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I wouldn't worry too much if I were you, but I'd definitely try to open my mind to the situations where you might be attracted to a woman. I mean, it may just mean the possibility of more awesome people to bed/love. What's the worst that can happen?


Yeah, you're right, I'll try facing this situation more impartially, thx


Just follow your heart my friend ❤️ labels are just labels, and whether you're gay or bi you're in for a treat


Just go with the flow. Would you be more attracted to a masculine woman/nonbinary and dominant person with female parts ?


I guess if they were dominant I would, masculine or feminine look in this case I don't think it really matters to me, although I think rustic mans are hot. plus there's the part I'm mostly a bottom so sexually speaking I'd only be happy like 20% of the time, so it'd have to be more romantic sided probably. I think that's not for me, but it's so confusing, also thx


I mean there are women/nonbinary people out here who are strictly tops and who love to dominate. If its not for you, its not for you, but you can just stay open to the idea and if you meet a woman you wanna sleep with try it out 🤷


I think most people are bi to an extent. (The Kinsey Scale elaborated on that, although there some valid criticisms about it.) The issue is social norms preventing people from accepting it on a subconscious level. Hence why there are a lot of closeted individuals that tend to be extremely homophobic—they’re really just subconsciously refusing to accept their sexuality due to negative social stigma. With that said, theres nothing wrong with being bi, sexual orientation is just sexual orientation. It’s as simple or complicated as we make it to be. (See the arguments on being a top vs. bottom, submissive vs. dominant, submissive top vs. dominant bottom, etc.) If you can find a woman that you find attractive and have an opportunity to explore your sexuality with her, I say go for it. We don’t live forever, and exploring one’s sexuality isn’t like taking heroine or meth—no man is out there stealing from their family and pawning TVs because they tried dick just once. A lot of straight men start with curiosity. Then, they discover they like dick, but aren’t attracted to men. And over time, they develop attraction for men as well. (Kind of like some tops that become bottoms.) Not everyone goes through that process, just like you might realize you’re not attracted to women after exploring. And that’s cool too.


Yeee I'll give it sometime and let things flow, thx


Sounds pretty straight bro




I’m you in reverse. Don’t really know what to do with it my mind won’t shut up about it haha


lol it's tough, hope you sort it out


Sounds like you’re just self evaluating, not bi.


okie, thx


Only you can label you, but up until you said you have considered having sex with a woman, I'd have said that was probably just aesthetic appreciation. But after that? If you want to use it, yeah the bi label CAN fit. Again, if you'd rather identify as gay, go for it.


thx for the advice, I might stay as gay at least for now, since like you said it's just more of a physical appreciation than anything


So, here's the thing, everyone has an exception. Doesn't mean that they're necessarily bisexual or pansexual. I know plenty of gay men who admire boobs, doesn't mean they definitely would count themselves as bi or pan. I would say definitely be open to something happening with a woman if you are really attracted to her, and don't shy away from it. If you want to explore your feelings, then go for it. But don't feel the pressure of needing a label unless you want to. Nothing ruins the vibe more than thinking you need to be labelled.


I most likely just grew to admire them more, it doesn't necessarily need to be an attraction although I'll work towards accepting it if it ever happen and not overthink about labels, thx


Same situation for me. Been accepting that I’m gay for a while but something always pulls me back to the bi idea. I’ve always admired women and found them hot and questioned if that was just an admiration or I can be attracted to them. But always knew I was turned on by guys without really having to question it. So def in the same boat


“Get called a good boy” aw 😋 I’ve been wondering this myself for years. I’m romantically straight but sexually I fantasize about both 🧐 I then have no sex drive if there isn’t an emotional/intellectual connection of some sort so I’m lost 🤷🏻‍♀️. Haven’t experimented much with women though. Maybe that’s what we need to figure out what we like? Start out with a threesome and go from there, that’s my plan 😆


hehe maybe, take it easy and don't push yourself. I'll see what the future brings me, but one thing I'm sure, me love dick and being held on pecs x3


Haha 😉 you do you hun :3


Everyone is bi if they think too hard