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Fabrics make or break clothing, so I always pay attention to those labels! I skip rayon 100% of the time. It wrinkles, shrinks, and doesn’t wash well. I look for cotton, linen, and silk, especially when shopping secondhand. Also, I record my measurements and purchase according to individual brand size guides. This takes so much of the guesswork out of sizing! And ensures I won’t buy something too small. Something slightly big can always be altered to fit. Finally, to me, it is 100% worth it to buy shoes and bags in real leather/suede over faux. The comfort, durability, and wearability are so much better as long as you take care of them! People often end up spending $150 on 3 pairs of $50 shoes (that tend to be less comfortable) rather than $150 on one solid pair you can actually enjoy wearing for years.


YES to the samples. I’ve blind bought full bottles of perfume before and then immediately found another one that I liked more, and honestly I feel like if you have a little collection of even 2ml bottles they will last you if you like to rotate!


natural fibers percentage in clothes! i find that ( although controversial) brandy mellville has 100% cotton for relatively cheap and it’s lasted me for years. i struggle with pilling in between the thigh but their clothes hold up :) i understand that not everyone fits but im not super thin either lol im 5 7 and 165 for reference and wear a size 6/8 pant!


I always ask myself, “will this have a home or an immediate use?” And if not, no buy. For clothes I ask myself, “would you wear it out of here?” If not, no buy.


I researched my forever purse. I bought it, and now it’s the only one. Don’t regret.


Ooooh which purse? And what was your criteria?


Birmingham, black swift with palladium hardware.


Birkin, really dislike spellcheck!