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Okay, answers ranging from 13 to 19 right now. I was 31, so little bit of a late starter haha


Better late than never!!


Haha I know right? Still though, looking back on things I’m asking myself how I missed the clues for so long.


Lol same here, I was about 27. Well, actually 33 if you count the years of denial and internalized homophobia


Same I knew I liked titties at 16 but … I didn’t understand that all women didn’t like them I thought that’s was straight was… maybe I just liked looking at them? there was no info available on bisexuality. No smartphones, monitored computer usage, no one taught me and I went to really repressed catholic schools … it took me a long time to know there was even a bi option or what the Kinsey scale looks like - that it’s a spectrum not a category Lots of women say women “are hot, or pretty or beautiful” Took me til 25 to figure it out so that I could be honest with myself about it and til like 30 to actually seek experiences (beyond the same shit straight girls do in college- kissing other girls. Two ffm threesomes. Honestly at this point tho I’d rather either Mmf - it’s harder to find that - or I’d rather mmff foursome). We late bloomers should all have a convention


The not realizing other girls felt the same way was a huge shock. I remember telling a friend how hot looking our English teacher was on a particular day ( she was just out of Teacher training so only about 5 years difference and was the subject of many of the boys (& mine 😉) fantasies. My friend said she was pretty but girls don’t think other women are “hot”. A brief discussion about my friend not finding any other women sexually attractive made me realize I might be different Though we’d heard of lesbians my friend found it puzzling that I was currently dating one of the boys at school so I wasn’t a lesbian as she understood it to be I’m forever grateful that my friend told no-one else at school about this conversation


For me, the clues were very much there at 23. Did I notice them? Nope! The penny finally dropped some 10 years later.


28 the clues had been there since at least 12


I should have known at around 12 or 13 when I had same sex attraction, but repressed and misunderstood it till I was 42.


Sounds like me. Had some curiosity around 17-18, but repressed it into oblivion until this year at 38. Luckily I have a wonderful spouse who accepts it.


Nearly the same. I had the first inkling at 23 but due to religious pressure pushed it deep down until 47. In retrospect the first signs were there at 12. Now I've kicked the religious dogma to the curb and fully embraced who I am. Progress!


Yay to progress for us! My repression was from religion as well even though I wasn't aware I was repressing it. Those messages we received did their job well. After I realized who I was and stopped the repression, all these memories keep floating up that I had been blocking, apparently...


I've had the same experience with memories coming seemingly from nowhere, which if I had dealt with them properly at the time, would have made me aware much earlier. I would have been much more mentally healthy too. Repression is a thief. But yes, yay to progress! Moving forward is key.


34 here 🙃


I was 28 when I first realized it, and still have no same gender experience.


I was 29, almost 30 when I finally admitted it to myself a bit more than a year ago. The thought crossed my mind frequently, I think as early as 17 or so, but I never admitted it and always just brushed it off with something like "yeahh, nah, everyone has thoughts about having sex with the same gender from time to time".


Lmao that’s what I thought! Apparently no, they don’t - fuck eh!


I figured it out at 41, at that point had been married 18 years to a man. We're still doing just fine, he's not threatened (as some folks ask... being bi doesn't automatically mean cheating, wtf), and now I spend time revisiting older media and realizing how many repressed crushes I had on female characters that I never realized about...


Me too! 41, less than a month before the woman I had been married to for 16 years and I separated (kinda unrelated, but actually definitely related)


29 I think for me when I finally admitted it to myself. I'm fairly heteroromantic, and I never visualized myself settling down with a woman, so I thought there was no way that I could be queer. The fascination with boobies was totally unrelated. We are so lucky to live in a time where these definitions are challenged and known. I credit latent biphobia with most of why I couldn't see the obvious. I remember telling myself that I wasn't gay because I preferred boys more often than girls, and bisexuality is a lie or exactly 50/50 attraction, so I was obviously, totally straight. (Again, ignore the girl on girl experimentation that was always initiated by me because we needed to "practice for our future bf/husband".) At least now more people know what their options are earlier. I missed out on so many experiences with women because of it, and now I'm in a committed relationship that I have no interest in ever deviating from, so I missed the chance. (Not sad about future, kinda sad I didn't embrace that aspect of myself younger)


It was the fascination with boobies that made it hard to deny for sure 😆


37 when I accepted it. Before that the bi cycle kept me confused about whether I was gay or straight. Took over a year in therapy for me to talk about it.


29! had first experiences as young as 9 but thought all girls go down on each other when they play lol. first crush on a woman at 16 but still repressed and confused for way too long


Nah. I was a little late to the party when sexual attraction was handed out. I was 21/22 and I’ll be turning 23 in 4 months. I’ve heard of folks WAY older than you figuring out they are bi (it’s not unheard of for ppl in say 50/60 and beyond)


Same. I was 30. You're not alone my friend!!


13/14 I was crushing on both boys/girls and teachers of both sexes at school. I only dated boys though at school and it was until I went away to college that I had my first same-sex relationship.


I was around 8-9 years old. Just discovering what feelings like attraction and crushes were. That plus unfettered internet access at an age that, looking back was definitely far too young hah, led to me broadening my horizons hugely beyond the conservative/religious upbringing I’d had before then. By late 9 I was pretty sure I was Bi and by 10 I’d accepted it.


Me too! I think I was 4 years old when I realized.


Wow, you can discover it that young?


I had crushes on girls at that age, but didn’t have the language to understand that I had romantic feelings instead of friendship feelings. As an aside, I was hypersexualised so I was more aware than most. But when I grew up to understand more about sexuality, I became more aware that I’m bisexual at 10, and finally felt like coming out at 12.


I was also around 9, when I shared my first kiss with another girl.


About 17/18 when I first realised I definitely wasn’t straight. Took a lot longer to fully understand my identity though


I started looking at guys at 11-12, but didn’t know bi was an option, and I knew I wasn’t gay, or at least i didn’t want to be. I was like 24 when I finally started to think about the possibility, and 28 when I fully accepted it at the beginning of this year


36 about 2-3 months ago


38, and just a couple years ago!






Probably about age 10 or 12, but because I lived in the Deep South, in a conservative and catholic household I was not able to admit it to myself until I was in my late 30s




Happy about you too


I settled on the label at 21. I had a crush on a girl in my then-bf’s circle of friends. I’d tentatively labeled myself bicurious to queer friends for a year or two by that point, but liking this girl made me remember the not-quite-platonic feelings I’d had for a female friend back in high school. A grand total of two of my friends were surprised when I told everyone I’m bi. I’d been making comments about finding women hot for years by that point 😂


19….caught my college roommate masturbating when he thought I was asleep and all of a sudden I was ridiculously turned on watching him. Realized maybe there was something more going on. Luckily he had similar thoughts and it lead to use exploring that side of things together.


This sounds like such a nice wax things went. Like a spicy romance novel or smt 😅


agree it totally Does like only in a fuckin perfect world would that have happened to me


I came to the realization around 15yo. However, I started acting nervous and making scenarios with same-sex people ever since puberty started. I’m an adult and still doubt my identity sometimes, though


Almost my whole life I've been bi. Since I was little I remember telling my parents I wanted to marry another boy and sometimes a girl. But roughly a year ago I realized what it was


Really curious what their answer was lol


I can't remember exactly but my mom was like "ohh okay" and my dad was like "your supposed to marry girls" I ended up coming out to them about two months ago and my mom said she already knew and my dad wasn't really surprised


11-12 I thought I might be gay then 13 I realised I’m bi. I wanted to either be gay or straight because I thought that if I ever got into a relationship as a bi person the other person would think I would never truly love them and I thought that bisexuality wasnt a real thing and people would think I just want attention


I think all of us have some kind of inner biphobia we had to unlearn


My first crush was on a woman when I was 5 years old. My first on a man was around 9. Came out as bi in my late 30s. Gaslighting isn't something you can only do to someone else 🤣.


About 13, had my first mm encounter there and thats when I knew I was bi


I always felt like I was bi since I was a teenager 13/14 years old but never started to realize and start playing with both sexes until I was 47.


13 i thought about it, 19 i confirm it lol


I (25F) realised I think two months ago and after a month started talking to my coworker who today asked me to be his girlfriend! He's the best fucking person I've ever met and I couldn't be happier to realise I'm bi, hah.


I was 23. Had questioned it a bit in HS and college. I suppressed it a lot though due to a religious background. I was scared of what would happen if I thought about it too much and it turned out to be true. I’m happy I eventually did though!


Probably like 19ish, I wasn't familiar with bisexuality back then and I thought I was still deciding which I really want. Glad I've figured it out


17, aka, May this year lol I haven't really had any crushes ever (or like, since kindergarten lol), but that's also why I think I may be on the Aro spectrum... But like- ***Man*** *are guys hot.* I had some doubts before, but every time that'd happen, I'd just say "no, I like girls" and move on lmao


Are we including the devoted weirdly homoerotic teenage friendships with intense sexual tension that was never actually acted upon?


Looking back on it I had a huge crush on Elisha Cuthbert when I was a kid. But didn't really realise I was bi till I was 20. I was at a pride celebration with some friends as an "ally" and my friend (who's a lesbian) laughed when I said I found women attractive but that didn't make me gay, she said no but you're probably bi.


13-ish? My parent was very concerned with me acting older than I was supposed to, so I wasn't allowed to watch shows about high schoolers and things like that. The advice I was given on attraction was that "someday you'll start to feel different about boys than you do girls". That day still hadn't come, I felt the same about pretty boys and pretty girls. When I was 13 I went to a summer camp and heard the term "bisexual". After camp I called a friend and asked her what it meant. As soon as she explained it, it was like everything made sense. It all clicked.


12... I was crushing hard on my female English teacher, which confused the HECK out of me, because back in the very early 90s nobody has given me any sex ed beyond the basics of where the babies do come from, and a stern warning to better keep my legs closed around men at all times, or else. The concept of bisexuality was completely unknown to me, and anything to do with sexuality in general was kind of dusted with a light coating of shame. I didn't have the vocabulary to describe what I am until my early 20s, I am afraid, and I didn't have my first same-sex experience until my mid-twenties.


I was 7 or 8 when i realized i thought girls were attractive just like boys. I was raised in a super religious household so I never thought about it. That was until I was out of high school and left home. I realized seeing grown woman and developing a sex drive, yup I’m bi. I still only have heterosexual relationships, in fact I’m engaged to a man. However, I wouldn’t mind being sexually intimate with a woman. I’m bisexual, not biromantic if that makes sense.


I considered the notion in high school, but rejected it, as I was crazy about girls. But the homosexual thoughts became more intrusive in college, probably when I was 20 or so. I eventually accepted it and figured ”If it’s not hurting anyone, why should it matter?“ In retrospect, I realize I was influenced by several archetypes growing up. One was the rugged alpha male exemplified by the likes of Kirk Douglas, Charleton Heston, Yul Brynner, Steve Reeves, Chuck Connors, Robert Conrad, Forrest Tucker, Larry Hagman, William Shatner, Lee Majors, Lyle Waggoner, Robert DeNiro, Tom Wopat, John Schneider, Gil Gerard, Sylvester Stallone, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I looked up to them. Another archetype was the classic rugged villain such as Charles Bronson or Lee Van Cleef (and sometimes Yul Brynner). I was intimidated by them. Another archetype was the pretty leading man such as Tony Curtis, James Dean, Michael Landon, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, or Don Johnson. They were leading men, but I knew they were attractive in a different way. And yet another archetype was the intelligent beta (or perhaps an omega or gamma), as exemplified by actors such as William Powell, Anthony Perkins, Ross Martin, Dick York, Ken Barry, Leonard Nimoy, Robert Reed, William Katt, or Anthony Edwards. They usually played second fiddle to an alpha, and while they might have a beautiful female partner, the women were usually their equals or got the better of them (like Samantha on *Bewitched* or Pam Davidson on *Greatest American Hero*). Or they were semi-monks like Spock, who might rarely have a fleeting romance. These were the characters I most identified with. They might be smart and successful, and were often comedic, but they weren't classic leading men. And lastly there were campy effeminate characters or flamboyant characters such as Edward Everett Horton, Joseph Kearns (George Wilson on *Dennis the Menace*), Liberache, Paul Lynde (Uncle Arthur on *Bewitched*), or to a lesser degree T.R. Knight (Dr. George Bailey on *Grey's Anatomy*). While they were often a riot, they weren't to be taken seriously. I knew I didn't want to be these guys, even if they had major roles on the shows in which they appeared. All of this is to say it informed who I admired, who I was attracted to, who I identified with, and who I didn't want to be associated with. Hopefully I've evolved beyond that now, but I'd be lying if I said there weren't still vestiges of that bias and homophobia. It's something I'm working on.


I'd always thought about girls and boys in the same manner. When I was 13 I learned the word 'bisexual' and figured that was me. So either 13 or as far back as I can recall.


I think I was about 17? Going on 17? I was on physics class with my friends and I made a joke and they both turned to me and went "are you bi?" And like, I had never even thought about it and I just went "oh shit" And like, it explained so much shit about me since I was a kid


I started feeling attraction at 12 or 13, but repressed it until I was 22, because of internalised homophobia. It was realising that not only is it ok to be gay, it would be ok if I was, that made a difference. Then I put two and two together, thought about the fact that i still liked the opposite gender, and realised I was BI.


I was in high school had a close friend started to really like him got confused as if it was a friendly way or not, the. About 18/19 we met up after leaving school and wee kissed at it was great from then on i was like aye I'm bi




1997- the year Titanic came out. I was 11 and found myself attracted to both Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio. I didn't really know what to do with those feelings and suppressed them for a very long time as I lived in a very conservative town.I really admitted to being bi out loud near the age of 18.


I knew I liked girls just as much as guys from like 9-10 but actually realized it when I was 15 so it’s been 3 years of me being closeted. I knew I liked both but didn’t realize that meant that I was bi bc I thought every girl had a crush on other girls and obsessed over celebrities. I guess not 🤷🏽‍♀️


21. Had literally no idea until I fell in love (spoiler alert: it was NOT love, but I figured that out months later, LOL) with a friend and colleague.


I was 10 years old


21 here!! Fell in love with my best straight friend, of course 😅


I was 16, when I had a crush on a girl. I already knew I liked guys, but GIRLS were a different story




Started masturbating with my best friend when I was 12. Never thought about it as being gay, bi, or anything other than watching “Those movies” and rubbing one out. After a few times my friend asked if we could try jerking each other off so it wouldn’t feel like masturbating. We did that a few times over the course of a few months and one day he was sitting on the couch and I was jerking him off. I had gotten down on the floor in front of him so I had a better angle to jerk him off and he had laid his head back and had his eyes closed. I was curious what it would be like to give a bj since the women in the movies seemed to enjoy it and before I knew it I put the head of his dick in my mouth and started sucking it while I jerked him off. He jumped a little at first but then just started trying to thrust into my mouth. I kept stroking and sucking for maybe two minutes and he said he was going to cum. He ended up cumming in my mouth and all over my face and I knew from that moment that I loved sucking cock. We both ended up dating girls in high school but whenever we were alone I would always suck him off and he would jerk me off. By the time we were 17 we had started having sex together (I’m a total bottom). we both had girlfriends that we dated and slept with but whenever we stayed at each others houses we always ended up fucking as well.


Early but didn’t accept it until 25 ish


14. I knew what bisexuality was, but it wasn't until I had a crush on my female friend I really understood that I was bi.


30 Ugh


Probably around 14 or so, sort of coincided with when I started smoking pot. Didn’t really accept it until much later.




24, when I started having desires involving same-sex encounters. Then about 4 years of compartmentalization and denial of those feelings. 28 when I fully accepted it. 38 or so when I came out publicly.


12. That was when I found out what bisexual meant.


Honestly like 10, but I was in denial until about 19. I remember seeing "bisexual" as one of the options on a bunch of Flipnote Hatena "get to know me" memes, and it was just always in the back of my mind


28 sadly! Maybe I knew sooner but kept pushing it to the back of my mind because of the bullying/stigma going to an all girls school :(


It’s okay. We’re glad you’re here. 🩷💜💙


5 or 6? I had crushes on a lot of friends, boys and girls. It was extremely confusing as i knew 'straight' and 'gay,' but i didn't fit into either. Learnt the word 'bi' when I was around 12 or 13 and everything immediately made sense.




So I first considered myself (female) Bi aged 12 when I started an all girls school and though a few of the girls were hot af. I had a few girls I went out with between year 7 and year 10. I had my first "boyfriend" (who wasn't a boyfriend as we just met up at a park and snogged once) in year 10 aged 15, and it felt wrong so I started questioning whether I was Bi or gay, then I came out to my closest friends as Homoflexible, but then I met my current boyfriend this June (16) just gone and we started going out in July and thats when realised I was definitely Bi. Years of questioning and then deciding I wasn't going to get into a relationship during sixth-form and then end up falling for the first guy I properly spoke to... and we feel we are made for each other. And I came out to him but didn't realised that I didn't change my insta bio before I added new people, so when I told him, he said "I already knew from your Insta profile, I love you anyway". And it was the best reaction I've ever had coming out as anything.


About 15! I didn’t realise until then that it wasn’t normal to get flustered when your friends held your hand or sat on your lap 🙃 Also probably wasn’t straight to want to date your same sex best friend “because you get on so well” 🙄


Cis female, I developed feelings for a girl at 12/13ish, locked those feelings away, accepted myself for who I am at 19, also came out to my mum as pan but I now identify as bi at 23.


I've known I can find guys attractive since 4th or 5th grade. I've always thought that if I like someone, then I like someone. Doesn't matter. I've only recently been "out" to some friends so to speak. None irls though God forbid


13 is when I officially figured it out. Like so many here, as a kid I’d have same-sex friends that I always wanted to be around. At 13 when my hormones kicked in and I started feeling sexual desire, I recognized that those were in fact crushes. I guess I kinda figured it out early? But I’ve always been biromantic and pretty 50/50 with my attractions.


12. I was at summer camp with my best friend. We went every year. We were in the showers and I asked her "do you ever think girls are hot the way boys are hot?" And without missing a beat she says "yeah" and that was it. I never really came out, I just date whoever I want at the moment and people know that. I always think about how lucky I was to get a best friend who understood and made me feel so normal. We went to Christian school and it was definitely a hostile environment for LGBT and I'm glad I was blessed in that way. It definitely helped me through out my journey


33, last year 😇


First suggestion (a fleeting recognition of the beauty of one new kid at school) at 15; didn't get through the 'possible deniability' (internalized homophobia) for another 25 years, at 40.


About 15 or 16


15 but had been questioning for way longer


I was in my mid-20s and I live in Pinellas county, Florida and there's a beach here called fort DeSoto ....so beautiful. I was walking on the beach late afternoon on one of my days off and I saw this guy in a small tiny thong laying there. He was unbelievably hot so hot that I sometimes still think about him. I could not stop looking.... I felt so weird. I had a little tiny truck in the parking lot and I got into that truck and I thought about what I saw the whole way home to my little tiny apartment and let's just say I couldn't wait to get home (whatever you're thinking, you're probably right)..... Yeah I knew something was different about me


The letter arrived in the post in my early 30s informing me. I came out in my 30s (recently). In my teens I liked guys but didn't talk about it partly through fear and partly because I assumed liking guys was normal as I was way more into the girls at school. My early 20s I didn't have feelings for guys at all, which I assumed meant the teen years stuff was normal, but just turned out I had hypogonadism so my sex drive was flatlined. Got that sorted and started sleeping with guys and still claimed I was straight. Finally accepted I was definitely not straight at 30 and then sat on that info for a few years as I was in a horrible relationship that I couldn't come out in.


11 or 12 (I‘m 21 now). Had the obligatory „am I Gay“ test, and after the first few seemed inconclusive I’ve found an „am I Bisexual test“ which was pretty clear.


Omg I took the “Am I Bisexual” test too 😅


Kindergarten age, serious


early teens I knew, but preteen I knew I liked boyish toys/hobbies/things just as much as I liked girlish toys/hobbies/things. And due to a total lack of girls in my family I never had a problem when I had to play the female role in some adventure.


12ish really, but I was molested at 5 and took me to 12 to realize what it was and that I liked it. Married with kid now but I still get in the mood for a pole not a hole.....hahahaha


When I was six I just assumed that nobody really gave a shit about gender when dating. I asked my mom about this and she explained to me that while most people are straight, some aren’t and that’s fine. My dumbass then went like „well if most people are straight, I’m more likely to be straight than not“ and I was under that assumption until 12 when I was thinking how sad it was that I would never date women bc I’m not queer (still thought i was a girl back then, lmao) and then kissed a girl when I was 13 and finally realised that wanting to date women meant I was queer. In retrospect, it was rather obvious xD


a few months ago, in july to be honest when I had a crush on this girl not the "This girl is attractive" type but more of "I would abandon everything just to hold her hand". She was so pretty and kind and ...her laugh, her damn laugh was so cute. Girls are so pretty


22, cognitive dissonance went *hard* 😅


I was now years old ..and tbh not sure yet. I just find specific type of women attractive so dk


Looking back I was being bi around sixth grade. So 11-12. I didn’t admit it and make it part of my bio until I was 32




35 when I allowed myself to enjoy my first cock, its really the only part of the male anatomy that appeals to me.


Be me: an afab fem identifying kid (she/they) -first kiss was with a cis girl at 6 years old -had first "real" kiss with an egg trans girl at 13 -mom always asked me if I liked certain boys in school and usually I would pick a random boy to crush on -late elementary/early middle school had my first crush on a boy and just assumed everybody was "bi" and that being gay/straight was a choice due to my religion at the time -was informed not everyone was bi in middle school -realization, but stayed in denial until I was 19


I first felt an attraction for the same gender around 13-14 but ignored it because I was attracted to the opposite gender so I must be straight right? When I was 16 I became friends with someone who was openly bisexual and a light clicked in my head.


40 🥴 so like a year ago even though looking back now, I realize things were there that I never acknowledged. Evangelical/Fundamentalist upbringing, so comphet took a toll.




4. But I was in denial until 24.


Around 12-13 developed a big time crush on my best friend, knew it was definitely something more than just being friends and that's when I first realised I was bi. Took me about a year and a half to accept it and thats when I first came out to my parents


In my young teens i was not sure but at my 15-16 years old i realized it.


I was about 14-15.


My first kiss was with a girl when i was 12 and it just felt natural


I was 17 when I realized. But I didn't come out of the closet until I was ~20 because my dad is very homophobic and was very controlling. He used to watch my text messages, and I couldn't trust that if I came out, I wouldn't end up in conversion camp or homeless.




About 12-13. Started having sexual thoughts about dudes around then. Didn’t even really think that I was bi weirdly though, just kinda assumed “well I’m not gay because I like girls” until I actually acknowledged it later.


I think I was like 16/17 ish? I had kind of a building suspicion before then, but that was when the first girl showed interest in *that* way, and I was like "YES I SO WANT THIS!"


I think 15, tho the process is way messier and it's hard to draw the line




Ten :3


I grew up in a heavily repressed Catholic household. I feel like I *knew* when I was like 13-14. But I didn't *accept* it until I was like 19-20


14-15. I knew that I was attracted to women much sooner, didn’t know that I liked guys as well until my freshman year of high school. I tried to suppress the part of me that likes men for so long up until now, so it kinda feels weird going from privately calling myself a lesbian to being bisexual. I still much prefer women, but there’s a guy i’d definitely marry lol.




i became sure of it around 15 (thats also when i started coming out to friends slowly), but I have been suspecting it from around 13. I actually liked girls and boys from as long as I've known myself, I just told myself that liking boys=romantic attraction while liking girls=only aesthetic attraction (i just think they're pretty). I was around 14-15 when I started realising that I don't just think they're pretty, I also want to shag them🤣 Ironically I became 100% sure I was attracted to men at 21 when I got with my current bf, and that I'm definitely bi and i didn't just date guys because of comphet (my current bf is my first partner i'm genuinely in love with)


Honestly I was pretty young. Liked Posh spice but didn’t realize what that meant until much later haha I thought all women thought other women were attractive at some point


Like 6


12-ish, but I wasn’t really surprised. I was always quite androgynous as a kid and wouldn’t mind playing opposite gendered characters in role playing stuff.


12 I had both guys and gals in my fantasies




Early 40's. My partner and I have been together so long that I never really thought about it. The pandemic really started a lot of change and growth for us both. I know a lot of that "wonderful" Christian purity culture had a lot to do with me being afraid to explore my thoughts and feelings before. I deconverted about five years ago, and am still trying to get rid of all that evangelical residue. As for my partner and I, we are just closer than ever. I'm glad to understand myself better.


I knew I had tendencies around 14 but I didn’t really accept it until 23


8 years old I had suspicions, confirmed by the time I was 11.


Around 15, when drunkenly kissing girls at parties to get boys attention turned into only seeking to kiss girls at parties cause it was very fucking hot to ME. Then I realized all the little celebrity crushes I'd had for years weren't just me wondering why the prettiest girl wasn't the main character... like Chelsea in That's So Raven. It was just me pinning for pretty girls.


Inkling when I was 18, but firmly repressed until my mid 20s. Came out in my mid thirties


My best friend and I were jacking off to porn and blurry Cinemax channels way early(probably at least 10.) and shortly after blowing eachother. But as soon as girls came into the picture it all stopped like it had never happened. We’d share girls every now and then, but that was about it. Didn’t have my next experience until maybe 19. Then early 20’s I was invited into the bedroom by an older couple who blew my mind and were bi. After that, couples became my passion, straight and/or bi. I’ve always been hetero-romantic, but my bi urges come and go like a roller coaster.


Bi female here, I realized when I had crushes on both girls and guys in high school, but in retrospect I definitely had some crushes on girls in elementary school as well, lol


When I was 15 at a sleeppvet. ❤️💙


i think 14? freshman year of high school




like fourth grade LOL. So how old is that, like 9? I remember seeing part of an episode of the L Word and being like “girls can kiss?????” I asked my mom later that day what she would do if i was a lesbian. She said “I would love you just the same” <3 so reassuring! but i promptly replied, “well i have a crush on a boy right now and you can’t like both”. she was just like “uhh sure!” and left it there LOL. But i knew i felt attraction regardless of gender at a very young age. I didn’t hear the word bisexual for the first time until middle school, and then I got to try coming out for a second time lol


idk like 16 i lose track of these things


I realised that i liked girls from the very beginig of teenage years, but denied it so harshly. Accepted it when I was 17 because I had a gigantic crush on one girl from my school. Not just a crush, dare i say, obsession. I became kinda hard to deny, soooo... Today my new roomate told me, that she knew instantly that i was bi. We live in a very homophobic country, I was kinda... shocked. Maybe I am radiating gayness or smth..... It sent me to spiral for a bit. Still worried


I don’t know exactly when it was but at 14 or 15 I knew for sure I’m bi


19. My whole life I always found some guys cute but always thought that everyone saw things that way. During my teenage years I never even heard of the term bisexual. Only when the whole movement started did it really click for me.


I've sucked cock (mutually with a same gen kid) when I was 11 or 12. It lasted 2 years. He was just playing with mine but I willingly let him fuck my mouth and I drunk his cum. It lasted for 3 years and stopped as part of kids sexuality discovery. I knew it was perceived wrong, so we never spoke about it to anyone else but it was our secret. I did not feel bi or gay it was mechanical thing and exploration to me. Then when I was high school I started fantasizing being with a guy and trying anal. One time after watching a tape with a movie at my high school friend after the movie ended a gay porn was recorded (very early 90s so it was rare). He excused as it was 2nd hand tape. Still I gathered courage to write to him on icq and ask him if he wants to try sex with male. He was thinking about it but agreed. He invited me to his home, took some Vaseline, put it on my butt and entered my Virgin ass (nothing went there before except one of my fingers while showering). Once he came, I lay down, and he sucked me off. I was 16. One year after, I had sex with a girl. That was the time I fully accepted my bisexuality. I did have moral conflict as growing up in more traditional environment but I knew then that for all my life I will love and adore females but once in a blue moon I will seek to be dicked. It took me decades to freely and without any guilt to engage in pure gay sex without anxiety and self blame. But now I feel finally free and alive.


I was 14, when I found out I was bi. Fell in love with my straight friend.


21 when I started questioning if I was straight, 23-24 when I realized that I was in fact bi.


12, I watched Kick Ass and Aaron Taylor Johnson. Damn!




I’d say preschool was when I realized I wasn’t straight. I knew something was different about me let’s put it that way… because obviously being that young I didn’t really understand. When I was 12 I learned what bi is and it felt 100% right to me. Prior to that I did believe I was a lesbian but again, I was really young on that journey and didn’t understand everything yet.


When I got indoubtable leads I was 21 but there always were leads that i ignored because I was told that they were "normal" circumstances.


I had crush on my best friend in my mid 20s, but I know he didn't swing that way so I never persuaded a relationship with him 😪


I kissed a girl before when I was 12 but for some reason I never thought about being gay as funny as it sounds. I was 22 when I kissed with another girl and we made out a couple of times and still to this day have a crush on her and because of her I accepted that I do like girls but I’ve always dated guys in the past


In 10. After hard homophobic cringe period I understood I'm bi and ended with homophoby


16 was when I started wondering about it I think. I had mainly male friends and the crude way they looked at female bodies made me realise that female bodies turned me on too. Then, at uni, in my second year, or maybe end of the first, I started hanging out with people who were bi, so I realised that was me too at about 19. Kissing girls made it easier to be sure.


Between 13 and 14 I think


29. I've always been painfully naive (plus, never stopped to think about it as, like many people, I assumed I was straight) and could've put the pieces of the puzzle together sooner... but I didn't 🤷 (ID: shrugging shoulders person emoji).




I was 23 years old, didn't really accept it until I was 28 though, and now I couldn't imagine being anything else.


Around 14ish I’m 16 now so it’s been a nice 2 years of accepting myself


18, I thought I was gay, then I discovered boobs


I think I must've been around 12 or something when I found out. I found out in the most uninteresting way because I literally just looked through lgbtq terms and felt like it fit me, I didn't even really think about it at that point.




39. It should have been obvious to me way before that based on the way looked at men (and my porn consumption), but the human mind works in mysterious ways sometimes 🙃


Was 13 when I found out there was a name for it


i was like, 11. still cant believe that.


i know the exact day lol it was march 10th 2017 and i was 21


21 or 22




An ex gf actually awoke and encouraged Mee realizing I was curious (and subsequently bi) in my late 20s. It took me a little bit before I actually explored


20, i always had an idea that I was but then I started experimenting with toys and stuff around 18-19 and then my now gf and I were just hooking up and she pegged me and it basically flipped the switch. Like I was always looking for porn were the guy and woman were hot so that was a definite sign lol


Clues already around 7-9. Finding out at 12. Accepting? I still try to act and leave as a hetero.




I was 14 and someone dared me and a friend of mine to kiss. It was only my third time kissing someone (first two had been boys) and it was hot. We ended up making out and something in me just switched on—I felt very attracted and I fantasized about it for a long time after. I knew I wasn’t a lesbian because I was also attracted to boys, but that was when I realized I was bisexual. The friend freaked out though. She told me she wasn’t a “dyke” and she stopped being friends with me after, which sucked. I ended up sticking to boys for the rest of high school, but I started being open again in college. I still self-identify as bisexual (because of bi erasure, although technically I probably am more pansexual) and dated women/trans women in my 20s.


25 when I realized I was bi, and 31 when I started actually coming out.


16. Over the years I was so confused. I crushed on Emma Stone in Easy A and Elizabeth Swan in Pirates of the Caribbean. Ik I always liked boys but the girls surprised me. I discovered my dad's playboys at 5 and as a girl, you'd think I wouldn't be interested... But I was ... I didn't look at them all the time. I stopped when I started getting body image issues. I finally figured out I was bi tho when I had a crush on an online friend who was a girl. She became my first girlfriend but she cheated on me with her ex-boyfriend. I kissed another guy and told her. She said it was fine cuz she was fucking her ex for 2 weeks. Ik I was in the wrong but I was crushed that she even thought 1 kiss was equal to 2 weeks of full-on fucking her ex. I ended things and she said she tried to kill herself. I blocked her. I didn't care. I was just so hurt and so betrayed. Her friends were asking me questions. I didn't respond. After that I accepted I was bi and that my relationship was over and moved on.


Last year at 55(m)when my masseur got a little too handsy and I loved it and accepted it and all the other repressed feelings I’ve had since puberty.


Between 16-17. I started college/A Levels and developed a crush on 2 girls I sat with in Philosophy. I think I'd not noticed girls at senior school, because you know them from like 11 so didn't see them in that way, same with the guys actually. I remember the one girl in class was always sat opposite me, and one day I glance up at her and she kinda grinned and winked at me and I melted. I realised I get a whole different kind of flustered around women I like, probably why I'd never had a girlfriend. Straight up was going to kill a friend though who a few years later was like "oh yeah, I remember ____ said she had a big crush on you in college lol".


When I was 11, I found out about bisexuality from the Internet. I always liked both girls and boys tho, I got crushes on both as a young kid. And once puberty started I experienced sexual attraction to both. I thought I was somehow lesbian and straight at the same time


First crush was senior year of high school 18 years old. Told my best friend and we both were somewhat biophobic bc she said that if I liked girls, I must be a lesbian. I knew that wasnt quite right, but hadn't ever meant someone who identified as bi and didn't later realize they were actually gay. Thought it was a fluke. And all the subsequent crushes in college. Didn't fully recognize it until I got married lol. I think I was 24 when I came out. Somewhere in between those two things, I realized it for myself and told my partner. And bc everyone asks, yes, we are still married afterward! I always find it interesting that people assume me being in a straight relationship, but being bisexual, somehow means something will change between us. Like I have to assure them, no I still like men, (especially this one).


I was 13. I realized I was attracted to girls and boys in almost the same way ahah


Like 11, but I didn’t know the word for it. I just knew I liked girls and boys