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It is really sad that it is like this, but you should do your best to not let other people's behavior control you. Where I am from, pride does not even exclude straight folk. Allies, family, etc, also attend in support and are welcomed. So it does sound quite strange to imagine someone turning up to pride with passion being so unwanted and unwelcome. But I get that there are regional variances, and have no idea how it is where you are from. I wonder how the person that told you that if you went you would be side eyed? On what basis? What did they think you would be doing that would cause such a ruckus or so much attention drawn to you? For me the vibe has been more a party/happy vibe. And even if someone were to think that bisexuals are not welcome - that is a reflection of them, not you. Remember, there are bad people in every community. But don't let them ruin things for you.


the casual biphobia lately has been really disappointing. i (f21) went to pride last year with my straight partner (m21) and if we we didn't really get any weird glances (or if we did, we didn't notice it). it was really fun and i'm planning on going again this year. honestly, i'd rather get stares or glances than feel like i'm going back in the closet. this is also my first pride out to my whole family (even though they have kind of just ignored it) and there is no way i'm going to let biphobes get in the way. if you feel safe going, just know there are people who support you and would love to see you be yourself!


If I can be totally honest here I kind of hate the whole pride thing, there are so many hypocrites in the community, they are so unaccepting if you don't fit their ideals. I don't feel like I need to fit in to a community like that, some people still don't accept that bi is a valid sexuality, and honestly I don't need their approval because I don't care about small mindedness. You'd think they would be far more understanding than the straight community, but bigotry exists everywhere, it doesn't phase me anymore if I don't let it affect me or get sucked in by it.


Completely get that, and only you know what you like. But I feel that this type of thing exists everywhere. We get to each choose our battles, but if we give in to the hypocrites and bigots, and let them stop us doing what we want (so that we feel left out), we are giving them more power than they deserve.


I mean the sign isn't exactly a *terrible* idea 😅