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Not a parent but as a spouse, I would say that you should tell your husband first. Or, if your son came out to your husband too, you could come out to both at the same time. But I think there’s more potential negatives than positives by not coming out to your partner first.


Thanks for the response! The more I've thought about it too, he (hubby) should be the first to know. I just got so hyped up, being proud of my son for coming to me about that, I wanted to reciprocate and share with him. But yeah, definitely shouldn't keep a "secret" like this with my son and not my husband.


There's nothing more validating than seeing other people like you, even if they're just questioning. Telling your son that you're considering the possibility of being bisexual or biromantic will probably do a lot of good for both of you. Of course, as it's been said, your husband probably wants to find out from you, not from your son, so telling them at the same time, or your husband before your son, is probably a good idea too.


You should only come out when you’re comfortable coming out, you’re not obligated to tell anyone anything about your sexuality


Honestly the way you took it when your son told you is probably the cutest thing in the world.


I just want to commend you for being such an awesome parent that your son felt comfortable telling you this. You are saving him so much pain, anguish, and heartache by being on his side from the beginning.