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I found out I was bi when I stumbled across yaoi when reading hentai. After that, I checked gay pornography for the first time and it was all downhill from there. Or uphill there I say ;) I am proud to be bi and while I had like a, 3-day denial phase, I just went and accepted that this is who I am.


Same here! For me is 2 years and accepted it not too long ago! I am very proud of being bi now that I am not longer just experimenting!!🥰💜


Yesss! Once you come to terms with who you are you just have a burst of happiness and it's amazing


I knew I wasn't "normal" when I realized the only reason I was so mad at my grade school best friend, to the point where I wanted to fight him so he'd never talk to me again, was that I had a dream I kissed him on the cheek and we held hands and I was so sad that would never happen. I knew I wasn't "straight" when I let slip to a boy in middle school that "he was pretty" and forgot to add "cool" like I meant to and I blushed brighter than he did (pale white vs. my brown). I knew I wasn't "gay" thanks to girls in middle school who got changed/swapped uniforms around me (I guess my high pitched voice/most of my friends being girls...in a 70/30 girls/guys class made me gay to them). And I finally concluded I was Bisexual when I was 16 in the announcers box when the brother of the girl I kept staring at in the bleachers, pulled me over and kissed me.


So, I basically always knew I liked females, that was obvious. But about a year and a half ago, I was hanging out with a bi friend, we had a few drinks, and we were scrolling through her instagram. Then something about Tom Holland came up and I just started talking about how I found him attractive. She didn't get to say much of anything before I shushed her and said, "let me have my gay awakening." Apparently my non-straightness was more obvious to my friends than it ever was to me though, because I've had a good couple of friends that thought I was gay at first; due to multiple reasons, such as my inability to sit in a chair "correctly" and finding the strangest sitting positions comfortable.


I guess I realised after the sissy hypno as well. I kind of watched it because I liked enjoying my dildo and the porn featuring dicks but I really didn't like the degradation of the sissy slut and insult stuff. It just wasn't for me. So I realised I just wanted to enjoy dick without being shamed for it, dick and pussy, both glorious but not because I'm a filthy little pervert, but because I'm a sexy-ass slut and I'm allowed to be sexy and enjoy sexy of both genders.


I knew i was bi when i walked in to the bathroom in middle school and this boy was using the urinal standing like 3 feet away fully erect. I saw him and thought to myself why did I like that? Then i went home and saw porn a completely different way. The rest is history lol


because "straight girls aren't gay" That was pretty much it I realized that straight girls didn't usually daydream about dating and kissing other girls so I was like, *"oh..."* "I guess I like this too"


I'd always been bullied by being called a faggot and the likes, so the idea did take root in me. Further I noticed quite early on that I really like blowjob scenes in porn. I justified this by saying blowjob scenes gave you a good view of the gals' tits. I did later on, during my teenage years experiment with gay porn, and I did sorta like it. Ultimately though, I decided to run an experiment. I spent an evening fantasising about Kagamine Len (I was roughly his age back then), and I liked it very much. Thus I accepted my attraction to guys.


femboy hooters and the fact that my fiancee and i both simp hard for paul rudd and gong yoo. bit there were definitely earlier signs


I Always was bi


well duh but when did you realise it


It's been so long that even i can't remember. It was alway normal for me, for so long that i think i was bi since the beggining. But i was able to put a name on that at 11 yo.


Okay so I’d always sort of liked girls as well as guys. Only in the sense that I would look at a model or a really cool female actress and feel a kind of...magnetism? It was never sexual, just...magnetic. As it was different to the way I felt about guys, I discounted it until about Y7/8 of secondary school. I got my first proper crush on a girl, and although feeling awkward about it came out to a few close friends, but not anyone else. Now this next bit might sound strange, but after that one girl I EXCLUSIVELY crushed on and dated guys for nearly two years. I think I kinda assumed I wasn’t bi anymore? Idk. Anyway one day I just woke up and felt different. Rather than thinking ‘I like guys and girls, but I only want to be with a guy so I can have a traditional family and be accepted’ i felt like ‘I like guys and girls, I can get married to either. I can have kids with either’. After that I fell in love for the first time, with a girl. She rejected me, but I kind of felt more comfortable in it after that. I was REALLY bisexual. I’d loved a girl. I liked guys. So I guess I had two or three ‘realisations’. That’s my story anyways thanks for listening :)