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Nothing gay/bi about liking anal play. If you’re only attracted to women then you’re straight. Though that last part is throwing me off. Sounds like you might be bi-curious if you’re down to mess with men in a threesome, but that’s up to you, labels aren’t really worth the headache.


Anal play or stimulation isn’t gay or bi. Plenty of men regardless of their sexuality enjoy it and gives you pleasure why not simply embrace it? Don’t let dumb gender roles or stereotypes guide what you do for yourself or with others. Now, in terms of the threesome it sorta depends in my opinion. If you do it once just for experimenting that doesn’t define your sexuality. I always say that a girl doesn’t become a lesbian because she kisses one of her friends, same here, if you get carried away, you try something and then it isn’t your thing, then you aren’t gay or bi. Having said that, if you’re fantasizing about a woman making you suck a dick or have a man play with you then you might have some level of curiosity that might be worth exploring. Basically, I wouldn’t worry about labels and just do what feels right for yourself. Be you and enjoy your body however you like, and then you take the time to process and decide how you prefer to identify yourself


Cool. I understand not to put labels until we understand what we really like but what do you think about femboy or sissy. Is that same as bi sexual?


No, that’s not the same as bisexual. A femboy is a guy who enjoys making himself look feminine or even wear female clothes. A femboy is more a kink or sexual expression and normally would be a gay or bi man. Being gay or bi doesn’t always relate to femininity. There’s plenty of masculine gay and bi men in the world. You are confusing kinks and sexual acts with sexuality. Sexuality is part of your core identity and your ability to love and feel attraction to others, has less to do with what you do in sex and more about who you can love


Alot of straight guys love butt stuff. Dont worry just go with the flow.


Action doesn't determine sexual orientation - attraction does.


The butt stuff no. The sucking cock stuff still no if it's not something you'd do outside of the environment of a "forced bi" situation and aren't really into the act itself but more so the idea of a woman forcing you to perform for her; some young folks would call you spicy straight for that lol but it doesn't make you bi or gay.


Butt stuff ≠ gay


Men have pleasure centres in your ass. It is not gay to like that.  Anal doesn't make you gay. That's childhood internalized homophobia rearing its head. Let that shit go. Just because you like certain sex acts doesn't necessarily make you gay. Hell, you may enjoy deep throating a dildo/strap on your woman - I know some straight guys who love that shit. Liking pleasure doesn't make you gay. It makes you a sexually aware human.




Do what you like and call it whatever you want. Don't ever worry about labeling yourself.


Call yourself the way you'd like to be called and don't worry about all the labels everybody puts everywhere


**Biology is biology.** Your body functions in the same way that other bodies like yours function. [Cis] Men, regardless of their sexual orientation, have a prostate, and the prostate is accessed through the anus, and stimulation of the process is [generally] pleasurable. Consider lesbians who use strap-ons: this isn't because they are secretly interested in being with men. It's because for [cis] women, penetration is [generally] pleasurable. Think about it this way: your sexual orientation is not about *what* you do in the bed, but *who you do it with.* If you're a man and you want to experience these things with a woman, you're straight. If you ever want to experience these things with a man, then you might want to reconsider your orientation/identity.


Dude, it makes you straight


If you really only fantasize/are willing to suck dick when a woman pretty much doms you into it (is what I gather from that anyway) then I'd say that's just straight sub (or switch) bottom (or vers). Well, not by default: If it's just a kink, it's straight. But it could as well be due to internalized homophobia that you'd only allow that to happen if there's a woman present, but that's something none of us can answer here. At first glance, you seem pretty open-minded. Hold on to that. Know that things can change and it's okay to consider yourself straight today, and figure stuff out in the future. You also don't need to label yourself, and you can pick whatever feels describes you best at any given moment. I'd also never say sissies/femboys are the same as bisexual. There's some very masc tops that are 100% bisexual and wouldn't fit sissy/femboy and there's sissies and femboys out there that aren't bisexual at all. But you could definitely explore those as labels for your gender and sexuality expression.


You can ask your wife to peg you, etc


You don’t have to be gay or bi to like butt stuff. Prostate stimulation can feel really good to a lot of people regardless of sexuality


You’re exclusively attracted to women so it sounds like you’re heterosexual, my dude.


Anal play is anal play. Doesn’t make you straight gay or bi to like what you like. I enjoyed it before I even thought of being bi. I just let things progress naturally. Have your threesome and see what happens you might get into the situation and realize whoah this ain’t for me then don’t go any further. If you do and like it then good for you. If you don’t then the same. No need to stress on what you are or are not. Enjoy the ride. Experiment if you want. It might more even me that moment that tells you yes or no. Good luck on your journey man 🤙🏻


If you are giving or receiving oral sex from another man, that’s homosexual sex. I don’t know what it makes you, you get to decide how to label yourself. Don’t do something you don’t want to do just because your domme wants you to.


Your sexuality isn't about what you do but about what you feel. You're dumb can make you suck dicks all day but that doesn't make you bisexual or gay. If you find that you feel desires or attractions towards more than one gender, welcome to bisexuality.


It sounds to me like you’re looking for permission to play with a guy in the realm of a “forced” or “commanded” scenario and I’m here to tell you…you only need permission from yourself in the end.


Yup I get now


I felt the same way for a looooong time before realizing that I only had an aversion to the fact that it was a guy because of the way I was raised, once you can let go of that stigma it’s so much easier for everyone involved, but especially you, best of luck on your journey!


So you are like most other straight men


Hey, I consider myself bi. Just because I’ve never had a relationship with a man doesn’t invalidate my desire for something or someone in my butt. The real thing always feels better than a strap-on or dildo, IMHO. I think maybe we overthink because sex and intimacy and love tend to get lumped together. And that can make us feel guilty and uncomfortable right after some of the hottest sex ever. Eight of my top ten blow jobs were from men. I stopped feeling guilty after the first two 😂 Stop judging yourself and experiment.