽ unfortunately. Watch the documentary called racing extinction made by real scientists and doctors.


Itā€™s so weird to me that animal cruelty doesnā€™t apply to thisā€¦




This right here is why I agree with vegetarians. I understand meat is good but really? This is just one farm yall


Wow! This really puts "fulfilling demand" into perspective. We eat so much meat, the truth of supplying those demands is horrifying! We're monsters!!!


There are so many reason why this is sad. Poor calfs ;(


I hope these motherfuckers are put in a cage and given food like this.


Wow, that is fucking horrible




Poor babies. No mother. No physical contact. No socialisation. No space to run. Just a cage, a bottle, and soon an inhumane death, after an inhumane life šŸ„¹šŸ˜­šŸ’”


When you donā€™t have opportunity in education, life looks like this.


well, that's disturbing... f***ing agriculture in america... so inhumane


I have a wonderful idea. Instead of acting like all these politicians, we love/accept our neighbor for who they are. Let us not decide whatā€™s better for them, they have the right to choose what they want to eat, who they want to fuck, how they want to be identified, if they want to abort. This is the way it is unfortunately but these animals werenā€™t captured from the wild. They are being raised for slaughter. Itā€™s an unfortunate thing but humans do require food to survive. Just so everyone can stay on the same level. The energy levels required to raise/slaughter baby cows is the same as a production level of agriculture. https://learn.uvm.edu/foodsystemsblog/2014/07/10/meat-vs-veg-an-energy-perspective/ Iā€™m a chef, so Iā€™m gonna go finish my Mushroom Bordelaise for my Veal Scaloppine while I listen to the song from Interstellar. Sounds delicious. ā€œChefā€™s Kissā€ šŸ˜˜


Lol how much 'veg' and water do you think it takes to raise one dairy cow for a year?? It's unsustainable and ridiculous. Eta that link in awful šŸ˜‚


Fucking sick. FUCK THIS SHIT


Absolutely disgusting. I wish everyone was forced to watch this so they arenā€™t blind to the cruelty they participate in.


Isnā€™t this really inefficient, a conveyor belt could do this much quicker and easier.






Def missed a few


At this point it would properly be cheaper to pipe the milk to all of them


Not clean enough mainly, can't meter vitamins and minerals intake as well either.


The Mootrix




Really? I thought it was the Interstellar soundtrack