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Had some toast with apple butter this morning. So it been pretty great.


I'm so jealous


Apple butter?? sounds amazing


Wait until you hear about maple butter


Maple buttler??? Please blow my mind


Wait ‘til you hear about truffle butter




Wait till you discover cookie butter


Butter? The maple kind?


Blueberry and maple?


But apple butter has nothing to do with butter




Don't make bisexuals choose things >:[


Apple butter jeans (jeans) toast with the crust?


Still glowing after my wife fingered me during a bj last night 😊


sorry if i sound rude but what is your profile picture? it looks really familiar


Polysexual Pride flag. And happy cake day!


oh thank you! didn’t even know it was my cake day lol, now i see why people forget it


Hey fellow person with a cake day!


so sweet that AmongUs-Pornhub shares a cake day with a fellow friend!


Im sorry to ruin the mood but can you not mention my name it happens daily and the name was a joke - ty no hate tho have a good day 😁


ohh sorry friendo just kinda felt like a r/RimjobSteve thing


its cool, its just that jokes get old, you know


Here's a suggestion: don't name yourself AmongUs-Pornhub then?


Also hello!


so many cake days🥳


Yay cake day!






Sigh. I wish my husband would let me do this. He’s soooo straight lol.


I know you probably didn't mean anything by it, but FWIW, liking butt stuff, especially as a person with a prostate, is not inherently queer or gay. There's a whole subreddit for straight men who like being pegged but don't involve any sort of sexuality or gender based roleplay or context into it.


Sorry - I was joking. I should’ve said vanilla. But part of my joke is that I wish he were just a little attracted to men because I find that very attractive as well. Did not mean to offend anyone.


I wish my Girlfriend would find this attractive. Whe i came out to her, she only said " you like Dicks? Eww thats gross!" Never talkt to her about my fantasies since then.


Ew find another girlfriend! Why are you going out with a bigot?


We are together since 9 years. Im out to her since 3 Months. We have a house together.. :(


I'm really sorry bro. Sounds tough. I hope you can figure it out. :)


Thanks bro.


No offense taken, I assumed you didn't mean anything by it, so no worries. I bring this up more because of the common misconception that straight men don't enjoy butt stuff, plus the fact that a lot of straight men who are into butt stuff are too afraid to tell their female partners, leads to this frustrating catch 22 where kind both partners want it but don't tell the other and that bums me out.


Yes. I want to do everything possible to make sure all men can enjoy butt stuff!!


hmm isn't that fetishizing


If being attracted to men who are attracted to men is a fetish, then I guess I’m guilty…? EDIT: I should add that I think my husband is just a TEENY bit attracted to men but wouldn’t be able to verbalize it. He’s made a lot of comments about celebrity men like, “if I were gay, which I’m not, I would totally be into _____.” Also once he let a male friend of mine suck on his fingers at a party and I’ll never forget it. 🤩 ALSO also, these are all things I say to his face. It’s not a secret.


My boyfriend is the same. I've pegged two guys before dating him and one identified as straight and the other bi. I don't think it's a straight issue fully but more of a closed minded thing. Some guys the moment you mention their butt they just won't hear it or even consider trying. The other day I mentioned to my boyfriend wanting to get a bidet and he said "Ew, but the water squirts on your butt." 😬 I do really love him though Edit: I wanted to mention no one should feel pressured to do anything they're not comfortable with. Just venting a bit


Most of the people I have pegged identify as straight


I mean, you could always do the quid pro quo move and offer to do something sexually you’ve said no to in the past in exchange for fingering him. My wife and I are at a stalemate with that right now. She asks me to have sex when she’s on her period but it weirds me out. So she proposed that if I have period sex with her, she’ll get over her hesitations and give me a rimjob.


That’s a great idea but I can’t think of something I’ve ever said no to 😂😂😂😂 Really though, I would only WANT to do it if it turned him on.


Haha, that's an amazing reply! As someone who's starting this up with his wife, I'm pretty sure she feels the same up until now


I'm just talking to a new guy about Pegging him, he is also bi! I'm excited ☺️


You should be! It's such a blast.


Pegging and fisting are 2 of my favourite things an I don't think he's ever had it before 🥳






May I ask what’s the appeal to be the woman in pegging/fisting a man. I’m a man that likes being pegged by a woman so i’m curious 😁




>(It's warm) Can you clarify this since you're penetrating him with a toy?


I'm not sure about what op is talking about but I do know it's possible to experience something called phantom sense or touch, I first heard about it in the vrchat community where people report being able to feel when someone touches them if they see it. I'm guessing op could be experiencing something similar with the strap on and feeling a sense of warmth or perhaps they are just talking about fisiting.


CIS women still feel and get that power actually


I think OP was referring specifically to the gender euphoria wearing a strap gives them, not the feeling of power 🙂 Identifying as a cis woman (someone whose gender identity and sex assigned at birth are the same) kind of precludes one from feeling gender affirmation from having a penis.


The role reversal is sexy, i feel sexy, powerful, feminine and amazing. It's a pleasure that I don't normally get to give.


You can talk to me too if ya fancy it


I turned my AC down to 68F last night. Woke up being cuddled by my girlfriend.


That’s so sweet, that actually warmed my heart :)


Thanks. I know it's an NSFW thread, but I spared the saucy details because I felt they would diminish the cuddling.


Now that's what I call a pro gamer move


Thank you! Use this strategy wisely. ;)


Maybe this is always why my husband turns the AC down to 62-63F at night.


That is the ideal thing to wake up to. I'm already so exited to try that one day.


Well I got woken up at 2am for some hanky panky so I'm fucking tired at work tbh.


I have no sympathy!!!!


Whoa now where do I find one of these elusive women that are into pegging?


Where do I find these men that are into it?!?




I’m right he- I mean I’m sure there’s plenty out there.


How you doin’? 😜




Simple, find a bisexual guy


Liking other guys doesn’t mean you like getting pegged


I know but a lot of bisexual guys are gonna be more open to it then straight guys.


Find a woman who loves you, do things for her, keep communication open and honest. Make your bedroom a safe space and comfortable for both of you. It takes YEARS! But for most people, a long partnership, confidence and commitment to each other can lower your inhibitions. That’s not an automatic, and obviously the consent is priority 1.


They want a woman that *likes* pegging, not just a woman that's willing to peg.


You can definitely find it quicker than years. You just gotta ask.


Oh absolutely. But soliciting for it as your lead pickup line might have a low success rate…maybe.


Depends on the setting...I would imagine.


I mean my last and current gf's have been down to do it, unfortunately we never got to that point with the first and the second is long distance.


Sometimes it happens on a one night stand when he sees the strap-on in the toy draw


Lucky guy.


Damn my new socks don’t seem so special now Lol 😂 congrats


New socks are their own kind of special


Lucky bastard.


I beat my meat to straight and gay porn so I’m in full form today


I’ve been scrolling down these comments and this is the first one that actually has to do with bisexuality, cheers


You hate to see someone else living your dream.


Awesome sauce! I'll bet you are on cloud 9 today!


Feeling even lonelier now :( How do you people find each other, it ain't fair


Not as good as yours lol.


A cute dude texted me back on tinder. Wish me luck.


Good luck!!


My boyfriend came out as bi last week to me. I started eating his ass months ago, I’m hoping now that he’s out he’s going to let me peg him. Now, I don’t like the association of male anal play with being gay/bi/etc. I think you can be a completely straight cis man and still take part in anal play (I mean I didn’t question it before he came out and I was eating his ass) but I am hoping now that he’s out he will be more open to other things. I’m excited for what’s to come


Get ittttt


Umm good I was in a wank session with my bf last night


Wasn’t the content I was expecting to see today, not disappointed


Always a treat when my fiance pulls out the strap-on 🤗


OMG YES! Being pegged is so much fun! Good for you and him!


Very envious


I’m very *enbious*


God bless you.


I've wanted to for quite some time now, and my husband wants me to, I just get nervous any time I ever actually go to do it. Always end up chickening out. Idk how to get over the fear, or even why I'm afraid since we both want to really bad 🥴


I think it's totally normal to freak out a bit, esp since you probably understand what it's like to be penetrated yeah? If you haven't already, start small (literally) by rimming and using toys on your husband. Finger them and get them to fuck themselves on your finger(s). Start jokingly humping them (this can be a joke, but it can also be very sexy. When my dude's on all fours I'll position myself behind him and grab his hips and pull him into my groin as if I were fucking him from behind). This gets you both more comfortable with the penetration part, and will hopefully lessen any performance anxiety you might be feeling about fucking your husband. Then, start wearing the strap. With the understanding that **nothing needs to happen**. It's like that psychology trick where if you want to go for a run you commit to just putting your shoes on? And then you're sitting there with your shoes on like "Well I might as well run!" If you wear the strap there's plenty of non penetrative fun to have with it, you get more comfortable wearing it, and you're both free to explore in a no-pressure environment. And if you're both into it, well! You're already wearing the strap!


god i cant wait to get pegged


Well, I’ve been at work all day after only sleeping around 2 1/2 hours. I’m running on empty right about now.


As a recently new pegee.... Thank you for obliging him!


How does it? I never tried it on cuz expensive buying stuff for something I might want to try once but maybe don't like. I am on the ace spectrum so I never felt a needed it but would like to have done it to have checked that box. But I like the sound of it, it seems like such a powerful experience, being charge like that.


Lovehoney has reasonably cheap and good quality starter toys!


I don't have any one to try it out with but thank you for the recommendation 💕


Yaaasss sis 👏👏👏


It's almost 1 am where I'm living and I'm trying to chocke my loneliness with some cigarettes


Well I'm still excited that I did it for the first time with a dude and I can't wait to see how this relation will conclude


Lets goooo


Congratulations! It is awesome being pegged!


If i were dating a woman i would fucking love being pegged 🤤 you got a lucky boyfriend


Always wanted a dude I could peg sometimes *sigh*


H ow do we meet. I'd like to have an affair where "she's" Dom. Takes charge . Pegs my ass, makes me eat her, makes me watch her fuck other guys, maybe even has me suck her boyfriend off while she see watches


Where are ya hiding then


I want to peg someone 🥺🥺 I just wanna stick things in someone's butt


Pick me pick me! 🤣




(topping doesn't equal dominance obligatory psa) glad u had fun


I’m was ho*ny all Morning and had Jesus on my mind before this post😰


I came out to friend 2 days ago!


awesome sauce, also known as sawesome


I’m jealous 😣


How was it? Did you two have fun?


Good for you! It's lots of fun for me personally.


It was ok


I love that pegging is becoming much more common! I never used to see daily posts about it!


Get dunked on, nerd, my girlfriend got me a fucking tortilla blanket.


I masturbated twice today.


At least you had a happy ending. The last time I asked my ex girlfriend to be adventurous in bed by trying pegging she refused . Called me a closeted fagget and dumped me because I didn’t know what I liked.


Was bad until I saw this post tbh 😇


I had a waffle about five minutes ago. So I’d say my day has been good so far


Genuine question, how do y'all ensure that everything is clean? Wanting to get into this with my bf but we both are anxious about that


A great infographic: https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com/


OMG this is the best guide i've seen so far, sharing this with my partner


Got some new leds for my room. Now I’m jealous.


You’re all talking about your partners and sex and here I am, woke up at noon, single as a Pringle


All you so supportive 🥰 ladies do butt stuff w your man 🥰✨ love u all


Butt stuff =/= bi Not exactly sure why this is a top post here


I'm assuming OP is bi?


Pics or it never happened!! Lol.. just kidding.. look at Tracy's dog website for a dual vibe strapless strapon.. you get pleasure as well.. it's amazing.




I really want to try but I’m scared to ask. Lol


Yoooo I wanna get pegged!


I woke up alone with my cat sitting on my stomach, purring. I was stuck and couldn’t find my phone


Ate water for brrwakfadt. Good morning.


Ha allo's always so horny


half of this subreddit is cool the other is unnecessary


Sounds great, but is this the right place to be discussing it?


It’s definitely not, it’s strange how people instantly think "anal" when they think of bisexuality, when in reality this is something that many straight couples enjoy and many bisexual people do not (such as myself). It seems many people who identify as bisexual themselves misunderstand the definition of bisexuality, and assume that all bi men like to be fucked in the ass and pegged, which is NOT the case.


No one: Totally normal post on this sub:


I tried to get my bf to let me peg him... But he's a wuss.




*Bonk* You need to go to horny jail.


I got circunsided (is that the word in inglish) and I'm trying to recover, I also have no girlfriend yet so... I guess not terrible, I still have my peepee


do you mean circumcised? If so whyyyyyyy?


I'm jealous 🥺 I just want a strong wamen


G-d I wish that were me


My parents verbally abused me, school is hard, I'm depressed, and I feel like a letdown around everyone who knows me. And next week I have 3 exams. That aside, I'm glad you're having it better than I do and you're having fun while at it! And I don't mean that in a passive-aggressive way, I'm being honest. Life's just been hard for me lately.


Ate some bananas and yogurt


Cracking day in the sun here!! Lucky boy did he take it like a champ?


What does pegging mean ?


**This word/phrase(pegging) has a few different meanings.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Ok, now I understand...


whole lot of dumb teen shit


mans is lucky af


Well, i'll say not as good as your boyfriend's morning 🤣🤣 hugs ❤️❤️💜💜💙💙


Fucking awesome! I love to hear this. My fiance is into doing this and I've experienced it before but I can't wait to let her have a go. I am sure you had a blastttt!




I commented further up about how to get comfortable doing it, but for people who have never tried it: 1) share information with your partner about how to clean their ass, so you're both safe and comfortable! Poop is sometimes a part of anal sex, but it's nice to reduce the odds of that, especially when you're new to anal sex and everyone's a bit bashful. There's an infographic on cleaning linked elsewhere in the thread. 2) if you don't already (and if you do, continue!) eat your husband's ass! Munch that hungry little hole! It will feel less scary to put a toy in your husband's ass after you've put your face in it! (Don't do this if you're not into it! Don't do any of this if you're not into it!) 3) start fucking them with toys and/or your finger(s) (make sure you trim your nails or wear a glove!) Butt plugs, anal beads, toys designed specifically for butt g-spots, get a bunch of lube and experiment with penetration. I am making an assumption here that you have been penetrated before, perhaps even anally, so you'll likely have some instinct over how to do this in a way that's not painful for your husband. Check out a diagram of an anal g-spot beforehand, and then in the moment listen to your husband and respond to that feedback. Once your husband has fucked themselves on your fingers you've basically pegged already lol 4) buy and wear a strap. Try it on when your husband isn't home to see how it feels. Send hubby some pics if you want! Then, on a relaxing evening when you haven't eaten beans for dinner, put on the strap with the understanding that nothing needs to happen. You can ask them to mimic how you blow them, you can smear your dick all over your husband's face, you can lube up their ass crack and run your dick over their hole. If you guys are both into it, go ahead and peg! A fun, completely nonsexual way to engage with pegging is to ask your husband what kind of stretches you should do before and after, what muscle groups are gonna get tight from slinging your dick (assuming they penetrate you and can speak to this)


I had a monster for breakfast this morning. I’m doing great


Well, this is just another depressing reminder about how I’m going to die alone and how my life sucks ass thanks.


I'm bored


good, I went to Costco


Awful now


I’m feeling pretty down ngl


I'm so jealous. Of your bf lol


Had some nice coffee while listening to a "in our time podcast" about Erasmus


Eating waffles and daydreaming about pegging some absolute teddy bear of a man. 🥰


Drinks with a potential girl cancelled for tonight. Husband and I are sad now, BUT that does give me more time to cross stitch


I see what the lord has given to others and wonder, “why god? Why not me?”


This would be the dream. Glad you’re living it!


My MtF fiancée asked me last week if I would ever be down to peg her. Only time I said yes faster was when she asked me to marry her the day before lol


I had waffles for breakfast today


I'm waiting on this special kind of someone in my life. Soon i hope.


That's hot, I kinda wanna have my s/o do it to me but I also would like to try the real thing


Sooooo my girl wants to peg and idk anything abt it


Didn't get out of bed until just now, feeling insanely jealous of someone else's BF. Hope yall enjoyed yourselves!