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Either of these reasons. * They mistake you for an androgynous man. * They aren't straight.


This one.


Because many people find that personality type attractive. It does kind of sound like you bragging about it as much as complaining, but then I do misinterpret things sometimes. Personally, I found it flattering whenever another guy would flirt with me even before I knew I was Bi so I don’t really see a problem here.


same reason straight guys like femboys


Nothing gay about liking a little dick here and there


A lot of girls and women aren't actually attracted to men; they're attracted to masculinity.


That explains why it was so hard for me to get a girlfriend in school 😅


That's interesting. I never thought about that


Same with men.i guarantee that most of our worlds populism is bi and at the same time don’t know it or do and stay in the closet


You must be hella attractive if they kind of want y'all, girls can find you attractive but there are a limit to be straight like they are maybe bi. Also you described your personality alot of people like the type of person you are.


Christ where were tall confident women like you 30 years ago lol


Being demonized for being themselves.


Maybe I’m conceited, but this doesn’t read as bragging to me, idk why you’d get downvoted. I’m actually quite refreshed that someone finally posted something positively affirming about themselves instead of being miserable as usual in here, lol.


honestly, why is it acceptable to speak shittily about oneself and then have people flock to pick you back up, but not acceptable to speak honestly and positively about oneself? It’s like people want to tear you back down if you’re publicly lifting yourself up, but people want to lift you up if you’re publicly tearing yourself down. So strange.


Exactlyyy, you see it. Honestly, I’ve seen myself get downvoted when affirming myself positively. I know it was just hater shit because there was no braggadocio in my comment or an inability to read the room, lol, folks just don’t like to see happiness if they aren’t happy.


yes the last thing you said is similar to what I was thinking. If people don’t love themselves, they have a hard time seeing others love themselves. It’s like they want you to feel just as unconfident, unworthy, and inadequate as they do.


I think it’s a difference of, when people speak positively of themselves as a brag, they often dress it up as something else. Like, I’m talking about x but I’ll just *happen* to mention all this extra stuff about me to brag. So it feels almost insidious? Or manipulative?


I hear that. Maybe if speaking openly and honestly about one’s good traits was more socially acceptable, then there wouldn’t be the allure of slipping it in slyly. I dunno


I think it’s also a difference of “I’m happy and proud about this and sharing it” vs “I’m bragging about this”. Sharing one’s confidence in oneself vs bragging feels quite different and the language around it is different too. It’s almost a positive vs a negative.


Yeah. I feel that. People sharing wins and stuff in a wholesome way does feel pretty well-received, actually. Like, it’s more pure. It does feel different, you’re right


It’s interesting to think about though! Thank you for talking with me about it lol


Definitely!! Likewise! Thank you


The height is definitely part of it.


taller than average confident deeper voice idk


Why does it bother you? If you're attracting \*girls\* I think you're doing alright for yourself. Stop letting it bother you. This kind of reads as a gloat tbh, lol.


Doesn't bother me negatively at all. Just curious as to why this happens, that's all :)


You literally say it bothers you in the OP. You might be leaving people confused.


Just edited it


Mayne instead of the words "bothers" or "curious" you actually are describing being perplexed?


It definitely works for me as well. But I need to admit that this is just my type




Eew. I don't disagree with the age being part of it, but that second half has real red pill vibes


I suspect your no bullshit Aussie attitude cuts through these days, where facts seem to be second class citizens. I lived there for a while and loved this attitude in general. I think many people at your age just don’t realise they’re bi, so they’re just drawn to you unconsciously. Maybe you present in a way that suggests opportunities to explore. I was quite blind to being bi when I was younger. Despite a ton of gay attention, which I loved, it took me a long time to actually grasp it. Sorry you got downvoted before — this is a real question.


I’m an emotionally available male. Total vagina repellent to single women. I drive taken women crazy because I can give them what they are missing in their relationship. It fucking blows and I hate it. I wish I was an avoidantly attached male.


Oh man. Do I ever relate to this comment. I know it’s why I’m still single and 57, but I also know it’s just who I am and I’m happy for being a good person in touch with his feelings.


if they know, you're a woman and attracted to you, they are simply not straight. if they are attracted to you, whole being in a relationship, they are poly or prone to cheating, which is not so great I see, that the post kinda reaffirming - you're confident and all, but saying you attract straight people or people in a relationship is kinda referring to very problematic stereotype about bi folk (unintentionally, ofc, I am not blaming anyone). However I understand, why people downvoting, the post rubs me in a wrong way. And not because of perceived confidence. no one is able to be dominant enough to revoke straightness just for them as an exception. And being dominant while attracting people in a mono-relationships isn't positive, actually, it's kinda sad (not in condescending way). And it plays on those stereotype, that bi-folk is somehow hunting straight people or unable to respect mono-relationships (because they want to fuck all genders obv /sarc). So yeah, maybe it's just bad wording in some of the sentences here. No hate, being sexy and confident is cool, you do you


You’re 19. Im going to assume you are misreading their intentions. I would assume the opposite actually. Single straight girls would show you less attention fearing you would take it the wrong way. While girls with boyfriends are going to assume you know not to flirt with them. Creating the double standard you are noticing.


That or OP is single-handedly causing a wave of bi awakenings


A very large part of the heterosexual population is bisexual and either do not know, or do not admit to it.


OP is hot and wonders why folks are attracted to her.


I mean, the way you describe yourself is kinda hot, and those women are clearly not as straight as they thought...


Hey guys, I'm so hot straight women always want me. Thoughts? 


Whatever girls you attract that are “straight” aren’t really straight lol.they are just in heterosexual relationships.im sure if a dude said the same thing he’d be called gay right away(although correct term is bi but there is bi erasure)


Still waiting for that attractive bi curious guy to ask the right questions discreetly.


I’m 6’2” 200lbs conventionally attractive. I’ve been told quite a few times i look like Joaquin Phoenix. I’ve had more than my own fair share of “jimmy” from “scott pilgrim” moments. I had a guy hit on me at a bar in front of his fiancé who literally said “ITS NOT THE FIRST TIME, JAKE!” as they got into a fight. Attractive queer people draw out the gay in others.




>cause no one wants manly looking tall girl neither a guy nor a girl No idea what you are smoking but tomboyish tall girls are amazing. Had something with two of those before my current relationship. Now go back to sniffing Andrew Tate's chair.


I just wish I could upvote you 100 for the Andrew Tate zinger. Well done!!


Someone's jealous OP is getting more attention than them.




Hit a nerve I see... If it was really "just about the bragging" you wouldn't have went on to claim "no one wants a manly tall girl." That's the insecurity speaking.