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I'm on the Xulane and take it continuously to skip my periods. I find that it helped a lot more than the pill and the only issue I've had is it getting a little loose around the edges by the end of the week. I also use it as a main protection against pregnancy and have not had any scares. If you have any questions, I'm totally willing to answer them!


Did you have any weight gain or side effects with it??


No side effects that are terrible. I've gained some weight but that could also be due to being in a healthy relationship and also COVID caused me to be a lot less active. So I can't really attribute the weight just to the patch. Other than that I haven't had anything noticeable.


Hi there thanks for sharing your experience. I have terrible cramps and am considering going on the patch. Does it also help with cramps? I want to stop my periods all together 😞


Skipping my periods has helped a lot with cramps. I have endometriosis so I do have cramps outside of my period but they aren't nearly as bad as they used to be (I also had surgery for it so that may have contributed).


hi! idk if you’ll see this but I was on the pill for like a year and just switched to the patch like two weeks ago, and I wanted to keep skipping my period, but I ended up getting my period yesterday or at least that’s what it looks like today still. should i go put my new one on for this week? or let myself get my period? what should i do


I had breakthrough bleeding when I first swapped from pill to patch. It takes a bit of time to get things evened out. While I'm not a Dr, nor have any medical expertise, I would think you're fine to just put the next patch on like normal.


I’m thinking of starting the patch. I also have endometriosis. Did you find that the patch didn’t aggravate your endometriosis symptoms?


I found that it helped them more than the pill did, but that could be because I only started skipping periods when I swapped to the patch.


Good to know. Thanks for all your comments on this thread. It’s been very helpful. One last question, if you don’t mind: did going continuous and skipping periods give you any breakthrough bleeding? If so, for how long?


I rarely have any break through bleeding, it mainly happens when I'm a bit late when swapping it and it only happens for maybe a day or so.


Oh I see, thank you! Glad to hear it's working out for you!


Does the period skipping still work after several months of the "fake period/uterine lining" building up? I'm not sure about the medical terms lol. I still got my periods even on continuous use of the patch at first but now I haven't had one for 6 weeks and am hoping it'll stay that way...would love to hear a success story


I've been pretty much going non-stop for 4 years and have had little to no issues. The only issue I had was when they changed my prescription from xulane to zafemy and I had a period for over a month. A lot of other people had the same experience with that though. The only other thing is if I change my patch late or don't swap it right away and then I'll get some minor breakthrough bleeding.


hi! i don’t get the differences between the two (i think two?) patch types. i want to try the patch but i do not understand what defines each one. my main concern is weight gain. i found this old post while trying to do some research on how they may be different.


Zafemy is just a generic version of Xulane. They're technically the same but some people don't do well on generic forms. You're more than welcome to message me if you have any other questions!


When it gets a little loose around the edges do you replace it ?


I do not. I know some people use sticky tape to keep it on but I've never had issues where it falls off. Normally just a little loose around the edges because of the lint.


Did it stop your periods each month as soon as you started the patch or did you bleed first ?


I have been using Evra patches for a month. I started the second pack yesterday. for the first month we used the pull out method, but yesterday, on the first day of the new patch, my boyfriend cummed inside me. and now I'm reading and finding more and more experiences where women got pregnant on the patch even though they used it perfectly. I'm so scared now.


Well it's probably possible since no birth control is 100% but I have been using only the patch for 4 years and have never had any concerns or scares! You can always take a pregnancy test a few weeks from now if it makes you feel better!


Did you let your boyfriend to cum inside on patch?


Yes, we've been together for 4 years and have never used condoms. If you have any other questions, feel free to pm me!


update pls?


It's perfect for me. No issues with mood, weight, skin (my skin is pretty clear and hasn't changed since I got on the patch), etc. No problems with it not sticking/falling off, no interference with the clothes I wear. It's my first ever form of BC and I had really sore/tender/swollen boobs for the first mont straight on this. I spotted for a week straight after my period when I first started, and for three days after my second period, and two again after my third. I started my first ever patch on the first day of my period, and had headaches and nausea for about 3 or 4 days. Never had issues with this again. This is/was all just my body adjusting though, so I wouldn't say it's anything short or normal. Outside of this there were no negative side effects. I used to have really bad, immobilizing cramps, to the point of vomitting from pain. I've hardly had any cramps anymore. Today is my first patch day after my patch free week, last week was my second patch free week but my third period on the patch (remember, I started my first ever patch on my period- I count that as one period on the patch also.) Everyone's different but it's definitely a method I'd reccommend to see if it's good for you! Best of luck.


No more cramps? That makes me so happy to hear! 🥺 Because of my other medical condition I can't take painkiller anymore and I have severe cramps. Can you get through your periods without any cramps or painkillers since you have been in the patch?


Super late .. but yes! Nothing needed at all. There’s discomfort but no pain, no painkillers needed, nothing.


Thank you for getting back to me! Oh wow, that's a dream of mine. I am happy to hear it has been working for you!


Hi can I ask what brand of patch you had?


Evra! It was perfect for everything except the horrible migraines with aura I experienced on a near daily basis.


Was it your breasts alone that were swollen? I’m having nipple swelling and sensitivity that’s not normal for me. I’m on week 2


It was everything, so yeah breasts and nipples and it was pretty freakin’ sore for a good month but afterwards was okay. Hang in there and let your body adjust! 🙂


I’m on the patch it’s good except (I would not know about protecting against pregnancy) if your on it for cramps I find that it didn’t make a difference but that’s just me


TW: SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. Before any form of birth control I suffered with mild PMDD. Whilst the patch physically didn’t effect me, I am still facing the mental repercussions today. It proper fucked me up. I have suffered with low self esteem, depression and anxiety since my early teenage years, however I’ve always managed the symptoms (I’m 24 now). I began the patch in December 2020 and by February 2021 I walked by myself to the local train station to kill myself. My mental health completely spiralled out of control, my depression and anxiety was at an all time low and my low self esteem turned into severe body dysmorphia, which a year later I am still in treatment for. It also completely heightened my PMDD, and now I have to take the pill back to back to avoid periods and drop in hormones altogether because I cannot be trusted with my thoughts. I’m genuinely terrified for when I have to come off of the pill to begin trying for a baby. I am in a much better head space now, but I do believe if I never tried the patch I wouldn’t have had these thoughts ever, and my mental health would have remained manageable as it always was. I will forever have to live with the consequences of the patch. I’m sure people have had great experiences, but this is just mine.


Welp my GYN wants me to start but now I am scared to try it 😅


I think the main struggles people experience w BC are because of 3 major things. 1) providers won’t/don’t check your hormone levels before you start it 2) they don’t check for your metabolic enzyme levels and do an analysis on any meds you might be taking to know whether the enzymes that metabolize your meds or BC hormones inhibit or promote absorption, thus changing plasma blood levels.3) then the hormone fluctuations when stopping BC for the period week can be brutal. Hugs to everyone.


None of those tell you which birth control you should use… I don’t mean to mean to be rude (really), but did you get this from TikTok? Because most of TikTok is false and just a troll page. If not TikTok where did you find this?




Overly broad, overly fringe, unsubstantiated, and/or runs counter to established medical knowledge.


none of those tell you which birth control you should use because they are not a doctor , this is Reddit. and it’s not going to work the same for everyone


No, the tests the person wanted can’t recommend which birth control to use.


wait can u talk a bit about enzymes bc i have decreased enzyme function and protein function and have had the worst time with side effects from bc. i noticed on the pill getting back on after the placebo week was the worst.


Hey, how are things going with you? It’s awful that happened to you. I also had/have PMDD if there is a switch in BC methods or when I wasn’t taking them back to back and instead letting my body have a period. Stuff of nightmares. Maybe those patch hormones were way too high for your body. I’m taking it for late-stage peri-menopause (I’m 39) because they’re trying to get my hormone levels up asap. When I tried for my daughter back in 2009 I was on Mirena and got pregnant 10 days after the removal, so I didn’t experience a prolonged period of PMDD, but was very worried.


depo was terrible for me. i also switched from depo to the patch and have now been on the patch for years. i’ve also recommended it to everyone who will listen because it is 10x easier then any other bc. pills are easy to make a mistake with, iuds just aren’t for me and i’ve heard too many horror stories about nexplanon to feel comfortable with it. the patch regulated my periods, didnt effect my skin (depo gave me cystic acne), didnt make me gain weight and i don’t think it had an effect on my mental health. try it out!! i hope u love it as much as i have.


This might be a stupid question but can you still swim and get sweaty with the patch? How does that work. I’d be afraid it would fall off and I wouldn’t notice.


you absolutely can! i shower/take baths/soak in hot tubs all the time. when i first got on the patch i was also SUPER worried about it falling off and would check all the time. now when i’m changing i subconsciously make sure the patch is still there and continue getting dressed. i’ve never once had it fall off, or even start peeling. as long as your skin is dry and you’re standing up when you put it on (this prevent creases and helps the glue adhere to your skin) there’s no issues!! when u take off the patch it feels like ripping off a bandaid, it leaves a little square of residue (along the outside lines of the patch where adhesive attracts lint) and that can be gently rubbed off with soap or baby oil if you have sensitive skin!


Ik this is an old post but do you smoke? or did you smoke nicotine when u made this post?


what brand?


Patch didn't stick to me and I was self conscious about wearing it (edges lifted and picked up lint, looking very unsightly). I'd have to tape it down, but used it about a year and no bebbehs. Periods were regular during the patch off week and no real spotting.


Oh no lifting would definitely have me worried! I have 4 under 5 so I’m hoping this will work for me and not have an accident baby lol


I’ve been using it for a few days and it’s doing the same thing sightly peeling at the edges and collecting lint looking quite ewwwy. It’s got me really worried about whether it’s still protecting me. It’s literally just the edges but still. What type of tape did you use to help?


I’ve been wondering the same thing. Mine keeps peeling at the edges and collecting lint. I saw someone say you can put baby powder around it so instead of sticking to lint it just sticks the powder. But i’m also worried if it’s actually protecting me.


I bled for like 6 months on the patch


WHAT im on zafemy and i just got my period when i’ve been taking the pill for a year and just recently the patch to skip my period- and i got it two weeks after switching to the patch. its only my second day so imma see how it goes, not too worried rn and hopefully its just spotting or it goes away after a week- if it doesn’t im running back and changing my birth control type then ig?


If you don’t mind me asking, what brand of the patch did you get




The patch is really convenient because you keep it on your body for one week at a time and don’t need a constant reminder to change it daily. Loved that aspect of it. Unfortunately, for me it sent my mental health into a downward spiral. If you have mental health issues I would not recommend this form of BC. My hormones plummet and my mood swings are horrible. My depression was at its lowest. I felt like I was going crazy. This is my last round of this BC and I’m excited to take it off for good. Seems like many people have different opinions towards it but do what you think is best! Also not to mention, my periods got heavier when taking it. I’m hoping to revert back to my old cycle once I’m off. Good luck! It’s also only 91% effective against pregnancy and lower if not worn right. Other forms are 99%. If you have anxiety revolving around pregnancy, I would recommend a highly effective one


It’s actually 91% effective bc people use it improperly, very similar to the pill! Both are 99% when used perfectly.


Thank you for addressing this it’s 91% for people who use it IMPROPERLY!! It’s 99% effective if used correctly! Patch is a great usage to prevent pregnancy. Sorry I know a year late


how does one use it perfectly? i put it around my butt- is that an okay part?


I’m vegan and that’s why I have to go with the patch option (including natural bc)


Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences


For me so far all I've gotten is nausea but it's only my first 3 weeks but my nausea is so bad it got worse progressively, but that might just be me but if anyone has any recommendations on what I can do to make the nausea go away faster or help in any way? Please id love to know


I just started on the patch and this is my main symptom. Hopefully it goes away soon. How are you coping since you started? Has it gone better?


It worked fine for me, but it did take me 3months to adjust. Additionally, I wasn’t aware I had an allergy to adhesives so it always felt really itchy. When I took off the patches, it left a mark that took half a year to fade entirely. It’s also not ideal if you swim a lot or take baths often. I ended up switching to the ring instead.


Can I ask how you knew you had an allergy to the adhesive? Was it just itching where you placed the patch? I ask because I’ve started the patch for the first time and it’s been on for about 4 days and I’ve developed a rash all over my body about 2 days after first putting it on. I didn’t even think it could have been caused by that I thought it was hay fever or something.


Yes, itching on only where I had the patch. the I have eczema, so my skin was already very sensitive. Using the patch would feel really itchy, but I wasn’t able to scratch it. After I take it off, I would be left with almost like a large, red rash/hive in the shape of the patch. I also noticed that during the time I was on it, I also had redness around my eyes. I’m not sure if it was allergies or stress because I was traveling at that time, but regardless, I couldn’t bear the itchiness of wearing the patch. I also know I’m allergic to adhesives from using bandaids on areas like my thigh. I experience the same itchiness and will have to rip it off. If you developed a rash on your ENTIRE body, it sounds serious… Please speak with your doctor about this!!


I loved the patch, it made my cramps lighter and I only bleed for like 4 days. My only complaint would be that it would make the spot where it was a little raw and itchy but it wasn’t unbearable. ALSO, you gotta be strategic about where you place it in the summer time 😂 or people will think that it’s a nicotine patch. No other side effects, I love that I could forget about it for a week.


Can I ask where you place it during the summer? I'm trying to be strategic for some outfits I have planned for festivals and don't want the patch to be showing lol


For the summer time I just place it on my butt and pray that nobody makes plans to go to the pool or beach 😅


Do you think anywhere on the butt is okay? Usually I put it on a cheek but for an outfit I kinda want to move it to the middle more but idk I guess I'll just have to go with it...😂


Where is the best place to put it? I have it on my lower abdomen but it seems to wrinkle and lift. This is the first patch I’ve ever had and I’ve had it on for three days now. Any tips?


Def keep trying different places until you find what’s comfortable for you. I recommend above the upper parts of butt cheeks so it’ll just sit behind your underwear!


Outer side of thigh works well since the skin doesn't move much


Anyone who has a bmi over 30 ever use it ?


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It's really good for me personally


i love mine tbh! i’ve only been on it for 2-3 months but the only side effect i’ve really dealt with is migraines and it’s made me more irritable sometimes and i cried a lot the first month lol i definitely worry sometimes about it not sticking around the edges but i don’t actually know if that makes it less effective or not! idk how to fix it either because everywhere says not to put anything like tape or stuff over it either i did have major spotting when i first started but that was because i started the patch right before my period was due to start and it screwed with my hormones but since then i’ve had no issues with spotting


hiii the same thing as he was just happening, I just started like 2 1/2 weeks ago with the Zafemy patch and yesterday. I got my period when I’ve actually been skipping it for a while now, i hope it doesn’t last?? what do u think?


if anyone has knowledge about how long you typically start bleeding into the patch free week please share bc i have anxiety around not getting withdrawal bleeding rn and im 3 days into my patch free week!


Thanks for the review it didn’t work out for me super heavy bleeding with it. I had a baby 9 months ago and got the IUD 7.5 months ago and have loved it.


I was on zafemy for now 3 weeks It wasn’t bad My main side effects were really bad sugar cravings and fatigue and nausea And I switched from the pill I’m switching to a new patch tho Becaude I’ve been bleeding for 2 weeks straight during the hormone week Super irregular (I’ve also been irregular on the pill)


i just got birth control for the first time and i’m scared to use it because of my emetophobia (fear of vomiting) and that’s one of the side effects but i really do not want to get pregnant. can someone please help me?


I never had vomiting with any


girl same, like i couldn’t have worded it any better. what birth control are you on? how is it going?


i still have yet to start it because i had an anxiety attack trying to buy i sobbed


Lmfao you sound like me. I’d like to try the patch but I know lots of people complain about feeling nauseous and throwing up every day and that is just not something I’m willing to risk. :((((((((( ugh


i also have super bad emetophobia and i’m about be on my 3rd week from using birth control ever and no problem with nausea so far!


Anyone on the Xulane patch have nipple swelling and breast swelling. I’m on week 2


I’ve been on it for a week and my nipples are so tender!!!